Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 308 Transcendent Existence Requires Transcendent Supervision

After the meeting, Ye Zhou and Chen Hao got on the return bus together.

In the car, Chen Hao said with some emotion:

"Although there are not many people involved in this meeting today, I always feel that this meeting will be recorded in history."

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"It's not an exaggeration to say it's in the annals of history...but it's definitely a milestone."

A long time ago, Ye Zhou mentioned when discussing with Chen Hao that continuous technological breakthroughs will definitely change the way the government and the entire country operate, whether in resource allocation, working methods, decision-making processes, etc. , and the General Technical Office was also established based on this forecast.

The whole industry flying knife model is its first test of water, and today's top-to-bottom resource allocation optimization is a sign of its maturity.

The transformation of this mode of operation will have a significant impact on the development of the country. Its key significance lies not only in improving efficiency, but also in the subtle improvement of personnel awareness and personnel quality.

When everyone realizes that official work has entered a fast-paced and efficient area, the bad habits of superfluous people and superficial engineering will be greatly reduced.

This will be an internal cleansing.

The fire slowly burns more and more vigorously. Under the influence of the giant blower of technology, the more and more hot flames will gradually burn out those impurities.

However, if it can be a little faster and more violent, and let the fire burn on the capital market, it will probably be able to completely enter the period of development.

After a moment of silence, Ye Zhou's face suddenly showed a smile, he turned his head to look at Chen Hao and said:

"Speaking of which, today is the first time I have seen these high-ranking people in the country quarreling in front of the big boss-the quarrel is so fierce, which is also a good trend."

Chen Hao nodded and replied:

"It's normal. In fact, this is a healthy way of discussing. Although it doesn't look so decent, both efficiency and results have reached the highest expectations."

"This way of working will continue to be promoted in the future. It's not enough to hold a report every time. It's a waste of time and energy, and there is too much internal consumption."

"Why do you sound like you're suffering from it?"

"That's not right! You don't have to worry about such trivial matters, I must have carried it for you."

Speaking, Chen Hao shook his head somewhat self-deprecatingly.

He has been really tired recently. The chief technical officer has to do things one by one, and often 50% of his energy is wasted on wrangling and internal friction with various departments. Every time he encounters this situation, he will I can't wait to give those people a mouth.

The only thing that comforted him was that the "Pyromancer" organization proposed by Ye Zhou had really played a role. The series of intelligence and information they collected provided great convenience for Chen Hao's supervision. After the falsehood and the arrogance, the worms who use power for personal gain, the work is indeed relatively simple.

Thinking of this, he continued and said:

"If you have time, you should devote some energy to managing the fireworks. Let me put it bluntly, the status of this organization will become higher and higher in the future, and it may become an important basis for you to directly participate in decision-making. "

"Although now you have a lot of decision-making power, that kind of decision-making power is not enough for a strategic scientist - you have to come up with something more convincing. Can you see what I mean? ?"

Ye Zhou nodded and hummed.

Chen Hao's opinion actually represented the opinion of his superiors. The reason why the superiors set up a firework organization before was actually because of their trust in Ye Zhou.

Or rather, out of trust in what he stands for.

Because the Sui people are the only transcendent existence in this country and even the whole world.

He does not have too many personal demands, nor does he belong to any faction, and no one can bind him through interests, so he is a natural leader and a natural supervisor.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"I'll try to set aside a little time, but I still have a lot to do. You'd better help me."

"I'm not suited to get involved too much."

Chen Hao shook his head and replied.

"you do not believe me?"

Ye Zhou frowned slightly.

"I don't believe in myself. I'm not like you. I'm not a technological leader, and I'm not a born saint. I've faced far more temptations than you."

"Have you heard of Marros's Hierarchy of Needs? You've reached the top level of needs, even beyond the top level, and I haven't."

"So, I can't test my humanity. Instead of believing that I can resist temptation, it's better to just stay away from temptation."

"Of course, I will definitely help you to do some things within my power, but what I want to tell you is that you are the pioneer of the road. On the road, not, at a fork in the road, turning around and going the wrong way."

Ye Zhou nodded solemnly, and then the two fell silent in tacit understanding.

At this moment, they all need more time to think clearly about what they have to do.


Thousands of kilometers away, Yindu, Punjab.

Ricksh was on the way home with his daughter Geishma. Just now, they went to the girls' school in town to register their daughter and pay the fees.

The 63,000 rupees he had just received were almost exhausted. He was even reluctant to take his daughter home by car. The two men, one big and one small, could only hold hands and trudge through the loess-filled trail.

"When you go to school in the future, you have to study hard. Your one-year cost is our family's three-year cost. If you waste it, you will never have a chance again, understand?"

His tone was stern, but not rude, which was what differentiated him from the other farmers around him.

His talent is actually not bad, and if it weren't for poverty and some institutions that have been abolished in name but still unbreakable in practice, he would probably be a highly educated person to admire.

The daughter nodded silently. She was still immersed in the shock of spending such a huge sum of money at one time. After a long time, she said:

"Dad, can I go to school without shoes in the future?"

Ricksh looked down at the dusty, worn-out shoes on his daughter's feet, and asked with some doubts:

"Why? Your school isn't full of rich people, and they won't look down on you for that."

Geishma shook his head and replied:

"I know. I just saw that there are people in the school who just don't have shoes on -- save it, you guys can..."

"I don't need you to save on this, I'll make enough money."

Before her daughter could finish speaking, Rakesh interrupted.

His face was full of hope, because he was really confident in what he had just said.

Yes, he will make money.

The price of wheat has been getting higher and higher, and now the wheat planted in the fields can be harvested in more than a month. As long as the wheat is sold, he can use the money from the high-priced wheat to buy the low-priced wheat on the market. price of flour.

It's a simple numbers game, and although his neighbors don't understand it, he is keen to seize the opportunity.

Continue to promote, maybe I can take this opportunity to become a businessman?

That way, I might be able to get my daughter through school—or even high school.

As for university?

That goal is too far away, but it's not impossible to look forward to.

There was a visceral smile on Rakesh's face, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Life is getting better and better.


However, just as he was happily looking forward to the change in his life, an international capital force was quietly entering the Yindu.

adm, the world's top four grain merchants.

They have united with the local grain merchants in Yindu, and they are spending a lot of money to purchase the only remaining stock of wheat on the market.

And this is just the first step in their plan.

When all the chips are absorbed, they will immediately start their actions in the field of food futures.

At that time, they will dominate the wheat price in the entire Yindu market, and they will further impact the wider market on the other side of the mountain.



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