Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 146 The Purpose Is To Drown The Pilot

That night, Wen Xiao did not go home.

When Lin Xin woke up early in the morning and saw the two bowls of egg noodles on the table, she began to realize that more than half of her mission had been accomplished.

But now is not the time to ask Wen Xiao, what she needs to do is to constantly guide him from the side, and let him take the initiative to touch the kind of life that does not belong to him.

After this kind of life becomes the norm, he will definitely start to think.

Why can someone live like that, why can't they.

Maybe continue his own research, and in another 20 or 30 years, he can still be successful, but at that time, how can his body that is no longer young can support him to do the things he wants to do?

Desire is terrible, it will make a person gradually forget his original intention.

And as long as a person abandons the original ideal, then he will not mind accepting the values ​​imposed on him by others.

Lin Xin sat down at the table with a moved face, first mocking Wen Xiao shyly, and then pretending to casually ask:

"Xiaoxiao, do you plan to do research work in the future...?"

The opposite Wen Xiao was stunned and replied:

"No way. Of course, I will not be left behind in the research work, but I will probably change to a manager in the future, a position similar to that of an academic leader. At that time, the specific matters can be done by the people below, and I will be responsible for it. It is good to grasp the general direction and key technologies.”

"Is it the decision maker?"

"Almost. In addition, I'm still working as a technical consultant recently, which is also a direction, and I can use it as a side business in the future."

"What is a technical advisor?"

Lin Xin asked curiously.

"It's industry analysis and technical analysis. I am responsible for analyzing the development status of the domestic aero-engine industry, and then provide conclusions and reports for investment reference for international investors."

"It's amazing....will they listen to you?"

"Of course it will. If they want to make money, they can only listen to me, because I am the most professional in this area."

"It's great... Will you open your own consulting firm in the future? It will be very tiring... In fact, I think if you can, it's good for you to concentrate on your research, and we don't need it. A lot of money is enough to live on.”

Lin Xin had a look of relief on her face. Every word she said at this time had a deep meaning. Although it seemed to express her low need for material life, in fact, every sentence implied Wen Xiao His material deficiency.

And this lack will eventually become his motivation.

"It's okay if I'm tired, man. In fact, research can also make money, but it's slower."

"Well! It's okay, I believe you!"

Lin Xin smiled sweetly.

Wen Xiao also smiled at her, but his heart was not so calm.

Because he knows that when a woman says "Trust you," it means that you have to do something to convince her.

Everyone is an adult, and it has long been past the time when they can be together without just drawing a big cake. Even the most sincere feelings need to have rich material conditions as a foundation.

Not to mention that Lin Xin has a good family background. In front of her, he always has a vague sense of inferiority. Although he can clearly feel that Lin Xin is deliberately hiding the gap between her and himself, he can get along from them. He could still feel the gap from the details, the information that had been inadvertently revealed in some conversations.

This made him feel some pressure.

It is necessary to think of other methods. Research needs to be done, but money is also needed.

A girlfriend who can easily give away tens of thousands of dollars in shoes, if she doesn't earn enough money, what can she do to get along with her on an equal footing?

On your own research results?

The results that cannot be transformed into economic interests are still empty in the final analysis.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but recall the proposal that Monte gave him before.

"If you are interested, you can directly enter the Liming Shipyard to work, we will provide you with better treatment, and you can also obtain more information."

"Of course, you don't need to put any pressure on this. Our purpose is not to obtain any confidential information, but to know their research and development direction."

"It is extremely important for commercial companies to keep abreast of the opponent's movements. Arranging personnel to work inside each other is basically an open secret in business operations. As long as the trade secret protection law is not involved, it's not a big deal."

"Liming Aviation is also a commercial company. In our eyes, it's all the same. Besides, we actually have some people working inside them..."

Wen Xiao didn't know whether the last sentence Monte said was true or not, but he did understand that such commercial espionage was really nothing shocking in the international business battlefield.

But, is this really just a commercial struggle?

He was a little reluctant to think about it, but he had to think about it.

The turbofan 18 project that Liming Hangfa is working on is a military project with a high level of confidentiality. If you enter it yourself, it is estimated that it will take a long review period to integrate into the inner circle, which will be very detrimental to your career.

But on the other hand, the price offered by the other party made him a little moved. This kind of heartbeat became more and more obvious after he came into contact with Lin Xin and realized the gap between himself and the real top rich people.

If you really do research all your life, when will you be able to make a fortune?

It really doesn't work, let's do it?

The big deal is that you should not provide them with any confidential information related to military products, and only provide the research and development direction of some civilian technologies.

If so, isn't that too much?

Thinking of this, Wen Xiao secretly made a decision in his heart.

After breakfast, Wen Xiao took Lin Xin into the car. The latter had a lot of things to deal with in his company, so it was impossible to accompany him every day. After closing the car door, he looked at Lin through the car window. Xin said:

"Hold on for a while, and when I earn enough money, you can stop working at your home company."

Lin Xin smiled slyly and replied:

"Then you'll have to make a lot of money. Well, don't think too much, it's enough to be with you."

Wen Xiao looked into her eyes and did not answer.

After the car drove away, Wen Xiao took out his mobile phone and dialed Monte's number.


Two days later, Liming Hangfa, Ye Zhou's independent office.

Ye Zhou held the document Chen Hao had just handed to him in his hand, with a look of confusion on his face.

"What the heck, do people like Navigator think that we are brain-dead? A person who has already joined the Navigator project actually put him in our place. Do you really think that science knows no borders?"

Chen Hao shook his head, indicating that he was also a little confused.

"I don't quite understand it either, but I looked through the historical employment materials of Liming Aviation and found that some of them really have foreign backgrounds. No way, Liming used to be too short of people. If the technology is good, they are willing to do some work. Accept the risk."

"That's just for relatively backward technology. But also, those people have nothing to steal when they come in. The benefits to Dawn outweigh the harm of leaking secrets. It's really helpless to think about it. I know it's poisonous, but as long as it's not fatal, It has to be swallowed."

"Yeah. But it's definitely not going to work this time. Before the launch of the sedan chair project, we did a personnel cleanup to exclude all those who failed the review. Now it's impossible to recruit people with problems. That's pure and simple. It's to make yourself uncomfortable."

"Yeah. This is the problem of poor information. The other party probably thought that we were still working on the turbofan 18. If we died, it would be a small breakthrough in technology. They didn't think that we were making a high-thrust engine, otherwise they would definitely not come to do it. Such useless."

Chen Hao nodded in agreement, and then continued:

"Although this is the case, the fact that the other party can do such a thing at this time obviously means that they have already targeted us and have to find a way to deal with it. This is their first move, and there will be a steady stream of fists in the back. call."

"So what are you going to do? Do you want to eat this bait and fish for them instead?"

Ye Zhou shook his head firmly, threw the resume document in his hand into the trash can, and replied:

"Eat the bait, I really want to mess with them, take over the research and development base of the pilot project in Gangcheng, catch ten and kill ten, I guess I still owe two."

"Don't waste time with them, they play whatever they like, and we don't see it."

"But what you just said, we cleared a group of people before the project started, and this time, they rejected the newcomers who came in. I feel that they will definitely make a fuss about these things."

"They have a lot of fun with public opinion. When the time comes to hype us and squeeze out talents, it will be very detrimental to the progress of our project."

"So, you should notify the above to be prepared. If there is such a public opinion trend, don't hesitate to arrest people immediately."

"Otherwise, if these bad elements, who already have a certain influence, spread this sentiment to the lower-level workers and engineers, our work will be difficult to do."

Chen Hao's eyes showed a look of surprise, and then said sincerely:

"Engineer Ye, I found that your fighting experience is getting richer and richer... Where did you steal it from?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied with a smile:

"It's still worth learning? I just saw it through."

"For them, it is 100% wrong to speculate on them with the worst thinking."

"However, having said that, since they are already like this, let's just be a little more ruthless."

"The pilot project can't be kept, they will continue to do things, raising tigers is too stupid, let's discuss it, find a reason, and give them a pot!"


The cognitive bias brought about by the poor information is vividly reflected at this moment. While Tom and Monte and the others are still using their past experience to speculate about this not so powerful Liming Flight, they could never have imagined that they would A tentative move will trigger a resolute counterattack from Ye Zhou and Chen Hao.

And the purpose of this kind of counterattack is to let the so-called "pilot", who is obviously aimed at the business of Huaxia Airlines, drown in the water before boarding the ship.

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