Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 481: The Sophistication Of The Pastoral Organization

"Psychology? Chen Wu!"

Hearing Qing Hao's answer, Zhang Fu breathed a long sigh of relief.

This is the most suspected object, and if he really has a background in psychology, then the moment Qing Hao uttered the name, the inference would have ended.

The two looked at each other and immediately notified Li Fang and Liu Chu. With the cooperation of the four, they quickly completed the investigation of all the team members who had had an accident.

As expected, these people all have one thing in common, that is, they had more or less contact and communication with Chen Wu before the accident happened.

----Of course, in the same survey team, it is not surprising that no matter who you communicate with, but the problem is that interpersonal relationships should be a network, and everyone is just a point on the network, with other people. The relationship between people should be different from far and near, but Chen Wu is different.

He seems to be the core of this net, exuding his influence, and subtly influences everyone with psychological cues.

This situation was quickly reported to his superiors. Two hours later, Chen Wu was arrested. Everyone only knew that he might be involved in some kind of illegal sabotage, but they didn't expect that there was a bigger conspiracy involved in him.


Nyingchi County, an interrogation room at the police station.

Chen Wu sat on the regret chair, but there was no regret at all from his expression.

"So, why did you arrest me?"

With an unlit cigarette in his hand, he asked calmly.

"This is not your concern. Now we are asking you, what is your purpose?"

Chen Wu shook his head and did not answer.

In fact, he had anticipated the day when he was arrested, but he did not expect that things would develop so quickly - it seems that these people are much more vigilant than he thought.

Fortunately, the other party did not have, and could not possibly have, any evidence that could convict him.

Have you done anything to destroy the Tongtianhe project? no?

I entered the survey team in accordance with the procedures and rules, and also completed my work conscientiously, but just said a few more words, is it going to be regarded as a saboteur?

There is no such truth in any country.

Thinking of this, he said without fear:

"I don't know what the purpose you are talking about. If you are asking about the purpose of participating in the survey team, then it is obvious that I am promoting the Tongtianhe project and contributing to the country. Is this also a crime?"

"Don't pretend to be confused here!"

The interrogator's expression remained unchanged, he took the documents on the table and spread them out, and then said word by word:

"Chen Wu, graduated from NTU, majoring in geology, minoring in social psychology, double master's degree."

"Since ten years ago, you have joined the National Academy of Geological Sciences to engage in scientific investigation work, and you have performed well during the period. After the Tongtianhe project was launched, you took the initiative to sign up for a group of survey teams and were recommended by the organization as the deputy captain of the 010 Ya-Pa route survey team. ."

"The time you signed up to join the survey team is October 26. We have taken this as a node and retrieved all your activity records for 6 months before and after. After big data analysis, you have a serious relationship with a saboteur who has been arrested. connection."

"Before joining the survey team, you met twice alone, and you have been in and out of the same place."

"But what's abnormal is that your contact is limited to offline, whether it's phone or online, you don't have any contact."

"On this basis, I can judge that you are engaged in illegal activities, and this is the reason why we arrested you."

"Now, what else do you have to say?"

The opposite Chen Wu was silent for a few seconds, and then said:

"I did have contact with Ronan, but what does that mean? Well, I can show you guys directly, I'm gay, and I have a lover relationship with him..."

"It seems that you really don't give up."

The interrogator shook his head, interrupted Chen Wu with a cold face, and then asked:

"Do you think your plans are seamless?"

"Do you think that it is a very clever way to guide relevant personnel to make mistakes by throwing out psychological cues on a large scale?"

"----Indeed, in some respects, your plan does not capture any evidence, because there is no substantive evidence to prove that your hints caused the accident."

"But let me tell you, your tricks are, in our opinion, pediatric."

"A very simple example, such as the fire accident in the tent of the No. 010 survey team, you once suggested to Li Rui three times at different times that the temperature would drop that night, the temperature on the windward side of the tent was low, and some methods should be used to keep warm, which eventually led him to violate He used his common sense and set the fire on the upper hand."

"Do you feel a sense of accomplishment? Do you feel that your implied success rate is high? Do you feel that you have learned something?"

"But I tell you, a real psychologist, he can completely leave no trace, and your suggestion is too blunt!"

"Isn't your routine just using repeated hints, casting a wide net, and betting on the probability of success? Do you think this is really technical? To be honest, any psychology major of yours uses this method. Get it out!"

"The fact that they can persist for so many days without being discovered is purely because the entire survey team is located in the wild environment, and they have no time or energy to do more analysis!"

"What you've done is not as good as your comrade named Ronan. He at least caused us some trouble, how about you?"

"Now, let me ask you again, which organization do you belong to and what is the purpose?"

"This is your last chance, don't force us to use other means."

After listening to the interrogator's words, Chen Wu's expression on the other side changed one after another, from disdain at the beginning, to surprise at the end, to the last depression, he seemed to feel that the confidence in his heart had been defeated.

Indeed, as the interrogator said, he has always had great confidence in his own plan, because he believes that guiding others to make mistakes is more technical and safer than destroying it himself.

But now, from the other party's words, he clearly heard a kind of disdain.

It was the disdain shown by an adult overlooking a child playing the house.

After a long silence, he said:

"This is not evidence, this is just your speculation, I said it, I did nothing, you have no reason..."

"We have reasons. You have just transferred a foreign exchange income from overseas to your account, and we suspect that you have a connection with kbzz."

"This is even more impossible. I don't have any overseas relations at all. Who will transfer money to me?"

"We say yes, we have it."

"...You are abusing your power!"

"We don't care. There are working methods in special times. Do you think you can run away?"

As the interrogator's voice fell, the interrogation room fell into silence.

Chen Wu's fists clenched tightly, he glared at the interrogator opposite him, there seemed to be a lot of words in his throat, but he swallowed them all.

His own actions failed before he even started. . . .

I originally thought that I could push the development of things in the right direction by my own strength, but now it seems that it is not as simple as I thought.

Why do these people just don't understand?

Why do these people think that the official strategy must be right?

The purpose of the invasion of adjacent dimensions is energy. The enemy of another dimension is thousands or even tens of thousands of years ahead of us. Can we survive the crisis by manufacturing nuclear fusion devices and large-scale development of food?

No, how is it possible!

It's like an ant sticking out its foot and trying to trip the elephant.

Humanity's only hope is not forward, but backward...

Seeing that he didn't respond for a while, the interrogator on the opposite side seemed to have lost patience, and he said:

"Okay, if you really don't want to say it, then go to jail, we'll find out anyway—it just takes a little more time."

After speaking, the interrogator stood up and planned to leave, and at this moment, Chen Wu shouted loudly behind him:

"You are wrong!"

The interrogator stopped, turned around and asked:

"What is wrong?"

"The Tongtianhe Project, the Beacon Fire Project, and what other plans to make up the sky... are all wrong!"

"You can't save mankind! Only we can save mankind!"

"who are you?"

The interrogator frowned slightly, seeing his expression, Chen Wu was stunned for a moment, and then heaved a deep sigh.

"Give me fire."

The interrogator walked up to him to help him light the cigarette, and the latter took a deep breath and said:

"Believe me, I have absolutely no intention to destroy this country or human civilization. On the contrary, I want to save you!"

"Large-scale energy confrontation is useless. The real way out is technology upgrades -- technology upgrades based on energy degradation!"

"I don't know if you have read a book called "The Great Power Trap". If not, please read it."

"In there, there is all the truth you want."

The interrogator shook his head and replied:

"I don't care about the content of the book you said, I just have one question now, what is your organization? Where is your headquarters?"

Hearing this, a smile suddenly appeared on Chen Wu's face, and then he replied:

"Actually, it doesn't matter if I tell you - our influence will become bigger and bigger, and you will find out sooner or later."

"We are a pastoral organization. We are everywhere."

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