Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Four Hundred And Ninety Seventh Shock

Three days later, Amish returned to his home, where, as he expected, someone was already waiting for him.

Amish looked at the familiar face and asked:

"Where are my wife and daughter?"

The director smiled, beckoned him to sit down, and then said:

"Don't worry, they're safe - we moved her to a more comfortable place, my home. You know, you're a hero now, how could a heroic family live in a slum like this? You're right wrong?"

Amish was expressionless, he stared at the director's eyes and said:

"I want to see them now."

"I'm afraid that won't work, you know, you care about the safety of your family, and I care about the safety of my family. Obviously, if you don't solve your problems, my family's safety can't be guaranteed, right?"

"I can give you all the evidence in my hand, and I don't care what you are going to do. Is that alright?"

The chief shook his head and replied:

"No, it's not enough. You went to the Huaxia base before, can you tell me what you talked to them?"

"I asked them to intervene, but they refused. They said it was our own business and should be left to ourselves."

"very good!"

The director clapped his hands with satisfaction and continued:

"You didn't lie, this is a good start. By the way, I should tell you first, in fact, we have obtained the opinions of the Chinese people through other means. If you didn't tell the truth just now, I'm afraid our cooperation has ended. ."

"But fortunately you're a smart person, and I like to associate with smart people... Okay, now let's move on to the next question."

"You recorded what happened that night, didn't you?"


Amish nodded.

"Where? Did you give it to the Chinese?"

"No, they said no. They told me I didn't need it."

"Very good! This is the second test, and you're still being honest. So, I think now, we can really get into today's topic: what do you want?"

Hearing his words, Amish was stunned for a moment, and for a moment, he even felt that the other party was not speaking his own language.

what do you want?

I want those who died innocently to come alive, I want them to stop touching those lands, I want this world to be fair, but, is it possible?

Even if it is to obtain a good result for myself and my family, it is actually impossible.

The conditions of "what you want" put forward by these people are only used to temporarily stabilize their strategies. Once they get the evidence, they will still deal with them without hesitation, even if they are the so-called "heroes", not excluded.

A traffic accident, a drowning, or even a heart attack is enough for a farmer with little education.

Amish took a deep breath and replied:

"I don't want anything, I just want you to keep me and my family safe."

"No no no, how does that work? You have to order something, you're a hero! Of course, we'll give you something in exchange, which is about you, you need time Thinking about it? We can give you time!"

Amish fully understands the meaning of his words. For this group of worms whose interests come first, only the exchange of interests can reassure them.

"Then I want money, I want a lot of money."

"Of course! Well, I'll give you one million rupees in exchange for the evidence in your hand, how about that, is it fair?"

"Yes, fair enough."

"Then take it out."

The director looked at Amish expectantly, who without hesitation took out the phone from his pocket and handed it directly to him.

This made the director a little surprised. He didn't expect that the stunned young man on the opposite side would act so decisively---- is he really not afraid of going back on his own? Or, does he have a backup somewhere else?

As if feeling the suspicion of the other party, Amish said bluntly:

"I didn't make any backups of the video, this phone is handed over to you now, you can check it with technical means, and then you'll find that I'm not lying."

"In addition, the video is very blurry, and you can't see your faces clearly. If you say this, can you rest assured?"

The director did not answer him, but lowered his head and dragged the progress bar of the video. After a long time, he finally said:

"Fine, I'm satisfied, that's exactly what I wanted. A piece of evidence, an incomplete piece of evidence."

"What's the meaning?"

An ominous premonition rose in Amish's heart, he clenched his fists slightly nervously, and stared at each other.

"It doesn't make any doesn't matter. We've just done our first deal, now let's talk about the second deal?"

"I won't make a deal with you, and return my family to me. After that, I won't appear in front of you again, and I won't have any influence on you. Now, let me go."

"No, no, you can't go."

The director stood up and clapped his hands lightly, the door of the room behind him opened, and a familiar but now bloody face appeared in front of him.


The other party was naked, with bloodstains all over his skin, one eye was bloody, and a large piece of blood was still solidified at the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, before that, he had been tortured inhumanly.

Amish's expression turned from shock to anger, and he tried to charge forward, but was held down by the others.

The director looked at him mockingly and said:

"Don't be so nervous... Don't you want to live? Look, you exchanged evidence for one million rupees just now, and now you want to exchange your own life, you need to do something for me matter."

"Kill him with your gun, and your life is yours."

"What are you going to do?!"

Amish growled angrily.

"It's very simple, this matter originally needs a scapegoat. You see, if you didn't disrupt the plan in advance, we could have attributed all the problems to some mysterious power, and no one needs to die for this."

"But your recklessness ruined all of this. Our layout was interrupted by you before it was fully rolled out. Then, we had to change almost."

"Actually, I really want you to be this scapegoat, but some people above don't agree with me - they want you to be a hero, so that our future actions will be better."

"So, we can only let him perform this difficult task."

While speaking, the director put on gloves, took out the pistol from Amish's waist, checked the bullets inside, and stuffed it into Amish's hand.

"Come on, it's not a difficult thing."

Amish glanced at the gun in his hand, then at Kunal who was kneeling on the ground, and finally turned his face to the chief, showing a relieved smile.

Yeah, you shouldn't have expected anything from them in the first place.

He put the gun back in the holster, then stepped aside and sat down, looking up and asking:

"What if I tell you I have something else in my hand? Can he survive?"

"What else do you have?"

The director's expression was equally calm. In his eyes, no matter what Amish had, as long as others were here, as long as his family was in his hands, he would never make any waves.

"I have a list of everyone involved in this."

Hearing this answer, the director was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed.

"Hahahahaha... You don't think this so-called list will bring me any trouble, do you?"

"I don't care where you got the list, whether it's from the Chinese people or the police station, but have you ever thought that such a list will only make you die faster."

"Since you have a list in your hand, you should also know who is involved, right?"

"If you know, then I want to ask you, what are you going to do? Make this list public?"

"Do you think anyone will believe you?"

"You have no evidence at all."

"-----Even if you have proof, so what? The whole Punjab is ours----no, the whole Yin is ours, how are you going to fight us?"

"Wake up, stop doing such childish things, you have to learn our rules.... Come on, grab your gun."

"As long as you fire this shot, all your past can be forgiven - I heard that you are slowly changing, aren't you? You are actually learning our rules, you just need someone to teach them well. It's just you."

Hearing this, the last glimmer of light in Amish's eyes disappeared.

At this moment, he deeply felt that the country he called "the motherland" had completely rotted away.

He just wanted justice for those peasants who died innocently, and under the rule of these people, there is no justice.

He pulled out the gun, raised his hand and aimed at Kunar in front of him. After hesitating for a moment, he pulled the trigger.

----However, the bullet did not penetrate Kunal's body.

"Very good, the next shot, hit a little..."

The director said encouragingly from the side, but he did not notice that at this time, a smile that could almost be called crazy appeared on Amish's face.

The next second, a violent explosion sounded.

There was smoke and dust in the courtyard, and the surrounding guards were knocked down by the dense bullets of automatic rifles within a few seconds. Standing in the smoke, Amish threw away his gun, and then took it and handed it to him. Front fn57 pistol.

He put one foot on the director's chest, and without any hesitation, pulled the trigger on the director's head.

The 5.7x28mm bullet came out of the chamber with the burst of gunfire, and the fragile skull was shattered. The man who was still talking 10 seconds ago did not leave any last words.

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