Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 248 Re-Walking Twenty-Five Thousand

Ye Zhou was sitting comfortably on the sofa. There were various barbecues and snacks on the coffee table in front of him. The two little girls in Chen Hao's family were noisily eating, while he and his wife sat next to each other. On the two sofas, one of them chatted with Ye Zhou.

What is about to be broadcast on TV is the selected collection of this sulfur-silicon battery publicity live broadcast. After all, although the whole live broadcast process is real, the time span is too long and it is difficult for the audience to accept it. Therefore, after completing the 6 days and 7 nights of substitutions After the live broadcast without changing cars, Central Media specially edited the key points of the process into a video with a duration of more than two hours, which was broadcast on all channels as a special program.

"Have you watched the entire live broadcast?"

Chen Hao asked.

"No, I really don't have time to watch the whole thing, but I have watched it intermittently. Every time I open the live broadcast, they are on the road, so there is really not much to watch. However, I heard that after reaching the key point, the watchability of the program is very good. It went up a lot, but unfortunately I didn't catch up once."

"I didn't catch up. Fortunately, there are special programs to watch. I read the audience's feedback on the Internet, and the overall reputation is very good, but it has not yet formed the effect of getting out of the circle, mainly because the process is too long."

"There is no way for a long process. To pursue authenticity, you must rely on this method. After this episode of the show is over, I guess the real publicity effect will be revealed."

Chen Hao nodded, and seeing that the title sequence on the screen had finished, he waved to the two children to sit down.

"Come on baby, come and watch TV."

The two little girls in Chen Hao's family are well-behaved. Although they usually look lively, they have always maintained a sense of proportion in Ye Zhou's family, which surprised him greatly.

What kind of parenting does it take to teach such a child?

Compared with those bear children on the Internet, it is the difference between heaven and earth.

After hearing Chen Hao's greeting, the two children squeezed into their parents' arms and turned their eyes to the large characters on the TV screen.

Take the Long March Road again.

The subtitles gradually disappeared, and what was passed into everyone's ears was the crisp and pleasant voice of the host.

"Hello everyone, we are now in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province. This is the starting point of the 25,000-mile Long March."

"On July 6, 1934, the advance team of the Red Army of Workers and Peasants, composed of the Red Seventh Army Corps, set off from Ruijin to advance towards the borders of Fujian, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi.

"On the 10th, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission issued the fifth order "Order on the Composition and Centralized Planning of the First Field Column", officially announcing that the General Committee, the Red Army Headquarters and their directly affiliated teams would organize the first field column and act simultaneously with the main Red Army to form a field army. , the order also announced that the four echelons of the first vertical set off from Meikeng, Tianxin, Jiubao, Yangxi and other places in Ruijin Yunshi Mountain at 17:00 or 18:00 on October 10 to start the Long March, marking the departure of the Red Army's Long March The sound of the horn."

"From here, the Red Army has fought more than 380 battles since then, captured more than 700 county towns, and traveled about 25,000 miles. It arrived in northern Shaanxi in October 1935 and joined forces with the Red Army in northern Shaanxi. In 1936 In October, the Second Red Army and the Fourth Red Army arrived in Gansu to join forces with the First Red Army. The three main forces of the Red Army joined forces, declaring the successful end of the Red Army's Long March."

"What we show you below are precious historical photos that record the appearance of the city more than 80 years ago."

"We can see that the soldiers in the photo are dressed in shabby clothes, the buildings in the background are dilapidated, and the people are leading mules and horses and pushing tricycles to transport supplies for the Red Army."

"Many fighters are wearing brand-new cloth shoes, but after starting, their shoes will gradually wear out and be damaged, and then they will be replaced with straw sandals, and they will even go barefoot in the end."

"These photos truly reflect the poor and weak state of our country at that time. However, under such conditions, our soldiers still embarked on this uncertain road without hesitation in order to realize their great ideals."

"Because of their hard work and sacrifices, today's Ruijin and today's Jiangxi Province have undergone earth-shaking changes."

"Here, we have to mention a name, that is China Tungsten Mining Company, which is known as the 'first state-owned enterprise of the Republic'."

"Since it was listed in 1932 and before the Red Army's Long March in 1934, China Tungsten Mining Company had about 5,000 employees, with an average annual output of about 1,800 tons of tungsten and a profit of more than 6 million yuan, which was 70% of the economic source of the Soviet Union. The fixed income supports the 100,000 Red Army soldiers we are fighting abroad, which greatly reduces our pressure."

"And now, the company, which has changed its name to Tieshanlong Tungsten Mine, is building a tungsten ore museum, combining red tourism resources with industrial tourism features, and giving this century-old mine a new lease of life with red culture."

"In addition, we now have Ganzhou Copper, the world's top ten annual copper producer, Jiangling Motors, whose product image is rooted in many people's hearts, and JinkoSolar, which participated in this sulfur-silicon battery project. And Zhengbang Technology, which specializes in solving the problem of everyone eating meat."

"These enterprises have inherited the legacy of their revolutionary ancestors and are working hard to create a better era for our country and our nation in their own way."

The host's introduction ended, the screen jumped, and the host appeared beside a big river with rolling waves.

"Dear viewers, after more than ten hours of travel, we have come to the bank of the Xiangjiang River, and our car is still performing well, and even only one charge in the middle."

"The position we are now in is the ruins of the bloody battle on the Xiangjiang River."

"In late November 1934, the Long March that started in southern Gansu had been going on for more than 40 days. The Red Army, which had broken through three blockades in a row, arrived at the Xiangjiang River in Quanzhou and Xing'an."

"Here, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission issued an order to forcefully cross the Xiangjiang River. On November 27 and 28, each of the Red 1 and Red 3 Corps rushed to the Xiangjiang River before the enemy, and controlled the line from Jieshou to Jiaoshanpu on the west bank of the Xiangjiang River. At the crossing point of the river, five pontoon bridges were erected.”

"However, due to the excessive loss in the early stage and the slow marching speed, we missed the best opportunity to cross the river, and the various troops responsible for covering the crossing had to fight fiercely with the enemy."

"The battle was tragic and the sacrifices were heavy. The Red 10 Regiment, which stood on the highlands south of Jieshou, sacrificed two head of the regiment in one day, and the troops that moved towards the riverside fell in pieces under the heavy bombardment of enemy planes."

"On this day, the majority of the Red Army's commanders and fighters fought fiercely with the enemy, and blood stained the surging Xiangjiang River."

"Until 17:00 on December 1, most of the Red Army's main force crossed the Xiangjiang River. The 34th Division of the Red 5th Army Corps and the 18th Regiment of the Red 3rd Army Corps, which were covering the main force, were blocked on the west bank of the Xiangjiang River, and most of them were killed."

"Chen Shuxiang, the 29-year-old commander of the 34th Division, was shot in the abdomen and captured, tore off his own intestines, and died heroically."

"After the bloody battle on the Xiangjiang River, the Central Red Army dropped sharply to 30,000, which was one of the most dangerous moments in the entire Long March."

"It is in this danger that the foundation is laid for our organization to finally establish the right leadership."

"Back now, we no longer need to build a pontoon bridge across the Xiangjiang River."

"On November 18, 2020, after three years, the entire Xiangjiang Bridge was opened to traffic, which is the bridge that we can see now, towering into the clouds in the distance."

"The bridge is suspended at an altitude of more than 200 meters, with a total length of 1,700 meters, ranking seventh in the world and fourth in Asia among bridges of the same type."

"Speaking of which, by the way."

"Of the 10 tallest bridges in the world, seven of them are located in my country."

With the rapidly flashing bridge list, the screen jumps again.

"Audience friends, now we have come to the site of the zy conference."

"Our cars are still in good condition and of course the staff are still in good condition."

"The small building behind me is where that important meeting was held that year. Here, we summed up the experience and lessons of previous failures, established the leadership of a great leader, and formulated follow-up tasks and strategic guidelines."

"This meeting was an existential turning point that marked the beginning of our organization's maturation."

"After this meeting, the great navigating ship had a helmsman, and this helmsman, in the short period of time since then, has saved our revolution countless times."

"Now, when we mention this city, the first thing that comes to our mind may be Maotai, but in fact, it is also the hometown of longevity in China, the production area of ​​high-quality green tea in China, the hometown of famous tea in China, and the hometown of guitar manufacturing in China. "

"The tea industry, as a big industry that promotes business and enriches the people, has lifted 51,400 poor people out of poverty in the past three years and increased per capita income by more than 2,400 yuan."

"In our interviews, 'life is good' was the most common phrase among tea farmers."


"Audience friends, now we have come to the banks of the Chishui River. Here, there have been typical battles that have left an incomparably glorious mark in the history of the Long March and even the history of world wars."

"Four crossing the Chishui."

"In this battle, the leader commanded the Red Army to cross three rivers six times in three months, and moved to the three provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan, skillfully interspersed between the enemy's heavy military groups, constantly creating fighters, and annihilating the enemy in large numbers during the movement. , firmly grasp the initiative of the battlefield, and achieved a glorious example of the Red Army's Long March history of the Red Army's long march to change from passive to active."

"What's so brilliant about this case? Maybe we can illustrate it with a small example."

"On the fourth crossing of Chishui, our army left the Ninth Corps to contain and confuse the enemy, but the leader did not give up and sacrifice the Ninth Corps as others thought. After that, taking advantage of the stormy night when the enemy's troops were empty, the main force flew across the Wujiang River, and the troops pointed directly at the important town of Guiyang!"

"By besieging Wei and saving Zhao, the pressure on the Ninth Army Corps, which was originally used to block the enemy, has been greatly reduced. In order to save the chief quartermaster, almost all the enemy's troops marched south, leaving a breathing opportunity for the Nine Army Corps to block the enemy."

"And attacking Guiyang was just a false move. After the enemy troops were completely back on defense, the leader led the Red Army to the east to cross the Qingshui River, tricking the enemy to pursue eastward, and at once completely removed the Ninth Army from the siege. Get out."

"After that, the Ninth Corps completely got rid of the enemy under the disguised cover of the main force, successfully merged with the main force, and even after the rendezvous, we chased and killed from the enemy's tail, and turned away from the enemy for more than ten years. The distance of a day's journey."

"This battle showed the leader's commanding wisdom to the fullest. If it is explained in a modern Internet language, it is: In a fair game, the leader closed the fog of war and opened the perspective."

"Every move of the enemy is under his control."

"In today's world, even if communication technology has been highly developed, it has become almost impossible to reproduce such a war case."

"No one can really see through the fog - unless, his vision comes from the sky."

"Yes, what I'm referring to is our Beidou navigation system and high score steering satellite remote sensing system."

"The cooperation of these two systems can accurately control the ground situation to the decimeter level without pressure, which means that maybe we don't need to have the genius and wisdom of leaders now, and we can also strategize the situation on the battlefield. already."

"Of course, in addition to looking at the ground, we didn't ignore the sky."

"The Sky Eye System, with an aperture of more than 500 meters, is one of the largest radio telescopes in the world."

"From its construction to the present, it has discovered more than 370 pulsars that have never been noticed before, and it also provides better conditions for observing special elements in the universe, such as neutral hydrogen."

"More importantly, it can not only observe stars, but also observe various artificial satellites, and issue early warnings to threatening satellites, so that we can rest on the ground and not be afraid of space strikes from other countries."

A picture of the night sky with bright lights appeared on the screen, and after a while, the picture continued to jump.

"Audience friends, we are now at the site of Feiduo Luding Bridge."

"On May 25, 1935, the Red Army troops successfully crossed the Dadu River in the central and western Sichuan Province. They went north along the east bank of the Dadu River. The main force moved north along the west bank of the Dadu River from Anshunchang. Running on the steep mountain road, we ran for 240 miles in one day and night, and finally reached the west bank of Luding Bridge on time at 6:00 a.m. on May 29.”

"The situation we are facing at this time is that after the Red Army crossed the Dadu River in Anshunchang, it would take tens of thousands of Red Army to cross the river with only a few small boats, and it would take a month at the earliest. However, the enemy's pursuit troops The situation is very serious.”

"In a hurry, on the morning of May 26, the leader, Duke Zhou and others immediately issued an order to seize the Luding Bridge."

"At that time, the more than 100 meters of Luding Bridge had been demolished by the enemy with about 80 meters of bridge decks, and machine guns and artillery companies each formed a dense fire on the high ground at the east bridgehead, and tightly blocked the Luding Bridge deck. At noon, the Fourth Red Regiment held a cadre meeting in the Shaba Catholic Church to conduct combat mobilization, and organized 22 bridge-snatching commandos led by company commander Liao Dazhu and instructor Wang Haiyun."

"At four o'clock in the afternoon, 22 warriors braved the hail of bullets to climb the bare iron chains and swooped towards the east bridge head."

"The three soldiers, led by Wang Youcai, followed closely behind, carrying guns, holding the plank in one hand and the chain in the other, laying the bridge deck as they advanced."

"When the warriors climbed to the middle of the bridge, the enemy set a fire at the east bridge head, trying to stop the Red Army from taking the bridge with fire. Facing this sudden flame, Liao Dazhu jumped up and stepped on the bridge deck and rushed to the east bridge head. The warriors Immediately after, he rushed up, drew out his saber, and started a hand-to-hand battle with the enemy."

"At this time, political commissar Yang Chengwu led the team to rush across the East Bridge, repelled the enemy's counterattack, occupied Luding City, and quickly extinguished the bridge fire."

"The entire battle took only two hours, and the Luding Bridge was captured in a thrilling flight, which shattered the enemy's dream of chasing the south and blocking the north and using the Dadu River to turn the Red Army into the second Shi Dakai."

"The Luding Bridge has thus become an important milestone in the Long March period, laying a solid foundation for the realization of the historically significant rendezvous of the First, Second and Fourth Fronts of the Red Army, and finally to the north of Shaanxi to end the Long March."

"This is an immortal chapter in the history of the revolution. It has the magnificent praise of 'thirteen iron chains split the road to the Republic'. Among the ten founding marshals, seven of them passed the Luding Bridge during the Long March."

"And today, we can still see the ruins of the iron chain bridge. But at the same time, we can't help but ask, is there really no way to build a bridge quickly and safely?"

"The answer is, yes."

"In recent years, more and more domestic large-scale engineering equipment has emerged in the world, among which is the world's first thousand-ton bridge erecting machine made in my country, namely the Kunlun bridge erecting machine."

"This bridge erection machine can not only pass through the tunnel without disassembly and assembly, but also withstand strong winds of level 7. It is the only one in the world, and its technical content is ahead of all other countries."

"After this bridge building machine was born, it also participated in many key domestic projects and played an important role in it."

"The Kunlun ship not only undertook the construction of many high-speed rail lines, but even the Fuzhou-Xiamen high-speed rail viaduct, the longest sea-crossing high-speed rail viaduct in China, was finally completed with the help of the Kunlun ship."

"In addition, our army has also established a special unit - the boat bridge unit. The highest record of this unit is to build a bridge spanning hundreds of meters of river in 35 minutes, and it can For the passage of heavy equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles."

"Now, we no longer have to cross the river on a crumbling iron rope."

During the host's introduction, the picture of the Zhouqiao troops flashed, and then the camera switched. The host was wearing a cold-proof suit and stood on the top of a mountain.

"Audience friends, we are now on Jiajin Mountain, and our car is parked on the road below. It seems that the cold climate has not affected this battery."

"Everyone can see that after I got off the bus, it was very difficult to just stand here and talk. Back then, our Red Army soldiers crossed this snow-capped mountain on foot under extremely bad weather conditions and traffic conditions. , what a feat this is."

"Jiajin Mountain is called "Shenxian Mountain" by the local people. When our Red Army team arrived, the people once said that only gods can climb Jiajin Mountain."

"This is an incredible mountain. According to legend, even birds can't fly over it. People should stay away from it, but the fearless Red Army has to fight against fate."

"In the process of crossing the snow, countless heroic deeds emerged in our team, and there are countless people who sleep forever under this snow and ice."

"Among them, the most familiar example is probably the "Monument" that we learned in primary school texts."

"A military chief who doesn't give himself a padded coat, a heroic warrior who calmly and calmly lights himself a dry smoke at the last moment of his life, his image, like all other warriors buried in this, will be In our hearts, build a monument."

"Even on the National Highway 351 where we are now, there may be the heroic souls of the soldiers standing."

"Speaking of Highway 351, it is the only passage over the Jiajin Mountain. Among them, the Jiajin Mountain Pass is as high as 4,100 meters above sea level. Every winter affected by snow and ice, there will be traffic control for up to 3 months, during which only small cars can pass. , which greatly constrained the local economic development.”

"However, this situation is about to change, because on December 26 last year, the Jiajinshan Tunnel officially started construction."

"According to the design standards, the tunnel has a total length of 9.35 kilometers, a construction period of 4 years, a design speed of 60 kilometers per hour, and is open to traffic all year round and all-weather."

"Jiajinshan, Jiajinshan, birds can't fly, mortals can't climb. If you want to cross Jiajinshan, unless the gods come to the world!"

"This folk song that has been passed down since the Long March period will be broken in the near future!"

"And the most critical element to break it is our domestic large shield machine."

"In 2002, the shield tunneling machine project was listed as a national key project. We started from poor and poor, and in just 6 years, the first composite earth pressure balance shield machine with independent intellectual property rights was born."

"The core technology blockade was broken, and for more than ten years since then, as a latecomer, we have continued to set new records in the field of shield tunneling in the world."

"In July last year, the Jinghua, the largest diameter shield machine developed in my country so far, began to expand its territory. This shield machine has a diameter of more than 5 floors, a length equivalent to 7 subway cars, and a weight of 4,300 tons. It consists of 100,000 pieces. Composed of precision components, it is known as the king of construction machinery. It is like a steel pangolin, which can drill tunnels between mountains, underwater and underground cities. In the future, it will also be used in the Jiajinshan tunnel project. "

The screen flashed a series of shocking pictures of the Jinghua shield machine, and then the camera jumped again.

This time, the host appeared on an expanse of grass.

"Friends of the audience, we are now in the Songpan Wetland, which is the grassland that the Red Army walked through on the Long March."

"From 1934 to 1935, the First, Second, and Fourth Fronts of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army successively passed through the grassland, that is, Songpan Wetland. The areas they passed include today's Songpan County, Hongyuan County, and Ruoergai County."

"Songpan Grassland is located in the grasslands of northwestern Sichuan where the plateau and the basin connect, with a vertical and horizontal area of ​​more than 300 kilometers, an area of ​​about 15,200 square kilometers, and an altitude of more than 3,500 meters. Due to poor drainage, large swamps are formed. , covering the swamp."

"The grassland climate is extremely bad, the annual average temperature is below zero, and rain and snow storms come and go."

"Under such a harsh environment, the Red Army faced three main difficulties: one was afraid of swamps, the other was afraid of rain, and the third was afraid of crossing the river."

"Any one of these three will greatly increase the difficulty of the marching process. At that time, the soldiers faced, often the three coexisted."

"In addition, our fighters faced severe food shortages while crossing the grass."

"Wild vegetables, grass, and the belts on their bodies, even the leather loops on the straw sandals, and the drum skins of gongs and drums have all become food for their survival."

"The story of the golden fishhook happened on this grass."

"According to our interview with the old Red Army soldier many years ago, he once showed us the special skill of 'three-eating on the belt'."

"Eat it boiled, eat it roasted, cook it and then roast it."

"It may sound funny, and even when we interviewed, the old soldier's expression was self-deprecating with the spirit of revolutionary optimism, but we all know how extreme and harsh conditions were to give birth to such a poignant Skill."

"In this team, even the supreme leader cannot escape the fate of starvation."

"Before his death, Red Army soldier Dai Tianfu once entrusted the hygienist to bring the leader a paper bag containing a small piece of horse meat for the seriously ill. He said that he had nothing to worry about and only hoped for the success of the revolution."

"Now, our revolution has achieved some success, but at the same time, there is still a long way to go."

"However, at least from now on, Songpan Grassland is no longer the grassland it was 80 years ago."

"There are about 130,000 hectares of virgin forest in Songpan County. This forest is now a paradise for rare animals such as giant pandas, golden monkeys, antelopes, sika deer, etc. The towering mountains contain rich mineral resources, especially the famous Zhangla. Gold is also world-renowned for its high purity and high taste; there are nearly 100 kinds of precious Chinese medicinal materials such as Song Bei and Ten Tianma growing all over the mountains and plains.”

"Our development of this area has retained its most primitive and pure appearance. Compared with those people with ulterior motives who talk about environmental protection internationally, is it more meaningful to do so? "

The picture kept flashing across the beautiful scenery of Songpan Grassland, and the camera switched once again amid the exclamations of the crowd.

"Audience friends, now, we have finally arrived at the last stop of this 25,000-mile journey, which is the holy land of Yan'an."

"Here, we led and directed the next two major wars, achieved the first historic leap in the integration of Marxism-Leninism with our country's reality, gave birth to the leadership ideology, and laid the cornerstone of the republic. The Yan'an spirit nurtured in Yan'an, It is the great spiritual driving force of our country's revolution and construction."

"Our journey this time has come to an end, but our journey of the times is far from reaching the end."

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