Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Four Hundred And Seventy-Ninth There Will Be Monsters When Things Go Wrong

After 6 days, the survey team completed all the survey tasks, but unlike Zhang Fu's initial plan, everyone in the team was exhausted to the extreme.

The physical strength was severely exhausted, the rest was insufficient, and the mental state was extremely poor. Two team members even had the idea of ​​quitting.

And the reason is simple: there are just too many accidents.

From the time the team members took off their gloves inexplicably, for six days, it seemed that everyone made mistakes, even the captain Qing Hao was not spared. There were only three people in the team who did not make mistakes from beginning to end, and that was Zhang Fuhe The other two guards, Li Fang and Liu Chu.

No one knows the reason, and no traces of vandalism can be found in this series of events, so they can only think that all this is due to the collective hysteria caused by the first major project and the excessive psychological pressure. .

Everyone needs to adapt and rest, otherwise the more difficult tasks of the next stage may not be possible at all.

After arriving at Taohuagou, the survey team checked into the long-arranged homestay, and everyone couldn't wait to go back to their rooms to make up for their sleep. Only Zhang Fu found a room for the principle crowd by himself and started the survey operation for the previous stage. 's replay.

His notebook has densely recorded all the unexpected events, the time of occurrence, and the relevant people. Now what he wants to do is to connect these clues and find the logic that may exist.

Zhang Fu opened the notebook, started from the first page, and slowly combed it from the beginning to the end.

The first accident happened on December 6, the night they arrived at the Zijongna camp. Six people in the team took off their gloves. If they didn't find out in time, they would be in danger of frostbite.

The second accident was late at night on December 6th. A team member went out to release water and walked out of the camp's safe area like sleepwalking. Li Fang, who was watching the night, found him and stopped him.

The third time was a day later on December 7th. Someone took off his goggles while he was on the road. When Zhang Fu found out, the latter had mild symptoms of snow blindness.

The fourth time was on December 8. An accident occurred during the fire-making process. The tent was too close to the fire and was almost set on fire.

The fifth time was on December 9. During the return from Zhiba Lomba, the survey team walked straight into the long-marked glacier fissure area, and was found and stopped by Zhang Fu, who was with the team, but he still did not. Shen fell into the fissure, but luckily the fissure was not wide, and no one was injured.

Afterwards, on the way back from Chidan, the safest part of the entire trip, to Xuewaka Village, small accidents such as accidental departure from the team, deviation from direction, and loss of equipment continued to occur. In the second half of the trip, Zhang Fu forced everyone to enter the forced march. , It took 3 hours to complete the original 8-hour journey and arrived at the Palong Zangbo River. The accident finally stopped.

At that time, the morale of the survey team had fallen to the bottom, and the state was extremely exhausted, but the most surprising thing to Zhang Fu was that the entire survey team never made any mistakes in this state of being at the end of the shot.

That mountain area seems to be under some kind of curse, as long as those who enter it will make mistakes involuntarily.

Are there really ghosts? Could it be that some mysterious force tried to stop them by such means after detecting their purpose?

But the question is, why are you, why Li Fang and Liu Chu are not affected?

Zhang Fu shook his head, expelled the chaotic thoughts in his mind, got up and walked towards Qing Hao's room.

After meeting, Zhang Fu found that Qing Hao, like himself, was also sorting out the accidents that happened on this journey. The latter was not surprised by his arrival, but asked bluntly:

"Are there clues? Was it man-made or accidental?"

Qing Hao's expression is a little bit unnoticeable. As he said before, although he is a materialist, in the long-term field work, he will inevitably have some unspeakable taboos. He was worried about whether he had committed some taboos, which led to a series of chain reactions.

"It must be man-made. When things go wrong, there must be demons. I don't believe in any mysterious things. Everything that seems inexplicable can be dismantled."

Hearing Zhang Fu's firm answer, Qing Hao frowned slightly and then said:

"My thinking is the same, there must be something wrong with this team, but we can't catch the crux of the problem now - I have just reviewed the game, these accidents are not caused by one person, nor do they have any obvious Visible correlation."

"As you know, I myself had an accident and took the wrong way. From my personal experience, I think it was really an oversight----I read the wrong gps reading, and I didn't do a second check on the spot. ."

"It wasn't until I felt something was wrong that I realized that we were going off course."

"From this perspective, I feel that the source of the problem is myself, not external influences."

"But I'm also very strange. I haven't made such a mistake for at least ten years. Now, as soon as I enter the mountain, it is still in the early stage of the operation, and I actually start to make such a low-level mistake. This is very inappropriate... .."

"Of course not."

Zhang Fu handed Qing Hao a cigarette, lit it and said:

"It's not just you, the fire was even more outrageous. Who would put the fire on the upper side of the tent and put it so close? Even Xiaobai would never make such a mistake!"

"I always feel that this series of accidents is being guided by someone, but I can't find out who it is, and I can't figure out what method he used..."

"Would you like to notify your superiors and request an extension of the project?"

Qing Hao asked.

Zhang Fu shook his head and replied:

"It's useless to postpone. What's really useful is to replace people. It's just right to replace all our people-especially me, I have no accident from beginning to end, and I am the most suspicious one."

"We don't have enough clues now. I don't think it is necessary to ask for help for the time being. My suggestion is that tomorrow, we will organize a plenary meeting to review all the actions at this stage!"

"You know, in these six days, most of our time was spent on the road, and there were very few effective information points, and even communication with each other was limited."

"If we can gather all these information points and fill in the gaps in clues, we are very likely to find the line that connects these surprises."

"As long as the line is found, the problem can be solved logically."

"Does it work?"

Qing Hao asked suspiciously.

Zhang Fu pondered for a moment, then said:

"I won't say whether it works or not. You are the one who experienced it firsthand. Come, let me ask you now, what is the whole process of you leading the wrong way?"

"I'm talking about the whole process, including the communication and interaction with other people, starting from when we descended Chidan Mountain!"

Qing Hao took out a notebook from his pocket and opened it. While browsing his work records, he said:

"After getting off the red pole, I remember the first time I watched the GPS positioning. At that time, everything was normal. During the process of leading the team down the mountain, the wind was very heavy, and I didn't communicate with everyone else."

"At the foot of Chidan Mountain, we had a short rest and replenishment. At this time in the valley, the altitude was low and the wind was low. The team began to divide into small groups for lunch."

"I went out a short distance to check the road conditions by myself at that time - no more than 5 minutes away from the team, and a maximum distance of 200 meters, and there was no accident."

"Then I returned to the rest point and chatted with a few people in the team."

"At that time, everyone's emotions were very positive. After all, although there were so many accidents before, they were all saved. The first stage is already in sight, and the route is very clear. The rest is just to hurry."

"Do you remember what you said to anyone?"

Zhang Fu interrupted Qing Hao's words.

While writing and drawing in the notebook, Qing Hao answered:

"The first person I met was Liu Chu, who was on guard outside. He didn't have a good rest these days. I asked him how his health was, and he replied that it was far worse than the Army Devil Week. I said that he would wait until the peach blossom. Take a good rest for two days, that's all."

"The second one was Shu Fang. He asked me if the road ahead was good or not. I said it was fine. already."

"The third one is Liu Xiang. He also asked me about the road conditions, and the answer was similar to Shu Fang. He told me not to worry too much. The rest of the road can be walked with my eyes closed."

"In the end, it's Chen Wu----the same thing. After talking about it, it has basically been successful. You can walk along the river valley and you don't need to look at the map. I replied to him that although the terrain is simple, if you don't look at the map If you don't look at the GPS, you may still go the wrong way, and he said that the GPS is not necessarily accurate, especially in the case of complex terrain."

"I didn't argue with him, I found my backpack and simply took two bites and led the team out."

"At 95.3538e, 29.918n, I checked the gps for the first time and pointed the way, but after 10 minutes of walking, I felt the slope rising, so I relocated and found that the previous reading was Not allowed."

"From the GPS record, we were at 95.3578e at that time, which was already on the east side of the valley, but I thought it was on the west side, so I led the way east."

"After I found the problem, I immediately adjusted the route and went back to the main route, and there was no problem after that."

After listening to Qing Hao's narration, Zhang Fu vaguely felt that he had caught something, so he asked:

"When you positioned for the first time, were you sure you didn't do a second check? If it was me, I would do a second check every time I read."

Qing Hao shook his head and replied:

"No, at that time I thought that this river valley was a road to the dark, and the terrain could lead to the end, so I didn't care too much about the GPS data..."

"Why don't you care? This is in the middle of the snowy mountains! Vision is unreliable!"

"Yes, I know, but..."

Having said that, Qing Hao suddenly raised his head.

He also found problems.

Why don't you care?

In the field, when sophisticated equipment is available and accurate, it is extremely ridiculous to rely not on equipment, but on one's own experience.

However, he did so himself.

What has affected you?

Looking at Qing Hao's stunned expression, Zhang Fu breathed a long sigh of relief and said:

"I can probably guess what's going on... Now, tell me, who in the team has a background in psychology?"

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