Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Forty First Split

When Conn left the room, only a few bodies were left behind him.

As McKinsey puts it, he really doesn't intend to waste extra resources venting his anger over established facts.

It is the most rational choice he can make to get rid of these "hidden dangers" directly.

"What should we do now?"

The accompanying team members asked.

"What? No way. Like he said, the moment we launched the raid—no, the moment we realized the Ark existed, their plan was done."

"Now, we must do our best to remove the virus inside the organization. As for other problems, leave it to someone who is capable of solving it."

"You mean the official of each country?"

Conn shook his head and replied:

"It's not the official of each country, it's the official of China... Only they can have a way to deal with this kind of problem."


Two days later, all the backhands buried by the Ark organization attacked, and everyone saw the video recorded by Els before his death.

In the video, he looks horrified and tired and says:

"I saw the whole process of the invasion of adjacent dimensions... It was an indescribable feeling. I seemed to be locked by some kind of breath, and I couldn't move when I stood there."

"Everyone....everyone who entered that area is dead..."

"They were in pain, they were struggling right in front of me, I tried desperately to rescue them, but I just couldn't move..."

"No, it wasn't because my legs were weak - I could feel my strength, but it was locked."

"They let me go.... It's the civilizations of the neighboring dimension that let me go, and they want me to pass some information."

"But I couldn't understand the information, the language was so confusing to me that I couldn't retell it..."

Speaking of which, a few tears fell in Els' eyes, as if he really regretted his inability to do anything.

But in fact, for these few tears, he has repeatedly shot countless times.

After a pause, he continued:

"I can sense their emotions."

"It's weird, but I just can feel, like, they're not communicating with me in words -- language seems to have been eliminated by them."

"My brain picks up on their emotions and I feel like... I'm connected to some kind of network."

"No, that's not a network, they don't have a body in themselves... They don't seem to have a body!"

At this point, the Ark organization finally revealed their purpose, and then Els threw out more so-called evidence.

"Yes, I can feel their anger....No, that's not seems, pity?"

"When their eyes locked on me, I could feel like they were looking at a monkey - a monkey still living in a tree!"

"They want us to come down from the tree!"

"That's right! That's it!"

Els's expression suddenly changed, and he performed strictly according to the requirements of the Ark Organization, as if he really had an epiphany at this moment.

"A tree...what is a tree?"

"Why did we come down from the tree?"

At this time, outside the screen of the video, a gentle male voice said:

"You said they left something on you, what is it?"

"it's here."

Els rolled up his sleeves, and on his arm, a line of bizarre symbols appeared in front of the camera.

Or, that's not a symbol.

It is a series of sentences made up of parts of the main language.

From this sentence, native speakers can easily find the structure of their own words, but when these structures are combined with other words, the chaotic shape is difficult to understand.

Civilizations in adjacent dimensions seem to have acquired basic human civilization information, and combined human words into what they want to convey in a way that they can understand.

But unfortunately, people can't understand what they mean.

"What do you think this string of symbols means?"

The man outside the screen continued to ask.

"I don't know...I really don't know, but I can feel it, it's a piece of advice..."

"What kind of advice?"

"I don't know....maybe, that's what they want us to do..."

The video came to an abrupt end. It was only more than two minutes long, but the information conveyed was enough to shock everyone.

Those who saw the video couldn't help but think of a question:

If this video is true, then this is likely to be the first human encounter with an adjacent dimension.

And, in such intimate encounters, the adjacent dimensions are clearly conveying important information to humans.

For a while, two main questions began to emerge around this video.

The first question is, is this video real or fake?

The second question, if the video is real, what does that string of characters mean?

Soon, the first question had a preliminary conclusion—a conclusion that was deliberately guided.

After the video was released, Els and his security staff were all killed by the Hermes group, in that appalling fire.

In addition, the organization called "Ark" also faced the purge of Hermes. Their leader disappeared mysteriously after releasing a suicide note. The police finally found their shot dead bodies in a remote building.

The two consecutive murders almost confirmed the authenticity of the video, because for the public, this is a very simple and straightforward reasoning:

If the video is fake, why should you be afraid?

If you are not afraid, why do you kill people?

Don't the so-called "Ark" organization have the right to speak?

There is only one answer, that is, what the Ark Organization and Els said is true.

Soon, the second question was also answered. With the help of artificial intelligence, several linguistics doctors solved the meaning of the string of "mixed characters" through big data comparison.

As Els said, that's really a piece of advice.

"Abandon your body, and you can continue your life in consciousness."

The translation of this line of text is slightly different in different hands, but the content is basically the same. In the end, the sentence is more accurately reduced to a short sentence:

"The flesh and blood are weak and the consciousness is immortal."

Figure poor dagger see.

This is the purpose of the Ark Organization. Through a series of almost suicidal operations, they have deeply rooted this sentence in the minds of all the people who pay attention to this news.

At this time, who cares whether this information was transmitted by neighboring dimension civilizations?

This is a "set".

When you think a thing is reasonable, and you presume its reasonable conditions, in all the time after that, you will involuntarily continue to perfect the logic of the thing until it is self-consistent in your mind.

This is the so-called "preconceived idea", or it is a soft "ideological stamp" created by human beings using top social psychology, communication and neurological theories.

And this time, the scope of the thought stamp is more than one billion human beings.

The concept of "consciousness uploading" surfaced shortly after, as Minson, the most official and safest member of the Ark organization, issued a statement at the National Laboratory.

Yes, the consciousness uploading project exists and it is the only way to achieve what is called "consciousness immortality".

For a time, the voices calling for speeding up the research and development process of the consciousness uploading project continued to rise, and the "Consciousness Immortality" movement broke out. The Hermes organization had a violent conflict with them, but with little success.

Further, the officials of various countries began to be coerced by public opinion, and the "consciousness upload" project was established in various countries, and the world was completely divided into two factions.

In the face of such a split, even the officials of various countries cannot come up with any effective solutions in a short period of time.

Unprecedented internal resource consumption began to appear, a series of major projects were forced to stop work, and even in some countries with extreme conditions, even the construction of basic living security facilities began to stagnate, just to save resources and invest in the illusory "eternal life of consciousness" to the goal.

Everything was going according to the Ark's expectations. As McKinsey told Conn, the Ark members within the Hermes were purged, but more Ark members began to appear.

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