Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Fifty First What To Do

"You didn't win."

"While we didn't achieve what we expected, you also didn't win."

"Now, more than a hundred ships of various types are parked 400 nautical miles away, and they can attack you at any time, and all you have is a small aircraft carrier formation."

"How many planes are in this formation? One hundred? Two hundred?"

"This is not enough. You are facing a consortium of dozens of countries, and you have no chance of winning."

Seeing Ming Sen's face full of dissatisfaction, He Kangmei's expression was calm. Instead of taking Ming Sen's words, he asked:

"Mr. Minson, I have a question I've been meaning to ask you."

"According to the information provided by the turkey, you were the first to propose the so-called 'hostage plan'."

"I wonder what motivated you to come up with this inhumane plan against civilians? Isn't this inconsistent with your philosophy?"

"I heard that you used to speak up for the innocent people who died in the war. Why did you start directly attacking the civilians when you got here in Huaxia?"

"It's different."

Ming Sen picked up the teacup at hand, took a sip and continued:

"What we have to do is a great cause. In such a cause, sacrifice is inevitable. We must achieve our goals at all costs. Otherwise, the longer we delay, the greater the loss."

"What's more, we did not take action directly against the civilians, it was the spontaneous behavior of the local people."

"It seems that you still don't realize the crime you committed."

He Kangmei shook her head and sighed.

In fact, he didn't want to waste time on this criminal at all, and there would be no suspense at all about the outcome of his trial.

Because of that maddening hostage plan, more than 20 Chinese overseas were injured or killed, and their property lost countless. Even because of the demonstration effect, many other countries have also set off a wave of anti-China, and overseas economies have suffered serious losses.

Such a result can be said to be caused by the man in front of him, and not taking the most severe measures against him is simply not enough to quell the anger of the Chinese people.

However, now is not the time for him to die - he has to die properly, and the whole world has to see the consequences of being hostile to China.

"I admit my guilt - but if you think I've committed a crime against humanity, then I won't admit it."

He Kangmei frowned slightly, and then asked:

"Do you think Chinese people are not human?"

"When you disregard the future of all human beings to block the uploading technology of consciousness and push the so-called Fenghuo and Tongtianhe projects, you are no longer human."

"You can even give up the human body. We are not human, are you?"

"Consciousness is the most fundamental sign of a person. We retain consciousness. This is the most correct path."

"Ha ha."

He Kangmei sneered and stopped arguing with Ming Sen. He realized that the man opposite him could no longer be described as "crazy" or "paranoid". If he used his own values ​​to consider, the other party was purely "bad". "That's it.

Bad enough to find a coherent excuse for his anti-human behavior, bad enough to sacrifice the lives of everyone except himself and the interest groups he represents.

What's the point of persuading such a person?

He has more important things to do—that fleet of ships is still staring at him, and they must be deterred enough to prevent them from launching a desperate attack.

----Although his own fleet is capable of dealing with any shocks that may occur, once such a situation occurs, losses will be inevitable, and he does not want this young aircraft carrier formation to suffer in his own hands. damage.

Thinking of this, He Kangmei spoke up


"Whatever you say is meaningless, your actions have failed completely."

"Don't you Westerners always believe that 'strength is truth'? Haven't you been accustomed to using your own power to define the truth?"

"Then today, let's force ourselves to solve the problem in your own way."

Hearing He Kangmei's words, Ming Sen showed a look of surprise on his face. He saw a strong confidence in the other side's face. It seemed that the other side didn't care about the upcoming attack of the Combined Fleet----or, that Not just indifferent, but blatant contempt.

"Why do you think you can fight the combined attack?"

Ming Sen tried his best to keep his tone steady and asked coldly.

"No, you're wrong."

"It's not why I think we can fight the combined formation, but why do you think the combined formation can fight us."

"Mr. Minson, did you know? It's almost the middle of the 21st century, and the logic of modern warfare has completely changed."

"The power of a single person, a single equipment, or even a single arm has been greatly weakened, and what really determines the battle situation is the power of the system."

He Kangmei paused for a few seconds, then continued:

"I know, you probably thought that our advantage was established because of one or several Golden Crow fighters. As long as one Golden Crow is destroyed, our advantage can be wiped out."

"But what I'm trying to say is that this kind of thinking is really naive."

"Golden Crow, it is a symbol, a symbol of the integration of sea, land and air operations, and the formation of a high-mobility, high-presence combat system."

"It is the sharpest blade, but what supports the blade is our blade."

"You will soon see the true power of this sword."

After all, He Kangmei turned around and left the room, and after he opened the door, the surging sea breeze came to his face.


At sea, the flagship of the Combined Fleet.

The temporary commander-in-chief, Wells, stared nervously at the empty sea and sky, and did not dare to move his finger on the communicator, for fear of missing the best time to issue an order.

In the past two hours, the entire fleet has fallen into complete communication silence - this is not initiated by them, but in this area, all electromagnetic signals have been strongly interfered.

Navigation, positioning, and communications systems are completely disabled, and only short-range long-wave beamforming communications are still available, which maintains the most basic communication for his fleet.

But even so, on his most advanced destroyer, the only weapons that could continue to be used were only two close-up guns.

In addition, the transmission of the fire control radar signal was also extremely unstable, and the close-up gun fired twice in a row against the empty sky, which forced him to adjust the weapon operation mode to manual.

But manual means slowness. If a missile strikes at this time, he doubts whether his air defense system can stop the first wave of attacks.

But fortunately, the other party did not seem to have any intention of launching an attack. There was no trace of gunpowder smoke in the vast sea, and all confrontations only happened in silence.

He tried to contact the land command post through a dedicated communication channel, but only the busy tone was returned. If this continues, then they can only use the fighting method of the era of cannons and giant ships to move forward and break into the range. Attack the opponent depending on the way you aim.

But such a combat method, for them now, is tantamount to going to die directly.

Retreat has become the most rational choice at the moment.

How can a blind man fight with a healthy man with a sharp weapon?

Wells sighed, and at this moment, he accepted his failure.

He turned on the communicator and sent the retreat order to each ship. Since beamforming technology can only achieve point-to-point communication, his order transmission is extremely

Slowly, after a full half an hour, all the ships completed the feedback on his order. pen fun library

The huge fleet began to make a U-turn on the sea, preparing to return to the assembly area and give up the offensive deterrent action, but just as his flagship completed the U-turn, an incredible flying object suddenly appeared above the fleet's head.

Huge bombers that covered the sky and reflected the sun's rays broke through the sky, and the 6 fighter jets accompanying them had jamming pods mounted under them. Everywhere they passed, even the beamforming communication was disturbed by strong noise. .

Wells was stunned to see this scene. His instinctive reaction caused him to immediately order the missile to aim, but just the second after his order was delivered, the moment the destroyer's cockroach opened, one of the fighter jets seemed to be monitoring it. Their movements, after a nice, wide turn, broke out of formation and swooped on the flagship.

Immediately afterwards, its magazine was opened, and a missile dragged its flame tongue out. In just a few tenths of a second, the missile passed the flagship's bow at a delicate angle, counting on the left side of the ship. 100 meters above the sea exploded.

No one would think he was wrong.

This is just a warning.

Wells tried to fight back, but his radar screen was empty.

What he faced was like a ghost.

How do people fight ghosts?

How to fight an undiscoverable, unselectable target?

Wells didn't have time to analyze the strategy in detail, because soon, he saw the new movements of the flight formation.

The giant plane, the Golden Crow, had its magazines opened, and the thermobaric bomb as mentioned in the intelligence slanted down, and then exploded on the sea outside the fleet.

The wind was blowing back, the waves were surging, and an impenetrable wall of fire was formed on the route the plane flew.

And Wells' fleet was kept in a wall of fire.

Times have changed.

The thought flashed through Welles' mind.

If it is said that since the 1980s, the way of fighting in modern warfare has been determined by the ugly country, then until now, the authority of modern warfare has been completely in the hands of the Chinese people.

With the launch of the Golden Crow, the military superiority of the Chinese people has been completely established, and the "surgical" strike has become a thing of the past.

Instead, a comprehensive deterrence strategy.

To go to war is to destroy, and that is the meaning of the Golden Crow.


On the deck, Ming Sen heard the news of the comprehensive ceasefire and surrender of the combined fleet from He Kangmei. He could hardly understand the reason for this rapid rout, but soon, new news reached his ears. middle.

Just as the combined fleet confronted the Huaxia aircraft carrier formation, several stealth bombers broke through the air defense networks of many European countries. After wandering leisurely over the city for a while, they calmly retreated out of the missile range.

Officials in all European countries know the news from Twitter.

Because of their radar, they didn't see anything at all.

The short videos sent by the public are one step faster than their air defense surveillance network.

Ming Sen glanced at the guards who were following him, and then asked:

"Have you... grown to this extent?"

Hearing his words, the guard just shook his head and did not answer.

But Minson saw what he meant.

He means, more than that.

Ming Sen groaned in despair and pain, he ran to He Kangmei who was standing in the distance, and then asked eagerly:

"What exactly do you want to do?"

He Kangmei shook off his hand, pointed to the distance and said:

"We don't want to do anything, we are just expressing some attitudes."

"Of course, what we want to express is actually quite simple."

"The world is at stake. If you are willing to cooperate well, then we will raise a flag for mankind together."

"If you don't want to, then this flag will be dyed with your blood."

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