Simultaneous time travel: Sharing talents from Jackie Chan Adventures

Chapter 63 Link: Master Saint, are you trying to trick me again?

After sending away Valon, who couldn't wait to seek revenge on those magicians, Link followed the other party's instructions and came to the top room of the Black Hand Building where the Holy Lord was.

"Master Holy Lord, what do you want from me?"

Link asked, putting on the air of a good apprentice.

Both he and the Holy Master knew in their hearts that the relationship between the two was actually mutual use.

Even if there is a master-disciple relationship, it's just too big a deal.

However, after all, the Holy Lord still has something he needs.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the superficial harmony between the two.

"Link, you're here!"

The Holy Master looked at Link, whose aura became more and more mysterious, and felt a little complicated for a moment.

Unlike Valon, who is a mortal, as a demon wizard, he can intuitively feel that Link's magical attainments are getting deeper and deeper, and he has even vaguely reached the level of an archmage.

If the other party doesn't cheat you, just help yourself resurrect honestly.

Then if it is resurrected and rules Asia again, what's the harm in giving it a title of prime minister?

It's a pity that there are no ifs in the world. The Holy Master is not so generous to this disciple who cheated even one of his resurrection methods.

He must pay the price from now on!

"Good disciple, it seems that your magic skills have improved a lot recently. It's not in vain to serve as my teacher..."

The Holy Lord wanted to say that his general teachings were not in vain.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that except for the first year, which he put a lot of effort into, the rest of the time was spent on Link's own cultivation.

What makes him even more embarrassed is that in the first year when he taught him most carefully, Link's training speed was like a tortoise crawling.

On the contrary, after it didn't teach Link seriously in the past few months, the other party's magical attainments improved by leaps and bounds, as if he had an epiphany.

In this way, its teachings seem to have a negative effect!

No matter how shameless the Holy Lord is, it is still embarrassed to say that the reason why Link became so strong is due to his teachings.

"Ahem, it was not in vain that I handed over the original dragon tooth to you as a master. Now it has become so powerful."

The Holy Master coughed a few times and reluctantly found a suitable reason.

The future is the future, and the present is now.

Even if it takes thirty years to the east and thirty years to the west in the future, if you don't bully the devil, Link will have to pay the price, that will be in the future.

Now it still has to talk to Link as a mentor and helpful friend.

Link nodded, and there was a wave of business exchanges: "That's natural. If it weren't for the teachings of the Holy Master, my disciple, I wouldn't have such strength."

"Well, that's true."

Since Link said so, the Holy Master also agreed.

At least Link's Twelve Talisman Magic was taught by him, and he even gave him his dragon scales and teeth to help him practice.

All in all, the Holy Lord has a clear conscience!

"My good disciple, I heard that you found the talisman that my master needs. Why haven't you given it to me yet?"

After chatting for a few words, the Holy Master went straight to the topic.

"Oh, that's not to say that my disciple has been busy with the things you arranged recently and forgot about it."

After hearing this, Link patted his head and immediately stuffed the Dog Talisman and Monkey Talisman into the grooves of the Holy Lord's statue.

As the two talismans returned to their positions, a comfortable current instantly filled the Holy Master's entire body.

He couldn't help but exclaim: "It feels so good!"

"Master Holy Lord, I have already given you the talisman. Should you also teach me the immortality magic and transformation magic corresponding to dogs and monkeys?"

Link said with a smile.

The transmutation magic corresponding to the monkey charm is not that helpful to it.

After all, he himself mastered the art of transformation. The difference between this art and the magic of change is that one is a blinding method and the other is a real change.

Unless you meet an expert, you won't be able to tell the difference.

But the immortality magic corresponding to the dog charm is a good magic!

This magic can not only give the mage eternal vitality, but also give him unlimited lifespan and the ability to stay young forever.

"Wait a minute, if I remember correctly, good disciple, you should have a horse charm in your hand, right? Why don't you give it to me?"

The Holy Master did not answer Link's question. Instead, he stared at his red eyes and spoke to Link in a slightly dangerous tone.

Link's sudden action of only giving the dog charm and the monkey charm but not the horse charm instantly aroused its suspicion.

The somewhat rusty brain that had been worn down by the years was forced to work and discuss as if a bucket of lubricating oil had been poured into it.

Usually when this kid wants to get something out of himself, he will do something like this.

It was like this when the Ox Talisman was cast, and it was also like this when the Dragon Talisman was cast!

"Oh, I just want to use the horse charm to help the company do some business, and I will definitely give it to you when the time comes!

And Master Holy Lord, if you guessed correctly, the immortal magic corresponding to this dog talisman should also be the original magic of the devil, right? "

Link smiled maliciously at the Holy Lord.

Upon hearing Link's words, the Holy Lord suddenly felt sweat flowing from the gaps in its stone statue.

Link is right!

This dog talisman’s immortality magic is indeed one of their demon’s original magics!

After all, there has never been any black energy wizard in this world who can be immortal. The most he can do is extend his lifespan. Only demons can be immortal.

"Good disciple, you don't want Ryuga as your master to practice immortal magic again, do you?"

The voice of the Holy Lord trembled when he spoke.

It doesn't have many dragon teeth left, so it can't give them away!

"Don't worry, Master Saint. I have already absorbed one of your dragon teeth, so I have already obtained part of your essence. Naturally, I don't need you to give me another dragon tooth."

Link smiled and said.

"That's good!"

Before the Master Saint heard that Link didn't want to take its dragon teeth anymore, he didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, and the next moment Link changed his tone again.

"But Master Saint, the little essence of the dragon teeth used to practice the energy magic of the dragon spell has already consumed a lot, so I still want to ask you for some dragon scales to help me practice immortal magic!"

"What, you want my dragon scales again?!"

The Master Saint's voice increased again.

"Could it be that Master Saint dislikes the fact that the dragon scales contain too little essence, so he wants to give me his resurrected dragon teeth?"

Link's eyes suddenly turned red.

Seeing Link's appearance, the Master Saint suddenly felt that something was wrong!

If he continued to talk, I was afraid that my dragon tooth would really be lost!

"Stop, stop, stop! I just helped you think about it. The essence contained in my dragon scales is enough for you to practice. If it is not enough, you can ask me for more."

After saying that, the Holy Lord shook his body repeatedly and shook off a lot of stone debris on his body.

Although losing these stone and dragon scales is also a big sacrifice for the Holy Lord.

But compared to losing the dragon tooth, this ending is already quite good.

"Master Holy Lord, you are so good! In the future, I will definitely help you find the talisman more attentively and strive to help you revive as soon as possible."

Link wiped the tears that were forced to fall from the corners of his eyes, but he secretly said in his heart, "No wonder!"

Such a good master with extraordinary materials all over his body, he doesn't want to lose it so soon!

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