Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 215 I Can Only Rely On Myself

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the woman's expression was obviously stunned, but she seemed to want to continue to pretend, so Ye Zhou continued to strike while the iron was hot:

"I know you have at least 5 people, and you may not be able to share how much money, but I can guarantee that as long as you sit down and talk with me now, I will arrange a check immediately, and you can get $100,000 directly."

While talking, Ye Zhou took out the wallet he was carrying, took out a checkbook from it, filled in the amount three times and signed it, and slapped it directly in front of the woman.

"think about it?"

Seeing this scene, the woman who was still lying on the ground seemed to be finally moved, but she still didn't go to get Ye Zhou's cheque, she just took a deep look at him and got up and left.

Ye Zhou watched the other party walk out of the hotel, and at this moment he knew that things were basically half done.

It's all business, and no one will refuse higher returns.

Rio's gangsters don't have any morals, let alone marginal characters who are not considered gangsters.

Sure enough, after waiting for half an hour, the other party's person appeared in front of Ye Zhou, and the leading man asked straight to the point:

"How much are you willing to pay?"

"Double your current employer's bid."

"I want it now, cash."

Ye Zhou looked at each other speechlessly and asked:

"Friend, are you kidding me? One hundred million in cash, where do you think I should give it to you? Besides, the people who hired you can't actually give you that much cash, right?"

"No, you're wrong, they've already paid the deposit, and it's a considerable amount."

"How much? One million? Two million? As I said, no matter how much they pay, I will pay twice. You should know that the richest people in the world are us now, not your old Employers who have gone out of business."

Ye Zhou doesn't know who hired this group of locals, but it doesn't make any difference to him. Anyway, in his eyes, as long as it's not his own country, it can basically be included in the list that is no longer good. go.

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the man pondered for a while, and finally said:

"I need a deposit of at least three million, by check."

"I'll give it to you now."

Ye Zhou took out a check from his pocket, signed his name, and handed it to the man without hesitation.

"Now, can we chat about your employer's information?"

The man didn't answer right away. He assigned his men to go to the nearest bank that was still open to confirm the authenticity of the check, and finally let go of his guard.

"Let's talk somewhere else."

Ye Zhou breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, no matter whether he can achieve the cooperation with these local people in the end, at least the information can be obtained.

After returning to the room, the man provided Ye Zhou with the information of his previous employer. As Ye Zhou thought, a group of western battery manufacturers headed by amprius and Panasonic hired them. The purpose of hiring them was very clear, that is, To prevent China from participating in the bidding.

At the same time, the man also provided a more critical message.

The other party hired far more than their team. In fact, they almost controlled more than 30% of the gangs in Rio. Some are more simple and crude.

That's why Ye Zhou encounters gangster rivalry in the simulator.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou realized a bigger problem.

Now it can be said that the underground forces in half of the city are against him, so what is the use of this team that he bought?

He frowned at the man and asked him his question.

The man smiled and replied:

"We'll find a way, we'll hide you and take you out."

"How to hide?"

"It's magic."

The man replied with a smile.

Ye Zhou frowned as he looked at his pretending to be mysterious expression.

Before he disclosed the information, Ye Zhou had no idea that the situation would develop to such an uncontrollable level. He thought it was just a normal business activity, but he didn't expect those companies to be so crazy.

Thinking about it, setting up factories and research institutes in Rio was planned by those companies from the beginning?

It is precisely by taking advantage of the chaotic social environment in Rio that they can fully penetrate their own forces. When legal means cannot effectively eliminate dissidents, they use those hidden forces that cannot be seen in the dark to help them. Solve the problem.

This is colonization in the new era, and it is the choice made by capital that best serves their interests when no one dares to easily touch the balance on a larger level.

Since Baxi cannot be forced to sign an exclusive agreement through official force, they should use their own means to formulate an agreement that does not exist on paper.

They have achieved this point, do they really have any scruples?

The reason why they didn't do it directly is that they didn't dare to have a head-on conflict with the Chinese officials.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"I can't believe the so-called magic you said, either you tell me the plan now, or we cancel the cooperation. As you said, there are more teams that want to work against us, and I believe they are just like you, It can also be bought with money.”

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the man thought for a moment and finally replied:

"We'll exchange with you—my friend will take over. In 10 minutes, you need to leave the hotel with me, and my friend will put on your clothes and your hat."

"I'll take you to safety and get you where you need to go at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Ye Zhou shook his head and asked back:

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because you have no choice. Sir, if you forget your situation, then I can remind you again that there are nearly 8,000 enemies in this city now, and I will be your only hope."

Ye Zhou wanted to refute, but the man raised his hand to interrupt him, then continued:

"Please listen to me patiently. I know what you want to say, what you want to say, in extreme cases, you can rely on your official embassy in Rio, but I must remind you that Baxi is A big country, it is impossible for your people to intervene in this incident without sufficient evidence, because that will lead to serious disputes."

"So, you're on your own—and us."

"As I said, in order to achieve your goals, we will have to make a huge effort and take a huge risk, so I ask for an additional condition to our cooperation."

"After this incident is over, we will return to Huaxia with you. Here, we can no longer survive."

"You need to prepare a full set of formalities for us to ensure that we can board the plane with you. Do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing the man's words, Ye Zhou thought in silence for a moment, then nodded.

He doesn't believe that a man is 100% sure of getting him out of this predicament, however, he can give it a try because he does have more than one chance.

And he is not unacceptable to the demands made by the man.

5 minutes later, Ye Zhou contacted the domestic headquarters. After explaining the situation, he obtained a higher-level authorization through the headquarters. The man's request was satisfied, Ye Zhou changed his clothes and left the hotel with the man.

And their destination will be the most dangerous and chaotic place in the entire Rio.

Mount Rossinia, the largest slum in the city.

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