Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 185 Hawkeye, lifetime membership, Hancock: That day I met my angel!

Chapter 185 - Hawkeye, Lifetime Join, Hancock: That Day I Met My Angel!

"What do you think?"

Bai Ye did not directly answer the question of his life. For him, in fact, he could not answer this question well no matter what.

Does he want to become the new Draco?

Don't want to.

But once you take this step, everyone will praise you and push yourself to that position, and this seems to be a reincarnation.

Nobility can never disappear.

Just like the current pirate group, once it succeeds, wouldn't it be inevitable that Kaido and the others would become one of the new 'Twenty Kings'?

"It's not clear if it goes down further."

Although he looked calm all his life, he didn't know whether Bai Ye would be the same. In fact, many things were not static.

What's more, he is just a drinker passing by the tavern. Is it possible that he still wants to impose his will on others?

"You don't look like a pirate."

Yisheng lowered his head and took a sip of wine. Although he didn't get the answer, or it was impossible to answer, from the beginning, he discovered that Bai Ye seemed to be completely different from the pirate he knew.

Pirates are greedy and ambitious, but he didn't feel it in Bai Ye. He could feel it engraved in his bones.

"I never said that I was a pirate. I just went to sea, and then I was regarded as a pirate and had a bounty on my head. To the World Government and the Navy, I am a pirate, but compared to others, I am the savior. "

It's just a different stance. No one has ever stipulated that pirates must be greedy or do things that make people angry.

The so-called pirates were just imposed on him by the world government.

"That's right, everything I know about you is in the newspapers."

Yisheng nodded in response.

All the news he learned about Bai Ye came from other people's mouths.

In the newspapers, there are many "misdeeds" about Bai Ye.

But after the real contact, I found that he didn't seem to be what I knew.

"But if you overthrow the Tianlong people, what are you going to do with the current pirates?"

Yisheng continued to ask.

He doesn't worry about whether Bai Ye will become the new Tianlong, this matter has not yet been determined.

Who knows whether it will succeed?

There must be a reason why the world government can stand for eight hundred years.

In his opinion, there are many reasons for the current era, but the two most important ones are the Celestial Dragons and pirates.

The Celestial Dragons are scum, but there are even more scum among the pirates.

He has seen many pirates burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of crimes as soon as they land on the island.

"Some pirates are actually forced to go to sea, but many of them do evil things for their own desires. If it were me, I would kill all these pirates so that I can keep those who are truly adventurous. ”

After all, most of the pirates in the pirate world are scum.

If pirates don't produce, how will they get food?


All kinds of treasures were robbed, and beautiful women were seen robbed. Anyway, everything depends on robbing. Most of them are at sea. How can they have money to buy things?

Even for those pirates who specialize in robbing other pirate groups, aren't the treasures these pirates rob also robbed from other people or pirates?

So in the final analysis, pirates are just thieves, but anime just beautifies them.

"Can you finish the killing?"

"We can't kill them all, and we have to cooperate with the policy. And if all the islands are gathered into one land in the future, there will be no pirates."

At that time, the world will be ruled by the Bandit King, right?

Sig, this prosperous age is as you wish!

"How can such great power be accomplished by a mortal?"

I was shocked all my life by Bai Ye's imagination. He actually wanted to bring all the islands together, and if Bai Ye really did it, then it might be true as Bai Ye said, there would be no pirates in this world.

All the islands are together, so why go out and adventure?

"Five hundred years ago, there was a giant demon named Oz. He liked to transport the islands he liked away. And wouldn't this be possible?"

The legend of Oz should still remain.

He will move his favorite island away.

And this is actually very similar to what Joeyboy once did.

He said in his letter to Fish-Man Island that he was sorry to Fish-Man Island because he failed to fulfill his previous promise.

And what is Joey Boy's promise?

It is to move the Fishman Island to the land so that they can live on the land.

But in the end Joyboy failed, so D's kingdom may have been complete at the beginning, but it was just because the island-destroying weapon Im used to break up the land, or maybe Joyboy had been destroying the island. It was transported to the vicinity of the huge kingdom, but was later destroyed by Im and others.

But no matter what, what Joyboy did also gave Bai Ye an inspiration. He also wanted to bring all the islands together, so that there would be no pirates.

"You're going to completely offend both groups by doing this."

Mihawk added on the side. In his opinion, if Bai Ye really did this, the first person to be offended would be the pirates.

After all, if you gather all the islands together, how can they go out to sea to rob in the future?

Of course, not all pirates will be enemies of Byakuya, but they will definitely offend a lot of them.

The second one is the world government. This is breaking the existing rules. This is a situation that the world government will never allow, so he directly offends everyone.

The probability of success will be very low.

"But if it succeeds, the world may really change!"

Throughout my life, I feel that it is difficult to succeed in what Bai Ye wants to do, but once he succeeds, it will definitely subvert the world.

"It seems cool to change the world."

Mihawk glanced at Bai Ye and had some concerns in his mind. He was thinking about whether he should respond to Bai Ye's invitation.

Some bad experiences in the past also made it difficult for Mihawk to trust other people.

But he also knew very well that Bai Ye was doing something very meaningful, and it seemed more meaningful if he could complete it together, but before that, he needed to complete one thing.

"I join your pirate group, but before that, I need to fulfill my dream!"

Mihawk looked at Bai Ye seriously, he could agree to Bai Ye's invitation and join his pirate group.

He is more afraid of trouble and usually likes a peaceful life, and this white night can satisfy him. It does not restrict his freedom and allows him to leave at will. At the same time, it also gives him a stable life without being harassed by others.

In addition, what Bai Ye had to do really made Mihawk want to see if he could do this world-changing wind.

But before joining, he had to fulfill his dream.


Bai Ye was pleasantly surprised, and immediately agreed to Mihawk's request.

His dream should be to challenge a strong swordsman in the pirate world, right?

He doesn't care who the world's greatest swordsman is, he just wants to challenge all swordsman masters and defeat them!

I always feel like this team will surprise everyone when it appears in front of the world!

Kaido, Barrett, Hawkeye, and Xiong himself were the four deputies. He wanted to ask which pirate group could compare with him?

Immediately, Bai Ye looked at Yisheng. If Yisheng joined, with his configuration, wouldn't he be able to defeat the Navy Headquarters alone?

"I can feel that your emotions are fluctuating. Do you want to invite me to join? I am just a blind person."

Although I said rejection on my lips, I was still thinking about whether to join Bai Ye in my heart.

He actually wanted to do it, but he was a little worried about whether Bai Ye would continue to follow his own will.

"The eyes are blind but the heart is not blind. You have great strength, why don't we change the world together?"

"I can come with you and have a look, but I'm not joining."

All my life I wanted to follow Bai Ye back to his territory to visit.

Bai Ye has disappeared for so long over the years and should have his own territory, so he should be able to implement his own policies in his own territory.

He couldn't keep listening to what Bai Ye said, but wanted to see what he did.

"Of course you're welcome!"

As long as he lives his whole life, he will not believe that he will not join in his whole life. The country of Wano has now invested so much money. These early investments have directly revitalized a country with a huge gap between the rich and the poor.

Even letting Oden leave on his own, as long as he comes to Wano Country and sees everything he has done so far, he really will not leave.

Yisheng is a very individual person. He became a marine just to help more people, and also to lift the Shichibukai system. He is probably the most ordinary person in the navy.

It's a pity that two general-level combatants were gained in a drinking game. It seems that the lottery opportunity has not been obtained yet. Is it because they haven't fully joined in yet?

"I'm sorry, Marshal Kong. I was negligent in what happened this time. Not only did I let Roger say these words, I even let Bai Ye kill Roger and take away Roger's body in the end. I am willing to accept any punishment!"

Navy Headquarters.

After the Warring States incident in Rogge Town was over, he immediately returned here to prepare for punishment.

Although many pirates were captured at that time, there was no way to make up for his mistakes.

"The responsibility lies with me, you don't have to worry about the Warring States period."

Kong shook his head, not intending to punish Sengoku. Bai Ye's appearance indeed broke Kong's assumptions.

And now is not the time to hold anyone accountable.

He was also responsible, because he misjudged the situation at the time, underestimated that no one would come to save Roger, and did not think that a pirate king who had been captured was of any use, which led to this situation.


Warring States was about to say something, but the next second he was directly interrupted by Cyborg Kong: "Warring States, after this incident, I will go to the Holy Land, and you will become the new marshal of the navy, there must be no stain on you! "

Although Cyborg Kong had already refused several times, he also knew very well that the time for his promotion was coming soon.

He was about to finish all the affairs of the navy and pave the way for the Warring States period. Finally, he could feel relieved to be promoted.

"Oh, I really can't blame you for this Sengoku matter. With that bastard Bai Ye's ability, it's not that easy to catch him!"

Garp comforted him, if it was Bai Ye, wouldn't this be normal?

His unparalleled performance in the last God's Valley incident, Sengoku's presence there was of no help.

"Let's think about the growing number of pirates. That guy Bai Ye cannot be viewed from an ordinary person's perspective."

He said calmly and reminded a few people.

Now is not the time to consider the issue of Bai Ye.

The pirate frenzy triggered by Roger will definitely give their navy a headache.

"That bastard Roger must have thought about it a long time ago!!"

A trace of ruthlessness flashed across Sakaski's face. He didn't expect that their navy was still tricked by Roger in this situation. This guy clearly surrendered on purpose, using this opportunity to use his life to open the era of great pirates.

"Send more marines, and everyone should work harder recently."

Now it is impossible to contain it. Steel Bone Kong can only hope that they will work harder to catch pirates in recent times, and finally reduce their arrogant situation.

Hearing Steel Bone Kong's order, everyone agreed, even Garp, who has always been very casual, but only Borsalino was complaining in his heart at this moment.

What is this! ?

I just want to punch in to work, why do all of them want to contribute!

"It's still the same thing I said before. We need information about Bai Ye. If we don't even know the other party's actions, we will be passive every time."


Every time, they suffer from the lack of intelligence!

Bai Ye's ability is still a mystery. We don't know what he is going to do. Now we don't even know where the other party's lair is.

Bai Ye is now one in the light and one in the dark for them.

It is impossible to catch him with his strange abilities.

So the importance of intelligence is reflected again at this time.


Kong Gang knew what He was thinking, but there were only a few people who were suitable for undercover now, but he felt distressed to send one of these people away.

At the same time, whether Bai Ye would accept it was a question, so he was still a little entangled whether to do it.

Originally, Kong Gang might not have thought so much in the past, but now the great pirate era is coming, after Roger's words, it is estimated that more pirates will appear, so many pirates, and their navy is simply impossible to deal with them all.

"Alas, you."

Just when He was about to say something, Kong's Den Den Mushi rang.

Looking at the Den Den Mushi in front of him, Kong Gang was actually unwilling to answer it, probably because he was here to ask for punishment.

"Kong, it seems that your navy has completely messed up this matter. Don't you have anything to say?"

Satan Saint held it in for several days. After Zhan Guo came back, they called Kong here.

Although Kong had told Kong about this matter a long time ago, at that time they just asked Kong to wait and decide later.

Facing this call, Kong also had a headache.

"I will take responsibility for all this!"

"It's easy to say!"

Maz Saint said coldly. He was so surprised that he could say this matter. It caused such a big impact. He just said that he would take responsibility?

What can he take responsibility for?

"Kong, this matter is yours to deal with. There will be punishment later. In addition, you come up early and hand over the position to Zhan Guo. But before that, Zhan Guo needs to complete a task!"

Pit Saint said lightly that they still need Zhan Guo to do something.


Kong was also a little surprised. He didn't expect it to be so simple.

Although the Five Elders said that they would wait and talk about it later, Kong knew very well that it would mean that there would not be much punishment later.

"O'Hara, we found a pair of O'Hara ships that are studying history, so... you should understand, right?"

After saying that, the Five Elders hung up the phone directly. Studying history is a capital crime.

According to CP's investigation, they found O'Hara's ship that was studying history and also caught people, so this matter needs to be done by the navy.

Demon slaying order!

At this moment, Kong also understood why the Five Elders said to complete this matter.

O'Hara is known as the island of academics, and if their navy takes action, even if it is something that is expressly prohibited such as studying history, it will also cause the navy to suffer more criticism.

But according to the words of the Five Elders, this matter must be done by them.

"It's really troublesome. O'Hara must be destroyed, otherwise it will be very disadvantageous for us if they continue to study like this!"

Vocuri Saint said lightly.

Roger's incident not only caused a riot in the Great Pirate Era, but also if you want to go to the final island, you must be able to understand historical texts, and O'Hara is a place that must be solved.

What's more, they have already started studying history, which is not something they can tolerate.

"It's really troublesome. Before Roger died, that bastard really caused us such a big trouble!"

Satan nodded. If it weren't for Roger, the rampant pirates would definitely be suppressed because of this execution, and this is what they want.

The reason why they are not prepared to punish the navy this time is because they also see that the navy will still need to take action in the next matter.

Besides, the current situation of the navy may not be able to suppress it.

"Destroy O'Hara first, and then focus on Bai Ye?"

"But we don't know his intelligence at all."

This is indeed what they want to do most urgently at present.

But want to do it, don't even have the other party's intelligence, how can they target it?

"Focus all your energy on Bai Ye in the future, and let CP find him all over the world. I don't believe he can hide all the time!"

Although there is no way to target Bai Ye at present, they can still find Bai Ye!

Moreover, Bai Ye has been very active outside recently, which shows that Bai Ye seems to be prepared, and they can definitely follow this line to find Bai Ye.

But before that, preparations need to be made in advance to deal with O'Hara.

There were not many strong people in O'Hara, so they were not worried about whether there would be any accidents. What they were worried about was that the remnants of O'Hara would run away.

As long as all O'Hara's scholars are dead and no one knows the ancient texts, then no one will know the secret of the Final Island.

"Mr. Bai Ye, are you arriving?"

"It's almost here, but I don't understand why you insist on taking a boat there?"

Byakuya was numb. He had said before that he could use his divine power to carry his whole life with him.

But he always refused, and expressed that he wanted to take a boat. In Rogue Town, Mihawk broke up with Byakuya for his own dreams, and spent his whole life following Byakuya to visit Wano Country.

Listening to Bai Ye's words, Yisheng pursed his lips and said, "I want to know more about you, Mr. Bai Ye."

On the way, he had been chatting with Bai Ye about some things, hoping to understand some of Bai Ye's thoughts on a deeper level.

After subsequent contact, he also understood that Bai Ye was indeed the same on the outside.

What's more, life doesn't arrive at the end all at once, the scenery along the way is what people care about the most.

"Okay, but I don't think you know me too well in this life!"


Yisheng asked curiously.

"Because I don't want to be known too much by men!"

"So that's it!"

Yisheng nodded seriously. Although it was a bit unexpected, it felt normal after thinking about it.

"Actually, I don't like men either!"

How did you say this seriously?

Bai Ye complained in her heart, she just said that she didn't like to be understood too much by men.

Speaking of which, it seems that this is indeed what it means, right?

"Mr. Bai Ye, there seems to be an opportunity for us to help each other."

"You have been very knowledgeable throughout your life!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Bai Ye's eyes. He had the Thunder Fruit, so his domineering power had been increased, but he had never seen it in his life. He could detect situations at such a long distance by relying on his sight and color.

But think about it, the Gravity Fruit can even get down meteorites from outer space.

If the visual perception is not strong, it will be impossible to locate it.

"It's normal for blind people to have some special abilities."

If I can't see things myself, then I can't only see, hear and see things more powerfully, right?

He is a blind man, so it makes sense that he has better sight, hearing, and sex, right?

"It seems interesting."

Bai Yejianwenseli had already seen the people on the ship, especially after seeing the three sisters, he was a little surprised.

The three sisters on the slave ship seemed to be the three Boya Hancock sisters?

The two of them had just approached the slave ship. The pirates on the ship were looking at the two of them fiercely, but also a little disappointed.

"There are only two of them, and one is so ugly, but there is a pretty pretty boy, so I should be able to sell one for a good amount of money!"

Just looking from a distance, he saw Bai Ye and Yisheng's small boat heading towards him.

I thought that I had just caught the three sisters when I came out this time. It happened that the people here had caught them together and sold them, but two people came.

But it can be regarded as an extra gain, plus the three sisters are also very good-looking, plus this pretty boy, this is also a lot of income.

"Boss. Boss, why don't we leave?"

"Let's go?! I'm Bloody John, let me get the boat closer!!"

The man said sternly, can he run?

What a joke!

"But boss, that guy is the enemy of God. Byakuya!!"

My men are almost crying!

Damn it, don't take us with you!

Is that guy something they can catch?

"Who?! Who the hell do you mean?"

Bloody Hand John's eyes widened, he looked at the person in front of him and swallowed his saliva. He was about to open his mouth to explain something, but the lightning struck him and turned him into ashes.

Bai Ye wouldn't say much to this kind of person.

What he was more curious about now was the three little girls on the boat.

Opening the dim cell, a ray of light shone into her eyes. Boya Hancock subconsciously squinted her eyes. She had forgotten how many days she had not seen the sun.

After being caught on the boat, she struggled but eventually gave up.

Because she couldn't run away at all, and when she heard those people saying that they wanted to sell them at a good price, she felt even more regretful.

If it weren't for herself, her two younger sisters wouldn't have experienced this.

"It's okay, you are rescued!"

With that warm voice in her ears, Boya Hancock looked at the person in front of her through the light, and she felt as if she was seeing an angel.

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