Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Sixty-Eight New Branches

After the plan was finalized, Qing Hao immediately reported the strategy to the superior on behalf of the survey team. After a short wait, they got a reply from the superior, and the survey team also immediately determined the location of the so-called "demonstration project", which is a long distance. The straight-line distance from Ka Village is only 20 kilometers from Shewaka Village.

There will also be a large-scale river reconstruction plan, and it is true that the same nuclear bomb blasting plan as Doka Village can be used, but in fact, due to the difference in terrain and hydrological environment, it is more cost-effective to use manual excavation in Shewaka Village. High, so the so-called nuclear bomb explosion is simply a smoke bomb.

However, this information has been kept strictly confidential, and no one but the core members of the survey team knows it.

This morning, Zhang Fu packed up his luggage and came to the entrance of Duoka Village. The entire survey team was ready to go and was about to head to Xuewaka Village.

After nearly a year of hard work, an easy road had been built between Doka Village and Shewaka Village at this time, but out of prudence, they decided to set off as soon as possible.

After all, in this month, the probability of a sudden blizzard is very high. If you are blocked on the road, delaying time is a trivial matter, and various dangers will follow one after another. At that time, additional rescue will consume more resources. .

On the side of the gathering point of the survey team, the village chief brought a few villagers with drinks ready for farewell. When these villagers heard that the survey team was leaving, they probably felt that their resistance had played a role, and their faces were filled with relief. With a smile, the hostility when facing the survey team members was also swept away.

"Come here, drink a bowl of wine and go, it's cold on the road!"

Zhang Fu smiled and took the drink handed over by the other party. After drinking it, he said:

"Kampot, you look at your smile, why, you are so happy when you hear that we are leaving?"

The man named Kampot laughed, patted Zhang Fu on the shoulder and said:

"Aren't you happy! A nuclear bomb! Think about it, this is the mountain that we have been watching for generations. Although it is not at the level of a holy mountain, it is also emotional. If you drop a nuclear bomb on the mountain near your house, Where can you be happy?"

Zhang Fu shook his head helplessly and replied:

"What's wrong with me? This mountain doesn't produce food, and it also hinders traffic. If it's my word, I wish I had more nuclear bombs to flatten it."

"Go, you just stand and talk without back pain!"

Kampot grabbed the bowl from Zhang Fu's hand, poured a full glass into the other's hand, and then continued:

"No matter what, it's better not to blow up than to blow up."

"We had a bad attitude towards you before, and I hope you understand - we are not targeting you people who work underground."

"It's not easy for you. I understand. After drinking this glass of wine, everyone is still friends."

"Isn't it okay if you don't drink?"

Zhang Fu asked jokingly.

"I don't even drink it! You Han people are poor in alcohol, I know that!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fu shook his head again, took a sip from the wine glass, and then pushed it back into Kampot's hands, not even a trace of shame could be found on his face.

"Since you said so, then I don't need to drink. All right, put everything away, we're ready to go."

"As soon as you leave this time, when will you be back?"

Kampot has a complicated expression on his face. He actually has feelings for the survey team, especially Zhang Fu, who is outspoken. During the inspection days near Duoka Village, Zhang Fu helped the villagers solve problems more than once. , if it weren't for the fact that the things involved were really too sensitive, he would be willing to say a few words for the survey team based on this sentiment alone.

"That's not necessarily, maybe a year or a half."

"You don't want us to blow up the mountain. The project here can only be postponed, and the other places will be dealt with first."

Speaking of which, Zhang Fu changed his words.

"However, it is also possible that he will be back soon..."

"How fast can it be?"

"Who knows? A week or two? It could be a day or two, it just depends..."

Zhang Fu didn't go on talking, and Kampot didn't ask. He knew that some of the information the other party had was confidential, and he was definitely not allowed to talk nonsense to an ordinary person like him.

"Okay, then I hope you can come back soon - if you come back, does that mean there is a solution?"

"Theoretically it is."

Zhang Fu answered vaguely.

In fact, at this moment, he feels a little guilty in his heart. Although he has a different position from Kampot, the other party is at least sincere. Now, all the plans he has made are actually... . Calculate them.

It is indeed a calculation.

He sighed in his heart, and suddenly understood the displeasure that flashed across his face when he discussed with Qing Hao and the village chief before.

After a few words of greeting, Zhang Fu followed the team into the carriage that had been prepared for a long time. They would first follow the simple road for a while, and after the first 5 kilometers, they would get off the car and walk. If it goes well, it will probably be dark Before you can reach the village of Shivaka.

Kampot watched Zhang Fu and his party go away, and when their figures completely disappeared in the snow, he turned around and said to the village chief:

"Village Chief, why do I feel uncomfortable?"

"Why are you uncomfortable?"

The village chief asked suspiciously.

"It's.... I thought at first that when they left, we won, but now it looks like we didn't win either."

"Are we...too selfish?"

"All these things they do are for our entire country, and in the end, that's the best solution, right?"

"I've checked the Internet in the past few days. In fact, the nuclear bomb is not so scary."

"People in the village feel dangerous because they don't understand it themselves."

"If it doesn't make things like this, who's in the business?"

After a pause for a few seconds, Kampot said with a long sigh:

"It's really not easy for them. It's not easy for the country either."

The village chief nodded silently and comforted:

"It's not easy for anyone."

"You're forgiven for not wanting to blow up a nuclear bomb near your village; it makes more sense for them to use a nuclear bomb."

"You are all right, the fault is... the fault lies with the people in our village, or the cultural level is too low."

"Yeah... How about I talk to the villagers?"

A gleam of light flashed in Kampot's eyes, but this light made the village chief feel sour.

The Tibetan man on the other side didn't know yet that the expedition of the survey team was not giving up, but part of a plan and calculation.

He suddenly felt a little confused. Yes, he and the survey team were thinking of the overall situation.

However, for the sake of the overall situation, is it really the best solution to achieve a glorious goal by disgraceful means?

He turned around silently and walked towards the party and mass activity center in the village.

On the other hand, Kampot had already pulled other villagers and started talking about his thoughts.

At this moment, they don't know which way things will go.

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