A divine bow that looks powerful.

When you can’t beat it, you can also shout that the ancestor will support you.

Is this the sense of security of staying by the side of the Dao Ancestor?

Xiao Ganyu only felt his heart thump and his cheeks were hot.

“Don’t be stunned, in addition to this bow, there is also this!”

Jiao Jiao took out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to her.

Gan Yu took it and opened it, looking dazed.

There seem to be patterns drawn on the paper, and there are corresponding explanations.

But she didn’t understand!

“Daozu said, you can take this back to Morax, Morax can understand, when the time comes, make these things, can reduce your pressure a lot!”

After Jiao Jiao finished speaking, she sighed with emotion: “Alas, Daozu still prefers you more, and he will send you so many things as soon as you leave… Daozu didn’t let me go out to play! ”

“Oh, I really want to hang out too!”

Jiao Jiao scratched her head with a downcast expression.

“Sister Jiaojiao, have a chance to come to my side to play!”

“However, don’t cause trouble to Aunt Liuyun and Aunt Feng, otherwise… Well, Daozu shouldn’t let you run around. ”

Gan Yu hurriedly stepped forward to relieve.

“Hey, hey!”

Jiao Jiao quickly laughed again and said: “I know, in fact, Daozu is just afraid that I will cause trouble to others, Daozu likes me, Daozu will solve the trouble for me!” But…… Hehe, it’s good not to cause trouble to the Dao Ancestor, so I plan to cultivate hard!” When I reach the peak of my cultivation, I will definitely be as powerful as Morax by then, and at that time, I will be able to solve the trouble I have caused myself, so that Daozu will no longer worry about me!” ”

“Well, come on sister Jiaojiao!”

The two children encouraged each other.

Lin Chen shook his head and smiled at the mountain.

Whether it is petite or Xiao Ganyu, they are very well-behaved and cute in his opinion.

The only distinction.

It’s that Jiaojiao has not completely grown up, and in some ways is not as sensible as Ganyu.

This little guy is very impulsive a lot of the time.

But it’s nothing.

Without this little fellow, Lin Chen’s cultivation in this mountain would also be boring.

A few days later.

Gan Yu returns to the Separation Set.

“Huh? Ganyu, why did you come back so quickly? Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to see Gan Yu and asked very unexpectedly: “You are not around the Dao Ancestor to cultivate, what are you doing when you come back?” ”

Gan Yu looked at Liuyun Feng Zhenjun, her face was full of joy because Gan Yu was back, but there were many worries that could not be concealed.

Obviously, there has been something bad about the recent detached collection.

Gan Yu looked at it, except for Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch, only the Song Dust Wave City True Monarch and the Dust Demon God were finally here.

Morax and the rest of the immortals are gone!

“I’m coming back to help everyone!”

“Dao Ancestor has already allowed it, and he also gave me this!”

Xiao Ganyu showed off as if he took out the unicorn-like divine bow.


“Daozu allowed you to come down the mountain to help us?”

“Also sent you… Wait, this is! ”

Liuyun took advantage of the Wind True Monarch to carefully look at the divine bow in Gan Yu’s hand.

After taking a closer look, he said with some horror: “Such an artifact, I am afraid that it has the power of killing immortals!” ”

The True Monarch of Song Dust Wave City also took a look and said with deep conviction: “Indeed, with such an artifact in hand, Xiao Ganyu may really have the ability to fight alongside us, or even… Protect us. ”

“That Dao Ancestor’s gift was so powerful?”

The Dust Demon God was very curious in the end.

She was not born for too long, and the legend of the Dao ancestor was only heard from Morax and the immortals.

“Of course, Daozu is powerful, and the gifts he gave are also powerful!” Xiao Ganyu said proudly.

Then she asked in a low voice, “What about the emperor?” ”

“Emperor… Heading to the border to defend against the demon gods. Liuyun took advantage of the Wind True Monarch with anger in his expression: “These demon gods are really excessive, they even think that we send them 3,000 boys and girls every year, we really can’t be fooled when we are weak!” ”

“Daozu said that handing this over to the emperor can relieve us a lot of pressure.” Gan Yu took the note out of his arms.

“This is?”

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and the three looked at the note.

Liuyun borrowed the Wind True Monarch and said with an inexplicable expression: “Dao Ancestor is so accomplished in the art of organs? ”

“After all, it is the Dao Ancestor, and it is rumored that the Dao Ancestor has three thousand avenues, magic talismans, refining arrays… Everything. ”

The True Monarch of Song Dust Wave City said with some emotion: “If we can create such a giant crossbow, I am afraid that those demon gods will not dare to attack it easily.” ”

On the paper, is the construction principle of the huge crossbow.

If it is repeated one by one, then the power that this huge crossbow can burst out can definitely threaten the Demon God!

“It’s incredible.”

The Dust Demon God was finally fascinated, and after a long time, he praised: “Is this the wisdom of the Dao Ancestor?” ”

“I really want to see him in person.”

“Lord Return, want to see the Dao Ancestor?” After thinking about it, Xiao Ganyu said, “When you settle down a little, I can take you back to see the Dao Ancestor!” ”


In the end, he immediately nodded and agreed.

“When the time comes, I haven’t seen you for many years, and it’s time to go to visit the Dao Ancestor.” Liuyun borrowed the wind to the true monarch.

“Go together!” Song Dust Wave City Zhenjun nodded, turned his head and said, “First build this divine crossbow!” ”


[Two thousand four hundred and twenty years.] 】

[The Dust Demon God End, Liuyun Borrowing the Wind True Monarch was shocked by your divine machine crossbow drawings, and they spent ten years successfully creating a divine machine crossbow. ] 】

[A divine crossbow that does not use any external force can easily shoot a demon beast, and a divine crossbow with immortal power can threaten the demon god! ] 】

[The Dust Demon God finally made it clear that if she was allowed to face several divine crossbows, there was a great possibility that she would fall on the spot! ] 】

[2,500th year.] 】

[The Guizhou set has ten divine machine crossbows, which makes the Sifang Demon God tremble! ] 】

[These demon gods secretly formed an alliance and prepared to attack Morax’s settlement together! ] 】


Lin Chen called.


“Daozu, you called me?”

Petite trotted over and stuck out her head at the door, looking at Lin Chen suspiciously.

“It’s difficult to return to the collection, you go for a trip.” Lin Chen said.

“Huh? Daozu, are you worried about Morax? Jiao Jiao asked.

“He is powerful, naturally there is no need to worry.” Lin Chen shook his head.

“Oh! I know, I must be worried about Xiao Ganyu! ”

“No, I’m going to leave quickly, but if I can’t beat it, Daozu will come and save me!”

Jiao Jiao pulled Lin Chen uneasily.

“Good, good, good.”

Lin Chen touched the little guy’s head, and then said, “Go quickly.” ”

“Let’s go~”

Detached set.

“Emperor, something is wrong!”

“Eighteen demon gods around us joined forces and launched an attack at the same time!”

The immortal came to report, his expression full of worry.

Morax is powerful, but after all, it is eighteen demon gods!

“It seems that I can’t hide.”

Morax turned to look at the map of the return set hanging behind him.

On it, the position of the opponent is marked, the direction of possible attack, and the location of the crossbow arrangement.

“Emperor, what should we do?” Liuyun asked by the wind Zhenjun.

“The strength of the four demon gods in the north is the strongest, and they must not be allowed to enter the territory of the Separation Collection.”

“In the southeast, the eight demon gods, I am afraid that they will not be able to do enough in the end, but they have the advantage of the divine crossbow, if you add Gan Yu… Blockable! ”

“As for the six demon gods of the West, the immortals plus the divine crossbow… I’m afraid…”

Even Morax felt very tricky for a while.

At this moment, a voice came from outside.

“I’m afraid of what?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Six in the West, leave it to me!”


The immortals suddenly turned their heads to look at the door.

I saw Jiao Jiao slowly walked in, and then said to Morax: “I’ll come, I can block it!” ”

“It’s you.”

Morax breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: “If there is Jiaojiao’s help, then the six demon gods of the West really don’t have to worry. ”

“Sister Jiaojiao!”

Xiao Ganyu smiled happily when she saw Jiaojiao.

“Uh-huh~” Jiao Jiao nodded.

Seeing this, Morax said to the immortals: “With the help of the coquettish, I can’t wait carelessly, the four in the north, I and the Dragon King of Ruoda go, the eight in the southeast, the end, Ganyu and the immortals, as for the six in the west… Does Petillo need additional help? ”


Jiao Jiao thought for a while, and then said: “Are they strong? ”

Morax heard this and said: “It’s not as good as you, but there are enough six, and it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands, so be careful.” ”

“Then send a few immortals together, if I can’t fight alone, it will be a shame, it’s better to be safe.” Jiao Jiao said.


Make a decision and go now!

Before leaving, Jiao Jiao pulled Gan Yu and whispered: “If you can’t fight, run, if you can’t run, shout for help!” ”

“Uh-huh, I see.”

Gan Yu nodded.


Gan Yu, Guizhi, Song Dust Wave City Zhenjun, and Liuyun came to the southeast of Guiliji by taking advantage of the wind Zhenjun.

In the distance of the boundary of the Guili Ji, one after another of terrifying coercion is approaching the Guili Ji.

“Not eight!”

“Message went wrong!”

“It’s ten!”

Liuyun took advantage of the wind to change his expression suddenly.

In the end, he frowned, and then said, “Eighteen demon gods, the possibility of this number increasing is too small and too small, so… They plan to break through our side first, and once we are broken through, then there will definitely be people on other fronts to help, and then the pressure on other fronts will also increase dramatically… However, it is more likely that we will be broken through first, and then they will drive straight in! ”

“It looks like it’s a big war.” Song Dust Wave City Zhenjun sighed.

“There is a magic crossbow, it can hold out for a while, and quickly send someone to inform the others!”

“The Demon God is almost here, follow me to the front!”

Outside the southeast of the set.

The breath of the ten demon gods covered the sky and made people breathless.

Not only did they come by themselves, but there were countless fierce beasts under their command that surged towards the return gathering like a tide.

Looking at this situation, if they don’t break the return to the set, they won’t stop.

Gan Yu stood on the city wall, and the small figure picked up a divine bow and pulled it away.

Mana lingered on the bowstring, forming an ice-blue arrow.

With a bang, the arrow broke through the air.

In the blink of an eye, the arrow pierced through the head of a giant beast, and the inertia of the giant beast’s running made it roll continuously, and finally fell on the path of more giant beasts behind.

The big war is on the verge.

Immortal blood.

Streamers streaked through the air in the blink of an eye, which were arrows shot by the divine crossbow.

The horror of the power, even if it is not hit head-on, even if it is just a passing by, it makes the demon god feel hot pain.

This reinforced their desire to destroy the Renunciation Set.

Wouldn’t it be better if these divine crossbows were in their hands?!


Gan Yu aimed at a demon god and shot an arrow.

The divine bow in her hand can kill immortals.

Although her cultivation was not high, this arrow also directly pierced through the abdomen of that demon god.

“Ants are so daring!”

“Such an artifact should be in my hands!”

The demon god was injured and furious, and the surging power of the demon god emerged, and he slapped it towards Gan Yu.

“Be careful!”

Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun to shout.

The divine crossbow shot an arrow towards the demon god.

“Your opponent is me!”

Another demon god viciously killed Liuyun by the Wind True Monarch.

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun in desperation, and could only turn the divine crossbow to aim at the incoming demon god.

And Ganyu here.

Without the restraint of the divine crossbow, the demon god easily approached Ganyu.

Having been with Lin Chen for many years, Gan Yu did not just learn the way of enlightenment.

Her figure flashed, and she had retreated a thousand meters away.

“Hahaha, I actually sent it myself, it really didn’t take any effort to get it, this artifact should be mine!”

Hearing a gloomy voice, Gan Yu looked up.

A black mist was shrouding her in all directions, surrounding her. Just out of the wolf’s den, like a tiger’s mouth!


“Get out of there!”

With a wave of the nearest final robe, the sky of sand and dust opened the way for Ganyu.

The price of her doing this was that the five demon gods seized this gap to attack her at the same time.

A sharp claw penetrated directly through Gui’s abdomen, and the spreading black gas attached to Return’s body, making Return’s face pale abruptly.


Gan Yu looked anxious, and raised his hand to be an arrow.

“Something like an ant!”

A demon god raised his hand to block the arrow.

Then, his giant hand fell, directly holding Gan Yu in his hand.

Looking at Gan Yu, who was constantly struggling in his hands but could not escape, the demon god laughed viciously: “Xianlin bloodline? Hahahaha, I don’t know how it tastes, it should be very delicious after grilling it? ”

“You don’t think about it!”

Hit hard, he raised sand and dust to cover the eyes of the demon god, so that he had to let go of the sweet rain in his hand to clean his eyes.

After returning to God in an instant, the demon god was furious, and a punch slammed into Gui Sheng.


Gan Yu quickly ran over to catch it.

At this time, the end is already dying, “Don’t stay, run!” ”

“Run? Where do you want to run? ”

Ten demon gods stood in all directions, one by one, with a terrifying breath.

Gan Yu’s eyes widened, and his whole body trembled.

The Demon God… It’s really too powerful.

“Last one, kill her, Morax’s territory is ours!”

Handsome as the big hand of the demon god slowly fell.

A terrifying and boundless aura descended from the sky.

Gan Yu slowly raised his head, with tears in his eyes.

She saw a mighty figure appear high in the sky!

After seeing that figure, Gan Yu only felt extremely relieved.

“Dao Ancestor, it’s Dao Ancestor coming!” Gan Yu cried with joy.

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