Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 268 You Guys Are Really Awesome In Scientific Research

Early the next morning, three people from Zhejiang University's bci laboratory came to the airport with large and small equipment. Due to the great achievements, this time they also enjoyed the treatment of a special plane transfer.

Zhu Xuan was full of curiosity about this plane. From beginning to end, he looked like he had never seen the world before. In comparison, the other two were much more reserved. However, when they saw the chief technical officer at the airport When the staff of the other party, on behalf of the General Technical Office, welcomed them to officially join the project team, everyone's faces showed a bit of excitement.

After all, this is the general technical office.

An organization that has risen in a short period of time and even has a tendency to surpass the National Development and Reform Commission in power.

Sitting in the special car to the hospital, Zhu Xuan couldn't help but ask:

"Comrade, we have participated in the project of the General Technical Office this time, will we be regarded as internal personnel in the future? Can we tell it? Or we are all secret personnel, so we need to keep our names incognito?"

The staff in the front seat smiled and replied:

"You are also insiders. The Zhejiang University bci project has always been our key project, but because your project is mainly for civilian use, there is no such a high level of confidentiality."

"After joining the military project this time, your secrecy level will rise slightly, but in fact, it will not rise too much, and it will not affect your daily life-after all, exoskeletons are still a relatively open topic, and all countries have In doing it, there are also some results of their own.”

" there any items that are classified?"

Zhu Xuan's expression was a little disappointed. After all, he was still a young man, and his temperament was relatively detached. Idealism accounted for a large proportion of his thinking logic. In his opinion, if he could join a national-level confidential project, that kind of Compelling results are not comparable to ordinary results.

Even if you can't mention it to others, only you know it, it will bring a kind of refreshing feeling of manipulating everything behind the scenes.

The staff looked at his expression and didn't know what to say for a while.

"...I certainly can't tell you about the high-level projects, or what about the level of security? However, I heard that you have made great achievements in convolutional neural networks, and this one is very sophisticated. There are still many applications in the field, and if there are related projects in the future, someone will definitely contact you, and then you can make your own decision.”


Hope rekindled, and the look of anticipation reappeared on Zhu Xuan's face.

After driving for more than two hours, several people finally arrived at the military district hospital at their destination. The staff arranged for people to remove all their equipment from the car and moved them to the ward.

The first time they walked into the ward, the three saw the Chinese soldier who had appeared countless times in the report.

He was wearing sunglasses as always on his face, and he was wearing loose summer training clothes. He was sitting in front of the window basking in the sun, and a girl across from him smiled and listened to him, peeling an apple in her hand.

Du Fuguo also had a smile on his face. He didn't seem to notice anyone coming in, but was talking to himself.

"...So, if you want to make yourself a female voice, the most important thing is to close the vocal cords, that is, to artificially flatten and elongate the vocal cords, so that the voice becomes higher and thinner."

"At the same time, pay attention to the breath. The breath used by boys to speak is different from that of girls. Girls' breath is mainly vomit, and it is necessary to form a pharyngeal resonance."

"Look, I'll show you."

Speaking, Du Fuguo's voice suddenly changed.

"Hello everyone, this is Midnight Radio, I'm your host Xiaolu..."

His voice was sharp and thin, and although it had the meaning of a female voice, his skill was obviously not in place, and it sounded extremely funny.

The girl opposite was amused by him, and Zhu Xuan, who had just entered the ward, couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hearing the sound from the door, Du Fuguo was stunned for a moment. He noticed that someone was coming in, so he quickly got up and stood up. The girl next to him introduced him in a low voice. After listening, he had an embarrassed smile on his face. Somewhat embarrassedly said:

"Comrade, I'm sorry, I'm practicing my broadcasting skills here. I was going to do a broadcasting program before..."

"It's okay, we just think it's funny, we don't mean to laugh at you."

Chen Li answered quickly.

He knew that Du Fuguo had been practicing broadcasting and hosting since he lost his sight, and wanted to tell the story of the troops to everyone on the radio, so he was not surprised to see the other party practicing broadcasting skills.

The only thing that surprised him was that the other party had already started to learn quite professional vocal skills such as falsetto.

Probably this is just like what he has always pursued, no matter what he does, he must be the ultimate.

Minesweeper is like this, so is broadcasting.

Chen Li had read the report and knew the growth process of this minesweeper hero.

When he first joined the mine-sweeping team, Du Fuguo, who had only completed junior high school, was actually very difficult to complete those complex theoretical studies, so that he only scored 32 points in the first test on the theoretical knowledge of mine-sweeping after joining the team.

However, he has never regarded the disadvantage of his own conditions as an obstacle. From the theoretical study to the simulation practice, he spent many times the time and energy of other people, and even often practiced under the hot sun for more than 6 hours, even his comrades. Let him go to play and say he doesn't have time.

It is precisely because of this that he passed the assessment in a very short period of time and was sent to Laoshan for practical training.

In the three years he was there, he entered and exited the minefield more than 1,000 times, successfully discharged more than 2,400 mines, dealt with more than 20 dangerous situations, and grew into a top expert in the team.

This is probably a belief, right?

Chen Li secretly sighed, walked up to hold Du Fuguo's hand and introduced himself:

"Brother Du, we are the operators of the Zhejiang brain-computer interface team. Today we are here to test our newly developed robotic arm. This arm is controlled by brain waves. Other colleagues should have introduced it to you before. right?"

Hearing this, Du Fuguo nodded quickly.

"I've been introduced, I've been introduced. It's hard work for you, and I came all the way here. In fact, I said that my arm is very easy to use now, and I can basically take care of myself in life. Trouble you."

"What trouble is this! We thank you, and you've helped us a lot if you're willing to help us test it."

While talking, Chen Li instructed the other two to start unpacking the equipment. Du Fuguo, who was on the side, heard the voice and asked:

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Chen Li subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he closed his mouth again, and after a moment of indulgence, he replied:

"Then I'll trouble you, help us unpack the boxes - there are so many boxes, they were all wrapped with tape when we boarded the plane before, and it was very laborious to disassemble. We have to assemble the equipment, and then Too busy to miss dinner time."

"Okay, you are busy with your work, and I will fight for you!"

The two of them squatted down together. Du Fuguo fumbled and replaced the prosthesis on his left wrist with a needle-shaped front frame, and then used the remaining wrist of his right hand to fumble to find the packing box that Chen Li pushed over. After finding the position of the tape, he Skillfully cut the tape, and then tore the tape off with hand and mouth.

The girl on the side just watched his movements, and from time to time, she helped him remove the tape from the corners of his mouth with his hands. Even though there were beads of sweat on his forehead, they didn't help him wipe it.

After more than half an hour, all the boxes were dismantled by Du Fuguo, Chen Li said in surprise:

"It's over so soon? Brother Du, your movements are quick enough."

"That's not!"

Du Fuguo took a few deep breaths, then sat down on the ground, shook his head slyly, shook off his sunglasses, propped up his clothes with his hands and wiped two smears on his face, and then continued:

"Don't look at me now, I can't see my hands and I have a problem. My work has not been affected much. Let me tell you, I can fold the quilt by myself in a month after I get off the operating table.

"That's really awesome... This Xiaoxuan in our laboratory, the robotic arm has been practiced by him for two weeks, and he uses it like a monkey."

"Hahahahaha, you don't like to say that about your own comrade-in-arms."

Hearing the two of them teasing him, Zhu Xuan couldn't help but interject and said:

"Brother Du, don't listen to his nonsense. I was forced by him. Yesterday, in order to practice peeling bananas with a robotic hand, I ate at least twenty bananas. Isn't this a monkey?"

"Can you still peel bananas??"

A look of surprise appeared on Du Fuguo's face.

"Yeah, there is basically no problem with fine movements. I'm not proficient. In theory, if I'm proficient, it's not a big problem to use a pen to write."

Hearing his words, Du Fuguo suddenly fell silent.

The muscles on his face twitched slightly, and after a long while he asked:

"But I can't that okay?"

"Of course, we blindfolded our eyes when we tested."

Hearing this, Du Fuguo subconsciously opened his mouth, and then said slightly tremblingly:

"I'm going, you guys who do scientific research are really awesome..."

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