Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 461 Fairy, Ghost

After exiting the simulator, Ye Zhou's mood could not calm down for a long time.

Whether it is the powerful enemy from the adjacent dimension, or the efforts made to fight against this enemy Huaxia, they have brought him a strong impact.

The nation seems to have faced crises on an ongoing basis from the moment of its birth, and has grown through these crises.

Difficulties and hardships, Yuru Yucheng. This sentence seems to be very suitable to describe Huaxia.

He sat up from the sofa, drank the cold tea from the cup in one gulp, then stood up and walked outside the door, sitting quietly on the steps of the yard in front of the door.

It was already late at night, the temperature still did not drop, but the evening wind was as cool as ever.

The concepts obtained in this simulation still echoed in his mind, adjacent dimensions, entropy increase and jump, Fenghuo No. 1, the sky patching plan...

These apparently unfamiliar terms seemed to be imprinted in his mind at the moment, no matter how he tried to temporarily forget them, it was in vain.

He has no way to let go of his worries, and there is no way to convince himself that such a crisis will not appear in this timeline, and, more seriously, the quantum ghost has appeared, which means that the distance from the adjacent dimension channel is opened, very It may be only one step away.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou let out a deep breath, then called Wu Ping, who had been waiting on the side, and drove to Chen Hao's residence.

Wu Ping was already used to Ye Zhou's late-night actions, so he didn't ask any more questions at all. He just asked before going out if he wanted to buy a late-night snack nearby.

After all, in his eyes, Ye Zhou had been sleeping on the sofa since dinner time.

But having said that, every time this man travels late at night, he must have made a major discovery. This ability to make major discoveries in a single sleep is really not something that ordinary people can envy.

Without gossiping along the way, when Ye Zhou walked into Chen Hao's room with a large barbecue, he had already washed his face and brewed tea and was waiting.

"You haven't slept? It's all this time."

Chen Hao smiled helplessly and replied:

"You think everyone is like you. You don't sleep at two in the morning and come to toss others. I just washed my face and I'm already awake."

"You still eat such greasy things at night, I think you have completely put aside your dietary advice..."

"Just say you don't want to eat it!"

Ye Zhou said angrily.

"Eat, eat, why not eat."

While picking up the skewer and stuffing it into his mouth, Chen Hao continued to ask:

"What's so urgent? Is there any progress in the first wall material of nuclear fusion?"

Ye Zhou nodded slightly and replied:

"There is progress, but that's not the point."

"What's the point?"

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, and after organizing the language, he told Chen Hao the details of the invasion of adjacent dimensions from beginning to end, especially when talking about the impact of energy suffocation on the entire human society, he deliberately highlighted the entire Western The collapse of the world, thereby deepening Chen Hao's understanding of the seriousness of the situation.

Chen Hao didn't quite understand some of the technical terms in Ye Zhou's words, so Ye Zhou had to explain them one by one. After the final explanation was completed, Chen Hao's brows were already furrowed.

"So, let me give an example, you can see if what I said is correct."

Seeing Ye Zhou nodding, Chen Hao continued:

"First of all, our universe is like a fish pond, we are the fish in the fish pond, and the energy is the water."

"We must rely on water to survive, and we must use water to enable technology and society to develop."

"Adjacent-dimensional invasion means that there is a fish pond next door, and for some reason, they suddenly broke through the isolation of the ridge and laid a pipeline between our fish pond and theirs."

"This pipe keeps pumping water from our side to their side, and they won't stop until we're all drained, right?"

Ye Zhou hummed and added:

"It's better to understand it in terms of heat. We are now in a house with air leaks from all sides. Higher civilizations from adjacent dimensions are constantly drawing heat away from our house, and we can't plug the broken windows. If you want to maintain heat to ensure survival, you can only make a fire."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao nodded thoughtfully, and then asked:

"How do they draw our heat away?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"Until the technology reaches the same level, we can't know the specific principle. However, you can understand it abstractly as there is a goblin controlling an air conditioner, which adjusts its position according to the degree of heat accumulation in our room, Get our heat away with maximum efficiency."

"Can't we just kill this goblin?"

Ye Zhou smiled bitterly and replied:

"We don't even know how to open the adjacent dimension channel, how to kill the goblin? To be precise, it's not that we don't know how to open the channel, and even we don't even know what the channel is, where it is, and what kind of thing the goblin is. Do not know at all."

"Fighting them directly is a fool's dream. The only feasible way is to create more energy in a short period of time and temporarily maintain the balance of energy exchange, so as to ensure that the basic laws on our side are not affected."

"Isn't this the same as paying tribute in ancient times?"

Chen Hao frowned and complained.

"...If you say that, it's really paying tribute, but the problem is, even if you want to pay tribute, there are still many people in this world who don't have this way."

"They can't make a large fusion-based energy-tuning device, so they can't take advantage of the Szilard enrichment effect. For them, the increase in the rate of entropy growth is large-scale and uncontrollable."

"So, this energy exchange affects them even more - the global drop in energy density is more lethal and orders of magnitude more lethal than feeding them with a few fusion units. ."

"He's so embarrassed..."

Hearing this, Chen Hao sighed involuntarily.

He originally thought that after surpassing the ugly country, the whole of China would no longer have to suffer from this kind of oppression, but he never expected that the enemy on the same planet had just been solved, and he had not even completely solved it yet. An enemy from another dimension!

Who are you going to talk to about this?

After a moment of silence, he continued to ask:

"So what's your suggestion? Are you going to start the beacon project now?"

Ye Zhou frowned, shook his head, and replied:

"No, this project is too advanced for us now. We don't know when the invasion of adjacent dimensions will occur. If we blindly make advance preparations, it is likely to have the opposite effect."

"What I mean is that we should put the theoretical study of the adjacent dimension on the agenda and create a crisis awareness of the invasion of the adjacent dimension within the leadership."

"If possible, we should also organize alliances among nations to persuade them to give up fighting and join us against that human enemy."

"Although I know that the possibility of this strategy being implemented is very low, we have to try it. After all, if we are alone, it will be too difficult......"

Having said that, Ye Zhou sighed in his heart.

It seems that in the plot he simulated, Huaxia has always fought against the world by himself. This can be said to be a kind of loneliness, but it is undeniable that this is the tragedy of mankind.

In the face of such a major crisis, with Huaxia taking the lead, there is still no way to let go of those petty profits, let go of those prejudices and shortsightedness to jointly defend against the enemy, such so-called "human beings", what is the use of keeping them ?

Just let the entropy jump to swallow them all.

However, he certainly couldn't say this idea - it was too anti-human.

The opposite Chen Hao nodded in agreement, and then said:

"I will report it like a superior. This is a major discovery, and its significance is no less than nuclear fusion itself. Rest assured, we will not ignore it. All subsequent progress and strategies will be notified to you."

"But then again, do we really have no chance to close the channel? For example, we directly use the quantum ghost to kill the goblin..."

"and many more!"

Ye Zhou's eyes widened suddenly.

Quantum ghosts, goblins, adjacent dimensions, energy exchange, quantum computing interference...  

Lin Ling seems to have said that her research topic is related to adjacent dimensions.

Then, the quantum ghost that had appeared twice repeatedly hinted at the relationship between Lin Ling and himself, and even vaguely suggested that the quantum ghost itself had some connection with Lin Ling.

So, it's very likely that...

That quantum ghost is indeed related to Lin Ling, and it may even be in the future, because of some extreme events such as particle detonation, entropy increase and jump, a special probability cloud form is generated, and the origin of this probability cloud is Lin Ling.

Lin Ling is a quantum ghost and the goblin guarding the "air conditioner"!

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