Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 421: Unexpected Results

"Absurd! Absurd!"

"Why do they stop our agreement? What do these high-ranking officials know? Why do they use such a sanctimonious reason, regardless of the lives of our fishermen, to trade with the island country!"

"Whatever seeks self-reliance or escapes oppression is a fart!"

"It's all for the chair under their butt, and for the industries behind them!"

"The first time, I endured it, but now, the other side has made concessions again, and they still don't know how to repent!"

"Do you really think others are easy to bully? Even if they are easy to bully, I am not easy to bully!"

"I am the chief of the Fisheries Department. I can't even guarantee my own fishermen's right to eat. What kind of chief should I be! Let me go fishing too!"

In the office of the South Island Fisheries Department, a man with all his beard and hair was circling anxiously, cursing at Po Kou, the assistant beside him, and the assistant's face was full of helplessness.

After the man finished scolding one round, the assistant sighed and said:

"Sir, it's useless for you to scold me like this. They've always been like this. What can I do? These days, if you want to do real things, it's better to engage in party disputes."

"According to your qualifications, you should have been promoted long ago. Now you are still the head of a small fishery bureau. You know what's going on in your own heart."

The family relationship behind the man's assistant is not weak, so he doesn't have much scruples when communicating with the man. At this time, he pointed out the man's flaws bluntly, without any subtlety or avoidance in his words.

Hearing his words, the man slapped the table hard, and then said:

"Hmph, what's the use of party struggle, party struggle, party struggle? Can you eat it? Can you build an aircraft carrier? Can you make the ugly country guy change his mind? If you have a little power, you will hold on to it, thinking that you are the boss of the world. , never thinking about making progress, and don't know how to get rid of accumulated evils, now what?"

"We always boast about our ocean-going fishing boats being the most in the world, our ocean-going fishing industry being the strongest in the world, and our fishermen's being the world's number one professional. What happened? Within half a month, they just randomly dropped a few fishing boats from southern ports. When the formation comes over, our fishery will be defeated!"

"It's a fishing boat formation! Not a warship formation!"

"That's all, people are stronger than us, and their industrial heritage is deeper than ours. If you lose, you will lose. Anyway, market competition is so ruthless. But people are obviously throwing olive branches to us, and there are still people who are blind. catch!"

"It's a laughing stock! At this time, they still want to please the island country, and they still want to maintain the joint fishery agreement between the two islands. Are they all feces in their minds?"

"The ugly countrymen have already run away, and the islanders are still strong? The 6 aircraft carrier formations were forced to return to the Guam base and dare not move, do we still expect that the small country to come to give us a platform, give us support!?"

"They also stopped the acquisition of aquatic products and suspended exports to island countries. Did they think that would prevent the establishment of the Cross-Strait Fisheries Federation? Yes, I was forced to do nothing by them, but what about the other side?"

"If you push them in a hurry, how can they know that they won't shoot a few more aircraft carriers over to 'fish'?"

The director of the Fisheries Department became more and more angry. A desk was shot by him, and it seemed that it would completely fall to him in the next second.

He was really confused, because he didn't understand at all, how did the officials above come up with the idea of ​​suspending market transactions to prevent the signing of the cross-strait fishery federation agreement.

Yes, this agreement does contain provisions related to the export market and aquatic product supply. The suspension of market transactions is indeed an attitude, and to a certain extent, it is indeed the easiest and most effective way to organize the other party to enter the fishery industry.

I caught fish, but I won't sell it to you, I'm all in the sea, do you still sign this agreement?

When the industry cannot gain benefits from a certain power, that power will naturally lose control of the industry.

But the problem is, there is no problem if you want to do this, first of all you have to solve the problem of the fishermen eating!

They only say that they are not allowed to buy, and they only say that they are not to buy. What will happen to the fish that the fishermen have worked so hard to catch? Do you keep falling into the sea? Or is it to force these fishermen to transform and give up some of their industry advantages?

What's the difference between this and self-government?

It's better to make an agreement with them generously, at least make more money than when you cooperate with the island country!

Thinking of this, there was a sudden sadness in the man's heart. After walking around the office twice, the expression on his face gradually calmed down. Then, he said to his assistant:

"Sun Zhi, I'm going to the island right now. I have to make it clear to those officials that it's absolutely impossible for them to do this! Help me say hello to your family and ask them to give me all the necessary assistance! "

"No, sir, they can't do it like this, and you can't do it blindly! What capital do you have to wrestle with them now?"

"Then what can I do? I just want to do what I can't do now, otherwise, will we watch our fishermen starve? Did you know that they just issued an executive order to restrict the trade between fishermen and other fishermen! "

"...I know, but sir..."

"No buts!"

After he finished speaking, the man turned around and was about to go out. The assistant behind him frowned and drank categorically:

"Li Gangjian! Can you calm down?! If you continue with this attitude, I will contact my father to suspend you now!"

Hearing the assistant's words, the man's footsteps stopped abruptly. Then, he slowly turned around and looked directly at Sun Zhi with gloomy eyes and said:

"I thought we were all people who wanted to do things for the common people of Li Min, I thought you were my ally..."

"I'm your ally, but have you ever really thought about what you're going to do?"

Sun Zhi stood up from his chair, walked to the door and slammed the door opened by the man, then continued to speak:

"Your brain is not enough. You are not thinking about the current situation calmly at all. Let me ask you, can this executive order under the Executive Yuan really control our fishermen?"

"Have you read the other party's announcement? What they said is to trade directly at sea!"

"They think farther than you! They know what the gangsters of the Executive Yuan are going to do! That's why they issue such an announcement!"

"At sea, what is the sea? It's in the fishing ground! Do you think that our few coast guard ships can stop other people's 10,000-ton ships?"

"So what if the order is given? Are the fishermen stupid? Wouldn't they be secretive and deal with each other?"

"Isn't the coast guard ship of your Fisheries Department under your control? ----Yes, some of them are not under your control, but how much can they control?"

"What you are asking for now is to give the fishermen something to eat. What about now? The other side solved this problem for you and saved your potential 'friend', and you still want to destroy their arrangement yourself? "

After listening to Sun Zhi's words, Li Gangjian was stunned and froze in place.

Yes, caring is messed up. This time, I was really irritated by Shangfeng's confusing operation, and even the most basic problems were ignored.

This time, the transaction location is at sea!

After the ugly country left, who else could compete with them in this sea area? They are the overlords of this sea!

Since they all said that they can trade, do they really dare to touch this bad head? Do they really want to resort to force?

No, it's not possible.

The so-called executive order is nothing more than a face-lifting project.

They don't want other people in the world who are concerned about the situation in this sea to think that they have surrendered, and they also want to save the last shred of dignity, or, in other words, to save the last shred of chance for a comeback.

This gives yourself a chance.

As Sun Zhi said, he doesn't care about the so-called situation at all, nor does he care whether the final result of this confrontation is to merge into one, or continue to maintain the status quo. From the beginning to the end, his relationship is just to give the fishermen a bite to eat.

If so, why would you go to muddy the water?

The most important thing now is not to argue with Shangfeng, not to win or lose, because once things get bigger, no one will win.

What I have to do is to continue to maintain contact with the other side, continue to carefully and prudently promote the establishment of the Cross-Strait Fisheries Federation, and ultimately solve the problem of fishermen fundamentally.

Thinking of this, Li Gangjian slapped himself hard, and then said ashamedly:

"Xiao Sun, if you care about it, you will be messed up, and you will be effective. I have been an official for 20 years, but I am not as good as you, a fledgling child."

Hearing this, Sun Zhi shook his head and replied:

"It's not that I have vision, on the contrary, if I come to your position, I will never do better than you."

"I don't have the heart of your child."

"It's precisely because I don't have your innocent heart that I can stay out of it forever and see what you can't see. It's not your fault."

Li Gangjian sighed deeply, sat down on the chair again, and then asked:

"So, what are you and your family planning? To be honest, it's time to make a bet. How are you... going to choose?"

Sun Zhi frowned slightly and replied:

"I really don't know the family's choice, and they won't tell me so early."

"However, in my opinion, there is actually no choice in this matter."

"Sir, you don't really think they're not being rough now, because they can't be rough? They're just afraid of trouble."

"Now that the people of the ugly country have clearly abandoned us, who can we rely on? On the island country? On the country? On the continent?"

"Ridiculous! The sum of these countries is not enough to hold the other side with one hand - especially when the other side has developed by leaps and bounds in the past two years."

"So, in fact, the answer to the question you asked is very obvious... You know it in your own heart, don't you?"

Hearing this, Li Gangjian nodded heavily and did not answer.


The issuance of the executive order means that the second sum of money that has just been sent has been withdrawn again, and now, for Huaxia, it is time to send the gun.

However, what the planners did not expect was that what they originally wanted to arouse was the division between the lower class and the upper class of carnivores, but now, this division first appeared within the opponent.

The island's bureaucracy, just like 80 years ago, is about to fall apart.

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