Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 505 The Ark Organization In Reality

While Yang Yiyao made the final decision to participate in the bci experiment, a group of people in the Chouguo National Laboratory in Birmingham were also conducting the first experiment of bci transmission technology.

However, the purpose of their experiment is completely different from that of the Zhejiang University team. They are not to open the path of human evolution through the bci chip, but to a completely different direction.

Awareness upload.


"Has the neural signal analysis been done?"

Minson Cruise, who is in charge of the consciousness uploading project, asked.

"It's done, so far everything is going well."

"We have mapped the first logical closed loop in a computer system through neural signal sampling, and now our 'Adam' knows that 1 plus 1 equals 2."

"Great progress!"

Ming Sen couldn't help sighing.

In order to achieve this step, they have been working for half a year.

You must know that the operation of a computer is completely different from that of the human brain. Generally speaking, the most primitive method of adding a computer is a half adder. Through the cooperation of AND gate, OR gate and NOT gate, the designed The difference between the high and low voltages in the circuit is output in binary form.

This kind of computing method is purely mechanical and is not enough to carry the complex thinking process of human beings. No matter how computer technology develops, as long as the shackles of this "programmed" and "mechanized" cannot be broken, it is impossible to replace the human brain with a computer. accomplish.

But now, Minson's team has found an entirely new solution.

They used a supercomputer with powerful computing power to simulate a whole human neural network, and then used a virtual neural network to imitate the electrical signals of the real neural network through symmetrical mapping, so as to achieve a one-to-one replication of human thinking. .

At this stage, such simulation methods are rudimentary, redundant and inefficient, but we have to admit that it is definitely a historic breakthrough to be able to imitate human brain activity in this way.

Calling it great doesn't seem like an exaggeration.

"After this achievement, our team's application of neural mapping technology will become more and more mature. Maybe next time we can conduct experiments on complex calculations... Hassan, your expression is not quite right, what's wrong, is there any difficulty? ?"

Hassan on the opposite side nodded with a wry smile and replied:

"There are indeed difficulties. Mingsen, you know, in order to achieve this breakthrough, we have almost drained the supercomputing power on hand."

"The construction and maintenance of neural networks takes up too much computing power, and the analysis and compilation of neural signals takes up another part. If according to my estimation, even if our subsequent mapping work goes well, the limit we can reach is limited. Just make 'Adam' look like a human baby."

"He might be able to do some calculations under 10, and execute some very simple instructions, but it's far from being really human."

"Not to mention that our current goal is to let him fully inherit all the memories of an existing person. I don't think even draining the world's computing power is enough to achieve this."

Hearing this, Ming Sen's brows furrowed tightly. After thinking for a while, he asked:

"What's the problem?"

"It's mainly algorithms and databases. So far, we haven't found an algorithm that can perfectly adapt to the neural network mapping, and the analysis of neuroelectric signals is also very rudimentary. In the end, we just lack the understanding of the human brain. ."

"But how did those Huaxia people do it? I heard that their avs technology is about to reach the stage of large-scale application. Don't they have this problem?"

Hassan also had a confused look on his face. He sighed softly and replied:

"This is also the point I am most puzzled about. Logically speaking, the essence of avs technology is the same as the neural mapping technology we are doing. The core point is to analyze neural electrical signals."

"If they can succeed, it means they have the right algorithms and a huge and accurate database."

"But where did they get these things? I don't understand..."

Ming Sen lightly patted Hassan's shoulder and comforted:

"It doesn't matter, they also have their own secrets-maybe they have already started doing this research, but only recently have the results been concentrated."

"Don't we have breakthroughs like this before? It doesn't mean their researchers are smarter than your team, it just means that they did start earlier and had more vision."

After a brief pause, Minson continued:

"However, you reminded me."

"The essence of our project is also to solve the problem of survival under the crisis of adjacent dimensions, which is the same as the strategic goal of the Huaxia people."

"In this case, at least in this field, we should be regarded as allies fighting side by side-then, cooperation in scientific research is not impossible."

Hassan was stunned, then asked:

"You want to work with them?"

"Yes. I don't think so, we have to work with them."

"It's okay to rely on our own strength to explore algorithms and build databases, but this is too inefficient, and we don't have so many resources to consume."

"Seeking cooperation is the real way out."

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