Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 259 Why Can't I Walk Anymore?

"What do you mean by not walking anymore?"

Ye Zhou asked suspiciously.

"I don't know how to describe it... Anyway, it is said that it is just like coming down from space, and the brain's judgment on the muscle group that needs to be mobilized to complete a certain action is confused. When hanging from the exoskeleton, maybe only a little force is required, but without the exoskeleton it requires more force."

"This kind of confusion causes coordination in the whole body to fail, so the end result is that they can't walk for a long time after the exoskeleton is removed."

"...I didn't expect that there would be such a problem."

"We didn't expect it, probably because the previous mechanical exoskeleton test time was not long, and the general battery life was less than 4 hours. Now the exoskeleton test time we use exceeds 24 hours, and it is under complex combat exercises. Tested, the modification of brain reflexes is more profound."

"Is there a solution?"

"No, it can only rely on training. However, it is very difficult to solve this difference through training. Many actions during combat rely on instinctive muscle memory. If you want to adapt to no exoskeleton and exoskeleton, In the two states, two sets of muscle memory systems must be trained, and these two systems must be able to switch at any time... In short, there is no good way to give feedback from the troops for the time being."

"All right......."

Ye Zhou nodded and stopped asking questions.

He really doesn't have a say in it, because he hasn't experienced exoskeletons firsthand -- in fact, even if he did, he couldn't come up with an effective solution.

Not because it's too hard for him, but because it's too easy for him to have two sets of muscle memory.

Because he has a talent for thinking programming that can be called a bug in this regard.

He can completely solidify the two sets of muscle memory in the subconscious sea of ​​strings, and then trigger them separately on the condition of mounting the exoskeleton, so that the two systems can be switched smoothly.

However, such skills cannot be generalized to ordinary soldiers.

After pondering for a while, Ye Zhou asked:

"Can recruits get used to these two sets of muscle memory by increasing the volume of training?"

Chen Hao nodded with a wry smile and replied:

"Yes, of course, but the problem is, it almost means doubling the training volume."

"You know, our army's training volume is already very large. If it is doubled, most ordinary soldiers can't bear it - and the mechanical exoskeleton is a kind of universal equipment. The purpose of its production is to In order to make it available to all ordinary soldiers."

This is an almost unsolvable paradox.

Of course, Ye Zhou can say that the mechanical exoskeleton is preferentially used for the elite team, just like the Spartan team in Halo, but in this way, the role that the exoskeleton can play is extremely limited.

The future war cannot be solved by just a few elite soldiers. The role of a powerful individual in the war will become lower and lower. Only by trying to solve those basic problems can the combat effectiveness be maximized.

It's a very simple truth, each person in an army of millions of people can increase the combat effectiveness by 5%, and the very small part of these soldiers can increase the combat effectiveness by 500%, and the impact on the entire battlefield is completely different.

For this situation, Ye Zhou could only sigh.

Take it slow, after all, a new thing, especially a new thing that may bring revolutionary changes, always has to go through a long running-in period. I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, and I can only take it one step at a time and try it one step at a time. .

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"You and I will leave it alone. Let professional personnel solve this kind of problem. However, if I think of any technical solution, I will still tell you my own thoughts."

"You don't want to try it yourself?"

Chen Hao asked in surprise.

He thought that after Ye Zhou heard that the mechanical exoskeleton was launched, he would immediately pull him to try it. After all, this young man has always been in a state of curiosity about new things.

In my heart, it is this state of curiosity or expectation that can drive the other party to complete extremely high-intensity work with high enthusiasm in various projects.

Now, if this state changes, although it may be a small problem for him, Chen Hao has to consider how this will affect the follow-up work in the dimension of the entire country.

However, such worries hadn't completely turned around in his mind, and Ye Zhou's next sentence immediately hit him in the face.

"...When did I say I wouldn't try it? I just said what do I call this kind of.... It's just that there is no way to do this kind of differential effect after the armor is removed."

Ye Zhou on the opposite side continued to say with a face full of reason:

"The significance of the old man like you not moving the mechanical exoskeleton at all, starting from the mechanical exoskeleton, to the Thor's Hammer, to the Titan, to the Gundam.... It's the dream of a man who doesn't grow up, right? "

"You don't care whether the actual role of the mecha is great or not, and how far it will develop in the future. You just say that it is handsome or not."

"Although it's just a small mechanical exoskeleton, this is the first step. How could I not be interested?"

Chen Hao listened to Ye Zhou's words in silence, and then replied slightly aggrieved:

"Brother, can I call you brother? I'm only 37 this year. I also watched Gundam grow up, okay? The generation gap between us is really not as big as you think."

"...Well, it's mainly because you are too bald. I always feel that you are not from the same era as me."

"...I thank you, I just have thinning hair, not to the point of alopecia areata -- plus, I'm born with less hair, not because of age."

Ye Zhou smiled and didn't answer Chen Hao's words. After a pause, he suddenly said with some emotion:

"Speaking of which, although the mecha is really handsome, from any point of view in reality, the mecha will not become the mainstream development trend."

"There is no way to solve the problem of materials science, and if the materials are solved, more and better firepower delivery solutions will be born."

"A mecha with an armor thickness of ten meters cannot withstand an armor-piercing projectile with a depth of twenty meters using new materials, and the cost of the latter may be only one thousandth of the former."

Chen Hao nodded and said in agreement:

"It's true. I talked to the people from the Weapons Group before, and their views are basically the same as yours."

"Mecha is a development direction with a very high lower limit but a very low upper limit. Just like we are now, just to make a mechanical exoskeleton, we need to overcome many technical difficulties, and after these technical difficulties are broken, if you want to Continue upward in this direction, and its technological margin will start to diminish at an alarming rate.”

"So, the most sci-fi ideas of those engineers for future mechas are just the Thor's hammer. It is used for individual soldiers, has energy field shields, and can meet the needs of high-intensity special operations. Going up, it is estimated that won't do it anymore."

Ye Zhou hummed and replied:

"This direction is correct. However, the technical difficulty of Thor's Hammer is not lower than that of Titan and Gundam. Then again, do you still know what is Thor's Hammer?"

"It's here again? Big brother, Halo is a game from 2001. We were called Halo at that time. How old were you in 2001? 3 years old? You still look down on me. I used to be a high-end player too. Bar."

"Then do you know how to fight a gnoll?"

"...The plasma gun charged up to hit the shield gap, killing him with one shot."

"...You've really played. Well, let's not talk about this with you, when will I be arranged to try the mechanical exoskeleton?"

Chen Hao opened his computer to check the latest schedule, and then replied:

"If you're not busy, you can do it tomorrow."

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