Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 428 Want To Refute Their Face

In fact, the visit of an aircraft carrier formation to the sea is not an operation that is too shocking. All countries with aircraft carriers in the world have basically conducted a visit to an aircraft carrier formation. , is indeed extremely rare.

Huaxia's explanation for this is that the 003 formation itself is conducting ocean trials. The planned route would have passed through some waters near Europe, and it also performed a short-term escort mission near the Gulf of Aden, so it was just to take this opportunity. Exchange with countries on escort and anti-piracy experience.

Such exchanges are essentially to ensure the security of the entire maritime shipping system and international trade, and there is no so-called special diplomatic attribute, so there is no need to make special distinctions between the visiting objects.

In the face of such an invitation, the invited countries showed very different reactions. Among them, the countries that were closer to the ugly country or were more powerful, after careful consideration, most of them chose to decline, but those who had neither strength nor power. The background country has no choice. The only thing they can do is to repeatedly confirm to Huaxia that this is a normal friendly visit.

In this regard, Huaxia's answer is also very simple:

"Why should we greet you if it's an unfriendly visit?"

This sentence awakened a large number of countries and forces that were still swaying. They seemed to wake up from a dream and saw the current situation clearly.

Yes, after Huaxia's high-profile public visit plan, even Chou Guo did not respond, the answer is obviously already obvious:

Either they don't think it's necessary, or they can't manage it at all.

In either case, "cooperation" is the best option.

Because, if the ugly country feels that it is unnecessary to manage, it means that the relationship between the two countries has tended to ease, and at this time, as a younger brother, he cannot continue to fight; and if he can't control...

Just a joke, can you manage things that big brother can't manage?

Honestly lose a smile.

As a result, after the first batch of countries that responded to the invitation, almost all the remaining countries that were planning to visit accepted the invitation, including a large number of countries that Francis originally planned to visit.

They haven't made up their minds on whether to cancel Francis' visit, because they all want to see how the first hapless one turns out.

Francis' visit to Ireland has come to an end, and Form 003 has arrived at the Djibouti supply base and is about to sail into the Red Sea.


Djibouti, Camp Lemonier.

Camp Lemonier is the largest military base of the Ugly State in Africa, and the headquarters of the Ugly State in Africa. It guards the Strait of Mander, a strategic point where the Red Sea enters the Indian Ocean. "The name.

This base was first established and used by the Outlaw Legion, and was rented by the Ugly State after the Twin Towers Incident. In name, it was to combat terrorist activities in Africa and the Middle East, but in fact, it was still a place to protect the Ugly State's energy hegemony. established deterrent base.

There are more than 4,000 soldiers stationed in this base, and a large number of naval and air force equipment are deployed. In addition to the non-resident b-2 bomber, it also includes f-35, f22, p-3 anti-submarine patrol aircraft, b-1b Lancer bomber And so on a series of equipment.

These equipment basically guarantee the control of Chou Country in the Red Sea and surrounding areas. Even in the context of the current overall contraction of Chou Country's military bases outside the country, the personnel and equipment configuration of this base have never changed.

For this time the 003 aircraft carrier formation docked at the Huaxia Djibouti supply base, the soldiers stationed in the Lemonnier battalion were a bit at a loss. They did not understand how to deal with this possible event. In fact, if the time goes back A few months ago, they would never have had any of this emotion.

At the peak of the confrontation in the Western Pacific, this base, which is only a dozen kilometers away from the Huaxia Djibouti base, took off and landed hundreds of planes almost every day. These planes can be said to fly aimlessly over the Red Sea. Then it swept over the Djibouti base in a grand manner, declaring its absolute control over this sea area.

But now, things seem to have changed.

The base is still the same base, and the equipment is still the same, but the activity of this base is actually completely different from before.

Schneider is an ordinary pilot in this base. The fighter plane he drives is the famous Lancer bomber. During the two years he was stationed at Camp Lemonnier, he flew fighter planes over the Djibouti base countless times. He was warned by his superiors for his demonstration of opening a bomb magazine at an ultra-low altitude, but such a warning did not have any impact on his career, but made him a prestige "hero" among his colleagues.

At this moment, he was sitting bored in the open space of the camp, quietly listening to an old song that he had heard countless times.

In the hangar behind him, the "Lancer" he was very familiar with was parked, but at this time, the aircraft, like him, could only stay on the ground, in the small barracks and hangars.

When the music in the headphones entered the beginning of the loop again, a man walked in front of him. The man took off one of Schneider's headphones and put it on, and then said:

"It's another boring about you, have you received the flight mission?"

The person who came was Wood, the pilot of the fighter squadron. His car was an F-22 fighter. Like Schneider, he belonged to the top predator in this base.

Hearing his question, Schneider shook his head helplessly and replied:

"No. There are fewer and fewer flying missions recently. I haven't been to the sky for more than a month. I really don't know what's going on..."

"Probably to negotiate with Huaxia - this time it seems to be serious."

Schneider hummed, but did not answer immediately.

The so-called "peace talks" actually happened several times before, but every time this kind of signal was revealed, it was when they were most diligent in combat readiness. In their opinion, the peace talks were fake, and they were delayed in the name of peace talks. Preparation is real.

He still remembered one time when the commander only revealed his intention to negotiate in front of the public media the day before, and the day after, he flew the Lancers over the opponent's base and slapped the opponent in the face.

That day happened to be Christmas Eve, and the other party also politely expressed holiday wishes to him over the phone, but such blessings were like a joke to him.

Who cares about the holiday blessings from the lower ranks? Even if this blessing is just routine.

The answer to this blessing was nothing more than a high-intensity flight all night.

And when the other party complained to them about this obviously malicious harassing flight, the answer in the camp was extremely simple:

"This is a routine global joint training, using the unified time in the ugly country."

Such an answer leaves the other party speechless and unable to take any countermeasures.

Because their personnel and equipment configuration are far worse than Camp Lemonnier, even if they call out planes for the same harassment, they will soon be driven away by their own planes, which will not have any major impact at all.

The days at that time were really comfortable, and even now, he still reminisces about the thrill of humiliating the opponent's fighter plane on the ground.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and replied:

"I really hope that days like this will pass soon, I'm about to be suffocated."

Hearing his words, Wood sighed with emotion and said in agreement:

"It was a good time indeed.... Don't worry, I have a feeling that days like this will be back soon."

"Why? Do you have any news?"

Schneider asked curiously.

"No. But don't you think that no news is the greatest good news?"

"...Wood, you know I'm not a smart person, that reasoning is too hard for me."

Wood smiled and comforted:

"It doesn't matter, as a pilot, we actually don't need to know too much about this kind of thing... However, what I want to say is that there is no news, it means that we have no comparison with their strength. There is a fundamental change, isn't it?"

Schneider frowned slightly and continued to ask:

"Why? They obviously have the No. 003 aircraft carrier formation, as well as laser weapons, electromagnetic guns, and H-20... Isn't this the reason why we are showing weakness temporarily?"

"...I don't think we're showing weakness now, on the contrary, I think it's just a longer preparation - just like we did before each flight Same."

"What laser weapons, what electromagnetic guns, what bombers are just things we've been tired of using for a long time. Compared to our huge army, those are just toys."

"Even the No. 003 aircraft carrier formation is actually just a medium-sized aircraft carrier formation. We don't even need support from other areas. Just relying on the strength in the camp can guarantee to sink it 100%."

"We know this, and the other party knows it too, so they kept a low profile when they stopped at the Djibouti base this time, didn't they?"

"Don't worry, China is still the same China, and the ugly country is still the same ugly country. Such peaceful days are only temporary, maybe something special will happen tonight..."

Schneider's eyes lit up, and then he couldn't wait to ask:

"whats the matter?"

The opposite Wood smiled mysteriously, lowered his voice and said:

"I think we should resume flying at night. And we'll probably fly over each other's carrier formations."

"Think about it, they are so interested in this aircraft carrier formation's ocean voyage, and this represents their strongest strength, or, in other words, this is their 'face'."

"You know, Chinese people value the so-called 'face' because it is closely related to their international reputation."

"They want to use this voyage to flex their muscles, to build their global influence, to convince other countries to submit to them... Do you think we will let this happen?"

"The answer is obvious... Even in the current situation, we can't just sit idly by."

"We will definitely destroy their 'face' in some way."

"At that point, things should be ... interesting."

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