Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 256 Special Quantum Computing Project Launched

Ye Zhou exited the simulator, and after reviewing the results according to his habit, he directly exported all the documents to the large-capacity hard drive.

To his surprise, the topological quantum computer's documentation far exceeded all the documents he had exported before, filling two 10tb hard drives.

However, judging from the outline he browsed, most of these documents are high-precision images and three-dimensional models. There are not many purely theoretical texts, and the overall learning difficulty is relatively low.

Of course, it is only "relative".

At present, the mainstream direction of quantum computer research in China is still the direction of low-temperature superconductivity. Only Chang'an Jiaotong University has made breakthroughs in this field. They have successfully constructed jackiw-rebbi zero mode in quantum spin insulators, which can be regarded as the realization of their own topological quantum A necessary first step in computer technology.

In addition, how to improve the brightness of two-photon entanglement, how to efficiently fabricate photon clusters, and how to fabricate photon interferometers that filter noise... These technical difficulties still require researchers to understand and master by reading documents.

Only when they really grasp the principle can they further understand the manufacturing process from the principle.

Time is still tight.

The quantum computer project is different from all other projects. It is not a project that can be started immediately with a blueprint, but it needs to complete the theory, complete the foundation, and build a talent system before it can be started.

Therefore, for me, the most important thing now is to hand over these documents as soon as possible and start the document absorption work.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou picked up the phone and called Chen Hao directly.

At this time, it was two o'clock in the morning, and the phone rang several times before Chen Hao answered the phone in a daze.

"Hello?.......Engineer Ye, what are you doing so late? Can't wait for Ming if something happens?"

"...It's not that you can't wait until Ming, but I thought you hadn't slept yet, so I called directly."

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone sighed deeply, and then said:

"Big brother, it's two o'clock, who wouldn't sleep at this time? Even if it is exploited, it won't be exploited to this extent, right?"

"...Well, I'll tell you tomorrow, you should have a good rest first."

"...Say, say it now! Do you think I can fall asleep because of your appetite? What, do you have a new idea for the battery project?"

Ye Zhou subconsciously shook his head and replied:

"It's not batteries, it's quantum computing."

"Quantum computing?"

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned. He sat up from the bed, got out of bed and found slippers, walked out of the room, and walked to the balcony.

Chen Hao asked himself while lighting a cigarette:

"Are you going to start the project now? In a hurry?"

He was careful to avoid any talk about the source of the technology, not only to protect Ye Zhou, but also to protect the country.

After all, they never knew where these technologies came from, and they didn't know what the consequences would be if they asked Ye Zhou. There is only one experience they have confirmed and have confirmed many times, and that is:

As long as he doesn't ask, Ye Zhou will continue to produce results.

If so, what is there to ask?

Hearing Chen Hao's question, Ye Zhou replied:

"I want to start now, because this project needs to lay a lot of theoretical foundations, I need you to delineate the relevant personnel as soon as possible to form a project team, and then start the theoretical construction work as quickly as possible, this as soon as possible, I mean , it is best to determine the preliminary candidates within tomorrow."

After speaking, Ye Zhou quietly waited for Chen Hao's answer.

"It's too urgent to complete it. We have too few talents in quantum computing. To determine the scope of personnel, we need to collect and report level by level. This process takes time."

"A week, this is the fastest I can do. I will notify the staff of the General Technical Office now, and let them inform them step by step. Where are the technical materials? Now or wait for the staff to call?"

Ye Zhou was taken aback by this question, and after thinking for a long time, he answered:

"After the personnel are called up. Also, for this project, I require that the proportion of talents in the defense field should be at least 20%."

"This is not a commercial project. This is a very, very sensitive and extremely dangerous strategic project. If any information leaks in the middle, it may lead to a large-scale hot war ahead of schedule."

"So, the level of secrecy on this project has to be adjusted to the highest level -- the same level as nuclear weapons."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao instantly woke up.

He knows that Ye Zhou will not misjudge the importance of a technology. What kind of technology can be developed in a semi-open way, and what kind of technology must be kept secret throughout the whole process, in fact, in the young man's heart, he knows Clearly.

On the three previous projects, he didn't have to be less concerned with the actual technical field, and now he's asking for more secrecy than ever before.

The implication of this is obvious.

"Is this technology...advanced?"

"No, it's not advanced. I personally think that even without me, the technology would be breakthrough and practical in ten years."

"Then why..."

"Because of the window period."

Ye Zhou interrupted Chen Hao and continued:

"There is a very critical window period for this technology, and I can give you an example to illustrate that window period."

"For example, in a country where nuclear weapons have not yet been invented, we and our opponents are racing against time to develop nuclear weapons. Then, the time we are ahead of our opponents is the so-called window period."

"During this window period, we will occupy the absolute initiative, and even if it is more aggressive, we can use this initiative to directly end the other party's research and development process."

"The quantum computing technology this time is also like this. What I want to do is a dedicated quantum computer for rsa decoding based on topological systems. The only purpose of this computer is to decode rsa encryption."

"You should know what RSA encryption is and what it means to the world if we can decode it."

"So, you can probably understand the reason why I made this confidentiality request now?"

Chen Hao took a deep breath and replied:

"I can understand."

What Ye Zhou wants to do is a heavenly eye that can see through everything.

This sky eye can not last long, maybe only a few years, but within these few years, Huaxia will have absolute information authority.

Therefore, he wants to ensure that this technology can be applied smoothly as much as possible, and at the same time extend the window period as much as possible.

Therefore, confidentiality becomes the first factor to be considered.

"It's good if you can understand it, then follow this general direction. I will deliver the document to you tomorrow morning, and then you will follow up with the higher-level decision on the specific internal disclosure time."


After Chen Hao finished his last puff of cigarette and put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, he suddenly said as if he had remembered something:

"Exactly, I have one more thing, do you want to listen?"

"Just say it straight."

"The ugly country has started negotiations with us, and the main issue is around international crude oil supply."

"Did they admit it?"

Ye Zhou asked in a slightly teasing tone.

"Yes, admit it. Our goal now is to use the advantages we have obtained in the energy field to obtain the greatest benefits as much as possible. There can be many exchange conditions. Before the formal negotiation, I would like to ask for your advice. "

"What do you think we need to start with?"

After pondering for a while, Ye Zhou answered:

"Agriculture, biochemistry, aerospace—forget it, don't need aerospace, let's replace it with finance. You can try to ask for concessions in finance, especially in the field of currency."

"Understood. Anything else to add?"

"Yes. Don't be afraid to distribute the benefits to them. The reason why they crave benefits is because the entire country is controlled by capital. It is the nature of capital to pursue benefits."

"However, the situation has changed now. The afterglow of chemical energy is about to come, and the sun, which belongs to new energy, is about to rise."

"We want the authority to speed up the sunset, not that little afterglow."

"Use this afterglow to exchange for more and longer-term benefits, and then help our sun rise faster."

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