Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 269 I Have Fantasized About My Arm Countless Times

The equipment installation process lasted nearly two hours. During this process, Du Fuguo kept chatting with the three of them, which surprised everyone.

The information they had previously learned on TV was one-sided—or at least incomplete. From the few thousand-word reports, they could not have imagined the character of this demining hero who sacrificed for his comrades without hesitation. .

Optimistic, free and easy, with a strange sense of humor that is unique to the Southwest, but at the same time extremely knowledgeable, no matter what he talks about, he can pick up a few sentences without any problems.

However, he did not limit himself because of his knowledge. When talking about areas that he really did not dabble in, more often he just asked questions and listened silently.

After two hours, Zhu Xuan felt that he was almost convinced by his charisma.

Looking at the beautiful girl sitting beside him again, he also had a natural feeling in his eyes, that's how it should be.

After all the equipment was assembled, Zhu Xuan took Du Fuguo to the chair and sat down, then said:

"Brother Du, our robotic arm was originally designed with full-arm logic, including both the upper arm and the forearm. Now we have dealt with it according to your situation, but because the logic is damaged, it may take a certain amount of training time. ----I'm talking about AI training time."

"This process depends on luck. It may take a few hours or ten minutes. You need a little patience and cooperation."

"Don't worry, I'm very patient in everything I do."

While speaking, Du Fuguo felt the pressure on his wrist and continued to ask:

"Can we start now?"

"Okay, what we need to do now is to let you adapt to the motion logic of this arm. You only have the right hand on the robotic arm. You can try to move first, and use the left arm to sense the position and length of the robotic arm."

"it is good."

Du Fuguo moved his arms, while Chen Li and the three of them stared at the egg signal display on the screen. Then the three were surprised to find that the other party's egg signal strength was much higher than that of the average person.

Numerous chaotic signals have begun to flow into the control program of the robotic arm through the decoder, and the wrist and fingers of the robotic arm have begun to move uncontrollably.

Zhu Xuan wanted to temporarily turn off the control function, but after thinking for a moment, Chen Li raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't move, it's a good thing. He has never used a bci-controlled arm, and the most important thing now is not to let him learn how to use it properly, but to let him develop a general concept of the robotic arm."

"Although it seems that the movement is disordered now, after the skin of his left hand perceives the robotic arm, his brain will start to automatically build logic, and slowly he will be able to learn to control it."

Sure enough, just as Chen Li expected, Du Fuguo was startled by the chaotic robotic arm at first. When the fingers of the robotic arm touched his left forearm, it wasn't just his left hand that felt the tactile signal. , the electrical stimulation signal generated by the pressure sensor was also transmitted to his right arm.

More than a dozen electrodes distributed in different positions jumped, which made him a little panic.

But after just a few seconds, he didn't even ask Chen Li, he already understood the meaning of this electrode.

This is to use the touch of other parts of the body to replace the touch of the original palm.

His original prosthetic limb also had this function, but that prosthetic limb used sonic ranging. As long as it sensed an object in front of him, it would emit a short sound to remind him.

This method is very inefficient and has poor accuracy. In comparison, he is more adaptable to the method of electrical stimulation.

"Hey, your robotic arms are so finely crafted...I'll touch it."

"This is the index finger, ouch, you can't use force, it's a little numb if you use too much force."

"Yes, the current is adjusted according to the pressure. You are too hard."

"I can't help it, I can't control this right hand, maybe it's the logic confusion you just said? I don't know... This is the thumb, um, the feedback of the thumb is on the elbow joint."

"Middle finger.... The feedback of the middle finger is on the upper arm. Ouch, this is the second joint of the middle finger, right? There is feedback here too?"

Chen Li glanced at the egg signal graph on the screen, and then replied:

"Yes, this design is mainly for the convenience of grasping objects with relatively small diameters, like what Zhu Xuan said before."

"It's great... Dr. Chen, I can probably understand how this robotic arm operates, but this exercise is not easy."

"It's really not low. To be honest, you have to completely adapt to this robotic arm, and it will take more than a year to conservatively estimate."

"One year...don't worry, I won't take that long - give me three months."

With a confident smile on Du Fuguo's face, he continued to experiment with the robotic arm.

Chen Li found that he didn't even need to give any instructions to the other party. He seemed to have some kind of talent, and he naturally learned a whole set of training ideas.

I saw that he first used his left arm to help the robotic arm to bend the other four fingers, leaving only one index finger to stick out, and then tried hard to control the index finger movement to tap his left hand.

At the very beginning, it even took him several minutes to successfully control a single tap with his index finger, but from his face, Chen Li could not see the slightest disappointment.

He was just trying perseveringly, as if he was doing something extremely difficult but extremely great.

---- However, it is indeed great.

Chen Li had a hunch in his heart that even if he put aside all the heroic deeds of the opponent before, his name would appear in the future history of science and technology.

Because he will be the first to use an artificial robotic arm proficiently, and without visual feedback.

This will lay a solid milestone for the domestic bci career, because outside of technology, he will rely on himself to prove a thing that everyone expects, but everyone dare not confirm.

That is, humans and machines can co-exist and cooperate.

Half an hour later, Du Fuguo has been able to skillfully control the flexion and extension of his index finger, and even patted the girl beside him with his left hand, groping for a little point with his index finger on her palm.

The girl took advantage of the situation to hold the mechanical finger, Du Fuguo laughed a few times, then broke free and said:

"Don't push so hard, this current is too big. Dr. Chen, can the current be reduced a little later?"

"This can be adjusted according to your own needs, but at the beginning I suggest to adjust it a little larger, which will help your study."

"Understood, then keep it the same."

With that said, Du Fuguo put away his index finger, then stretched out his middle finger with difficulty, and began to repeat the same movements as his index finger.

The egg signal on the screen is becoming more and more stable. The artificial intelligence algorithm collects a large number of data sets in a short period of time, and begins to correct the operating habits. Useless signals are eliminated, and typical signals are increased in weight. In the joint cooperation of technology and will Below, only three hours have passed, Du Fuguo has completed the control of the entire right palm, and began to try to exercise the wrist.

"It's kind of incredible, Brother Du... It took me several days to learn to control the robotic arm."

"Because I'm smart."

Du Fuguo replied with a smile.

"It's not just smart, it feels like a talent..."

Zhu Xuan looked at the screen while talking, and the moment he glanced at Chu Ya who had been standing beside him, he suddenly found that the other party's expression was a little unusual.

It wasn't an expression of surprise.

Rather.... as expected?

Chu Ya noticed his gaze and quietly raised her finger to point at her head. Zhu Xuan was stunned for a moment, as if there was an electric light flashing in his consciousness.

He suddenly understood.

This is not a talent at all, but, during the period of losing his arm, the other party has imagined and simulated such a scene in his mind countless times.

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