Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 270 I Can Take Care Of Others Again

The test of the robotic arm lasted for 6 hours. After dinner time, Chen Li installed the battery for Du Fuguo, removed the egg monitoring circuit, and only kept the control loop of the robotic arm, so Du Fuguo was funny. The egg headgear walked out of the ward and walked all the way to the cafeteria with the help of his girlfriend.

Along the way, patients who passed by kept coming to say hello to him, and some people even teased him that "Lao Du has changed his equipment again", but not only did he not feel offended by this, even the smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

Maybe this is what he really wants.

Treated like a normal person.

At the dining table, the leaders who came to accompany each had their own meals, and no one deliberately took care of him.

Du Fuguo clumsily used his new robotic arm to hold the spoon, but often the spoon fell out of his hand due to inexperience in the operation. He could already judge whether there was something in his hand based on the feedback of the electrical signal. He would fumble again to get the spoon back.

This kind of action made the mechanical arm full of oil stains from food. After wiping it with his left hand, he suddenly asked a little embarrassedly:

"Dr. Chen, look at this... won't it fail?"

Chen Li looked at his arm and then explained:

"No, we use all alloy materials. You can wash it with detergent when you go back, and shower gel is also fine."

"Don't take it apart? Can you take it with you when you take a shower?"

"Not yet. We haven't done the waterproofing of your battery. When it is integrated in the future, you can directly take a bath with the robotic arm."

"how long?"

Du Fuguo asked eagerly.

"It's a few months. It's not difficult to say that this thing is difficult, and it's not easy to say it is simple. It still has technical level requirements."

"That's not too slow, you should also pay attention to rest, the body is the most important!"

"Don't worry, we'll pay attention."

Chen Li replied gently.

The meal was very slow. After more than two hours, everyone left. After saying goodbye to Chen Li and his party, Du Fuguo took his girlfriend for a walk in the small square of the hospital. The two walked slowly on the stone road. He was constantly trying to control his brand new right hand.

"Do you think I look like a Robocop? Just the one in that ugly country movie!"

A smug smile appeared on his face, and there was already a somewhat handy posture between the arms and legs.

"People are full of machines, you only have arms. How about this, is this easy to use?"

"It's easy to use! It's much stronger than the previous prosthetics, but it's hard to use, really hard to use. Especially these electrodes on the arms, it's too difficult to match them with the fingers. If the brain is not flexible, it's really hard to use. I don't know which is which."

"If only my eyes could see, I heard from Dr. Chen today that if there is visual feedback, this robotic arm will be much smoother to use."

Hearing this, his girlfriend patted his arm lightly and said:

"Then Dr. Chen also said that today, they are also doing research in this area, it is estimated that it will take some time. After all, this is the most advanced technology - but he said, like you can see it before Those who then go blind will see again later than those who were born blind."

"You listened very carefully, you remember this."

There was also a bit of a smile on her girlfriend's face. She looked at Du Fuguo's face and replied:

"No, can I not worry about your affairs?"

Hearing this, Du Fuguo sighed.

"Follow me and make you feel wronged."

"How can there be any grievances? Today, Dr. Zhu said that you are attracted to girls. Why, you didn't listen to that?"

"It's a courtesy, but you can't take it seriously."

"Why is that polite? He's sincere, but you just don't admit it."

"Damn, I just want you to like it..."

The two talked and laughed all the way, and after walking around the small square, they returned to the small independent apartment arranged for them by the military region.

In the room, his girlfriend helped Du Fuguo to remove the robotic arm according to the operation manual given by Chen Li, and then took the battery to the socket to charge.

"I found that their battery is quite durable. You've been tossing around for so long, and you still have 98% of the battery. So, can't it be used for several days on a single charge? Your original prosthesis Electricity can't last a day."

"That's right, I heard that this is also a new achievement. Yoyo, you don't know, we have a lot of new achievements recently, the J-20 was on the aircraft carrier, the H-20 flew for the first time, and then we bought a big white goose, what is a big white goose? You know what?"

"I know, I know, how many times have you said it... Let's go, let's take a shower, and I'll wash this robotic arm for you."

"Okay...then you remember to dry it, I'll practice later."

"Got it! Go!"

Du Fuguo threw out his sonic blind stick, groped all the way to the enclosed balcony, took off his clothes, and then walked into the bathroom with his clothes in his arms.

His movements are skilled, except that he walks slower, almost no different from ordinary people.

Looking at this scene, Yunyou's eyes suddenly showed a hint of anticipation.

Even if the vision restoration technology that Dr. Chen said does not appear in a short period of time, it seems that this robotic arm alone will bring great changes to the lives of the two of them, right?

Maybe this day is just around the corner?

Thinking of this, she picked up the not heavy robotic arm and walked into the kitchen, and began to carefully wipe every corner of it with a soft rag under the water.

This night, Du Fuguo was sitting in the living room practicing his mechanical arm. When Yoyo woke up in the middle of the night and walked out of the living room, he was still trying to grab the pen on the table and write on his lap.

Yoyo told him the time and wanted to persuade him to rest early, but the other's answer surprised her.

"Yuyou, it's not that I have to practice at this time, the main thing is that this thing is really fun... Seriously, even if I am a healthy person, if you give me such a robotic arm, I can also Play all night."

"So, leave me alone for the time being, and I'll rest when I'm tired of playing. Besides, I heard that Dr. Chen and the others will be leaving in two days. I have to take advantage of this time to get acquainted with them and try to get them to leave. I was able to use both robotic arms well before."

Yunyou glanced at him helplessly, and finally hugged him gently, then turned back to the room.


In the next two days, Du Fuguo practiced his mechanical arm every moment, from the right arm to the left arm, from the beginning, he could barely control the movement of his fingers, and then he could grasp it smoothly. In the grip movement, his progress was so great that Chen Li was astounded.

If it continues at this speed, it is likely that it will not take three months, but only one month, and he can make most of the refined operations.

After the last egg data debugging was completed, Zhu Xuan determined that the intelligent system of the robotic arm had been debugged optimally, so he disconnected with confidence, packed up the redundant equipment, and prepared to leave Spring City and return to Yuhang.

Before leaving, Du Fuguo shook hands with the three of them, and Zhu Xuan grinned in pain and said:

"Brother Du! Brother Du! You have less strength! This robotic arm is designed according to military standards, and the grip strength is no joke!"

Hearing this, Du Fuguo quickly let go of his hand in embarrassment and said:

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little too excited for a while----how do you say this? It's my first handshake? Comrade Xiaoya, didn't the handshake hurt you just now?"

"No, no, you were still very weak when you came to me."

Du Fuguo breathed a sigh of relief, then continued:

"Dr. Chu, Dr. Chen, and Dr. Zhu, we have been with you for a few days. We have always talked about robotic arms. I have a lot of words in my heart, but I have never found a chance to tell you."

"You are leaving today, I think, take this opportunity to tell you everything I have to say."

"Of course, we will definitely meet again in the future, but it is better to say something sooner rather than later, right?"

After hearing the responses from the three of Chen Li, he continued to say:

"Three doctors, first of all, I really thank you very much!"

"Thank you for making such a miraculous thing. In my lifetime, I can actually peel a banana for Yoyo with my own hands--although it is said that the peeling is very ugly."

"However, it really brought me back a little bit of the feeling I had before."

"When I was in the army, although I was a soldier, you know, I have always demanded myself according to the leadership's standards."

"I'm rushing to do any dirty work, not to mention dangerous things."

"It's not because I want to grab the power, but mainly because, how should I put it, according to the words of our family, hey, I'm a bad guy."

"I don't see other people suffering, especially those who are still my best comrades in arms."

"So when I was in Laoshan, as long as there was danger, I would rush to it, and even the squad leader would not let him do it."

"I still remember one time, we found a booby trap. It was very dangerous. My comrade-in-arms said that the squad leader should come over to deal with it. I asked him to call someone, and then I quietly cleared the mine."

"Do you know what I was thinking at the time? What I was thinking at the time was, hey, with the skills of the monitor, it's not as good as me, and it's your turn to take care of me?"

"Really, I didn't think about 'dangers should be left to me' or anything like that. What I thought was that I'm all in the thunder anyway, and there's danger anyway, so why can't it be me?"

"That's what I'm thinking, it's simple."

"So, before I had an accident, I was always taking care of others, and because of this, after the accident, I couldn't accept being taken care of by others for a long time."

"I wanted to wash my face, dress myself, take a shower and fold my quilt...but it was so hard, it took me two years to learn to do these things thoroughly."

"I even sometimes feel very hopeless, thinking that this is the limit of my life, because many times, physical defects are really difficult to break through."

"However, your robotic arm has allowed me to take a big step within three days."

"Actually, I not only peeled bananas for Yoyo yesterday, but at noon today, I went to the store to buy instant noodles, which were in buckets. I took them home, boiled water, and soaked Yoyo in a bowl of noodles."

"Can you imagine? Before these three days, I really couldn't imagine it! I couldn't even tear the seasoning packet of instant noodles, so there is something wrong with the design!"

"But now I can."

"I can take care of others again."

"So, I'm really thankful to you, the scientific researchers, for bringing such a big change to me and our people's lives."

As he spoke, he stood up abruptly, then leaned on his feet and stood up straight.

His left hand was close to his body, and the five fingers of his right mechanical arm were close together. Then, as if he had practiced countless times, he suddenly raised his hand and gave a standard military salute to Chen Li and the others.

His head was raised high, and he shouted:

"Master Du Fuguo, salute you!"

------off topic-----

Give me a monthly pass?(???w???)?

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