Simultaneous time travel: Sharing talents from Jackie Chan Adventures

Chapter 8 Taking advantage of the Holy Lord and stealing his power

Black Hand Building.

Link appeared in front of the Holy Lord with the Bull Talisman in his hand.

"Great, my apprentice, you helped me get the talisman, and now I am one step closer to resurrection!"

The Holy Lord's red eyes sparkled.

The black shadow ninja on the side came out and wanted to take the talisman from Link, but Link took a step back and avoided the grab of the black shadow ninja.

"Link, what do you mean by this?"

After a brief pause, the Holy Lord asked with a slightly threatening tone.

"Master Holy Lord, the situation has changed. Before, a talisman was exchanged for a magic, because there was no danger at all when taking the talisman.

But this action is too dangerous. Not only Chen Long and the righteous magician behind him, but also those humans who mastered the talisman are particularly dangerous!

If Master Holy Lord does not give more benefits, it is difficult for me, your apprentice, to be interested in continuing to help you collect talismans!"

After listening, even if the Holy Lord's wisdom was worn out, he also heard what Link meant.

"Asshole, you are asking for a higher price! Extorting money!"

Facing the angry roar of the Holy Lord, Link was not afraid at all, and said calmly: "What do you mean by asking for a higher price? I am just asking you to pay a reasonable fee!"


The Holy Lord was extremely angry, and wanted to attack Link directly and snatch the Bull Talisman.

But in the end, it actually suppressed its anger.

It recognized Link's ability.

It snatched the Bull Talisman for the first time.

Such an outstanding record naturally made the Holy Lord more patient with Link.

And more importantly, the Holy Lord was not worried that Link would get out of his control because he was very weak.

The Black Shadow Ninja was his eyes and ears, and he knew the role Link played in this operation very clearly, and basically completed the task by relying on wisdom.

If Link was a tiger, then his willfulness would be resisted by the Holy Lord at this moment.

But Link was just a cat, and his willfulness at this moment seemed to be no threat to the Holy Lord.

"What do you want?" the Holy Lord asked.

Link smiled and said, "I want your complete collection of black magic."

"How do you know I have the complete collection of black magic?!"

The Holy Lord's eyelids jumped.

Why does this kid seem to know everything?

"It's impossible to exchange a spell for the complete collection of black magic. You have to find me at least two more spells."


Link's mouth curled up slightly.

The complete collection of black magic they are talking about is the magic book with Tara on the cover in the original book, which eventually turned Xiaoyu into the Queen of Shadow. It records very complete black magic.

Among them, what Link values ​​most is the magic that allows the Holy Lord to control the shadow army and will not be affected by the mask.

In this way, when he gets other masks in the future, he can use this magic to directly control the shadow army, and at the same time his mind will not be affected by the mask.

"Damn you, you cunning kid!"

Seeing Link agree so generously, the Holy Lord knew that his offer was too high.

A wave of anger surged in his heart again, but was suppressed by the Holy Lord.

The Lord had already made plans for this little devil who was fleecing him.

When it resurrects, it will not kill Link directly, but will take him as a servant, enslave him day and night, and let him serve him until his death!

"Okay, your bull talisman."

The deal was done, and Link threw the bull talisman to the Lord.

The next moment, a huge force filled the Lord's body, making him feel comfortable.

"Here is the giant power magic corresponding to the bull talisman, you can take it back and practice."

Since the bull talisman has been obtained, the Lord also readily handed the giant power magic corresponding to the bull talisman to Link.

"Okay, Master Saint."

After Link thanked the Lord, he did not stay any longer and prepared to leave the Black Hand Building.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Valon and others who had just received boxes of gold treasures from the Black Shadow Corps, and were swimming on the treasures with excitement.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Valon turned his head and saw that it was Link, and immediately smiled: "Good morning, Mr. Link."

The reason why they were able to obtain the Bull Talisman in this operation was inseparable from Link's advice.

And it was precisely because of the success of this operation that Valon realized that perhaps his previous failure was not due to insufficient strength, but that their Black Hand did not have sufficient wisdom!

Therefore, after this incident, Valon had the idea of ​​recruiting Link to join the Black Hand Gang!

"Good morning."

As Link greeted him, his expression when looking at Valon and others was also somewhat strange.

Valon is indeed one of the destined villains in the original work. He can even complete the hell-level task of watching Xiaoyu.

As for the three people of Lasu, although their combat effectiveness is average, their treasure hunting ability is so powerful that it is a bit scary!

They are even more accurate in finding various magic props. They are all lucky!

But such a person is looked down upon by the Holy Lord, and even despised.

It seems a pity that such a talent continues to hang out with the Holy Lord. Maybe I can consider taking him under my command?

"Mr. Valon, I want to talk to you about something."


Valon was stunned when he heard that Link also wanted to talk to him about something.

But he soon realized that this was a good opportunity to recruit Link.

So, he immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Link, I just happen to have something to talk to you about."

The two hit it off and came to a secret room.

"Mr. Link, do you have something to talk to me about?" Valon asked curiously.

He was also wondering why Link was looking for him.

"Mr. Valon, I want to recruit you to be my subordinates."

Link got straight to the point.

As soon as this was said, Valon was instantly confused.

What? You want to recruit me too?

"Mr. Link, are you sure you are recruiting us, not us Black Hand recruiting you?"

Valon smiled and said, "Although our Black Hand funds are not very rich, we don't recruit everyone.

And if you are willing to join our Black Hand, Mr. Link, we can give you this number, 10,000 US dollars a month, what do you think?"

Valon did not directly deny Link's words that he wanted to recruit him first.

In the eyes of a money-grubber like him, as long as the money is in place, everything is easy to say.

The reason why he rejected Link was that he didn't think Link could pay that much.

"Ten thousand dollars?" Link repeated with a smile.

Valon thought Link was dissatisfied with the amount of money, so he continued to persuade him, "Mr. Link, ten thousand dollars is already a lot.

Even the secret agents in District 13 only make a few thousand dollars a month! The salary and benefits of our Black Hand are definitely the best in the world!"

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