It’s late at night,

Lin Chen walked on the lighted street with Gan Yu.

The two figures on the ground are tightly clinging together, unwilling to separate.

Holding his hand by Lin Chen, Gan Yu felt the unprecedented peace of mind in the past thousand years, and his face was full of joy.

Lin Chen sent Gan Yu to her residence and instructed, “Rest well tonight, go to Liuyun to borrow the wind at night, and we will wait for you there.” ”


Gan Yu nodded obediently.

Lin Chen touched her head, hugged her for a while, and turned away.

It’s late at night~, not suitable to stay here.

Gan Yu’s mood swings on this day are too great, and besides, there is still Hu Tao in the Past Life Hall – waiting.

If you don’t go back tonight.

It’s hard to imagine how lost Walnut will be when the time comes.

When Lin Chen returned to the Hall of Past Life.

Sure enough, I saw a figure sitting in the doorway holding his face in the distance, looking through his eyes.

“Hall Master, isn’t it okay to wait in the house?”

“How do you sit in the doorway?”

Lin Chen couldn’t help but ask with a smile.

“Of course it’s waiting for you.”

Seeing Lin Chen return, the girl who seemed to be forever full of energy jumped up.

First asked Lin Chen if he had eaten, and then talked about trivial things such as cleaning the house again.

“How many stories does the hall master want to hear tonight?”

Lin Chen could see the tiredness on Hu Tao’s face.

Obviously, Walnut is also busy enough today.

Not only business, but also cleaning the room yourself.

It’s really hard for her.

“Hmm… Three! ”

Walnut did not avoid Lin Chen at all.

As soon as he took off his coat, he lay down directly, and then covered the quilt and looked at Lin Chen expectantly.

“Co-author, this is a bedtime story?”

Lin Chen teased.

“Speak quickly!” Walnut urged.

“Okay, listen up.”

The first story is not finished, and the walnut has fallen into a deep sleep.

She didn’t seem to be really worried about Lin Chen doing something bad.

“This girl.”

Lin Chen smiled dumbly.

Helping Walnut cover the quilt, Lin Chen walked to the yard.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky.

“Counting the time, it was already past the month-by-month festival before coming, and now… It’s almost the Hai Lantern Festival too? ”

“The family has to be reunited!”



Lin Chen woke up early.

He doesn’t need to rest in this realm now, but his spirit is indeed better after resting.

Finding that the walnut had not yet risen, Lin Chen left a note and left for Ozang Mountain.

On Mount Ozo.

The Immortal Cave Mansion, naturally has the Immortal Family arranged.

At the top of the mountain, lotus flowers grow in a clear spring, and in the center there is a small area of land.

Under the maple trees on land, tables and chairs are placed, and three beautiful women are here.

Look at it from afar.

The true monarch of Song Dust Wave City stroked the piano under the tree, with a faint smile on his face.

“Song Dust Wave City, the surprise you mentioned, it’s best not to delay my research on the mechanics!”

Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun to wrap his arms around and stood at the table with an impatient face.

Last night.

She is doing research on mechanics.

She has feelings.

This creation is bound to crush to the end!

As a result, the real monarch of Gechenlang City suddenly came to the door, saying that he wanted to surprise her today, and by the way, he would call for the end.

What surprise can have the importance of a breakthrough in mechanics?!

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun naturally did not want to delay time.

But no way, can’t help.

Therefore, now Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and could only hope that the surprise mentioned by the Song Dust Wave City Zhenjun could really surprise him.

Otherwise, without that hint of inspiration, what if she is defeated in the end?

Just thinking about it is very unpleasant!

“What the hell was the surprise?”

Finally, sitting on the shore, a pair of white feet dangling in the pool, the crystal clear toes can be seen between the splashes.

“When the time comes, you will know naturally.”

“The heart needs to be still, not in a hurry.”

“This is the common saying of the Dao ancestors.”

Song Dust Wave City Zhenjun played the piano intently, and replied without raising his head.



Liuyun took advantage of the Wind True Monarch to snort coldly, and said angrily: “As soon as you leave, it will be a thousand years, and now that the millennium has arrived, where are the others?!” ”

“The Immortal of Loss is waiting hard to miss a thousand years, and he is accompanied by the magic art day and night, if he hadn’t accepted a disciple some time ago, I am afraid he would have fallen asleep directly!”

Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun and did not hide his resentment.

“Okay, okay.”

In the end, the wide sleeves were tucked up, his hands were folded on his legs, and his eyebrows were crooked, “What he promised will definitely be done, and I believe he will definitely come back.” ”

The final voice is as gentle as ever.

“You can endure it.” Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and said angrily.

“If you can’t bear it, there is no way~”

In the end, with a little playfulness, he looked at the real monarch of Gechenlang City and said, “In a few days, I may need you to evaluate the organ we did.” ”

Song Dust Wave City Zhenjun smoothed the trembling strings with both hands, and smiled without speaking.

Just wondering.

Then I heard a voice coming: “What kind of mechanism is it?” How about I review it? ”


In the end, I froze for a while.

Looking back, it was the figure that Chao Si thought about.

“You’re back!”

She rushed towards Lin Chen, and there was love in those autumn-like eyes that could not be hidden.

“It’s back.”

Lin Chen nodded, stretched out his arms to catch the end, and held it in his arms.

“Is this the surprise that Sister Ping’er said?!”

In the end, he clings to Lin Chen, the tip of his nose is shrugged, sniffing the irreplaceable breath on his body, and his whole face is full of joy.


Lin Chen nodded, raised his eyes to look at Liuyun and asked the Wind True Monarch, “Liuyun, don’t you think I?” ”


“Immortals are busy with things, they must study the art of organs, they must retreat to the road of enlightenment, and they must teach their disciples.”

“Why did Ben Immortal have time to think about you?!”

Liuyun took advantage of the Wind Zhenjun’s face to swipe to the side.

Those hands wrapped around and looked very arrogant.


Lin Chen was slightly surprised: “Then what I heard just now, is it fake?” Some people say, ah, waiting for a thousand years of longing. ”


“When did Benxian say such a thing?!”

Liuyun took advantage of the wind to break the defense.

Lin Chen, who understood his personality, laughed and reached out to take her into his arms.

Seeing this, the true monarch of Song Dust Wave City smiled faintly, and the melodious fairy sound played represented the reunion of lovers.

“Where have you been for a thousand years?”

In the end, although he smiled like a flower, Lin Chen’s heart suddenly tightened.

The appearance of the end is a very petite and cute girl, occasionally eccentric.

But her essence is a demon god with superior wisdom!

With her intelligence, she may have noticed something!

“No rush.”

“Let me explain slowly.”

Lin Chen looked indifferent.

Fortunately, he prepared a hand, otherwise he would have to be torn apart by these three women today.

“You speak slowly, I’ll listen.” In the end, I listened with a smile.

Liuyun also frowned at the Wind True Monarch, she wanted to know where Lin Chen had gone in the past thousand years.

Her heart and concern for Lin Chen were no less than they were in the end, but… Mouth hard, don’t want to say!

“Sit first.”

“This thing, ah, it’s a small thing.”

“As for you, you must first relax your heart, this matter requires a strong heart to accept.”

As soon as Lin Chen spoke, there was a lot of nonsense.

Lay the groundwork first.

In the end, the three did not speak, but just looked at Lin Chen with a smile.

That unkind look made Lin Chen’s scalp numb.


Cleared his throat.

Lin Chen showed a look of death and said, “Okay, good, I confess leniently.” ”

“Here’s the thing…”

Lin Chen took out the back hand he had prepared. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It was the set of rhetoric that Zhong Li explained, and then polished it.

With his top savvy, there is no loophole at all.

After finally listening, he looked at Lin Chen closely and asked, “Then you, are you still the same as you were at the beginning?” ”

Hearing this question, Lin Chen smiled and said, “From beginning to end, I am me!” ”

Hearing Lin Chen’s answer, he was obviously relieved in the end.

Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun Zhenjun and snorted, “Also see the Avenue of Enlightenment?” I think I was prepared to hook up with women in various time and space, right? ”

“Don’t be embarrassed!”

Lin Chen must clarify.

This is definitely a rumor!

He simulates every era, which must have important significance.

Rewriting the original history is a miracle in itself.

You don’t see,

The rewriting of history is not saving one family, it is thousands of households!

Even today’s Liyue, even though the Dao Ancestor has been gone for thousands of years, the impression left behind is extremely far-reaching!

“For now, based on the length of time, who is the first woman to contact you?”

The knife hidden in the laughter belongs to yes!

Against the cunning gaze of the end, Lin Chen decisively replied, “Jiaojiao.” ”


“She’s still a child, doesn’t count!”

“Then it’s me first!?”

In the end, I was happy.

“Hey, you just got the first to go.”

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and felt very uncomfortable.

At the beginning, the movement was a little slower, otherwise, this first must be her to stay in the clouds and borrow the wind Zhenjun!


In the end, I smiled even more happily when I heard this.

“You guys, it’s really naïve to fight for this.” Song Dust Wave City Zhenjun shook his head and smiled.

That’s it, what about the demon gods and immortals?

The mind looks similar to coquettish!

“That’s right.”

In the end, he seemed to remember something and asked, “What happened to that Barr sister?” ”

For the battle of Canrea, he knows part of the inside story in the end, and for Inazuma’s Narugami, the end is also very clear.

When the seven gods gathered, they also participated in the end, and naturally knew that Narugami was the sisters.

Judging from Inazuma’s abrupt change in government style, the person in charge of Inazuma should no longer be that Baal.

“You said it really…”

“It’s a pity.”

Lin Chen told the truth about Canria.

In the end, seeing his expression of self-blame, he immediately reached out and held his palm to be relieved: “It’s okay, you now have the ability to save her, just like you saved us in the first place.” ”


Lin Chen nodded.

Indeed, now he has absolute certainty in curing Raiden Zhen.

Originally, his plan was to come and get together with these three wives, and then go back to save Lei Dian Zhen non-stop.

It’s not that lightning is really not important enough.

It is that the real state of Raiden was sealed by him, and it was cured after the seal was unsealed, and for the feelings of Raiden Zhen himself, it was only a moment later.

And the three in front of him have been waiting for thousands of years!

“Sister Ping’er, you come with me, let’s go cook together, he should have something important after today!” Finally, he said to the real king of Song Dust Wave City.


Song Dust Wave City Zhenjun decisively put down the piano and got up.

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and said lightly: “I’ll come too.” ”

“You know how to cook?”

“Joke! You look down on Benxian’s cooking machine?! ”

Liuyun, who felt a deep sting, took advantage of the wind to turn red.

I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it at all, I have to show my hand today.

Lin Chen was very relieved.

What’s more, it’s better than Ray’s movie craft, right?

But when the three of them served, Lin Chen’s face changed.

There is a saying that the craftsmanship of the true monarch of the final and song dust wave city is very strong.

What Liuyun did by borrowing the wind Zhenjun was actually not bad.

But there is a problem with the material!

This is simply a little dish in medicine.


“You’re killing me, aren’t you?”

Lin Chen pointed to the ingredients in the dish and asked.

“All the millennia will be made up.” In the end, he smiled shyly.

The arrogant Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun also had crimson cheeks, and hummed softly: “Eat, why don’t you eat it?” ”


Eat a hair!

Don’t you look down on yourself after eating?

“Go, follow me into the house!”

“The last time I preached a thousand years ago, it was the road of my life’s enlightenment.”

“Today I will check your studies!”

“Don’t think that if you don’t see it for a thousand years, you will underestimate the strength of the Dao Ancestor, let you take a good look at the Dao Ancestor power today!”

The three of them had already entered the Avenue of Enlightenment, but they were still a little worse in terms of the Avenue of Guiyi.

Fortunately, these three poor students know how to ask!

If you don’t understand and don’t ask, then whoever comes will not be able to help.

Face the advice of three good students with slightly lower grades.

Lin Chen felt that his sense of responsibility as a Dao ancestor was rising.

The students came to ask for advice, and he was very happy to solve the problem.

I don’t even feel sorry for my strong sense of responsibility!



Near dusk.

Gan Yu came to Ozang Mountain.

From a distance, I saw dishes on the stone table, but no one seemed to have moved.

With doubts, Gan Yu walked to Liuyun’s cave mansion to borrow the wind true monarch.

Just walked in.

Gan Yu heard the melodious and gentle fairy sound coming from the cave mansion, and faintly seemed to be a goddess singing.

The true monarch of Song Dust Wave City loves to play the piano the most, can meditate and practice.

When the Dust King returns to his leisure, he will sing with the piano of the true monarch of Song Dust Wave City.

Thanks to her natural voice, she sings anything well.

Gan Yu’s action as he was just about to knock on the door froze.

The afterglow of the western sun reflected the face flushed.

“It seems that the time has not come…”

Gan Yu took a deep breath and moved his footsteps with difficulty.

Three days and three nights later.

When Gan Yu came here again, he saw Lin Chen slowly supporting the wall and walking out.

“It’s Ganyu…”

Lin Chen saw Gan Yu say hello, and then beckoned: “Help it.” ”

“Dao Ancestor…”

Gan Yu looked at Lin Chen and was very worried.

I always felt that the state of the Dao Ancestor was very dangerous, and the people were a little thinner.

It is as if the student is gifted and intelligent, and in a short period of time he has absorbed the teacher’s life’s learning, and then taught the decadent appearance that cannot be taught.

And now, Teacher Lin is in this state.

“Are you all right?”

Gan Yu looked distressed.

Lin Chen took a deep breath before slowly saying, “Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal.” ”


Gan Yu didn’t say much.

Just helped Lin Chen to sit down, and then enjoyed the sunset in the distance.



A very powerful aura came from the direction of Mount Amber.

The breath is thick and quaint, as if it came from ancient times!

Gan Yu’s expression changed suddenly: “It’s the Ruoda Dragon King!” ”

Thanks: [Reality? Unreal! 】The monthly pass of the big guy! Finish!.

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