Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 387 Listen To Me, Thank You

The situation took a turn for the worse, Jane hurriedly entered operating instructions, but she was shocked to find that all the instructions she issued were like mud cows entering the sea, all sank into the vast space, and the thousands of Starlink satellites did not respond at all.

Even after she entered the final emergency shutdown order, the satellite kept its re-orbiting engine on, slowly but surely veering off its intended orbit.

"What exactly is going on!?"

Jane shouted hysterically at James, who was beside her. The latter did not answer, but immediately resumed the communication between heaven and earth, and began to calmly report the situation to the ground in ciphertext.

What he reported was simple:

All space-based units, including but not limited to Starlink satellites, are completely out of control.

How exactly is this done?

Logically speaking, even if the other party cracks its own ciphertext, or even interferes with the operation command signal, it will never achieve such an effect.

Thousands of Starlink satellites need to be controlled at the same time, which is not something that can be done simply by interfering and tampering with instructions. It requires a complete set of systems, and even the operation fitting model is unique.

Yes, the other party may be able to influence one or two satellites alone, or control dozens or hundreds of satellites, but without an operating system, it is impossible for them to achieve unified scheduling of the entire Starlink system.

It's like some kind of miracle.

James stared numbly at the signal display on the screen, and after a while, he suddenly realized.

The trajectories of those satellites were almost identical to the trajectories after they issued the first operation command.

The other party did not interfere with the operation instructions at all.

They just intercepted their own instructions, and after deceiving the system in some way, they re-issued the previously executed instructions.

But now, there is no way for us to do this at all - even if we restore control of the Starlink satellite, who can guarantee that after the next command is issued, the operation data in it will not double again?

"Contact the ground."

James sighed helplessly.

"There is no need to continue to struggle. This is not a problem that we can solve. We must communicate directly with each other."

"What do you mean? You mean we're going to admit defeat??"

Jane looked at James in astonishment, who nodded and replied:

"At least they just doubled the data... If they tripled, probably now, 80% of the Starlink satellites have crashed."

"We had to throw in the towel because we didn't even know how they did it..."


"All right."

James interrupted Jane's rebuttal and asked simply and directly:

"Other than that, is there any other way?"


Tiangong space station, Tianhe core module.

Looking at the gradually receding Starlink satellites, Luo Yaping finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past two hours, they have experienced the most stressful time since entering the space station.

The three Starlink satellites are approaching, and the orbital distance is only more than ten kilometers. As long as there is a little carelessness, the satellite and the space station will collide, thus completely destroying the space station that has gathered countless efforts.

They have already made all the preparations for the orbit change. As long as they enter the final time window and the situation has not changed, they will perform an emergency orbit change to avoid the satellites that are obviously carrying malicious intent.

But fortunately, the final result was within the expectations of the command.

For some reason that cannot be discussed publicly, the satellites of the Chou Kingdom took the initiative to avoid their own orbits, and it could even be said that they avoided their own space stations by an extremely exaggerated maneuver.

"This time is really a bit of a thrill.... The last chance to change orbits has entered the time window. We should give advice to the headquarters and prepare in advance next time. This kind of operation method has a low error tolerance rate. already."

Hearing Luo Yaping's words, Ye Fuguang, who was sitting opposite, nodded slightly and replied:

"After all, this is the first operation, so it's normal to be tight in time. After optimizing the process, we should be able to reduce the operation delay to less than 20 minutes. At that time, our fault tolerance rate can be improved a lot. "

"That's what I said, but I still feel that it is a bit risky. I can't completely control the situation in my own hands, after all, I'm still worried..."

Ye Fuguang glanced at him with some amusing, and asked rhetorically:

"Take complete control of the situation in your own hands? Do you really take other people's Starlinks as your own? It's not bad to be able to do this now."

"Think about what happened to us in the past? Their satellites flew over like that, and they didn't pay attention to you when you communicated with them, and confronted them head-on? People are not afraid at all."

"Yes, they are just a satellite. If they collide, they will collide. We are a space station! Can we collide with them?"

"Suffocated, like a rogue!"

"We thought about it before, or we'd just get a missile for them to shoot down, but we can only think about it, we can't hit it."

"Because one fight is equivalent to declaring war."

"What about now? Hey, what does it have to do with us?"

"Furthermore, the current operation method is the safest. No matter how much we check, we can't find it in our heads---- we haven't changed the data!"

Having said that, Ye Fuguang opened the cooked pork rice with plum and vegetables with a smug smile, and carefully scooped up the food with a spoon and put it into his mouth.

He didn't dare to speak when he was eating, otherwise the food debris would fly into the living cabin, and even if it had no negative impact on the equipment, it would pollute the living environment of the space station.

After finally swallowing the food in his mouth, he continued:

"Let me tell you, the command will definitely let us stop the jamming later - we should delay it for a while, exhaust all the fuel of their satellite's orbital change engine, and then stop."

"In the future, when they launch a batch, we will interfere with a batch and turn all those satellites into waste. Let's see if they can do it!"

Hearing this, Luo Yaping said helplessly:

"Obey the order, obey the order, Brother Ye! Besides, who said we did this? You can keep in mind the external caliber. Their derailment accident this time was entirely due to their own system problems."

"Damn, I know, I'm also an old comrade, don't you understand this? Isn't this just a matter of chatting and complaining..."

As he spoke, Ye Fuguang finished eating the rice bowl in threes and fives. After he packed the remaining garbage in a special storage bag, the communication system of the space station happened to receive a communication message from the headquarters and the Dragon spacecraft at the same time. .

The content of the former is very simple, with only one text:

"Cooperate with the Dragon spacecraft and the opponent's ground command system to restore Starlink operation."

The latter is a real-time call application.

Luo Yaping glanced at Ye Fuguang, and after seeing the other party nod, he turned on the communicator and accessed the communication with the Dragon Spaceship through the public channel.

"Hello, this is the Huaxia Space Station, Tiangong-2."

"This is the Ugly Dragon spacecraft... Have you received a notification from your command system?"

Luo Yaping paused for a moment, then said:

"We have been notified, and our headquarters instructed us to do our best to assist you in restoring control of the Starlink system. What help do you need?"

Hearing this, Jane on the Dragon Spaceship was already contorted with anger.

How can I help you? Don't you know what help we need?

Turning off your damn interference system is the greatest help to us!

But she couldn't say this idea directly, because in the previous communication with her own command, she had fully understood the current situation.

The other party did not leave any evidence, and the whole thing was handled cleanly, as if the orbit change accident of the Starlink system was really caused by the improper operation of the party itself.

It is impossible for them to admit to having made a move, and they themselves cannot ask.

Because that is equivalent to exposing one's own weaknesses to the public.

Jane took a deep breath, suppressed the fierce and turbulent emotions in her heart, and said:

"We need to use your system to perform navigation calculations on the Starlink satellites, and feed back the navigation data to us to readjust the satellite's orbit and attitude. Please cooperate."


Luo Yaping answered succinctly.

"Within half an hour."

Jane's tone was a little stiff, but she still controlled her emotions.

Just when she was about to hang up the communication, Luo Yaping's voice suddenly came from the earphone.

"and many more!"

"Anything else?"

"Did you forget something?"

The other party's voice was brisk and indifferent. Such a tone seemed to be no different from the one he was a few days ago.

Jane was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"Forgot what?"

"Forgot to say thank you to us. Shouldn't you be thanking us for helping you so much?"


Jane's fists clenched instantly, and she looked at James with a twisted face. The latter calmly took the communicator's microphone, took a deep breath, and said in an extremely sincere tone:

"Thank you, Tiangong No. 2."

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