Hearing Luanniao No. 1's reply, Ye Zhou instinctively froze for a moment.

The so-called basestep device is a device specially designed for antimatter transport based on the double Penning trap device, which appeared in the era when he lived and has been relatively mature.

According to estimates by relevant scholars, a basestep device that can be accommodated by a common cargo truck can carry a maximum of more than 1 gram of antimatter, and as long as the energy supply is sufficient, it can be stored for more than 400 days.

And the power of 1 gram of antimatter annihilation is enough to destroy a medium-sized city.

According to the size of the equipment in this rocket warehouse, the antimatter contained in it must be at least 0.5 grams, which was worth 200 trillion soft sister coins in Ye Zhou's era.

In this entire space base, there are more than one rocket loaded with antimatter like this.

What are the ugly people doing? ?

Why put it on a rocket?

Why send antimatter into space?

What does this have to do with the somersault cloud plan?

Ye Zhou's brain suddenly flashed an electric light, and almost instantly, the decision maker's talent deduced the most probable answer for him.

They probably want to spread antimatter out of the entire Earth's atmosphere, below the lowest orbits of satellites.

After antimatter is dispersed into the universe, due to the vacuum environment in the universe and the low density in space after antimatter is dispersed, the probability of its annihilation is not large, and it will not even affect the normal satellite launch.

However, this is a huge trouble for the somersault cloud plan to achieve integrated air and space operations.

After you leave the atmosphere, you don't know when you will collide with antimatter, and once it collides, even if the mass of antimatter is small, it will be a disaster for a small aircraft.

The inability to enter the universe at will, which means that the flexibility of integrated air and space operations is severely restricted, and its strategic significance is almost non-existent.

This is a poisonous trick. What the other party wants to do is to turn the entire outer space into a minefield and completely restrict the performance of the integrated aerospace fighter.

Although what they are doing now is only the first step, in this future time and space in the next few decades, the difficulty and cost of antimatter manufacturing should have been greatly reduced. As long as they complete the first experiment, they will gradually nibble away whole space!

Ye Zhou couldn't help but fight a cold war, he once again realized the strength of this enemy.

Even if they have been fighting for hundreds of years, even if Huaxia has occupied an absolute dominant position in many fields, their struggle has not stopped for a moment.

Even after Jinwu and Luanniao appeared and lost the domain of the sky, they actually directly cast their vision into space.

The other two team members also heard Luanniao's instructions. After a pause, Wen Feng said to Ye Zhou:

"Do you want to blow up this place?"

Both he and Monsoon have entered a state of combat readiness, the exoskeleton is running at full power, and the fire control radar has locked on multiple targets that are constantly appearing in the field of vision.

"It can't be bombed! The protection level of the internal containment system of the basestep device is designed according to the impact level of a nuclear bomb. Your existing equipment can't cause damage at all! Evacuate immediately!"

Ye Zhou jumped off the rocket, he had given up the idea of ​​entering the warehouse, but he was very unwilling.

Just gone?

Did Jean really let them launch the rocket?

The commander on Luanniao 1 seemed to sense his doubts and immediately explained:

"Don't worry about the follow-up! We have entered a first-level threat state, and the follow-up countermeasures will be carried out by Luan Bird. As long as you withdraw from the base, the mission will be completed!"

Hearing this, Ye Zhou no longer hesitated, he immediately said:

"Apply for permission to use the green light." Gu Li

"Agree to use. The evacuation route has been planned, you have 5 minutes, the jc-90 has taken off, and it is expected to arrive at the evacuation point in 8 minutes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the green permission indicator on Ye Zhou's headset turned on, and at the same time, a loud gunshot sounded in his ear.

Wen Feng and Monsoon had already opened fire, and with the help of the fire control radar, they directly killed the most threatening enemies who had approached.

Now is not the time for hesitation and kindness. The other party has already shown his fangs. As long as he moves one step slowly, it will be doomed.

"Let's go! Monsoon, occupy the commanding heights, mark the enemy's position, Wen Feng, smoke bombs!"

Hearing Ye Zhou's instructions, Monsoon bends his legs slightly, and with the sudden force of the exoskeleton, he has already jumped onto the 4-meter-high rocket launch platform.

As Monsoon's gaze swept across, one enemy after another was marked on Ye Zhou's headset.

The data link system transmits the orientation information to the central processor of Luanniao-1 in real time, and the post-processor feeds back the evacuation route with the least resistance in real time.

"Evacuate at 6 o'clock, Wen Feng, go! Monsoon, keep the commanding heights, pay attention to the enemy on the left!"

At this time, the protective shields on the three people were still being removed, but during the vigorous exercise, the function of the shields was better than nothing. Wen Feng kept throwing smoke bombs around, and moved closer to Ye Zhou to meet up. Run at full speed in the direction of evacuation.

The monsoon that followed behind crossed one platform after another, constantly marking the enemy's position for the two people below.

"Monsoon, come down, the firepower is too dense!"

All the armed forces in the aviation base have been mobilized, and they have not yet accurately located the positions of the three intruders, Ye Zhou, but even if they just fired blindly, they have already caused huge trouble for the three of them.

This is not a movie, as long as a bullet, or even a stray bullet, is enough to make people incapacitated on the spot.

For the sake of flexibility, the protective ability of the exoskeleton is actually very weak. The bullets of the small-caliber rifle can barely resist the primary resistance, but if you face the armor-piercing bullets of the large-caliber machine gun, there is absolutely no chance of survival.

Monsoon did not hesitate, and at the first moment of receiving the order, he descended to the ground to meet the two of them. The three formed the oldest three-three formation, and launched a preemptive attack on the oncoming enemy all the way.

"Check the fire control status and adjust the kill level to the highest!"

At this time, Ye Zhou didn't care about humanitarianism anymore. The presence of antimatter in this base was already the greatest inhumanity. After all, it was something more dangerous than nuclear weapons.

Even if the purpose of the other party's use is not to destroy and kill, as long as it appears, it gives them a reason to interfere.

"Don't worry, it's already adjusted to the highest level. Pay attention to the left side!"

Wen Feng replied briefly, then turned the muzzle to the right, his weapon firing mode still stayed at single shot, which allowed him to save ammunition to the greatest extent.

After all, they were facing an entire military camp.

As long as one more bullet can be fired, one more chance of surviving.

Under the full-speed operation of the exoskeleton, the three of them advanced very fast, and it took less than two minutes to reach the high wall outside the launch base. Lock jumped up and flew to the outside of the high wall in an instant.

However, that doesn't mean they have escaped.

The quick response teams in the base have already assembled, and they even deployed their defenses directly outside the base with full foresight, blocking the route for several people to continue to retreat and break out.

"Fuck, Ye Zhou, we seem to be caught in the urn!"

Wen Feng said in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't be a fucking bullshit, 500 meters at 8 o'clock, full speed ahead, we should be one step ahead of them!"

"Hurry up, if we wait until their helicopter takes off, we will have no chance at all!"

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