Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Forty Third Hostages

At the same time that Ye Zhou and Chen Hao were discussing the strategy for the "Consciousness Upload Alliance", a meeting for China was also being held in Europe thousands of kilometers away.

All the people who attended the meeting were important figures of the so-called Confederate officialdom, and the issues they discussed were also among the most serious and influential issues on the planet.

How to force the other side to compromise and give up the benefits that have been obtained without a large-scale armed conflict with Huaxia and the so-called "Huaxia Alliance"?

In fact, everyone who participated in the meeting knew that under the current contrast of strength and weakness, if only relying on the repressive force brought by the so-called "alliance" of one's own side, it would not be enough to fight against the Huaxia Alliance—or even just against the Huaxia Alliance. A country is very difficult.

Therefore, from the very beginning of the meeting, the direction of their discussion has been basically determined, that is, to sort out all the hole cards in their hands and Huaxia's hands, and play out their hole cards one by one to form a local area. advantage, and then use this advantage to gradually win over and expand its own power and support.

"First, we want to identify our short-term and long-term goals."

"I believe that after many discussions before, everyone is quite clear about this point - in the long run, we must realize the picture of uploading national consciousness proposed by the Ark organization, and help human beings spend the least amount of resources. crisis."

"In the short term, we need to develop awareness uploading technology and form effective demonstration projects."

"In order to achieve these two goals, the first thing we have to do is to force Huaxia to hand over the bci transmission compilation algorithm and neural signal database in their hands."

"As far as I know, both the Chou Kingdom and the Ark Organization had contact with them in the early stage, but they were both rejected."

"Huaxia has adopted a certain 'strategic' prudence from the very beginning in its attitude towards this technology. Since this prudence has been born, it will inevitably run through all their strategies. Access to technology is impossible."

"The only effective means is war."

"Of course, what I'm talking about now is not a hot war in the narrow sense, nor a nuclear war - something that will send the entire human race to hell, and we should avoid contact."

"What we should choose is a more effective, less costly, and harder-hitting approach, such as waging war in the economic and social spheres."

It was the white man sitting in the middle of the conference room who was speaking, and it was also the chief technical officer of the consciousness uploading project, Minson.

In fact, according to the normal process of discussion, he should not participate in this kind of strategy discussion as a technical person, but at present, the officials of various countries have too little understanding of this technology, and they urgently need strong technical support. It also made Mingsen's status within the league skyrocket, and he directly entered the top decision-making level.

And his performance also proved his own ability. In the previous meetings, he put forward many effective suggestions, and led the alliance of only 6 countries to expand to nearly 30 in a short period of time. .

Everyone in this conference room was extremely convinced of him, but even so, when they heard him say that he was going to "start a war", there were still hesitant expressions on everyone's faces.

start a war? To Huaxia?

This kind of rhetoric is extremely terrifying, or extremely arrogant, even if it goes back ten years, not to mention that the current Huaxia has become the de facto strongest on the surface, how can it be so easy to rely on tough means to make them submit?

"Mr. Mingsen, I understand your strategy, and of course, I also understand your appeal."

"As a technician, you certainly want to use the simplest and most effective way to promote the sharing and progress of technology."

"But I have to tell you that such progress may not come so soon, because it is not as easy as you think to get technology from the Chinese people."

"You're talking about going to war, which is a bold idea, but the question is, where do we start?"

"Currency, finance, food, energy, military... These are all areas related to the distribution of power in the world, and China has an absolute advantage. Don't you mean to say, let's use food and oil to Sanction each other?"

"That's...a very stupid method, because the ugly country has already failed."

Hearing the other party's question, Ming Sen shook his head and replied:

"No, of course not these."

"In fact, these methods are not only stupid, they are... overly benevolent and do not see the weakness of our adversary at all."

"Is Huaxia afraid of our economic sanctions against them? Maybe they will be troubled by it, but they will never be afraid."

"Let's not say that they already have new energy sources, nuclear fusion, and the world's most advanced food technology. In fact, going back ten years, even if they don't have these things, these means in the economic field cannot pose a threat to them. "

"If we want to force them to compromise, we have to start with what they really care about."

Looking at Ming Sen's confident expression, the man who had questioned before frowned. After a pause, he asked:

"So, what do you think they care about? Status? Technology? Power? Or their own future?"

"No, neither."

Ming Sen shook his head, and there was a hint of emotion in his expression.

"Actually, I think some people in this room have the answer, but you didn't say it -- probably out of shame?"

"Because the things Chinese people care about most are precisely what we claim to protect, but have never really worked hard for."

"It's people, and human rights."

His voice fell, and the meeting room fell silent as he expected, but Ming Sen was prepared for this. He didn't bother too much about this awkward atmosphere, but continued:

"No matter what, what they care about most is their own lives and rights. You may feel that they have not adequately protected these rights, and they have seen many cases of so-called human rights violations, but the problem is that they absolutely do not would allow those rights to be compromised by outside forces."

"So, our strategy is very simple: we will use the rights of the Chinese people in exchange for their technology."

"What exactly are we going to do?"

Everyone in the conference room was confused. They could understand the general logic, but they couldn't understand how Ming Sen wanted to make this logic a reality.

"It's very simple, we're going to 'take hostages'."

"Hostage taking? Where did the hostages come from??"

"Their overseas personnel, including all Chinese living in our country."

Hearing Ming Sen's words, everyone in the conference room was shocked, even those high-level decision-makers who had seen the world, showed a bit of disbelief.

Only then did they discover that Ming Sen once belonged to the Hermes organization after all, and the madness in his bones did not diminish at all after he left Hermes.

"Ming Sen, stop joking, the consequence of doing this is war. You don't really think that at the level of national confrontation, they will compromise for the interests of a few people?"

"As soon as you announce that you're taking these people hostage—no, as soon as you show your intentions, their ICBMs will be aimed over your head!"

Ming Sen nodded slightly, then said:

"So we need to use the power of public opinion - do you remember the hostage incident in 1979? The ugly country at that time was one of the most powerful countries on the planet, but why, they would take the hostage incident for the whole time. After half a year, did you adopt an armed rescue strategy?"

"The core of the problem is still people."

"We can't do it by the government, we have to do it by the people... Can you see what I mean?"

"This is actually a game. Yes, the bci transmission and compilation algorithm is important to both us and China, but its importance must be limited."

"When the price of refusing to hand over the technology outweighs its value, they have to compromise."

"So, what we need to do is actually very simple, that is, let the people fight on their own, and we mediate from it, delay the time to solve the problem as much as possible, and at the same time promote the development of public opinion in China, forcing them to rush in make decisions under the circumstances.”

"Trust me, they will compromise because there is a paradox in it."

"They neither want war, nor can they just sit back and watch their fellow men."

"It's their biggest weakness... As long as we seize this weakness, we have leverage to negotiate with them."

Everyone in the conference room remained silent, and everyone was thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Minson's strategy is too crazy and too crude, but as he said, from the historical case, such a strategy seems to ... work.

Whether it is iran in 1979, libya in 2020, or ukraine in 2020, this strategy has played a huge role.

Of course, their final result is war, but in this operation, war may not happen.

Because mankind has a common enemy.

So, this strategy, it seems.... has a certain feasibility?

After a few minutes, a man suddenly said:

"I think we can try."

"We can start with soft, gentle measures, and then gradually get tougher if it works."

"It doesn't cost us anything, does it?"

Hearing the man's words, a smile appeared on Ming Sen's face, and he said:

"Of course, of course."

"Believe me, not only will we lose nothing, we will gain more, additional benefits..."

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