Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 463 A Piece Of Stationery Recorded In The Annals Of History


The largest cepc in China, and it may be the largest cepc in the next few decades, the place where high-energy particles are most active, and the place with the highest energy endowment...

The first jump in entropy appeared there, and Ye Zhou was not surprised at all.

The only thing that surprised him was that the adjacent dimension invasion of this timeline would come so quickly!

According to the information obtained by Ye Zhou from the simulator, in another timeline, the first adjacent dimension invasion occurred 300 years later, and at that level of technology, it is extremely difficult for humans to deal with it, now?

Time, time is the most important thing.

The adjacent dimensional invasion in 20 years is not necessarily a large-scale invasion, but if at that time, human beings are not ready for the first beacon, the entire human world will fall into a passive state!

Therefore, there is not much time left for human beings - but it is ridiculous that human beings have not yet had any predictions about the crisis. Instead, they are fighting each other and competing for petty profits on the same planet!

Ye Zhou took a long breath and said to Chen Hao:

"The problem is very clear, we have 20 years to promote the completion of the first beacon installation."

"Before that, we have to solve the problem of controllable nuclear fusion - according to the current progress, this may take five years."

"Next, we need high-power lasers, we need large-scale fusion devices, and that's about five to 10 years."

"Finally, we have to build the beacon installation - we only have less than 10 years!"

According to Ye Zhou's understanding, it took more than 20 years for the beacon device to be established in another timeline, but that was when the adjacent dimension had been fully invaded and human productivity had dropped rapidly.

If Huaxia can maintain the current growth rate and maintain the efficiency of continuous application of new technologies, then in the next 20 years, it will not be as difficult as it seems to complete what Huaxia can do in 50 years on another timeline.

Just urgent.

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao nodded solemnly, and then replied:

"Then our actions in other fields will be accelerated. We must solve all internal and external problems in the shortest possible time, and then concentrate all our efforts to develop technology!"

"Yes. However, how to solve internal and external troubles is a big problem..."

Ye Zhou thoughtfully looked at the scattered reports that Chen Hao put aside, which were all strategic reports related to the South Island, the Middle East, and Europe.

"what do you think?"

Chen Hao noticed Ye Zhou's eyes and asked curiously.

He didn't really hope that Ye Zhou could give any opinion in this field. After all, there is a specialization in the art industry, and it would be a bit reluctant for a scientific research scholar to do this kind of specialized game strategy.

However, as the old saying goes, if one listens to the other, the opinion of the scholar who stands at the top of science and technology, like Ye Zhou, is sometimes very useful for reference.

Ye Zhou shook his head lightly and replied:

"I don't have any particular ideas, the problem is too big for me and not within my purview."

"However, if I must say, I do have a comment to make."

"What opinion?"

Ye Zhou picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of tea, spit out the tea leaves in his mouth, and said decisively:

"Don't ally with them!"

"Our relationship with them must not be allies!"

"We can only overwhelm them with overwhelming strength and force them to do things according to our code."

"If we can't reach this point, we might as well cut off contact with them directly, otherwise, they will not only be unable to help, but also likely to have a negative impact on ourselves."

Chen Hao frowned and asked in disbelief:

"Are you so pessimistic about them?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and corrected:

"Not just pessimistic.... I'm almost desperate for them."

"You can go back and see, have they ever made a positive strategy in the face of a major global crisis?"

"Global warming, they put out a clown to walk around and ask people 'how dare you'; when infectious diseases spread, they directly slapped their minds and wondered how to pull others into the water; when major crises occurred, they directly dumped sewage into the sea."

"Under such a trend of thought, I can't believe they can do anything responsible."

In fact, Ye Zhou's judgment of them is far more than that. According to the information he obtained in the simulator, after the invasion of the adjacent dimension, the speed of the collapse of the Western world can almost be said to be too fast for people to be caught off guard.

Large-scale land abandonment, large-scale chaos, the prevalence of zero-dollar purchases, the collapse of the industrial system in a short period of time, the kidnapping of ideal scientific researchers by populists, and the most terrifying thing is that the population has been falling off cliffs for decades. rising and falling.

The former is due to the rising fertility rate caused by the complete collapse of the moral system, and the latter is due to unnatural deaths caused by insufficient resources and frequent wars.

With such a group of so-called "civilized people", who would dare to be allies with them?

It is almost impossible to avoid it.

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao's expression was solemn.

"You're right, but it's too difficult to achieve... If I look at it from my point of view, I still prefer limited cooperation."

"After all, from an objective point of view, they have made a lot of contributions to the progress of the entire human society, and they cannot be killed with a single stick."

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Of course it can't be killed with a single stick, and I'm not denying their achievements now."

"What I'm saying is that they're like a player who can only play tailwinds, and when things go against the wind, they're going to collapse -- and even bring other players to collapse together."

"So, when faced with this situation, my advice is, either take them offline and we'll take over their accounts."

"Either... just let them stay in the spring, don't go out and give people their heads!"


Hearing this, Chen Hao finally nodded, and after pondering for a while, he said:

"Since this is the case, then there will be some changes to the plan we specified earlier."

"We may not be able to move forward at the same pace as before, how to say it, calmly."

"We need a more aggressive rhythm."

"Yes. Therefore, we must speed up our pace now - the problem of the South Island must be solved as quickly as possible, and then the Yindu and the island country!"

"In addition, on my side, I will also fully promote technological innovation. Now that the first wall material is available, I will hand over the relevant documents to you tomorrow. The application of this technology can almost be said to not require any additional Cost - only in the synthesis part may some new facilities be needed."

"But I've also looked at them, and these facilities are within the reach of our current basic industrial level."

"So, this technology has to be applied as soon as possible, and when the laser is made, the first wall made of the new material has to be made too."

After speaking, Ye Zhou drank the water in the cup in one breath, and Chen Hao grabbed a piece of letter paper. The two discussed and wrote down all the important information of the night.

When Chen Hao finally stopped writing, the letter was already densely written. The two got together and read it again. After confirming that there was no problem, Chen Hao made a phone call and handed the letter to the staff of the Intelligence Department. hand.

A few hours later, this irregularly shaped letter with oily spots on it and the smell of roast lamb kidney was delivered to the red building.


The man in the Chinese tunic holds the stationery just delivered in his hand, with a solemn expression on his face.

"So, they did confirm the so-called 'adjacent dimension invasion' crisis, how reliable is it?"

Sitting in front of him are the top scholars in the field of high-energy physics in China, including the old man who is over 100 years old.

"According to the evidence they submitted and the experimental results of cepc, the reliability has basically reached 100%. Although we have not monitored any entropy increase jumps, in fact, such jumps are in every universe in the universe. It's happening all over the place."

"According to the current cutting-edge theory, the jump in entropy is indeed significantly related to adjacent dimensions, and coupled with the quantum ghost that has been basically confirmed to exist, my personal opinion is that their judgment should be used as the main strategy for the future. in accordance with."

"What do you mean to say, take the strategy of dealing with the invasion of adjacent dimensions?"

Hearing this, the old man showed a secret smile on his face, and then answered:

"No, if that's the case, then we underestimate that 'Suiren' too much."

"He has nuclear fusion technology, quantum ghosts, and a series of accurate judgments about the future. Will he just be satisfied with letting us survive by paying tribute?"

"Look at the letter he submitted. The strategy on it is densely written, but between the lines, I can only see two words."


"For him, defense is not enough, and surviving is not enough. He wants us to enter a field where no human has ever set foot, and snatch more things from that powerful enemy."

"For him, this universe is a 'big filter', and what he wants to do is not to let Huaxia survive from the filter."

"But let Huaxia be the hand that masters the big filter!"

The man in the tunic nodded by default, and after a long silence, he said:

"In that case, let's make arrangements."

"Unexpectedly, I might become the first leader to push the territory of 'Fenglang Juxu' to another dimension."

The man involuntarily showed a relaxed smile, and then said to the secretary beside him:

"Put this letter away."

"Be careful, this is something that will go into the museum in the future."

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