Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 224 Who Is The World?

While Ye Zhou's General Technical Office was busy arranging the R&D and manufacturing of sulfur-silicon batteries, the island country Panasonic Corporation also began to study and judge the latest news.

In the conference room, senior technicians from all the battery fields of the company gathered. They got the latest technical materials from Shanshan Co., Ltd. and other business information used to assist judgment.

The first to speak was a man with gold-rimmed glasses, who flipped through the material and said:

"Everyone, the situation must have been very clear, Huaxia has already started the research and development and manufacture of lithium-sulfur batteries, and according to the information we have, they have broken through the monoclinic gamma phase sulfur by treating carbon nanofibers with steam. technology to solve the polysulfide problem.”

"This breakthrough can greatly increase the service life of the battery, reduce the expansion rate, and make up for the natural defects of sulfur cathode batteries. It can be called a revolutionary innovation."

"Such a technology is even more advanced than us, and I think everyone should be aware of the threat it poses."

"At present, the maximum density of lithium-sulfur battery technology we have can reach 400wh/kg, which is considered extremely advanced in the world, but in the plan they proposed this time, the energy density can reach 500wh/kg, and it is very It will soon be able to break through the laboratory stage and reach mass production.”

"Once the other party really mass-produces this technology, it will be fatal to us."

"So, here I need your advice: In what way should we maintain our advantage?"

After speaking, the man scanned the audience with falcon-like eyes, and even the thick lenses couldn't stop the majesty overflowing from his eyes.

Under his pressure, all the subordinates present shuddered involuntarily. Some people wanted to speak, but they were quietly stopped by the eyes of the people around them.

This is the principle of survival in the workplace in the island country. In the face of superiors with more seniority than you, no matter how confident you are, you must restrain yourself.

After a long time, at the critical point where the silence was about to arouse the anger of the man, someone finally spoke up:

"Watanabe, you are the sales strategy director of Huaxia District, so you can speak first."

Watanabe, whose name was named, was not surprised, but stood up respectfully and bowed, then picked up the material at hand and started talking.

"Everyone, as Mr. Shiraishi said, our competitors have made important breakthroughs in lithium-sulfur battery technology, and this breakthrough has threatened our market position. This is a serious problem and a serious dereliction of duty. "

"First of all, I want to express my apology to everyone here on behalf of our Huaxia team. It was our work mistake that we didn't get the information earlier. I'm sorry!"

As he spoke, Watanabe bowed again.

He didn't care about this kind of innocuous apology, because he knew it was just a gesture.

In fact, no one could have predicted such a sudden technological breakthrough in advance, especially when such a technological breakthrough was still dominated by the other party's official government.

The name of the Office of General Technology Planning appeared in their field of vision for the first time, but it was this time that they were faced with a crisis rarely seen in the history of development.

Yes, they have indeed faced the technological impact of other companies before, and they have fallen behind many times, but each time they have achieved technological mergers by means of capital operation and maintained their leading position.

But this time, everything seems to be different.

The official of the other party directly dominates the direction of technology research and development and application manufacturing, and their hands may not be able to reach out.

But fortunately, they still have an inner response, and it is this inner response that gives them the hope of breaking the game in such an extremely dangerous situation.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and continued:

"Although the situation is so urgent, under our early layout, we are still not without strategies to deal with it."

"First of all, I want to explain that we have obtained most of the documents of the other party's new technology through our holding company. Although these documents are not complete, combined with our original technical foundation, it is not impossible for the other party to Come up with a new generation of lithium-sulfur battery technology before.”

"So, based on this situation, my suggestions are as follows."

"First, we need to do our best to learn and develop new technologies to complete the manufacture of new-generation batteries before the other party."

"Second, I will assign our holding companies to try their best to slow down each other's R&D progress. Even if it is only one day, it will be a huge advantage for us."

"Third, we need to preheat the new generation of batteries in advance, seize the advantages of publicity, and solidify customers in advance, so as to ensure that even if the other party can come up with new products, it will not have an impact on our market."

"The above is the strategy of our team after discussion. If you have different opinions, please correct me!"

After saying that, he bowed slightly and sat down, looking at Shiraishi.

Shiraishi nodded slightly and said:

"Mr. Watanabe's strategy is very professional and in line with our reality. However, I would like to ask one more question, is there a possibility that the other party will complete the product production and release ahead of schedule at a speed that we cannot predict?"

After pondering for a while, Watanabe nodded and replied:

"It's possible."

"However, even if the other party occupies the first-mover position, it will definitely shake our market. Because the other party's actions are too hasty, and unlike us, they have not yet formed a solid international reputation, so this kind of hasty completion and hasty release It is impossible for the product to gain market acceptance.”

Hearing this, Shiraishi frowned slightly, and then said:

"I remember we've had emergency releases before, but those products were also recognized in the market."

A smug smile appeared on Watanabe's face. After nodding slightly in recognition of the other party, he opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. Shiraishi is worthy of being the legendary 'helmsman', you should be cautious as always."

"I can also explain your question."

"In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, every product we have released urgently before is actually based on a principle."

"Generation difference."

"We guarantee the generation difference between our products and other products. This generation difference makes our products unstable in time, and customers will be willing to try."

"Because our advantage is too obvious."

"Not all of you here are technicians, so let me give a very simple example. A car that can run 400 kilometers continuously without accident, and a car that can run 1,000 kilometers continuously with a very small probability of accident. , which one I want to choose, our customers are very clear.”

"So, based on the above principles, we can make a judgment."

Having said that, he looked around, and then his tone suddenly became extremely confident.

"Yes, the other party's technology is very advanced, but they are only two or three years ahead of us."

"Such a leading advantage is definitely not enough to suppress us by a generational difference."

"And as long as we can't form a generational difference, then we still have a chance - no, it's not that there is still a chance, but our advantage has never been shaken."

"Masters, keep working hard, don't worry, this world is still ours!"

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