Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 504 From Avs To Bci, From Sea To Land

Darkness gradually flooded Ye Zhou's sight, and after a while, he returned to the void.

【The simulation of breaking the barrier ends】

【Score for this simulation: a】

[Simulation reward (final reward): bci chip and transmission technology]

[Simulation Award (Engineering Male Award): Anti-interference Quantum Communication Technology]

[Simulation reward: 60 energy points]

【Achieve the ending: Login】

Ye Zhou looked at the simulation summary screen unsurprisingly. As the title of this plot simulation said, the simulation reward this time was really bci brain-computer chip technology.

According to the introduction of the reward entry, this technology is currently only a primary storage technology, and does not have the kind of auxiliary computing function shown in the simulator, but even if it is only like this, this technology is not only for individuals, but also for society. The impact can be said to be huge.

However, compared to the technology itself, what shocked Ye Zhou more was the opinion put forward by the man from the so-called "Ark" organization in the simulation:

If human beings want to go to the deep space of the universe in a short time, they must accept the fact that they are still "a fish", and on this basis, create a false marine environment for themselves.

This theory does seem very convincing, because humans are not an absolutely rational animal, and mental interference can negatively affect the behavior itself, and even fundamentally destroy the basis for achieving something.

Therefore, what the other party said, "After countless deep space navigation experiments but all failed," is very likely to be true.

Human beings at this stage are such a fragile species.

However, is it only necessary to indulge people in processed, false hallucinations according to their method, can we help mankind to sail from the universe?

Is there no other way to reduce the impact of unfamiliar cosmic conditions on humans?

Two solutions instantly appeared in Ye Zhou's mind. The first one was very simple, that is, to infinitely shorten the time humans stay in space, and to reach their destination through wormholes and jumps.

This method may seem a little far-fetched, but if you look at the height of civilization reached by neighboring dimension civilizations, they are likely to have used such a method.

In addition, strengthening the mental strength of human beings is also one of the solutions. For example, the "bottom line" that Ye Zhou added to himself before is a proven and effective solution.

But the problem is that the ethical dilemma faced by this plan is by no means solvable, not to mention those Western alliances that are bound to jump out to talk about "personal will" and "human rights". The application of this technology also requires careful consideration.

This technology is indeed a useful knife, but if it is in the hands of people with ulterior motives, it can only bring about a disastrous ending.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou shook his head gently and clicked on the ending summary interface.

[The virtual invasion crisis created by the Ark organization is finally resolved]

[All personnel participating in the experiment were rescued, and Huaxia obtained most of the equipment and technical documents of the Ark Organization]

[Since then, the development of bci brain-computer transmission technology has entered a new era]

[From the pursuit of speed to the pursuit of safety, the development of brain-computer technology has gone through a painful transition period]

[After nearly 20 years of transformation, such a transformation has been proven correct]

[Brain-computer-human brain physical isolation system is popularized on a large scale, and the independence of human brain is greatly improved]

[30 years later, the first generation of discrete bci chips was born]

[Since then, human-computer interconnection technology has entered the era of decentralization]

[The "Master Brain Crisis" theory that once was so loud has disappeared]

[Humans have fundamentally become the masters of machines]

Seeing this, Ye Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

He once also worried that with the development of artificial intelligence and brain-computer technology, robots and AI will control humans in reverse with super high computing power, but obviously, future decision makers also see this risk, and even their consideration is more thorough.

In this way, he no longer has to deal with the complex technology of conscious isolation in the bci transmission technology.

Ye Zhou exited the simulator with confidence, then directly exported the technical documentation, found Chen Hao non-stop, and handed the documentation to him.

The latter looked at Ye Zhou's handwritten brief description and asked:

"So, are you planning to continue to have Yang Yiyao as the subject of this experiment?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"From the perspective of her previous adaptability to avs technology, she was born with a very high talent for complex foreign signal processing. Let her experiment with the highest fault tolerance rate and the best effect."

"I know what you're trying to say, she's really young now, but this experiment is also an opportunity for her - very likely, an opportunity to completely change her destiny."

"You also know that for the two brothers and sisters, even if Yaoyao recovers her eyesight through avs technology, there is still a gap between her and the able-bodied person in terms of study and follow-up work. She may have to pay several times more than ordinary people. Only by hard work can we achieve results that can easily be achieved by healthy people.”

"But if it can be combined with bci chip technology, then her brain computing power for processing avs signals can be liberated - if not completely liberated, at least it can reach a level close to a normal person."

"I personally think that in the face of such an opportunity, neither she nor her big brother should refuse."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao frowned and thought for a moment, then said:

"Your judgment is justified, but in the end, I suggest leaving it to them to decide - give them some time."

"Every new technology cannot be completely risk-free. Whether they need to choose to take this risk in their current basically stable life is a difficult choice."

"No matter how mature they appear, they are still children after all."


Ye Zhou said in agreement.

He still has fresh memories of Yang Yijin's precociousness in the last meeting, but he is also very clear that psychological maturity does not mean maturity of judgment. For him, making a correct judgment is actually It's not that simple.

After thinking for a while, Ye Zhou said:

"However, this matter needs to be done as soon as possible - while it's still early, give them a call to communicate."

Chen Hao nodded slightly, after a pause, he shook his head again and said:

"Forget it. It's still early for us, but it's not too early for them--they are still in school, and they're going to bed at this time."

"Don't be in such a hurry, no matter what, Chen Li also needs time to prepare."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou immediately corrected:

"No, in fact, this technology and avs technology can almost be said to be homologous technology, all the preparations have been done in the early stage, all they need to do is to present the compiler in code----I There's ready-made documentation here, and the biggest head job is just debugging."

"Don't need a chip? I see your documentation mentions a chip."

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"No need, there is already a data temporary storage chip in the avs system, and it can be expanded on the basis of it. Moreover, I don't plan to let them take too big steps at one time."

"Like you said, this technology is risky and we're not quite ready for it."

"What other preparations are needed? I can ask the General Technical Office to do it."

"You can't do it."

Ye Zhou looked serious, and after thinking for a moment, he continued:

"What we need is not technical preparation, but ... legal preparation."

"Law? You mean?"

"We need legislation to prohibit the abuse of bci chips. And we also need to nationalize this technology completely and register a special company to manage it."

"I think clearly, this is not a technology that can be commercialized at all. In the future, its status is even more important than food and medical care."

"Because it holds the direction of human evolution."

"This kind of technology is the key for us to move from the sea to the land."

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