Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 177 Kizaru: Let me catch Bai Ye? Why would I risk my life for a few hundred bucks a month!

Chapter 177 - Yellow Monkey: Let me catch Bai Ye? I'm only a few hundred bucks a month. What's my life?

"Is he still hiding on Sky Island?"

The World Government has been in control for 800 years, so they naturally know the existence of Sky Island.

Once, they even arranged people to the New World, but still couldn't find Bai Ye's trace. Later, they directly arranged people to go to Sky Island to look for him.

But they still couldn't find Bai Ye's trace, which made them very confused. Where did this guy hide?

But think about it, he is the ability user of the Thunder Fruit. If he is determined not to be found, it will be really difficult to find him.

"No matter where he hid before, he appeared now, and there is a woman around him. It seems that he seems to have a bond?"

Satan Saint said lightly.

He knew very well that Bai Ye had no weaknesses before, was strong, and had strange whereabouts, and at the same time, he would not have any concerns.

It would be difficult for the World Government to deal with such a person.

But now Bai Ye has his only weakness. Unless Bai Ye really doesn't care about anything else, this woman will definitely become his weak spot.

And their current plan can completely revolve around this woman.

"Let's investigate the woman's background first and see if she has any relatives."

Nasu Shoulang Sheng was silent for a while, and then he agreed with Satan Sheng's point of view.

It is very difficult to catch the woman from Bai Ye, so you can start from the other party's social circle.

"Anyway, let's catch that guy as soon as possible. Since he has appeared, I always have a bad feeling about waiting."

Satan Sheng always felt that since he came back from the Valley of the Gods, something seemed to have changed, but he couldn't feel it. After coming back, he also checked himself, but he didn't find anything abnormal.

And as the person in charge of scientific research in the world government, he naturally hopes to catch Bai Ye and study what Bai Ye is like and why he can use so many abilities.

"By the way, hasn't Kaido been caught yet?"

They had planned Bai Ye's affairs a long time ago, but Bai Ye had never appeared before, so there was no way to implement it.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't escape their net.

But what he cares about most is Kaido. They wanted to capture Kaido for research at the beginning. Later, after destroying the scientific organization headed by Vegapunk, they captured Vegapunk to the World Government and let him continue to study the bloodline factor.

They wanted to capture Kaido and Bai Ye even more.

Last time, they organized a capture operation and originally captured Kaido, but what they didn't expect was that Kaido was not only the user of the Blue Dragon Fruit, but the guy who was captured with him was the Snake Snake Fruit·Mythical Beast·Yamata no Orochi form.

In the end, not only Kaido ran away, but also the Lunaria imps that they had originally captured ran away.

Originally, they were chasing Kaido, but after searching for a long time, they found that Kaido seemed to have disappeared.

This also made the original research plan go to waste.

They have an idea to create a robot that can perfectly inherit the strength of the gene replicator, and may even surpass it.

This is also the reason why they immediately sent people to capture Vegapunk after discovering that Vegapunk had developed the bloodline factor. This technology is really too subversive.

In their view, whoever masters this technology will master the future.

So Kaido is their target, followed by Bai Ye. If they can copy the bloodline factors of their races with special abilities and create super soldiers, then the world government will never be shaken!


"What a pity."

The Five Elders felt sorry for Kaido's disappearance.

"The most regrettable thing is that Rocks' body was taken away by Bai Ye, that bastard!"

The Five Elders even felt that if Rocks' body was left by them, they might be able to copy a Rocks.

"If you catch Bai Ye, you can get everything."

Bai Ye is now equivalent to the great secret treasure of pirates for the World Government.

"Don't have too much hope for that guy!"

It must be a tug-of-war with him, so you can't think too much now.

"By the way, Roger won. I didn't expect Golden Lion to fail!"

For the war between Roger and Golden Lion, the Five Elders didn't care who won. They were just a little surprised that Roger was the final winner.

They had estimated that Roger would most likely fail and die in this war. Compared with Roger, Golden Lion was not that troublesome for them.

It was mainly Roger's ability to listen to the voices of all things. He could even hear the voices of the historical text. This was simply too dangerous.

So they naturally preferred Golden Lion to win. If Golden Lion won, it would only lead the pirates to a bigger war, which was beneficial.

But unfortunately, Golden Lion lost to the weather. If Bai Ye hadn't arrived, it would be hard to say what Golden Lion himself would be like.

"By the way, are they really going to Raftel?"

"Didn't we release the news?"

Satan Saint's eyes flashed with helplessness. If it weren't for the Rocks Pirates' operation in the Valley of the Gods.

They would never have spread the news.

It can even be said that their original intention was to let the Rocks Pirates dominate the New World.

But later, the Rocks Pirates raided the Valley of the Gods, which directly led to the exposure of some of the dirty deeds of the World Government. What should we do?

It is definitely not easy to remedy it. It will take a long time for this generation to forget it.

And there is another way, which is the best solution, that is, to let more pirates go out to sea, and then let others see the brutality of pirates. After this comparison, the situation will be different.

So they released the news that Raftel still has a big secret treasure.

And they have been guiding the public opinion on the sea, making everyone realize that if a pirate king emerges among the pirates, they can also get a big secret treasure!

In this way, the pirates are becoming more and more rampant, and even the navy can't suppress them, and this is what the World Government wants.

They want to play a balance. If the navy can't suppress them, it doesn't matter to them.

As long as the final public opinion is successfully reversed, it's fine.

"Then let Roger?"

Since someone must appear to go to Raftel, Roger seems to be the best candidate.

According to previous intelligence, Whitebeard is not interested, and now that Golden Lion has failed, he has naturally lost the chance to become the Pirate King, and Bai Ye and the others would never want Bai Ye to become the Pirate King, so it can only be Roger.

"But if he knows the truth, doesn't that mean..."

Raftel has really recorded some incredible things!

If Roger really knows it, it will probably cause a lot of problems.

"He has no place to speak. Since the last Bai Ye incident, we have also controlled all the channels for speaking. Even if he knows it, it will be useless. What's more, if we want others not to believe what a pirate says, we can make them not believe it!"

It's just a pirate.

They only need to make a slight move, and then all the other party's words will be empty words.

"If this is the case, then O'Hara now seems to know the truth about the eight hundred years."

"Let CP investigate first. If it is true, then eliminate them all. It just so happens that we don't need the next Pirate King!"

Those who try to study history will eventually be judged by them.

And because Bai Ye had made the crimes of the Celestial Dragons public in the Valley of the Gods, O'Hara's research on history seemed to have been advanced.

"Marshal Kong, now that the Golden Lion has withdrawn, he can no longer be found!"

Navy Headquarters.

According to the news from the intelligence personnel, since the Golden Lion failed, it has completely disappeared from the public's sight.

Then, the news about this war was also spread throughout the world by Morgans. The news that Roger defeated the Golden Lion was exciting, and what was even more surprising was that Bai Ye, who had disappeared for so long, appeared in everyone's sight again.

"Leave Roger to me!"

Garp is now eager to chase Roger.

"Zhan Guo, Bai Ye needs you to keep an eye on him, and take Borsalino with you."

Kong did not stop him. The two most important forces now are Roger and Bai Ye.

Since Garp wants to chase Roger, he will not stop him.

The Golden Lion has withdrawn, so there is no need to worry about him for the time being.

Bai Ye is the top priority now. Today, the Five Elders also called me, telling me that I must focus on catching Bai Ye, and other pirates can be put aside.

Borsalino was arranged to go there mainly because his fruit ability is the Flash Fruit, which may restrain Bai Ye in terms of speed.

"How terrible! Do I have to face such a terrifying legendary pirate just after my debut?"

Kizaru grinned, raised his hands high, and his tone was very exaggerated.

I always feel that this is not a good job.

I just want to punch in and get off work. Why do I have to fight for a few hundred dollars a month?


Steel Bone Kong gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anger, what kind of work attitude is this!

I asked you to catch a pirate, but it was either windy or rainy. I have been catching pirates for several months. Brother, do you think you are going to the moon?

Kong forced himself to calm down, but after looking at Kizaru's face, he felt that his temper could not be suppressed in an instant!

But when he thought of the people he could use here, he suddenly felt a little tired.

It seemed that the only people who could really be used and were useful were Sengoku, Tsuru and Sakaski.

Not to mention Garp, Kuzan was a fan of Garp and imitated him in every move.

Borsalino took the life of idleness to the extreme, and Zefa had left here to teach newcomers because his family was killed.

Why did he feel more and more frustrated as a Marine Admiral?

Forget it

I will be promoted after the pirates are quiet for a while.

"Okay, okay, I know, Marshal Kong, I'm just talking, I'm not really not going!"

Borsalino quickly said that he would go. Although he didn't want to risk his life, if he didn't go, then there was a high probability that his stable job where he could slack off and punch in would be gone.

"Sengoku, then I'll leave this matter to you!"

"But here at the Marine Headquarters?"

If he went out, there would be no other admirals here.

"With Sakaski and Gion here, and I'm still here, what are you afraid of?"

The main task now is to capture Bai Ye, not anything else.

"I understand."

Seeing this, Zhan Guo had no choice but to agree.

"Marshal Kong, please let me join the team to capture Bai Ye!"

Sakaski volunteered. Since they were going to capture pirates, he might have a higher chance of winning if he went with them.

After hearing his words, the other people were also eager to move. Compared with staying in the Navy Headquarters, they preferred to go out to perform tasks.

They were not like Borsalino who only thought about clocking out every day.

Borsalino on the side moved his mouth after hearing Sakaski's words, but he didn't say anything in the end. Although he wanted to give up the opportunity, he also understood that Steel Bone would never agree.

"No, catching that guy is not a victory that can be won by numbers!"

Steel Bone Kong thought of how White Night killed all around in the Valley of Gods.

At that time, there were also people from the Knights of God who participated in this capture operation.

But in the end, they were still defeated by Bai Ye. That time, the World Government was really embarrassed!

"Actually, I think it's difficult to catch him. At present, it's best to focus on investigating intelligence. We only know that he appeared with a girl this time, but we don't know anything else. If we attack rashly without investigating clearly, we will suffer heavy losses."

He raised his head and looked at several people. Although he felt okay about Cyborg's proposal.

But He still felt that it was better to investigate the other party's specific information first.

"But CP's people can't get close to him at all."

"Can you plant a spy?"

He raised his head and looked at Cyborg Sora and asked.

Planting a spy may be the best choice.


Cyborg Sora thought about it and felt it was feasible.

But if you plant a weak person, the other party probably won't accept it. You can't send the person you carefully trained as the next generation of three admirals there, right?

Those who are sent to be spies must have talent, but the talent cannot be too strong, otherwise the navy will also feel sorry.

He looked at Gion, then sighed. He didn't want to send Gion out as an undercover agent.

If Gion wanted to go out, then he would first have to make Gion a traitor to the navy. After all, the news that Gion was a navy member would be clear as long as he checked.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later!"

Kong Kong saw the look in He's eyes, thought about it and decided not to think about it for the time being.

Gion also has the potential to be a general, so he sent Gion out as an undercover agent.

He was really distressed!

Besides, Bai Ye might not be able to accept it.

"Indeed, we don't need to act first for the time being, let's take it slowly, and see the pattern of the new world first!"

He didn't say that he had to decide now.

The pattern of the new world is still undecided. If Bai Ye only appeared once and then disappeared immediately, it seems that it is not impossible, so it is not worth it to arrange it too early.

For things like planting spies, the navy and even the world government will more or less plant them in the pirates.

After all, you can get the intelligence of the other party in the first place and take targeted actions.

Moreover, if you don't arrange someone inside Bai Ye, who has the ability of the Thunder Fruit, it is impossible to know the first movement of the other party.

"Actually, I can do it."

Gion looked at everyone with a firm look in her eyes. She can go undercover to catch Bai Ye!

"No! What if Miss Gion encounters an accident? Let me be the undercover!"

A mature-looking man stood up to stop him.

Kaji couldn't watch his beloved Gion lurking beside Bai Ye.

What if he encountered an accident?

"Nothing has been concluded yet. Let's not talk about the undercover for the time being!"

Ganggu Kong directly stopped them from continuing.

Let's talk about the undercover later!

"Finally found you, God's natural enemy. Bai Ye!!!"

Fight me!

Barrett looked at the man in front of him, unable to hide the excitement on his face.

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