Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 204: Urging marriage! Lord Bai Ye, you should get married, right? Who will you choose?

Chapter 204 - Urging marriage! Lord Bai Ye, you should get married, right? Who should you choose?

"Hinata is in your hands!"

After handing Hinata over to Bai Ye, Hyuga Hiashi was reluctant to let her go.

In fact, the elders of the clan hinted to Hyuga Hiashi that Bai Ye might not be able to teach Hinata well.

After all, the Hyuga clan is different from other ninjas. They all practice the family secrets. Basically, all the techniques of the Hyuga clan are for the Byakugan.

Bai Ye does not have the Byakugan and does not know the soft fist. Letting her teach Hinata, no matter how powerful Bai Ye is, in the eyes of these elders, she can't make any waves.

But Hyuga Hiashi didn't care, and Bai Ye and the others naturally didn't dare to say it, so they tacitly agreed to it.

Who in the whole Ninja Country dares to disagree with Bai Ye's decision now?

"It's not that I won't send it back to you. Is it necessary to do this?"

Bai Ye glanced at Hiashi speechlessly, and then took Hinata to leave here first.

He was looked down upon by the Hyuga clan.

Hinata, who followed Bai Ye, was also a little quiet. In fact, she was a little overwhelmed. She didn't know what she should say to Bai Ye.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I don't have so many rules. You don't need to worry that I will force you to become stronger and put you in a high-pressure environment every day."

Bai Ye seemed to see what Hinata was thinking. The little girl was very nervous.

"But didn't you say before that you would improve my strength, Lord Bai Ye?"

In Hinata's view, Bai Ye almost said directly to Hyuga Hiashi that I would send back a stronger Hinata.

So if his strength did not improve, then what Bai Ye said today would be equivalent to slapping his own face, right?

So Hinata combined this point and guessed that Bai Ye might give her devil training after returning.

But she was actually mentally prepared.

Since Hinata agreed to become a disciple, she also thought about practicing with Bai Ye in the future, at least to make Hyuga Hiashi look at her with a new eye.

"To improve your strength, you don't need to go through devilish training, but you need to find the right method. In my opinion, your previous training method also has problems, not to mention that your personality is also not suitable for the previous one."

Teaching is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but a training plan should be formulated according to the different characteristics of each person.

Just like Naruto, Sasuke and Neji, Bai Ye did not conduct hellish training.

It is indeed not difficult to teach two cheaters and a genius, especially after a friendly exchange with the Nine-Tails. After the Nine-Tails said that it would lend chakra to Naruto in the future and would no longer interfere with Naruto's own chakra, Naruto's problem was properly solved.

As a price, Bai Ye needs to take back the chakra sealed in Minato Namikaze's body and merge it with the Nine-Tails, and can no longer use it as a Jinchūriki.

This is also the consensus reached between him and all the tailed beasts. They only need to stay in the body of this generation of Jinchūriki until the other party dies, and then they will no longer be sealed in the body of the Jinchūriki.

The conditions offered by Bai Ye are very generous, and of course the tailed beasts agreed.

Compared with their lifespan, Jinchūriki is nothing. At most, they can stay for a few more decades. After a hundred years, they will be free anyway.

It seems that there is no reason to refuse.

"I understand, Lord Bai Ye. I will work hard no matter what!"

Hinata's attitude is also very clear. No matter whether Bai Ye will conduct devil training, she is ready to accept it all.

"Let's go, let's go to the ninja school first."

"Go to the ninja school?"

Hinata looked at Bai Ye in confusion. Did he ask her to say goodbye to her classmates?

But it seemed that Hinata shook her head and followed Bai Ye to the ninja school without knowing why.

After the lunch break, students began to come to the ninja school one after another to prepare for class.

The current ninja school also accepts many students from other ninja villages.

"Iruka, call these children to the office."

Bai Ye handed the information to Iruka and arranged all the children with potential. At the same time, these people are also the ones who may provide him with lottery opportunities in the future.

In addition to the Twelve, there are Gaara's three siblings from the Hidden Sand Village, and Uzumaki Karin.

If all of them agree, there will probably be sixteen people.

Fortunately, I can leave a shadow clone every day to teach them.

"Okay, Lord Byakuya."

Although Iruka couldn't understand why Byakuya brought them here, he did it honestly.

After calling all these people to the office, many people were curious about the leader in front of them, especially Karin. She was originally going to be taken to the battlefield as a blood bag during the war between Kusagakure and Konoha.

At that time, Byakuya saved herself and her mother. After following the ninjas of Konoha to the ninja school, after a series of examinations, it was discovered that if her mother had not come earlier, she would have died soon.

After recuperating in Konoha, her body gradually recovered. After coming to Konoha, Karin was also asked whether she would go to the ninja school because of her identity as a member of the Uzumaki clan.

After thinking about it, she chose to join. She wanted to improve her strength so that she could protect her mother. She also wanted to learn medical ninjutsu so that she could treat her mother.

And all this was thanks to the man in front of her.

"Don't be nervous. I called you here because I have something to tell you. Do you want to graduate early and practice with me?"

As soon as Bai Ye finished speaking, the curious people were shocked.

They had been wondering why Bai Ye came to them.

They thought a lot, but no one thought that Bai Ye would accept them as disciples?


Temari pointed at herself in surprise, with a hint of disbelief on her face.

Bai Ye would actually choose them as disciples?

Their identities are very sensitive. First of all, they are from Sand Village. Although it is no longer popular to say which ninja village they are from, everyone is a big family.

But they also know that Bai Ye, as a former shadow of Konoha, is biased towards Konoha.

Secondly, their father is Luo Sha.

Luo Sha once became a hated person in the Sand Village because of betraying Ye Cang.

As Luo Sha's children, their identities in the Sand Village are actually very embarrassing. Although Ye Cang said that he would not pursue the children, other people would inevitably look at them with a filter.

This also made Temari's three siblings not live very well.

Bai Ye was the one who saved Ye Cang, and he should have a good relationship with Ye Cang. Why did he accept himself as a disciple?

"Yes, how about you think about it."

Bai Ye didn't say anything else after he finished speaking, but let them think about it themselves.

"Sir Bai Ye is very sorry, I refuse!"

Although Rock Lee was a little moved, he still chose to refuse.

He actually became a disciple.

The teacher is Might Guy. Since there is already a teacher, there is no reason to worship other people as teachers. Even if Bai Ye is better than Might Guy, if someone is better than his teacher, he has to become a disciple, then what is he?

Rock Lee has not forgotten that it was Might Guy who always encouraged him and taught him to practice.

After graduation, he will definitely choose to practice with Might Guy, and he likes the atmosphere of practicing with Might Guy.

"Okay, then you go back to the classroom first!"

Bai Ye nodded, but he didn't make it difficult for Xiao Li, but he thought that the reason for his refusal was that he had become Might Guy's apprentice?

If he thought so, Bai Ye would not be surprised.

After all, Rock Lee's personality is like this.

"This fool actually rejected Lord Bai Ye?!"

Everyone present was a little surprised. They didn't expect Rock Lee to reject Bai Ye. Is he a fool?

"He is not a fool. He is a pretty good person. If he has a teacher, he will give up his teacher when he meets a strong man. I will also look down on him."

Rock Lee has left, and Bai Ye also explained for Rock Lee.

At least in Bai Ye's opinion, he is not a fool. He is a very honest person, and Xiao Li might be better off following Might Guy than following himself.

This may be youth

"Shikamaru, should we agree?"

Ino whispered to Shikamaru's ear.

She was actually a little hesitant, after all, family ninjas like them usually need to ask for the family's opinion.

"I will definitely agree to it, even if the family will agree."

Shikamaru said his thoughts without thinking.


The strongest ninja in the world will be their teacher!

Even if they arrange other jonin to lead them after graduation, can they compare with Bai Ye?

Although Bai Ye has many disciples, he is really worth it!

"I heard that Naruto is now training with Lord Bai Ye. It seems that we can see Naruto again then!"

Although Choji and others can see Naruto when Bai Ye gives him a holiday, they still have less time to meet compared to the ninja school period.

After hearing what Choji said, Ino on the side suddenly reacted and said to herself: "That's right!! If I become a disciple, then I can see Sasuke!!"

Good, good!

I have to become a disciple no matter what!

Even if my father stops it, it won't work!

"Lord Bai Ye, I agree!"

Ino raised her hand and said quickly.

"Hey, hey, hey, aren't you agreeing too quickly?"

"This is the magic of love. Women are really troublesome!"

Listening to what Choji said, Shikamaru complained on the side. Sure enough, Ino's mind was not clear when she thought of Sasuke.

"Ino pig, I won't let you succeed!"

"Wide forehead!!"

"Hehe, sorry I'm one of them!"


"Yeah, I agree."

Gaara stared at Bai Ye tightly, he knew this was his chance.

After one by one agreed, except for Xiao Li at the beginning, everyone else agreed. Then Bai Ye asked Iruka to make arrangements, and then asked someone to notify their parents about their apprenticeship.

After this news came out, the whole ninja country was shocked. Bai Ye actually accepted so many disciples at one time.

At the same time, Ohnoki, Terumi Mei and Ai, who got the news, came to Bai Ye together.

"Do you have any opinions about us?"

A trace of resentment flashed in Mei Terumi's eyes when she looked at Bai Ye. This guy had cheated her so much before, but she helped Bai Ye, and later she was the first ninja village to join the Ninja Country.

When he wanted to provoke the Fourth Ninja World War, the Hidden Mist Village was the first to respond. When he killed the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, they, the Hidden Mist Ninja, were the second to kill the Daimyo of the Land of Water. Moreover, Bai Ye cheated them and made the economy of the Hidden Mist Shadow completely dependent on Konoha.

Even so, Mei Terumi felt that she was already the most cowardly Mizukage.

As a result, Bai Ye did not accept anyone from their village when accepting disciples this time.

This inevitably made people think that Bai Ye had something against them.

The same was true for Ohnoki and Ai on the side.

I don't understand. Is there no ninja in their village that Bai Ye likes, or does Bai Ye have something against them?

"No, I accepted disciples just because I saw that they were suitable."

"There are also suitable ones from our Hidden Mist Shadow!!"

Listening to Mei Terumi's words, Bai Ye stroked his forehead and felt a little distressed.

Recently, Mei Terumi has recalled many ninjas who had defected from the Mist Shadow, Zabuza is one of them, and Shiro Mizunotsuki, as the only descendant of the Mizunotsuki family, has also been arranged to enter the ninja school.

At the same time, Mei Terumi is constantly searching for the Mist Ninjas who have been left outside.

Like Shiro, she feels very suitable!

"Our Cloud Hidden Village used to be the second ninja village!"

"Hehe, our Rock Ninja is!"

Is it necessary?

Bai Ye stroked his forehead in distress, and now he understood it. These three people were because he did not accept disciples from their village.

"Give me some people with good potential, and I will accept them if I think they are suitable!"

The main reason is that Bai Ye does not know what potential stocks their village has.

The disciples he has accepted now are all those who have appeared in the anime.

As for those whose names he has never heard of, they will not give him a chance to draw a lottery, but in order to appease the people under his command, he can only reluctantly agree.

After listening to Bai Ye's words, they were relieved. They were afraid that Bai Ye would have something against them.

After all, they had united to deal with Konoha.

However, after knowing that Bai Ye did not recruit the people of Wu Ying, they were not so worried.

"Look how worried you are. I have to teach my disciples!"

"Master Bai Ye, you don't seem to have handled any official business at all?"

Shizune said speechlessly.

How dare you say that? !

You don't seem to have handled any official business at all.

These things were handled by their secretarial group.

Especially Xiaonan asked for leave in recent days. Although they helped, Xiaonan's documents were still increasing, and Bai Ye didn't even look at them.

He could already imagine what kind of powerlessness Xiaonan felt when he came back.

Listening to Shizune's words, several secretaries beside him, as well as Tsunade, Ye Cang, Shikaku and others, also held back their words.

Everyone knows that this guy is more leisurely than them, and he is a lazy guy.

"Ahem, in fact, compared to accepting disciples, I think Lord Bai Ye should consider the issue of marriage. After all, he has reached the right age to get married!"

Master Yuan rolled his eyes. Obviously, he has never forgotten about the matter of bringing Bai Ye and Mei Terumi together.

After he brought up this matter, the surroundings fell into a strange silence!

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