Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 144 The Abandoned Person

While Ye Zhou was busy solving various problems in production, in a small office in Gangcheng, the old man and the young man were having a casual conversation.

"Wen Xiao, you probably know the purpose of looking for you this time. You know, our pilot project is aimed at the research and development of the world's most advanced aero-engine technology, and the talents we recruit are also the same in the world. The best talent in the field.”

"Look, what you are doing is thermal power research, which is a key technology in the field of aerospace. If you independently lead a research group in the project, you will definitely be able to make amazing results in the future."

"Frankly speaking, we fully recognize your ability. But on the other hand, we also think that maybe your ability in other areas will give us a greater advantage."

"Don't get me wrong, we are not trying to deprive you of your right to conduct research. On the contrary, we will strongly support your research. However, at the same time, we also hope that you can help us do something that can generate tangible benefits."

"Of course, if you prefer to focus on theoretical research, we also respect your opinion."

Sitting across from him was Wen Xiao, the latter pondered for a moment and asked:

"Mr. Tom, can I ask in advance what you mean by 'work that can generate tangible benefits'?"

Tom, who was sitting opposite, coughed, adjusted his sitting position a little, and replied:

"We would like to hire you as our technical consultant to analyze China's aero-engine industry and find out the technical advantages and technical weaknesses of China's aviation development enterprises. These industry analysis reports will be published in a public form----you know Yes, in fact, this kind of report is not a secret to us, and every year, a large number of practitioners and economists conduct similar analysis on the aviation and aviation enterprises in our ugly country.”

"Such a report will promote the healthy development of the industry and enterprises to a certain extent, and of course, more importantly, it will provide a basis for investors' decision-making."

"I won't tell you that we are noble to help the development of China's aviation industry, of course not. We just want to get more information and help ourselves make more money, that's all."

Wen Xiao nodded and continued to ask:

"Why me?"

"It's very simple, your technical background is sufficient, and your personal character and interpersonal skills are stronger than others. You are the most cost-effective option we can find."

"In a word that may not be so appropriate, you're not asking too much, but it's very useful, right?"

There was a smile on Tom's face, and Wen Xiao, who was opposite him, smiled back at him.

"Mr. Tom, you're very sincere. So may I ask, what would I be paid if I agreed to take this job as a technical consultant?"

"It's very simple. First of all, of course, it is economic. This is an era of market economy. We will pay for your labor. In addition, we will provide you with the best scientific research resources and priority cooperation places. I think , these conditions should be attractive to you?"

Wen Xiao nodded and replied:

"It's really attractive, and it even makes me feel that the work I'm going to do is a little trivial in the face of these conditions you put forward."

"Then you can do better. Of course, better work leads to better pay."

Tom said sincerely.

"Understood, then wish us a happy cooperation."

Wen Xiao stretched out his hand to Tom, and the two of them just held their hands across the desk. After smiling at each other, this transaction full of subtext came to an end.

After leaving Tom's office, Wen Xiao secretly sighed.

He knew too well what the other party wanted to do.

What technical consultants and industrial analysis are actually just a cover for cover. What these people really want to grasp is the information on the development status of China's latest aviation technology.

They want to know whether China's aviation industry can pose a threat to their own status.

And his position on their side is not so much a so-called technical consultant, but an intelligence officer.

However, he does not seem to be disgusted by such an identity.

Is it betrayal?

He doesn't think so.

As far as China's current level of aviation industry technology is concerned, there is no one aspect that can surpass the West.

It is an outdated technology, so what can be kept secret?

What's wrong with using these outdated technologies to exchange some tangible benefits for yourself?

The big deal is to wait for the results of your own research group to make up for it with some of the results.

Wen Xiao thought so, and the guilt that was left in his heart disappeared in a blink of an eye.


After Wen Xiao left, Monte came to Tom's conference room again.

"How is it, did the conversation with him go well?"

Tom nodded and replied:

"Very smooth - he didn't even make a counteroffer, as I thought, as long as we can offer enough conditions, he will never refuse us."

"You have done me a favor this time. However, after he came to my side, what kind of work should he be in charge of? Do I need to discuss with you?"

"What kind of work do you want him to do?"

Tom frowned.

"Many, technical analysis, upstream and downstream industry analysis, and the research direction judgment you mentioned... But to be honest, what I want to do most is to let him directly enter the Liming Shipyard, where we will Get first-hand information."

Monte leaned back on the sofa with a nonchalant look on his face.

"I don't think you can easily persuade him to enter Liming Aviation. After all, analyzing intelligence from edge information and obtaining intelligence directly and actively have completely different meanings."

"He's OK with working for us, but probably won't accept working for us on something like this that pushes the envelope. Especially when it comes to the country."

"You know, Chinese people are sometimes very strange. They are obviously mercenary, but they value certain principles more than anyone else-not betraying the country is one of them."

After listening to Tom's words, a mocking smile appeared on Monte's face. He tapped the table lightly with his hand and replied:

"The people you mentioned and the person you just talked to are actually not the same kind of people at all."

"Yes, there are some people in China who do exactly what you said, but this Wen Xiao, he won't."

"He doesn't have that firm concept of family and country in his heart, he's a ... advocate without borders."

After a few seconds of pause, Monte continued:

"On the other hand, it doesn't matter if he rejects us in the first place, I kind of have a way of letting him sink in a little bit. Have you heard of the broken window effect? ​​When a house has a broken window, the whole house All windows will be damaged in a short period of time."

"And now, this Wen Xiao's window has been broken by us. Will it be far from the day when all the glass is broken?"

Tom nodded in agreement, but then asked again:

"How do you know they won't mend the broken windows?"

Monte laughed and replied:

"Who paid for him? Himself? Or his country? Tom, don't forget, the moment he stepped into this office, he was actually abandoned by himself and his country at the same time. "

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