Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 334 The Mission Of The Tenglong Fighter

In mid-September, the experiment of gene editing technology to increase production has entered the transplanting stage. In more than a month, the transplanted rice will start heading. At that time, the success of this project will basically be determined. The conclusion can be drawn.

Ye Zhou sat in his office with a slightly playful smile on his face.

What makes him interesting is not the rice production increase project, nor the six-nosed project, but the subsidiary product of the Nantianmen project, the Tenglong air superior fighter.

This is a fighter jet whose size is nearly 20% smaller than that of the regular J-20. It uses an old turbofan-15 engine, no vertical take-off and landing function, no drone coordination system, and no vector nozzles. However, in addition to In addition to these, it basically uses all the things that a fifth-generation machine should have.

Even in order to enhance the firepower output, this fighter has also designed an externally mounted weapon pylon, which can be used as a multi-functional fighter to a certain extent.

More importantly, the radar characteristics of this fighter have been specially designed, and the stealth effect is excellent in some low-intensity confrontations. Even in the face of the most advanced fourth-generation aircraft, it can take the advantage of crushing stealth. Once on the real fifth-generation aircraft, under the joint search of high-power radar and early warning aircraft, its performance is no different from the fourth-generation aircraft.

In general, this is an air superiority fighter specially designed to fight against the fourth-generation aircraft, and its target combat target is relatively narrow, and it will play a great role in specific battlefields, but it cannot really form the air in front of aviation powers. Advantage.

Therefore, whether this fighter is for personal use or export, it will not touch the nerves that are already extremely sensitive in the world. In the eyes of Western countries, this is likely to be a fifth-generation aircraft that serves as a facade for small countries—just It's like what brilliance, what mind, and kf.

However, countries that make such evaluations often overlook a point, that is, although the performance of this fighter is a bit tasteless, it is more than enough to fight the miscellaneous army of Yindu.

And this is the real purpose of the rabbit.

What they really want to do is to use this weapon to establish air superiority for special countries for Pakistan, and then use this superiority to affect the ground battlefield, so as to achieve the purpose of comprehensively improving combat effectiveness.

Ye Zhou flipped through the information on the Tenglong fighter, heaved a sigh of relief, and then said to a certain engineer in Shu Fei who was in charge of the export of the Tenglong:

"I have basically read the information, and there are no major problems. The performance is basically a generation and a half behind us. In addition, we have mastered the radar characteristics, and it will not pose any threat to us in the future. ---- Yes, the data link Does the system also use ours?"

The engineer on the opposite side nodded slightly and replied:

"Yes, but we have built an independent, cut system for them, still using our technology and hardware, but in terms of system independence, it has nothing to do with us - you You should understand what I mean."

"I understand. You can handle this specific operation. I won't give unprofessional non-technical advice, but I still have a question. What do you plan to do in pilot training?"

"Just use Xiaolong's pilots directly, there will definitely be training, but the training period can be shortened to a very short time, because we have trained the concept of beyond visual range in their Xiaolong squadron before, and the quality of all aspects is basically All can reach the standard, the only thing you need to be familiar with is the actual operation, this one, you will learn very quickly - learn as you play."

"That's fine. When exactly will it be delivered?"

"Today. This afternoon, the first batch of 6 Tamrons will fly to Pakistan with the tanker, and it is expected to arrive within today local time."

"Okay, I'm fine here, you go first, I'll discuss other things with Boss Chen."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the engineer got up and left the office. Chen Hao looked at Ye Zhou's serious expression and asked:

"What, you want to ask about the situation in Yindu?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Yes. It's been more than three months since the price of grain started to rise, the food shortage in Yindu broke out, and now they started to openly purchase grain internationally. I want to know the current situation in their country. How far has it developed?"

"Especially, how far has their movement on the fringe progressed? I heard we're on full-suit patrols again?"

Chen Hao handed the pad in his hand to Ye Zhou. It was a video that had been pulled to the middle. He pointed to the video and said:

"This is a video taken by a certain fighter during a clash yesterday, see for yourself."

Ye Zhou moved the pad in front of him, clicked the play button, and a video shot from the first perspective appeared in front of him.

What he saw first was the snow-capped peaks in the distance, and then the enemies swarming up in the middle of the video. The number of those enemies was at least four hundred people, but from the camera of the video shooter, he was facing Against these enemies, even a single step of retreating was useless.

At a distance of just tens of meters, the enemy ran wildly, and the photographer's arm appeared in front of the camera. Ye Zhou saw an iconic mace made of welded seamless steel pipes, and on the photographer's arm, that Exoskeleton full of mechanical beauty.

With a short command, the other comrades beside the photographer also began to charge forward, while the photographer himself walked forward unhurriedly, and when it was about time to meet the enemy, he suddenly raised his wolf teeth. With a stick, after swinging a stick, the two enemies in front of him were instantly swept out.

Under the huge force, the seamless steel pipe even bent into a shallow arc, and the two enemies who were swept by the front end and flew out, their bulletproof vests were torn apart instantly, and a large amount of water was spilled in front of them. of blood.

The team of less than fifty people on their side formed a sparse and extremely fragile front line. It seemed that with a slight increase in speed, it would be able to break through the gap and interspersed behind them, but the actual situation was completely the opposite.

On this front line, the leader is invincible!

A battle with a huge disparity in numbers finally ended in just two minutes. The enemy was completely defeated, and the photographer of the video leisurely drove away the fleeing enemies, as if driving away a group of former soldiers. Like stray dogs that come to trouble.

At the end of the video, Ye Zhou saw that the photographer of the video threw the steel pipe aside, and then picked up the wounded on the ground one by one and threw them into the prison circle, where hundreds of prisoners were already lying.

After watching the video, Ye Zhou took a breath, looked at Chen Hao beside him, and said with some emotion:

"I really didn't expect that this kind of competition between cold weapons can still occur in this era - it has a fight with the Modao team of Datang."

"Modao team is not as powerful as this video. To be honest, after we equipped the exoskeleton, we deliberately changed weapons. If we continue to use the previous Guandao, I may not be able to show you this video. Think about it. It felt bloody."

"That's supposed to be you show me this video, which means our temptation with them is over?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao nodded with a serious expression.

"Completely correct. As we expected in the early stage, the other party, under the situation of increasing domestic pressure, really started to pick things up on the edge according to their usual routine. They just knew that we would not use hot weapons first. , so I still want to use this cold weapon confrontation to make us suffer a loss."

"But they didn't expect that we have fully equipped the patrol troops on the front line with mechanical exoskeletons. Under the suppression of this kind of equipment that can be said to be crushing, they can't take any advantage at all."

"The flesh and blood came to fight with the cyborg infantry, and the battle damage ratio was almost 0 to infinite."

"Based on this situation, their porcelain touch plan can be said to be completely bankrupt."

"However, domestic conflicts will continue to intensify, and after suffering such a huge loss, they are already on the verge of making a move."

"So, according to our intelligence research, they are likely to launch a higher level of provocation in the next period of time - they may even shoot."

Ye Zhou sighed and said helplessly:

"These Yindu people are probably really crazy...Is their own lives so worthless?"

"It's really worthless. Those who go to the front line are all pariahs. The officers are sitting in the sedan chair behind and drinking tea. They don't care what the front line is? Die first?"

"Our command logic is 'follow me' and their command logic is 'give me'. Although there is only one word difference between the two, there are actually essential differences."

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Understood. So, that's why the Tamron delivery time is so urgent this time? Is the pressure on Batie ready to start?"

"Yes. Our time is too limited, and once Yindu really does it, then we will be in a dilemma."

"It's not right, and it shouldn't be. Instead of this, it's better to strike first and let the younger brother hold them back first."

Ye Zhou closed the file book in front of him, a smug smile appeared on his face, and then said:

"Understood. Let's go as planned, just right, I also want to see what kind of results our fifth-generation aircraft can achieve when faced with actual combat."


While the two were discussing the situation thousands of kilometers away, at a military airport near Rongcheng, a modified Y-20-based tanker had already rushed into the sky.

Behind it, followed by six khaki-painted Tamron fighters, they spread far apart in the air, lined up in a standard over-the-horizon combat formation, and began to fly towards the west.

There, they will complete their first mission.

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