Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 242 The Strongest Vitality

The latest promotional video released by the Central Media has caused an uproar both domestically and globally, and its influence is even greater than that of the Qilian engine released on the spot.

The first to react were the netizens on the military forum. Their speed was very fast, and the topics they discussed were very professional.

"Is it necessary for the j-20h to exist? The actual use of the vertical take-off and landing fighter should not be large, especially on the second island chain. There is no place for it to play a role, right?"

"The landlord knows a hammer, you don't care if it's useful or not, I'll just ask you if you're handsome or not!"

"Upstairs, what's the use of being handsome? Don't you want to spend your money on a knife's edge? Do you really think of us as rich people?"

"Who said that being handsome is useless? Beauty is combat power, and handsome is the strongest combat power. Let me tell you seriously, the positioning of the j-20h is very clear, and the function it has to undertake is when the airport and aircraft carrier are all unavailable. , you can use the limited take-off space for firepower delivery."

"In addition, vertical take-off and landing aircraft and short-range take-off and landing aircraft are not completely used for aircraft carriers and landing ships. They are going to land most of the time. The main function is landing operations in narrow battlefields. What does landing operations mean? , everyone knows."

"So, engaging in the j-20h is fundamentally a strategic deterrent behavior. I can even say that its strategic deterrence significance exceeds that of the h-20 to a certain extent, because it has a clear goal."

"So you can understand? So now you still think the j-20h is useless?"

"Understood, thank you for clarifying the confusion! In addition, I have another question. The central media officially announced that 003 is going to be launched. Why is there no news about the carrier-based early warning aircraft? I heard that Xifei flew once, and then No more movement."

"Fuck, you dare to ask this? Where's the moderator? Check his ID!"

"Are you a netizen from the southern part of the mainland? I advise you to buy a plane ticket and fly to me now, and I'll take you to see the early warning aircraft!"

"Upstairs, I'm in Chang'an, I'll have a share with you, okay, what's the matter, do you want to take it all by yourself?"

"...Can you guys not be so imaginative? I'm a three-generation celebrity, okay? I just thought of this question and asked it casually."

"Oh... Good question, don't ask next time. The early warning aircraft should not be updated in a short time. The j-20 has been replaced, and the early warning aircraft will definitely be replaced. Wait for the official news."

"Wait, wait every day, I'm in a hurry, I'm too greedy for the pineapple cake on the other side."

"I don't hesitate to expose you, the ghost knows whether you are craving pineapple cakes or girls selling pineapple cakes..."

The original serious discussion was completely biased because of this topic, but there are also many tacit understandings from netizens on the forum.

After all, the Internet is an open platform. For these old fritters who have been in it for many years, they know what can be discussed and what can not be discussed, and they also know when to end the topic.

After all, everyone hopes that the official will throw out some heavyweight equipment to make themselves enjoyable, but at the same time, they absolutely do not want the news of these equipment to be leaked to the enemy in advance. This is the basic quality of a military fan.

However, compared to them, the reaction of ordinary netizens to this promotion was much greater, almost reaching a fever pitch.

There are many arguments about kicking the door immediately, entering the customs immediately, and firepower coverage, and some people have even started @@what color sacks are liked by female netizens from the south who are active on their necks.

In such a public opinion environment, the official had to come forward to refute the rumor.

"Our training activities this time are completely routine training, not aimed at any party, nor have any bad intentions of international and domestic speculation. This joint exercise of new equipment has verified our integrated naval and air combat capabilities and strengthened our capabilities. Informatization tactics, and at the same time, great progress has been made in the tactics of island capture and landing..."

As soon as this article was published, the comment area was overwhelmed by netizens who heard the news.

"Yeah, yeah, it doesn't target any party, it's just an island capture exercise."

"It's really yours. Is this a rumor or a threat? I can't understand it."

"Dispel rumors and dispel rumors! Can you stop guessing? Don't make trouble for the country, okay?"

"Upstairs, look at the tone of the official media, do you think he looks like he is afraid of trouble? He almost wrote the word arrogance on his face, right?"

"...I was shocked, what about the war? Don't care!?"

Seeing that the situation was slipping in an unmanageable direction, the official media had no choice but to throw out their most common and useful trick to divert their attention.

Call for names.

Since the h-20 already has the name "Chongming", this time the call for the name is only for the aircraft carrier No. 003, which is about to be officially launched. However, this still arouses the highest enthusiasm of the majority of netizens.

Various names emerge in an endless stream, among which Hailan is the most popular. However, in addition to these serious names, sand sculpture netizens also voted for a series of strange names.

What Pippi Shrimp, what Helan Pig, what Panda, what Flat Girl...

In the end, unexpectedly, the Flat Maiden won the championship and won the first place with the most votes.

However, it is obviously impossible for the official to adopt this name. Netizens also know this. They just use this method to express their joy.

Among all the netizens who participated in this carnival, Wang Chao is a very special one. The photos he took were officially quoted, and almost instantly became a presence on the hot search list.

In the end, he still did not get rid of the title of "bird photographer", and even some former acquaintances called him specially, half congratulations and half jokingly asked him:

"Master Wang, why don't you shoot live birds now? It's time to shoot big iron birds?"

For this kind of question, Wang Chao chose to laugh it off.

He doesn't care about taking pictures of birds anymore, and from that photo, he really found his way.

For a long time, he has always believed that his photographic works pursue a kind of vitality. Whether it is a goshawk on a grassland or a vulture on a snowy plateau, it is actually a symbol of life.

Including this time he went to shoot the Chinese golden pheasant, in fact, at the beginning, he was thinking of breaking through his previously fixed cognition and trying to discover another kind of vitality.

However, during the ten days of squatting, he never took photos that he was satisfied with. The reason is very simple, that is, in his photos, he can really feel life, but this kind of life is too thin, too short.

Maybe it can bring people a sense of beauty for a while, but after a long time of appreciation, it will soon be boring.

There is no background, no core, and nothing that you really want to express.

---- Until the plane appeared with a long tail flame.

Now, he already knows the name of the plane, and also knows that it is the product of the industrial achievements of the entire country and the deep expectations of the entire nation.

This is what he really wants to present to the world.

The Chinese golden pheasant is really beautiful, but they are just a group of birds that can't fly high; the vultures in the snow do cross life and death, but they can't let the people there live to death; on the grasslands The goshawk may have enough power, but its lifespan is only a few decades.

Only man, and only this nation, has truly survived thousands of years and has remained standing.

This is the strongest life force in this world.

There are many manifestations of this vitality, maybe it is the plane he just photographed, maybe it is the aircraft carrier that is about to be launched with the screen on the scarf, maybe it is the molten iron splashing in those large factories that work around the clock, maybe it is the national border Speeding train inside.

Maybe it was a light that was lit in the Shiwanda Mountain, maybe it was the sound of books coming from the dilapidated classroom, maybe it was a string of words, maybe it was a touch of color.

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