Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 250 Panasonic's Great Crisis

Like the ugly country, the island country Panasonic is also gloomy because of the release of sulfur-silicon batteries.

They have paid a huge cost in the past few weeks, and even interrupted most other projects for the so-called lithium-sulfur battery, and put all their funds and resources into the research and development of lithium-sulfur batteries, but when the final interview for this battery came Only then did they realize that what they got in their hands was nothing but a technology that was a whole generation behind others.

What Shanshan shares? What technology leaked?

It's all pretense!

It's just a deliberately thrown smoke bomb, or even a hook with luscious bait.

He swallowed the bait, and as expected, the hook caught his throat.

Now, do they have any way to turn around?

The battery has been produced, and follow-up plans and contracts have been arranged. If it is temporarily changed, it is likely to cause greater losses.

However, if you bite the bullet and continue publishing...

That is equivalent to handing over your original status to others.

In the past few years, Huaxia's battery technology has been expanding its advantages. Now, the other party has not even let itself be the second child.

Winner takes all, which is most vividly reflected in this moment.

Shiraishi sat dejectedly in his office, with a contract in his hand that had only been signed for less than five days.

It was a one-year raw material lithium purchase contract with greenbushese, and the price was 225% of the previous contract.

The numbers on it seemed like a great irony.

Just a few days ago, they were still complacent about getting the world's lowest price, and the company's executives even held a celebration party for themselves.

But now?

This contract has become a nightmare that drags the entire company into the abyss.

After a long silence, Shiraishi said:

"Let's... break the contract."

"If we break the contract, we have to pay 30% of the liquidated damages, and it is a one-time payment, which is an unbearable loss for us!"

"I know, I know. But if we don't break the contract and continue to eat this contract, we will face even greater losses..."

"That's not necessarily true? Although the other party has already controlled the high-end market, it is undeniable that our lithium-sulfur batteries are still competitive to a certain extent. Even if we only do mid-to-low-end, we can still use the price increase effect of the contract within this year. Digested, this is much stronger than our one-time expenditure of huge cash flow!"

Hearing this, Shiraishi shook his head, and the expression on his face became cold and tough again.

After all, he is an old man who has experienced shopping malls. Under such a blow, although he lost his temper in a short period of time, the speed at which he regained his senses was equally astonishing.

His eyes looked directly at the person who spoke, and he reprimanded in a stern tone:

"What kind of opponent do you think we are facing! Where do you think our technology came from?! If it is really a technology leak, it would be fine, but now we have confirmed that this is a smoke bomb deliberately released by the other party, do we still Can you trust the technology in your hands?"

"You didn't even try to understand our opponents in the past! They couldn't have left us anything! Not even a generation behind technology!"

"In previous tests, we have found that there is a problem with the process of steaming sulfur-lithium compounds, and the stability of the battery will deteriorate under the condition of rapid changes in cold and heat, but because we believe that the probability of such an application scenario is low, so There was no immediate solution."

"We have now re-tested it and concluded that even a temperature fluctuation of up to 20 degrees is enough to affect the stability of the battery!"

"And in many parts of the world, their temperature difference between day and night is more than 20 degrees!"

"This kind of impact is very small, yes, but, over time, the probability of a battery deflagration accident will greatly increase!"

"Do you really want to completely destroy our goodwill with such an unstable battery?"

Looking at Shiraishi, who was furious like a hound, all the employees who had originally wanted to raise a different opinion fell silent.

After looking around for a week, Shiraishi organized a vote, and then determined the strategy of breaking the contract by a ratio of 55 to 32.

That night, Panasonic issued a notice of breach of contract with greenbushese, but they did not recall the batteries that had been shipped ahead of schedule.

Everyone was immersed in pain, and the rounds of bowing and apology seemed to have no end. However, such apologies did not bring good results in the end.

Because on the second day after they began to organize the comprehensive improvement of lithium-sulfur battery technology, a battery purchased by a small car company in the island country deflagrated, causing a test driver to suffer minor burns.

The flames also ignited a grocery store on the side of the road. Fortunately, the fire was extinguished in time, and it did not cause more serious consequences.

Without any hesitation, the car company immediately filed a judicial complaint against Panasonic, and within a few days, the preliminary technical findings were announced:

The reason for the detonation of the battery was simply because the car entered the automated car wash to wash the car after driving under the scorching sun, and then continued to drive under the scorching sun for a short period of time.

The drastic temperature change caused the battery to detonate, just as Panasonic had discovered.

The investigation is still continuing, but internal information has already begun to flow out. An insider of Panasonic who did not want to be named revealed that they had already discovered this hidden danger, but considering the market and goodwill, they did not immediately recall it.

The remark caused an uproar, and Panasonic wanted to struggle, but official investigations followed, and in the end, they were forced to admit to the technical flaws, recall all batteries, and bow and apologize.

A well-known company with a century-old reputation has once again faced a huge crisis.


Chuan Shu, Shu Fei Factory.

Ye Zhou sat in an office reserved for him, with reports on the recent scandal at the Panasonic Group on the screen.

"You guys are doing it very hard, you dare to bury such technical loopholes, are you not afraid that something big will happen?"

Chen Hao, who was sitting opposite, smiled and replied:

"It's not our responsibility if something goes wrong. You see, the technology we gave to Shanshan is exactly the same as that obtained by Panasonic. Why didn't Shanshan do such a thing?"

"The answer is very simple, Shanshan still has our shares inside, so we strictly require them to release it after all the tests are completed. And Panasonic? They gave up so many things in order to grab time, so that many decisions have been deformed."

"So, no matter what kind of technical loopholes, it will not directly lead to serious consequences. It just seems that they are arrogant and careless."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou nodded.

This is indeed a fact. The process of steaming sulfur-lithium compounds is not mature enough. Logically, the other party should go through repeated tests before listing this battery.

But they didn't, and that's a serious problem.

The nature of this behavior is the same as a certain Sla pushes the intelligence of the whole car when the intelligent system is not perfect, resulting in a series of problems such as locking the car, loss of control, and brake failure.

They are all dying.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"This time, Panasonic was basically beaten down, and our opponents are gradually becoming fewer, which is good."

"Stop talking about them. I plan to stay here in Chendu later. You can help me arrange it."

Chen Hao nodded in agreement, and then asked:

"What's your next plan? Continue with the Nantianmen plan, or develop exoskeletons, or continue to optimize batteries?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"These are all things you have to do. I can't follow up the follow-up optimization of the technology. The cost-effectiveness ratio is too low."

"I have to go and blaze new trails."

"In the next step, I plan to engage in dedicated-level quantum computing first."

"The direction is not known yet, maybe it is molecular simulation, maybe it is RSA decryption, maybe it is quantum machine learning... In short, it will bring us some new changes."

This chapter is used to make up for the chapter I owed yesterday, and tomorrow's update will be around nine o'clock.

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