When the last cluster of flames fell, the jc-90 also landed on the sand dunes with the flames. The number of enemies who still had an absolute advantage had no intention of resisting. When the two Luan birds gathered on their heads, everything resisted. have all lost meaning.

Ye Zhou's eyes entered the darkness, and he returned to the void.

[The end of the five-stage simulation of Dragon Heart]

[Final ending reached: Our sky]

[Reward (Ending Reward): Somersault Cloud, Sky and Sky Integrated Dual-mode Engine Design Diagram]

[Reward (engineering male reward): Mature basestep device design drawing]

Ye Zhou didn't take a close look at the rewards, and didn't open the ending summary, but directly entered the ending replay.

But this time, unlike every previous staged simulation, the picture scroll unfolded in front of him was somewhat unusual.

The picture is black and white at first, and on the mottled and broken scene, there are several large characters with the same rust.

"Our Sky".

Afterwards, the picture gradually showed some color.

The first thing that caught Ye Zhou's eyes was a diary that was obviously dilapidated. The paper of the diary had turned yellow and curled, and there were still water stains on it.

A pair of greasy and calloused hands opened the diary. After flipping through a few pages, they stopped at one of the pages.

Ye Zhou saw it and wrote in delicate calligraphy:

"It can be said that the prosperity of a country is due to the development of craftsmanship, and the development of craftsmanship must depend on machines. Non-learning machines are not enough to help the development of craftsmanship."

"War is not good for the motherland. In this era of competition, aircraft is an indispensable item in the military. It costs millions of dollars to make a warship. .If a thousand planes are assigned to guard the port, the mainland will be safe."

Then, the diary was picked up by the big hand, Ye Zhou saw a man with a determined face put it in his pocket, then turned around and walked out.

The screen jumped quickly, and the man got on a simple plane. He slowly accelerated under the gazes of tens of thousands of people, and then lifted the control lever, and the plane took off into the air.

The plane didn't fly high, but after a few laps around the field, it still aroused bursts of applause from the crowd.

However, the accident happened very quickly. Just when the man wanted to continue to raise the flight height, the plane suddenly lost control and fell headlong to the ground.

Ye Zhou's perspective came to the man again, and he heard the dying man say with difficulty:

"Don't stop his progress because of my death, you must know that this is a necessary stage."

Ye Zhou recognized his face and knew his name.

Feng Ru.

As the man closed his eyes quietly, the picture in front of Ye Zhou's eyes also darkened.

After a short transition, Ye Zhou found himself in a small office.

A death notice lay on the desk.

"Our army Chen Huaiming faced five fighter planes of the enemy. He fought bravely without fear of death. He was shot in many places on the fighter plane, the fuel tank caught fire, and after being shot by an aviation machine gun on the left chest, he drove the plane to fight the enemy fighter plane. The enemy perishes together."

"The remains of the martyr have been transported back, because their parents are very old and their girlfriend has jumped into the river with them. Following the wishes of the martyr, the body was sent back to the school, and the teacher Li Xiangyang was asked to dispose of it on his behalf."

The man sitting at the desk was silent for a long time, the cigarette between his fingers had burned to the end, but he was unmoved.

The mottled sunlight shone on his face through the smoke, and between bright and dark, Ye Zhou seemed to see a mist of water gathering in the man's eyes, but it disappeared in an instant.

After a while, the man dropped the cigarette butt in his hand, put the death notice back in the drawer, took out the letter paper and started writing.

"...for several years of teaching, I have had more than 100 students, among them there are not one in ten who can still fight in the sky of our country. This time Huai Mingshu died, I am deeply saddened, and I vow not to live in peace. on this campus."

"If I die, if there is a body, I will send it back to the school, and if it disappears, I will be buried in the sky."

"From now on, if you can see the track of the new aircraft, it will be like seeing me."

After the short suicide note, the man got up and walked outside the house, towards the runway where the fighter plane was parked. Someone stepped forward to try to hold him, but he only left a sentence.

"My student is dead, it's my teacher."

The engine started, the propeller gradually accelerated, and after a short taxiing, the plane flew straight into the blue sky. Ye Zhou watched the old fighter plane disappear into the clear sky, and subconsciously recited the names of the two of them.

Liu Huaimin, Li Xiangyang.

The screen jumped again, Ye Zhou saw a jet fighter soaring above the sea.

The plane's paint is earthy, and the pilot is wearing an old-fashioned flight jacket, but the look on his face is resolute.

In front of him is an ep-3 reconnaissance aircraft.

"This is the Huaxia airspace, please leave immediately, please leave immediately!"

The man made his voice angrily to the radio, but the ep-3 on the side was completely unmoved, and even swerved provocatively.

At the first turn, the man followed the opponent's action and turned to the right as well, avoiding it, but when the man pulled the plane back again, the opponent had already accelerated and fled forward.

The man pushed the afterburner, and the plane quickly chased forward, but the other party seemed to have already expected his action. The moment he was about to be parallel to the ep-3, he turned the direction, and the propeller of the nose suddenly cut into the wing of the man's fighter.

The fighter plane lost control in an instant, and the ep-3 sped away. The man desperately pulled the joystick, trying to stabilize the plane that was gradually starting to roll, but it was all in vain.

After finally stabilizing the fuselage, the aircraft engine was shut down because debris was involved in the turbine, and the aircraft lost power.

"The fuselage is damaged, I have stalled!"

The man tried to restart the engine while calling into the radio.

Gu Si

Moments later, a response from the rear came over the radio.

"Call 81192, this is 553, I was instructed to take over your cruising mission, please return!"

The altitude of the plane had dropped to less than a kilometer. The man looked at the vast sea below him, and the expression on his face suddenly became relieved.

"81192 received, I can't go back, you keep going, repeat, you keep going!"

Then the plane crashed into the sea.

At the last moment before crashing into the sea, the man was still trying to pull up the plane.

But he didn't succeed.

By the time he finally decided to skydive, it was too late.

His posture, along with the fighter plane, was forever in the sea.

Wang Wei.

Ye Zhou's perspective switched, this time, a brand new fighter was in front of him.


A pilot wearing a brand-new flight helmet climbed into the cockpit, and with the screeching of the pressure relief valve, the hatch closed tightly.

The engine started, the telex system started, and 20 Ji's indifferent and sexy voice sounded.

"Program started."

The plane slowly drove towards the runway, and the vector nozzle spewed out bright blue flames. Under the gloomy twilight, the fighter plane named "Dragon" rose from the ground.

Ye Zhou's perspective followed the plane through the clouds, the afterburner was activated, and the sound of breaking through the sound barrier was like a dragon's roar.

Just 8 minutes later, the fighter jet that took off from Hu Jian arrived over the island.

The aircraft that had already hung up the Lumberg lens was detected by radar without incident, and then two f-16s scrambled into the air and began to accompany them on both sides of the j-20.

On the radio came the other party's garrulous expulsion shouting, the pilot suddenly pulled up the joystick, and a cobra excitedly landed behind the other party.

The button for the fire control radar was at hand, but he didn't press it.

He just looked at the panicked two fighter planes in front of him with disdain, and said:

"Don't stop talking about it. From now on, I will come twice a day and fly for two months, and you will get used to it."

Ye Zhou looked at the incompetent gray paint on the plane, glanced at the number on his helmet, and silently memorized his name.

The screen switched, Ye Zhou felt his feet on the ground again.

But when he looked around, he realized that he was not on the ground.

This is a huge aerial platform, Luanniao No. 1.

This time, he didn't see any special people, but it seemed that everyone he saw was special.

Several pilots approached, with confident expressions on their faces, chattering about trivial matters such as women and children.

Ye Zhou watched them walk to the fighter planes who didn't know the model, and then these people restrained their smiles one by one, not only their expressions, but also their temperaments suddenly changed.

Killing intent.

Obviously, they are driving the strongest combat power in the sky of this planet.

After several planes taxied along the runway for a short distance, they rose straight from the ground. Ye Zhou watched these planes fly higher and higher, and the bright blue flames of the nozzles gradually turned yellow. The fuselage is also invisible, leaving only a small star.

His eyes returned to the deck, and he was surprised to see a woman with a group of children, just as curious as himself.

A man with a strange birthmark on his face stood beside them, explaining to them in a gentle tone.

"...This is our Luanniao No. 1. According to us, Luanniao No. 1 is a multi-purpose air combat platform, which can be used as a mother ship to undertake the supply function or as an independent combat unit. use."

"The weapon system of our big plane is relatively simple. After all, it is the first one, but if you have the opportunity to go to Luanniao 2 for reference in the future, you will see more novel things."

"Like what laser cannons, gravity weapons, sonic weapons, and of course conventional weapons like missiles."

"It's these things that are guarding our sky."

After speaking, the man clapped his hands, and another staff member came over with a huge box. After opening it, there were all kinds of airplane models inside.

"Okay, today's visit and explanation are over. These airplane models are all gifts I prepared for you. You can pick and take away your favorite ones."

The children swarmed up happily, and one of the children quickly picked his favorite airplane, and then excitedly ran to the man and asked:

"Grandpa, what is this plane called?"

The man smiled helplessly and replied:

"First of all, I'm not your grandpa, I'm your Uncle. Also, this is a j-8 fighter jet, a very old, very old aircraft."

The man thought that the child would be disappointed by this, but he did not expect that the look in the other's eyes did not diminish at all.

"Very old, very old plane... Was the former pilot Uncle flying it to protect us?"

"Yeah. It used to be j-8, then it was j-20, and now it's js-10. Every generation has a different plane."

"Then what plane will I fly in the future?"

"I do not know either."

The man shook his head, and after a pause, he spoke again:

"It doesn't matter, no matter what plane you fly in the future, our sky will not change."

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