Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 300 The Road Never Envisioned

As expected, Ye Zhou's location is an isolated island. He is right at the top of the column on the next floor. The collapsed ground separates him and the others by more than ten meters, and the other party cannot pass any effective means. Approach him quickly.

The first time he discovered this situation, the guards threatened him, but Ye Zhou's conditions were also very simple:

If he is alive, food can be provided to the big fish still alive who are about to emerge from the next layer of ruins, but if he dies, the food will fall into the collapse behind him that no one can reach quickly. In the ruins, the various chemical liquids accumulated in the ruins will contaminate these foods with severe poison.

No one dared to act rashly, especially after Ye Zhou demonstratively dropped a small amount of food.

The food cart was already half suspended in the air, and Ye Zhou was sitting in front of the cart. If he was shot, the impact would also push the food into the abyss.

Relying on this arrangement, Ye Zhou easily survived until the next day, and saw those big fish in suits and leather shoes.

The other party's face was a little unkind. They couldn't figure out how Ye Zhou could have predicted the air strike in advance without even getting any warnings, and they couldn't figure out when this lunatic, who should have completely lost his mind under the ravages of drugs, returned to normal.

However, none of this matters anymore.

The communicator's response was cut off at noon the next day. The air raiders had already invaded the ground building complex and were about to start breaking down. However, the collapse caused by the air attack blocked all passages. Even if they wanted to surrender now, they had to consider how to receive Survive the time you come down.

This is a tacit game of mutual understanding.

The air raiders don't want to encounter resistance in the next action, so they will slow down their downward speed as much as possible, and the big fish trapped inside does not want to be caught, so they are also delaying time as much as possible , hoping to drive the air raiders away through other forces.

In this way, survival in this closed, food-poor underground space has become a luxury.

The first fight over food began the day after the raid.

Apart from Ye Zhou's hands, there was actually still a small amount of food on the base's treatment center floor. These food were scattered in various wards and became the last hope of survival for those hoarding.

But that hope was soon dashed, as the guards had anticipated the situation.

Carrying weapons, they checked the wards one by one and took away all the food that could be found. Although they said the high-sounding "unified management", everyone knew that the food that was taken could not be returned to their own hands. inside.

A total of 27 people were killed in the search, and the food that was confiscated was only enough to last the big fish for six days.

On the third day of the air raid, the second battle began.

The reason for this fight is very simple, because of hunger.

The surviving ordinary people realized their fate, and in desperation, they began to gather to attack the stronghold of the big fish. Because of the overwhelming number of people, they even forced the big fish back and grabbed some food.

But the consequences of the lack of organization soon became apparent. After achieving the first stage results, they not only did not rely on their advantages to move forward, but stayed in place and began to share food impatiently.

In the process, infighting inevitably occurred.

The big fish didn't even need to intervene, and their own struggles collapsed the already loose alliance.

The big fish's counteroffensive came soon, and the civilian team that originally remained of 200 people dropped sharply to less than 150 people after this conflict.

And among the hundred and fifty people, no one got food.

Ye Zhou watched all this silently, he was now the object of hatred by everyone in the entire treatment center, but he was unmoved.

There is only one goal, and that is to survive.

Therefore, he had to wait for the moment, and after the food of the big fish was consumed to the danger level, let them take the initiative to negotiate with him.

This day will come soon.

On the fifth day after the air raid, the representatives of Big Fish reached an agreement with Ye Zhou that Ye Zhou would provide them with enough food to subsist every day, on the condition that they ensure their own safety.

The two sides quickly reached an agreement. After Ye Zhou provided food as promised, the other party even sent two guards to protect the isolated island of Ye Zhou from being attacked by other civilians.

However, their worries were obviously unnecessary, because the civilians who had been starving for five days would not have the strength to pick up the stone at all.

It was on this day that the first civilian to die of starvation appeared.

Even though Ye Zhou had seen this scene 6 times, it still had a huge impact on him.

A living person died so quietly on the ground, and passers-by groped around him numbly, as if holding the last bit of luck, trying to find some food from his body.

But such a fluke is also ridiculous. If he had food, how could he starve to death?

Ye Zhou closed his eyes, he didn't want to continue watching.

More and more people will die of starvation and weakness in the coming days, and before those appalling things happen, these civilians will organize one last revolt, which will still fail for lack of organization , A small half of the people who survive will eventually open the upward channel after overcoming the final bottom line.

He can't blame these people, because they are just like himself, just to survive.

---- Live on.

An uncoordinated thought suddenly flashed in Ye Zhou's mind. At this moment, the talent of the decision maker suddenly took effect.

He was acutely aware, it seemed, that the final outcome was impossible if he lived this way.

Because the fish is still alive.

As long as the fish is alive, there must be a transaction, and as long as there is a transaction, as a witness, it is impossible for him to survive.

Ye Zhou's heart sank suddenly, and he realized that although the path he chose could make him last until the end, it was impossible for him to really make it to the end!

No wonder he was killed at the last moment for various reasons every time before. He always felt that it was because he was not careful enough, but the real reason was that as long as the fish was alive, it was inevitable!

His eyes glanced at the people in front of them who were moving on the remaining ground in the hall. Those people had eaten all the landscape plants, and even the soil had been turned over.

If a rat is caught occasionally, it means that there is a good chance that someone will die in the fight for the rat.

Is there a possibility that I can organize these people by myself?

Is there a possibility that the remaining 130 people can actually defeat those big fish?

He holds the most important resources in this small world in his hands. In theory, whichever side he supports will have a better chance of winning.

And what he has to do is bet.

Now, his choice is actually very clear.


During the day, Ye Zhou still threatened with food, and after the guards left, had a conversation with the invisible leader among the civilians.

The other party stood on the platform more than ten meters away, his face was haggard, but his eyes revealed a kind of firmness unique to the bear clan in the 1970s.

"...So, you want to cooperate with us? Why?"

"Because the big fish has to die or none of us will survive."

"Then why didn't you choose us in the first place?"

"Because you haven't endured enough pain, I can't organize a team that is not standing on the edge of the abyss of despair - only by driving you to a corner, can you really firmly walk this road to the end."

After saying this, Ye Zhou paused for a moment, and then said frankly:

"Of course, it's a coincidence - because I didn't figure it out until yesterday."

The man nodded and replied:

"It doesn't matter, as long as we live, we don't care about the rest."

"That's the best. Do you know what I need you to do?"

"I know very well, but, I don't believe my enemies won't stop you."

"They will, but we still have a window before they stop me. The window starts when I start engaging with you and ends when my support for you threatens their very existence."

"During this window period, I need you to build up enough strength. What we have to do must be successful first and foremost."

"Even if it's just a drop in the middle, everything we've done will fall short. Do you understand?"

"I see."

The man nodded.

"So, do you understand how to organize these people?"

Ye Zhou's eyes were fixed on the man, the latter was silent for a moment, then said:

"I'll distribute the food evenly, even if it's just one bite per person."

"No, you are completely wrong."

Ye Zhou shook his head and continued:

"You're going to organize a patient meeting, you're going to start an election, and you're going to pick people from the patients who can be leaders."

"You have to disperse these people into squads one by one, and let him take responsibility for the squad."

"You have to manage the food in a unified way, and according to the information collected by the team leader, distribute food to each team according to the most real needs."

"You have to choose the most determined and noble person to be the picket, and hang the possible squad leader who seeks power for personal gain on the ruins over there."

"You have to put your own interests last, and you have to be the hungriest of all."

"You will die before them, but after you die, they will succeed."

"can you do it?"

The man looked at Ye Zhou, Ye Zhou also looked at him without blinking.

At this moment, they seem to understand each other.

"I will die before everyone else."

The man's tone was low but firm.

Ye Zhou sighed deeply and said:

"The food I can provide you can only barely maintain a minimum consumption of three days. These three days are our window period."

"In three days, I want you to do everything I say."

"If it can't be done...I can only do it for you myself."

"But that will be our last ditch."

"do you understand?"

The man continued to nod.

"I understand."

Ye Zhou was silent, he threw the package of food that he had prepared behind him to the man, and then watched him go away under the surveillance of the guards.

For the guards who came to question him, his answer was simple.

"There's enough food for you, I just want to show kindness."

"You better be. You've got to figure out that if any of us don't survive, then you'll die too."

Ye Zhou didn't answer. He looked at the crowd that gradually gathered in the distance, and an indescribable feeling surged in his heart.

What those people don't know yet, they're going down a path they might never have imagined.

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