Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 142 When You Can't Imagine It, Put Your Life On It

After exiting the replay, Ye Zhou took a few deep breaths to calm down. He was finally able to calm down and watch the rewards of the S-level ending. As expected, this time he got the full set of documents for the Matrix project.

[S-level ending reward: Matrix]

[S-level ending reward (additional reward): strong artificial intelligence strategy based on machine learning]

[S-level ending reward (engineering male reward): strong artificial intelligence initial package]

After reading this award, Ye Zhou was both pleasantly surprised and slightly disappointed.

Because almost all of the rewards for this time are the upgraded versions of the previous ending rewards, the air engine test data package has been upgraded to a matrix program, and the weak artificial intelligence has been upgraded to a strong artificial intelligence----but this thing still has to be based on Machine learning accumulates slowly, and the initial program is probably similar to the mentally retarded.

This time, coupled with the previous non-working plasma engine and the thorium-based melting technology nuclear bomb miniaturization plan, he has now accumulated 4 technologies in his hands.

It is not easy to absorb these technologies.

He opened the shopping mall interface and wanted to find out if there was anything that could strengthen his brain capacity, but after turning around, there was still only talent in it.

And these talents are not so much "talents" as they are a special type of knowledge.

Knowledge does not expand brain capacity, it only occupies brain capacity.

But fortunately, he feels that his brain is still enough for now----does the proportion of human brain development that the marketing account stirs up really makes sense?

Ye Zhou felt a little funny. He looked through the mall again, and after he couldn't find anything he was in short supply, he went directly to the ending summary page.

[Engineer Wang Hai, who originally planned to trade with ge company, and guard He Luo fell into the conspiracy of the ugly country]

[However, with the amazing will and powerful abilities of the two, they finally saved the day]

[During the escape process, He Luo accidentally discovered Chouguo's plan of "thinking virus" and successfully took away the data computer]

[After decoding and analyzing the data, Huaxia quickly mastered its technical points and countermeasures, and then announced the plan to the world]

[Due to international pressure, the ugly country was forced to destroy all technical documents, and the thinking virus disappeared]

[In addition, as compensation, ge company provided free trial data to Huaxia, and the matrix project is progressing smoothly]

[Three years later, the first large aircraft engine with a thrust of up to 180 tons completed its first test flight, the engine code name is Buzhoushan]

[Based on the core technology of Buzhoushan engine, the nuclear energy version is quickly adapted]

[Human drives the largest flying platform ever built in the atmosphere]

【Code: Luan Bird】

This ending summary gave Ye Zhou a shock even more than the ending replay he just watched. From the name "Buzhou Mountain", he already felt how ambitious the Chinese people of that era were.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas says, "Beyond the Northwest Sea, in the corner of the Great Wilderness, there are mountains that do not fit together, and it is called not Zhou."

According to the explanation in the book, Buzhou Mountain is the only path from the human world to the heaven.

And this engine is also the first step for mankind to move from the ground to the sky.

flight platform.

Luan bird.

Ye Zhou didn't even have to think about it to know what it was.

It is several times bigger than the Golden Crow, capable of staying in the air for a long time, an aerospace aircraft carrier!

With Luanniao, Jinwu's endurance will increase again, and he can't bear to guess how arrogant the Pengci team, which has long been notorious, will be after Luanniao appears.

Ye Zhou read the ending summary several times, and finally exited the simulator with satisfaction.

At this time, it was just after 9 p.m., and the high-intensity simulation consumed a lot of energy. He called Wuping and asked him to bring him two late-night snacks.

This is not because he is lazy, but purely because his recent diet has been strictly controlled to ensure both nutrition and safety. Gu Dui

Because with the growing international "reputation" of the Navigator project, the outside world's evaluation of the Liming Aviation Turbofan 18 project has become more and more polarized, and the sedan sedan project team has to use the most cautious attitude to ensure Ye Zhou's safety.

After the supper was delivered, Ye Zhou invited Wu Ping to sit down and eat together, but Wu Ping was not polite. From the operation of Ye Zhou ordering two, he had already guessed that one was for himself.

After eating a few bites of his favorite barbecue to replenish his energy, Ye Zhou looked at Wu Ping and said:

"Remember the plot I told you before? I saw the finale today."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Wu Ping put down his chopsticks curiously and asked:

"Ye Gong, what's the ending?"

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, omitting the plot of Jinwu's rescue later, and then told Wu Ping the story from the beginning to the end, but the ending was tampered with that both of them sacrificed.

After listening, Wu Ping lifted the cup with emotion and drank the boiled water in one gulp.

"This plot is pretty good, but the secret service is actually quite stupid. I can't say that he is stupid. He can lead the key personnel to break through the encirclement, at least it shows that his professional quality is very good, but when he made the final choice, it was probably The form was too urgent and his own judgment was compromised."

"Ah? Why?"

Ye Zhou asked in surprise.

From his own point of view, in fact, he can't think of any other better solution.

"For example, from my point of view, it is not the best solution to separate myself from the key personnel, which may cause the key personnel to fall into greater danger. It is a certain accident that he can successfully upload the data in the end."

"Anyway, it's absolutely impossible for me to let you leave my protection."

Ye Zhou nodded, Wu Ping's statement did have some truth, but he still didn't come up with a solution.

He opened his mouth and said:

"If the situation at the time was not separated from the VIPs, what should we do?"

"There are many methods, abandoning the car to hide, changing the car, taking a large number of hostages - isn't there a small town around? Or proving conflict, all are optional."

"Prove what a conflict is...he's the only one."

"But there is more than one person in our country. If the importance of data really reaches a certain level, emergency national intervention can be initiated. For example, if one day the two of us are really trapped in an enemy country, if someone wants to kill you, I will There will be no hesitation in applying for emergency intervention.”

"In a state of high-level emergency intervention, even invading the airspace of enemy territory is an option. Of course, this situation is almost impossible, unless it is really a matter of life and death."

After hearing Wu Ping's words, Ye Zhou wiped his face.

This tradition of co-authoring has been in existence from now on!

Therefore, the Golden Crow merely provides more convenient conditions for this tradition.

Right now, emergency intervention can only be used when a major issue of life and death arises. At that time, maybe just because of being disgusted a few times, the people in the Porcelain Squad will drive the Golden Crow to pee on other people's heads.

It's got a bit of black humour.

Ye Zhou was about to speak, but Wu Ping continued:

"Although I think he's quite stupid behind him, but he feels his conscience and says he's a man. At least, when he can't imagine it, he's willing to put his own life on the line."

"Also, the engineer you mentioned is also a good guy."

Ye Zhou nodded silently.

Wu Ping is absolutely right.

When you can't imagine it, you can only fight with your life.

Our nation, that is, in this struggle again and again, has slowly stood up.

The previous generation fought for their lives for the sake of the next generation, so there is no need to fight again!

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