Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 337 No Choice But To Fight

After quickly eating a minimalist version of lunch, the two changed their original tour plan and went to Belgrade's largest market to conduct price research. After spending half a day, they finally confirmed the information they got from the waiter.

Food prices in srbija are really going up.

And this kind of price increase actually started only three days ago, but in these short three days, the price of the main grains on the market has tripled.

This is very scary. The rate of increase is so fast that even the local media and official agencies have not responded. Judging from the local news, most people still think that this is because the heavy rain a few days ago caused the lack of food even if it was transported into the urban area. of.

But La Zirou, as a bystander, made a judgment on this situation almost purely based on intuition, and this judgment was proved to be extremely accurate in the subsequent communication with the relevant agencies.

In a conference room in the Huaxia embassy in srbija, a meeting that gathers all the personnel of Huaxia's official institutions in srbija is underway, and the theme of this meeting is only one, that is, how to deal with the next most likely It happened because of riots caused by rising food prices.

In the conference room, a man stood in front of the screen and was giving a briefing to everyone.

"...The situation is basically clear to everyone. According to the results we just confirmed with the Serbian official, the recent increase in food prices in Belgrade is indeed related to the operations of certain food suppliers."

"These suppliers have purchased a large amount of grain in the market in recent days, and have not actually put it into food production, but have sold the grain to the brewer, who immediately started a large-scale wine production. In a very short period of time in the future, the food that is currently hoarded will be exhausted.”

"This kind of operation has almost no profit for them. They are not even hoarding for profit, but simply want to raise food prices and cause food shortages."

"Their motives are too obvious to be obvious, but there is nothing we can do about it - we cannot directly interfere with Serbia's strategy."

"As far as we know, the Serbian authorities will introduce a series of measures in the future to deal with the rise in food prices, but we can only be skeptical about the role of these strategies."

"So, what we need to do next is to prepare and prepare for the first wave of shocks."

"After the first wave of shocks is over, my country's technical assistance to Serbia, especially in terms of price regulation, can basically play a role."

After listening to his words, everyone in the conference room nodded in unison, and then someone asked:

"So what exactly do we need to do? Should we be on standby first, or should we take the initiative to cooperate with the Serbian side?"

The man paused for a moment and replied:

"This is also the topic we are going to discuss today. I want to ask everyone, which plan do you prefer?"

"Stability and standby is the safest choice. If you choose this direction, then we will organize relevant personnel to shrink defenses in the future, avoid going out, and resume normal life and work after this wave of shocks has passed."

"If we take the initiative to cooperate, then from now on, we will assign tasks to the departments you belong to, and each department will be responsible for the corresponding professional work to help the Serbian side deal with this impact to the greatest extent possible."

"This route is more dangerous and difficult, because once we get involved in a conflict, it is very likely that the well-known bad guy will turn his attention on us, and once this transition occurs...."

The man did not continue, but everyone understood what he meant.

More than 20 years ago, Yugoslavia at that time was also facing serious difficulties, and Huaxia chose to stand firmly on their side, and everyone knew the final result.

Although from an objective reality, the overall strength of Huaxia is no longer comparable, but the opponent facing Huaxia is still the same, and this opponent also continues their crazy and shameless style of doing things.

This is not the territory of China, who can guarantee that they will not repeat what happened back then?

What's more, they don't even need to make too obvious actions, as long as they instruct their allies to create some accidents in a covert way, then in this country whose military power is completely unable to compete with the surrounding powers, the safety of everyone's life will be at stake. will be severely threatened.

It's not an easy choice, because no one makes a joke about their life.

Everyone in the conference room fell into a brief silence. After a while, someone said:

"I tend to be fully involved and cooperative."

It was La Zirou who spoke. She stood up and walked to the screen, took the microphone from the man's hand, and continued:

"First of all, we have to clarify a question, that is, whether the Serbian side needs our help, and whether we can provide them with help. If they do not need our assistance, the things we are discussing now have no basis at all. ."

"However, I believe everyone knows the answer to this question."

"Srbija, although this country was once powerful, after divisions, wars, and disasters, their national strength and governance level have already begun to decline sharply. The sluggishness is the proof."

"They are far behind other countries at the same level in terms of organizational ability, public opinion propaganda ability, economic regulation ability, and industrial production capacity. When faced with a crisis, I even doubt that they cannot organize effective response measures. "

"And we, although we have a small number of institutions and a small staff size, but we have exactly these capabilities that they need."

"Our professional experience in related fields accumulated over decades can fully make up for their current lack."

"So, I have a clear answer to the question of 'need or can'."

After saying these words, La Zirou looked around and made sure that everyone agreed with her point of view before continuing:

"Now that the basic questions are resolved, we can move on to the next question, which is the question of 'whether or not'."

"I have two arguments for this question."

"First, in terms of our partnership with Serbia, I think we should help them."

"I won't go into details for the reasons, but I can give you a few examples."

"In 2009, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned violent acts, opposed separatism, and supported China's official efforts to maintain stability. This speech is the first international solidarity that our country has received after the incident. Earlier than Xiong Da's solidarity with us."

"In 2014, when the international situation was extremely sensitive, the Serbian official once again publicly supported our country. After that, srbija was immediately subjected to the most severe sanctions and siege in history from the Hundred and Seven Nations."

"In 2019, Serbia announced that it would fully cooperate with our Belt and Road policy, and at the same time rejected the EU's accession conditions, becoming the only island in this region that has neither joined the EU nor the Hundred Treaty."

"Srbija has always stood on the front line of the battle against Baiyue. They have never forgotten their hatred with the ugly country and Baiyue. This kind of choice at the national level is extremely rare at the moment."

"Arguably, even based on that alone, we should treat them as our closest allies, reaching out when they need it."

After pausing for a moment and taking a sip of water, La Zirou continued:

"What I said above is a judgment based on history. What I'm going to say next is a judgment based on reality."

"This time the food crisis in srbija, although on the surface it is the West's encirclement and suppression of srbija, but in fact, if we continue to explore this issue in depth, we can find that the other party's attempt will definitely not be as simple as srbija."

"A small country, even if they really compromise in the end and surrender to the Western system, how much benefit can it bring to the West? Why do they need to fight for this?"

"This is a major doubt, and there is a simple logic to explaining it."

"That is, srbija is nothing but a springboard."

"Their ultimate goal is to threaten us through srbija."

"So, whether we choose to step in or not, in fact, their eyes have been on us from the moment they started working on the srbija."

"We have no choice or weakness, the battle is on, we can only fight it."

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