Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Two Hundred And Sixty Seventh Living First-Class Hero

Zhu Xuansheng leaned back on the chair reluctantly. Now he is no longer hungry, because every time he peeled a banana, Chen Li would stuff the failed product into his mouth, and he ate enough in a few hours. Twenty, and Chen Li was not even satisfied.

"Xiaoya, go buy another bag and come back. The last few have been peeled off very well. Let's work harder and try to train it today and optimize the convolution model. Basically, you can almost find users to try it out."

"...Brother Chen, it really can't be stuffed anymore. It's full, and it's overflowing."

"...Don't use such a bad word, okay? I can't eat it? I can't eat it. Just peel it off and eat it."

"...Stuffing you up too? Okay, buy it, I'll take a break."

When Chu Ya returned from buying the bananas, the three of them began to enter the test non-stop. This simple and repeated test lasted for a whole day. In the end, with the assistance of artificial intelligence, Zhu Xuan was able to skillfully perform the test without the aid of vision. Peel the banana without feedback.

And when Chen Li took off the blindfold for him, this proficiency was directly improved by a level. The whole operation seemed to be smooth and smooth, and it was even extremely close to the speed of Chen Li's normal operation with both hands.

"It's really good. The algorithm you wrote is very fast in self-optimization. I turned it on an automatic mode tonight and let it simulate the fine motor model again. It is estimated that it can officially enter the test tomorrow."

Zhu Xuan stepped down from the operating seat with difficulty, rubbed his stomach and slowed down for a while before answering:

"Very good....I don't have to peel the bananas tomorrow, right?"

"No, we have other arrangements for tomorrow. Come on, Xiaoya, help to dismantle the things and pack the equipment. Tomorrow we will go to the user to try it out."

"Try it out so soon?"

Zhu Xuan's expression was a little surprised.

In fact, although their bci project has been in progress for nearly two years, the real results were more than two months ago, and the time to enter the large-scale high-intensity test was only three weeks.

Although the results of the test are satisfactory now, it is still a bit too hasty in his opinion to pull it out for the test.

"There's no way. The military needs to be in a hurry. Our achievements are still concentrated on the upper body, and the lower body has not been done yet."

"Can't take people's money to eliminate disasters? First, the upper body is tested, the problem is solved, and then we can concentrate on the lower body."

"However, the neural control of the lower body is much simpler than that of the upper body. I don't think it's a big problem. It is estimated that the results will be produced within two or three months. By then, our domestic mechanical exoskeleton products will have a qualitative leap."

Hearing this, Zhu Xuan nodded slightly.

He actually knew that although Chen Li said it lightly, as if he just completed a task, in fact, the effort he put into this project is definitely not measurable by money.

Recalling that when Chen Li recruited himself into the project team, what convinced him was not salary, fame, or qualifications, but the sincere words he said to him at the end.

"...Student Zhu Xuan, I know that at your current level, it is not difficult to find a job with an annual salary of more than 3 million yuan in the market, and even if you choose the right industry, you can Financial freedom in a very short period of time.”

"However, I still hope to win you over for two reasons."

"The first rule is that here, you are not unable to achieve financial freedom, and you may even end up with more economic benefits than going to work in a private company, but the process of realizing this will take time."

"Second, I think that making money is no longer challenging for you at your level. I believe you will be willing to try something more meaningful and change the world."

"Our country now has 24 million physically disabled people, and a considerable number of them are completely disabled. If you can bring them back to normal life, your name will be written on the national scientific research in history."

"Of course, we will have difficulties in the short term, whether it is funds or manpower, it will be relatively tight, but I believe that this situation will change soon."

"We should try to do the right and difficult things, not the simple but meaningless things, shouldn't we?"


And now, this correct and difficult thing is probably about to be completed by them?

Thinking of this, Zhu Xuan couldn't help but look forward to it.

He happily bent down to help Chen Li pack the equipment that had been dismantled and placed neatly on the ground, and then asked:

"Brother Chen, is there any insider information on this military project? How far should we go? Will there be a dangerous vagabond out?"

"...What are you thinking in your mind? What we are doing is a mechanical exoskeleton for individual soldiers and individuals, and the focus of the first stage is for the disabled, what the hell is a dangerous homeless person? What's the use of coming out, being a guard of honor?"

"Isn't that handsome... What is this?"

Zhu Xuan pointed to a black box that Chu Ya handed over and asked.

"This is a high-density sulfur-silicon battery sent by BYD. It is blade-type and can be used as an external power supply for the robotic arm."

"Has this been tested?"

"It has been tested, and the performance is very strong. I heard that the military put it on the latest mechanical exoskeleton, and it can support more than 24 hours of full power operation. The power is more than 10 times that of the current ternary lithium battery."

"10 times?? This is the hot battery that was fried some time ago? The one led by the General Technical Office?"

"Yeah, did you just react now?"

Zhu Xuan fiddled with the battery in his hand in disbelief, and said with some emotion:

"I just didn't expect to reach the application stage so quickly. Hey, Brother Chen, why don't we take it out and play?"

"...I already played it yesterday, don't take it apart, I have to repack it later, I'll play it for you tomorrow."

"Oh... By the way, what the hell is this general technical office doing? Why does it feel like the battery came out all of a sudden and without a sound? I can't believe it."

Hearing this, Chen Li smiled slightly.

In fact, as the leader of the core project, he has much higher confidentiality authority than Zhu Xuan, so he has more information than the other party.

He not only knew that the battery was the work of the General Technical Office, but also knew that the mechanical exoskeleton project he was about to do was actually led by the General Technical Office.

However, he could not disclose such information to Zhu Xuan until the official appointment of the entire organization of the project team.

After thinking for a moment, he answered:

"Don't worry about what this master technique does, anyway, it's full of monsters..."

"More monsters than you? A 27-year-old with a double doctorate actually calls others monsters?"

"That's more monsters than me..."

Chen Li did not continue to answer.

He remembered the legendary Flint Organization.

No matter who this organization is composed of, it is certain that what they represent is definitely the highest level of scientific research and technology in China.

Will there be a day when I can join this organization and use the code name of Suiren?

He was looking forward to that day.

An hour later, all the equipment on the ground was finally packed. Chen Li packed the equipment into several special trolley cases, then clapped his hands and said with satisfaction:

"Okay, everything is ready now, get on the plane at nine o'clock tomorrow and get ready for the test!"

"Airplane? Why isn't it in this city?"

Zhu Xuan was a little puzzled. According to the normal operation process, even if an external test is to be introduced, the principle of proximity should be followed.

"No, this time our test subjects are special. We will fly to Spring City by plane tomorrow, and then go to the military hospital over there to do the test."

"Military District Hospital?"

Zhu Xuan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something.

In the past few days of testing, all they are doing is based on mi control operations without visual feedback, and the algorithm is constantly optimizing based on this direction.

So, they simulate not just disabled people, but disabled people who have lost both their eyesight and their arms.

In this way, the identity of the first tester is obvious.

After a few seconds of silence, he asked:

"Brother Chen, I really want to guess who it is."

"I guessed it, you can remember him, at least it means that you haven't forgotten your roots. How about it, do you feel that what you do is meaningful in an instant?"

Zhu Xuan nodded solemnly and replied:

"There is no greater meaning than this."

Chu Ya on the side smiled and listened to the conversation between the two. In fact, she guessed this mysterious tester from the very beginning, but she didn't ask Chen Li for confirmation.

She looked up at the southwest sky, and in that direction, above the deep watery night sky, hung a dazzling evening star.

After a while, she withdrew her gaze and affixed all the equipment with a confidentiality and inspection-free seal.

After tomorrow, one person will be the first to try out these devices outside the lab.

And this person is one of the few first-class heroes who are still alive in the history of the Republic.

"Conqueror of the Dead Zone", Du Fuguo.

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