The Great War broke out.

Lin Chen saw all kinds of war machines surging like a tide.

These are the crystallization of the wisdom of the Canreans, who possess great combat power and, fearless of death.

Lin Chen took a deep breath.

With a wave of his hand, a powerful force set off a large swath of the so-called relic mechancellor.

These mechanical creations are vulnerable to an existence like Lin Chen.

But that terrifying machine the size of a mountain, even Lin Chen felt frightened when he saw it.

Their energy cannons from their cores can easily blow up a mountain!

It doesn’t feel good to be hit by such an energy cannon.

In particular, with such a level of mechanical creation, there are too many on Canrea’s side!

“The sky moves!”


A gap opened in the pitch-black sky, and a huge star fell.

Like a meteorite falling to the ground, it set off a terrifying explosion.

With just one blow, the mechanized soldiers within a radius of a hundred miles were all torn apart by the aftermath of the explosion!

[You see the tip of the iceberg of the strength of the rock god Morax. 】

[The combat power of the rest of the gods is also terrifying, but you are not bad. ] 】

[The Heavenly Guardian has asked you to attack Canrea from different directions. 】

[Helpless, you can only accept it. 】

[You and Raiden are really together. 】

[The battlefield is too chaotic, and unexpected attacks are flying towards you at all times.] 】

[You are helpless, you will hand over your dreams to the truth. 】

[You start to form formations out of thin air. 】

[Today, although you have a huge gap with the top demon gods, you also have a place in the field of demon gods. ] 】

[You don’t know why the Heavenly Guardians destroyed Canria, maybe it touched something they didn’t dare to touch. 】

[You don’t care about these, you only care about the safety of lightning. 】

[You start to go all out. 】

[You can easily clear the humans and machines that stand in your way.] 】

[You have a vague premonition that some kind of drastic change must be taking place in the center of Canrea. 】

[There is some eagerness in your heart, and every shot you make is fast and ruthless. 】

[You and the rest of the gods are advancing very fast. 】

“You have descended to the royal capital of Canrea. 】

[The war has spread to the royal capital, and you see that some of Canrea’s humans are running for their lives, some are looking at you with hatred, and some are manipulating machinery to attack you. 】

[Your hunch is indeed right. 】

[Canrea caused the abyss. 】

[The power of the abyss began to spread in this land, and you also saw the beasts of the beast realm. ] 】

[You know their nickname – Bloody Dog!] 】

[At the same time, you see more Warcraft, and those Warcraft exude a fierce and ominous aura. 】

[The Heavenly Guardian struck, the crimson chain pierced the earth, seemed to lock the space, and the strong force made a large number of weak creatures wail in pain. ] 】

[You saw with your own eyes a human with a hideous look, holding his head and kneeling and howling, in just a few breaths, his skin became pitch black, white nails grew on the palms and soles of his feet, and his face was also wrinkled, looking terrifying. ] 】

[The Heavenly Guardian lowered a curse on the Canrea human, and saw the human being turned into monsters with your own eyes, and you and the gods fell silent, and you found that the Ice God’s gaze at the Celestial Maintainer was a little strange. 】

[An even more terrifying battle has broken out, and this time, you are facing not only the creation of Canrea, the creation of gold, but also monsters from the abyss and erosion. 】

[You’re stressed. 】

[At the same time, you discover a frightening fact. 】

[The Heavenly Guardian locked a large number of passages from the Abyss and Beast Realm to Canrea, and the monsters in these passages no longer came to Canrea, but went to all parts of Tivat! ] 】

[You know, revenge is coming! 】

[You and the rest of the gods are anxious, and your offensive is even more fierce. 】

[Countless powerful monsters are swarming in, and you can’t even free your hands for a while. 】

[Raiden Zhen cut out a hundred miles of ravine, you got a little respite, you see the exhaustion on Raiden Zhen’s face, she is not good at fighting, and her current state makes you very worried. ] 】

[You didn’t have time to rest, the Guardian of Heavenly Reason ordered you to speed up your attack, and you and the gods were miserable. 】

[There are a tide of monsters, even if most of them are far from your opponents, there are powerful monsters among them. 】

[You see several monsters wrapped in rich black qi and exuding a strong sense of oppression besieging Morax. 】

[Barbatos is also surrounded by a tidal wave of monsters. 】

[You didn’t have time to react, a terrifying monster like an evil god had already killed you. 】

[You can block its attack, and when you open the distance, you find that the exhausted thunder and lightning is really entangled by a monster, and it is in danger. ] 】


Lin Chen scolded angrily.

Turn around and punch away.

The real monster entangled in thunder and lightning was blown away by Lin Chen’s angry blow.

“Be careful!”

Thunder and lightning really flashed and protected Lin Chen behind him.


[You’re stunned. 】

[Your hands are shaking. 】

[Raiden really dragged her heavy body to help you block a blow in order to save you, but she was lying in a pool of blood. ] 】

“You’re furious. 】

“You’ve never been so angry. 】

[You hate your incompetent self, you can’t do anything! ] 】

[You pick up your dreams and one heart, and your demon god’s power swells. 】

[You cast the Purple Sky Tribulation Light. 】

[In this dark land, the purple light is as dazzling as the newborn sunrise. 】

[With just one sword, you repelled the nameless monster, and you took advantage of this gap to check the real injuries of Raiden. ] 】

[Raiden is really dying, she told you to take care of Thunder Movie in the future. ] 】

[You asked her not to speak, you cast a spell immediately, and you are ready to use the sealing formation to seal the thunder and lightning true and take it away for treatment. ] 】

[But just now, that sword made more monsters notice you, and they came towards you madly. 】

[The idea that you want to take away Raiden Zhen was stopped by them, and you didn’t have time to leave. ] 】

[You picked up the dream heart. 】

“You’ve never been so determined. 】

[An attack of the giant bull pen – talent launched! ] 】

[You only feel that all your wisdom, flesh and blood, and strength have begun to burn at this moment. 】

[You will hand over your dreams wholeheartedly, and the artifact will bloom brightly.] 】

[Unprecedented power coercion emanated. 】

[Heaven and earth lose their voice. 】

[A sword light is like a broken bamboo, sweeping in all directions. ] 】

[Whether it is machinery, monsters, or monsters, they all turn into flying ash in the brilliant light. ] 】

[Such a terrifying sight made Morax rush, and he was shocked inexplicably. 】

[At this time, your time is running out, you borrowed power from Morax, and Morax silently lent you divine power.] 】

[You and Raiden really don’t have much time, you long story short, you give him your dreams, let him transfer it to Ray Movie, and let Ray Movie not worry. ] 】

Morax agreed. 】

[You have constructed a teleportation array, and you don’t know where you will teleport to as your mind becomes more and more blurred. 】

[You disappeared from Canrea with Raiden Zhen, and at the last moment of your life, you constructed a sealing formation and sealed Raiden Zhen. ] 】

[You can’t help but sigh, you still underestimate the horror of the battle of Canrea. 】

[You have run out of oil at this time, and the time has reached the last moment. 】

[You’re dead. 】

[The cause of the battle of Canrea is unknown, but it ended because of you! ] 】

[End of this simulation.] 】

When Lin Chen came back to his senses.

The scene in front of him is not Canrea, not the true location of the sealing thunderbolt.

It’s in the inn room under the slope!

Lin Chen’s expression was complicated, all this was like a big dream, but it was a real experience.

Raiden has really been sealed by him, so there is no need to worry for the time being.

And Inazuma’s side, Kitsunomiya they will be fine?

Lin Chen was a little worried.

Do you want to withdraw rewards? 】

Do you want to check post-mortem events? 】

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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