Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 226 The Whole Industry Flying Knife Model, Not Just Salary Increase

As envisaged by the island country, several domestic companies involved in the development and manufacture of sulfur-silicon batteries have also adopted the same overtime strategy, and also offered high overtime pay and advanced overtime wages. The difference between them is that under the overall management of the General Technical Office, the workers involved in manufacturing are not limited to the self-owned workers of a few manufacturers.

Several core manufacturers have adopted the same strategy invariably, that is, the exchange of workers.

On the condition of double wages, they quickly mobilized a group of skilled workers from relevant manufacturers across the country to temporarily replace those with insufficient qualifications and abilities on the existing production line, thereby fundamentally improving the efficiency of the entire production line.

According to the results of instant feedback, such manpower scheduling can increase the production efficiency of manufacturers by more than 40%, and it is not a problem to complete the production requirements within two weeks. The only disadvantage is that the cost is too high.

Even if the government has stated that the costs incurred will be subsidized by the government after the fact, the occupation of the company's cash flow in the short term is not a small amount.

However, in the face of such a major technological innovation, even the most short-sighted decision makers will no longer limit their sight to petty profits, so the implementation of this plan is extremely smooth.

The exchange of workers was quickly completed within two days, and the hrs were very busy with the entry of personnel information, but fortunately, there were no mistakes in the end.

Xiao Di, who worked overtime all night, walked out of the factory area, and beside her was Li Ran, a colleague who worked overtime all night like her.

"This guy is busy for me... It's really the leader who broke his leg with a mouth, and I don't know who proposed this kind of worker swap, I'm exhausted, and I don't know if there is any Useless."

Hearing this, Xiao Di smiled reluctantly, and then replied:

"Don't complain here, haven't you received the news? These are all orders from the department above, passed down from the general technical planning office. They are not all about efficiency this time, it is said that it is mainly for the sake of efficiency. Test, test what can achieve a higher degree of industrial synergy in the human field."

"What kind of industrial collaboration? Isn't it just the transfer of some skilled workers. Who would have thought of this... It's just expensive."

Xiao Di shook his head and did not speak.

She studied economics herself. Although she went to a second university, she was educated in basic economics logic, so compared to her colleague, she can see more things from the above actions this time. .

As she said, this time the worker swap is not just to temporarily target a certain efficiency, but to test a new way of optimizing resource allocation.

In the past, the official optimization of the allocation of various economies was mainly through economic means, which are subsidies, policy funds and the like. Although such means can be effective in many cases, there is also a problem. That is, the efficiency loss in the process is too serious to have immediate effect.

The issuance of a policy fund needs to go through many links, starting from the application, to qualification verification, to approval, to issuance, and then to actual use, which often takes a long period of time. Corresponding changes have taken place, and the original resource allocation has lost its due effect.

Therefore, human coordination among various enterprises has become a possible development direction.

After all, talents are the core of creating benefits, and the role that a capable employee can play in the short term is far from what he can do by increasing training and education investment.

She once heard that in the medical industry, there is an operation method called flying knife, that is, when encountering difficult cases, temporarily hire highly skilled doctors from other hospitals to perform surgical operations. It has produced a great effect. I don't know how many patients who had no hope of treatment were solved by flying knives.

Now, what the official wants to test is an industry-wide flying knife mode based on the overall coordination of the General Technical Office.

Once this model operates successfully, it can greatly improve the overall efficiency of the industry like the current expected field, and the average wage level of high-skilled workers will also have a qualitative improvement, so that the industry will enter a virtuous circle inside and outside. .

This is a big chess game, but its first chess piece just happened to fall on the GAC factory where it is located.

It's just that she still has a question she doesn't understand.

Why do you suddenly do this?

Logically speaking, the efficiency of the domestic manufacturing industry is already high enough. If we use this method to exchange funds for efficiency, will we really not worry about overcapacity?

I don't understand.

While she was immersed in her own thoughts, Li Ran, who was beside her, gave her a hand, pointed to the small shop next to her and asked:

"Have breakfast? Have some claypot rice?"

Xiao Di shook his head and replied:

"Don't eat this, it's too greasy early in the morning, eat some powder."

"Alright, boss! Here are two beef brisket noodles!"

As she spoke, she took Xiao Di to the store and sat down, still babbling incessantly.

"I really accepted these dog leaders, and I knew the whole thing every day, two days, I didn't sleep much for two days, you see my skin is poor, my face is full of pimples! Really, I feel like This kind of high-intensity work not only pays us overtime wages, but at least some skin care subsidies.”

Xiao Di was a little amused, so he asked:

"Girls give skin care subsidies, what about boys? Hair loss subsidies?"

"...It's not impossible, but girls also have to pay for hair loss. Look at my hair loss, one after another..."

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, it's just a matter of the past few days, isn't it all over? This is the first time we have engaged in such a large-scale manpower exchange, the process is not familiar, wait Once you get used to it, you'll be fine."

"Fuck, is there a next time?!"

The expression on Li Ran's face instantly became tangled. The crazy overtime work in the past two days has left a deep shadow in her heart. She really doesn't want to do the same thing again.

"There must be a next time... I won't talk about the meeting. This project is only the first batch of production trial production projects. It is said that there will be many new technologies after that. I guess I have to come every last time. This is the case, unless the time requirements are met, but I don't think it's possible."

"I don't know where so many new technologies have suddenly appeared recently. First, the chip, then the engine, and then suddenly our battery. Of course, you see, we have been in this industry for a long time, although It's not a technical line, but you know some basic things, right?"

Hearing this, Li Ran also nodded thoughtfully.

"That's what you said... I haven't seen the R&D department work so much overtime for several years. This time the pressure is really big. Although I don't know what the specific results are, it seems to be quite... It's just..."

"It's quite subversive, right?"

"That's right! It's really outrageous! You said, will we show our faces like the most recent engine this time?"

Xiao Di thought for a moment, then shook his head and replied:

"I guess it can. Although our industry is not so famous, it still has a great influence. Let's watch it when the time comes. Maybe we can still get on camera during the interview."

"Then I have to take a good rest during this period of time, don't be on the mirror with a sleepless face, it's ugly..."

The two were still chatting about the recent events in the company, but they didn't notice that the bald man beside him had a smile on his face.

He is one of the R&D personnel who "needed baldness subsidies" that the two had just discussed.

Just half an hour ago, like these two HR little sisters, he had just finished a night's work, and took advantage of the limited free time to go outside to have a breakfast.

He listened to all the conversations between the two, including the topics they talked about to appear on TV.

This made him a little emotional.

After all, the other party is not a person in the technical line, and they do not have permission to touch what they are touching. Therefore, it is impossible for them to understand how exaggerated the technological innovation this time is for the entire battery industry.

It is also impossible for them to know what kind of changes will be brought to the entire energy industry and the whole world once this battery is interviewed.

However, he had already made some judgments in his own mind.

For example, he has already had some vague hunch that in two weeks, after the official release of this battery, the global oil car companies may face a huge crisis.

No, not just gas trucks.

It should be oil.

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