Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 244: Major events are about to unfold one by one, Inuyasha Byakuya: I have a daughter, what

Chapter 244 - Major events that are about to start one by one, Inuyasha Baiye: I have a daughter, what about you?

"Lord Swain, it's about to be breached. The rebels led by Irelia have rescued the captives and are now approaching here!"

The soldiers of Noxus in the Presidium were panicking and at a loss.

Noxus, which originally had an advantage, now felt surrounded.

Because there was no follow-up assistance at all.

Then this is not a war of equal strength.

Noxus is now isolated and helpless and has been forced into a desperate situation by Irelia.

Listening to the news reported by his subordinates, Swain lowered his head and pondered something.

At this moment, he seemed to be thinking about something, looking far away in the direction of Noxus.

Perhaps he had been abandoned.

Although when the war was launched, Swain knew that this war would definitely not be so simple.

After all, it was a war that was bound to be lost.

Why did it start?

Then without exception, it can only be explained as this matter was deliberately done.

Perhaps this time, the matter was just aimed at himself.

Since he took down Placidum, it seemed like he fell into a trap.

"Lord Swain?!"

Seeing that Swain had been silent, the subordinate also raised his voice softly, and then asked: "How about we cover your retreat, sir!"

At the beginning, they still fought with the idea that even without reinforcements, they could still annihilate the enemy.

But as the battle was dragged into this moment, the past period of time has also exhausted the Noxian army.

It is impossible to continue fighting. The morale of his side is getting lower and lower, and the morale of the opponent is getting higher and higher.

With this increase and decrease, it is a foregone conclusion that they will lose this war.

So before that, he also hopes that Swain can leave here.

Everyone can die here, but only Swain cannot!

His prestige in the army is extremely high. Basically, the soldiers who followed him to Placidum are willing to sacrifice themselves to help Swain leave.

"No! I will fight in person!"

Swain said, putting on his armor. He couldn't just abandon these soldiers at this time.

Even though he knew he had lost, he still didn't choose to run away.

Since the person behind him has already begun to plot against him, he will definitely not let him run away so easily.

Listening to Swain's words, the others stood still.

"But if you don't leave now, if the other party surrounds you later, Lord Swain, you may really find it difficult to leave again!"

Although saying this has already determined that they will lose, if Swain pursues the responsibility, they will definitely be executed.

But at this time, the others can't care so much.

Because they all know very well.

Swain must leave. Now the army led by Irelia has not completely surrounded this place. If he wants to leave, there is still a chance.

Doesn't Swain understand? !

They don't believe it at all!

But, knowing that the war would be lost and that he would not be able to escape, Swain still stayed to fight with them.

For a moment, they did not know what to say, but they also had a little respect for Swain in their hearts.

"Let's go."

Swain's plain words also had a little more confidence.

Even without reinforcements, he did not think he would definitely lose this war.

Seeing Swain's back being lifted up, the faith in the hearts of all the people present suddenly emerged.

Following Swain's footsteps, all the soldiers were also determined to fight the Ionians to the death.

Seeing Swain's arrival, everyone on the Ionian resistance side stared at Swain. In the hearts of the Ionians, Swain was the culprit who caused this war.

"As long as Swain is killed, this war will be over!"

Irelia's eyes fell on Swain, and at this moment she also had a firm belief in her heart.

And the three-phase power behind her also danced with the firmer faith in her heart.

The Triforce was originally a weapon of the Order of the Balance, but now it has become her sword dance. She and the Triforce have become more and more tacit in their cooperation, and she has also grown up in the process, which has completely affected the entire battle situation.

There is no nonsense between the two sides. They are enemies and want to kill each other.

Irelia rushed to Swain quickly. If she caught or killed Swain, the war would be over, with Swain's appeal in the army.

The faith of Noxus' soldiers on the battlefield in Ionia will all collapse.

Facing Irelia, Swain's defense seems so fragile.

One is a sword dance that was killed on the battlefield, and the other is a wise general of Noxus. Swain's advantage lies in using his brain.

They were able to advance so quickly in front, thanks to Swain's wisdom, but after being betrayed by the inner ghost, Swain discovered all his strategies and had to rely entirely on the support of that powerful country.

Without the support of Noxus, even if he had many strategies, he would still fail.

So Swain also understood that he did not lose to Ionia this time, but to the Black Rose.

He did not expect that the other party had penetrated Noxus so deeply.

But at the moment when he was distracted, Irelia raised her knife and cut off one of Swain's arms, and also shattered Swain's kneecap, which instantly made Swain, who was already at a disadvantage, lose his combat effectiveness.

"Protect Lord Swain!"

The soldiers around him no longer cared to fight with the Ionians. They protected Swain in the camp and separated Swain from Irelia.


The soldiers saw that the situation was not right. Swain had lost his combat ability at this moment, and the morale of the Ionians was greatly increased, so it was naturally impossible to fight again.

Seeing that the Noxian army was preparing to retreat, Irelia's voice spread throughout the battlefield: "Don't make any more unnecessary sacrifices!"

Although Irelia still wanted to continue the pursuit, she was also very clear that if she continued to pursue, many people would still die on the battlefield.

They resisted just to tell Noxus that they would not allow Noxus to occupy this place.

Seeing that victory had come, Irelia was unwilling to continue to expand the war.

After hearing what Irelia said, although there were still many people around who wanted to keep these Noxians in Ionia forever.

But they finally stopped their steps.

Because Irelia's reputation in this war has been recognized by everyone.

Everyone is willing to regard Irelia as a leader.

People on the battlefield are shouting Irelia's name.

Peace belongs to their Ionia!

With Swain's defeat, Noxus began to collapse across the board in Ionia, and commanders in various places also received orders from their superiors.

All Noxians retreated from Ionia.

Black Rose.

Leblanc looked at the intelligence in her hand with a smile on her face.

After all, she is still too young.

"Then the next step is to judge you. The hero of Noxus finally became the sinner of Noxus."

Leblanc smiled, always feeling that these things seemed a bit ironic.

But then again, isn't all this caused by herself? !


"He lost."

Bai Ye looked at the information in his hand. The Ionian War had already spread to Demacia.

Before, they went directly by water, all the way from Bilgewater to Demacia.

Because he was helping Master Yi, Bai Ye did not stay in Bilgewater and Pilgewater.

However, he also heard a lot of legends along the way.

"Sure enough, it's just as you predicted, Bai Ye, why didn't Noxus support him in the end?!"

Nidali was a little curious. Obviously, as long as Swain occupied there and defeated Irelia, the victory of this war would definitely belong to Noxus.

But Swain did not get any support from anyone in the end, which also puzzled Nidalee.

"Maybe it's because he knew that the war would fail."

Sona's piano sound came. After these days of getting along, the two sides gradually became familiar with each other.

The children of the monastery were also sent to a welfare home in Demacia.

And Sona also decided to start her dream in Demacia.

Maybe I will have to say goodbye to Bai Ye and others in a few days.

"The war failed? It is indeed lost, but isn't it a bit bad to betray your own people like this!"

Is this Noxus? !

Nidalee thought about it silently in her heart, but this matter didn't seem to have much to do with her.

Anyway, it's good that the other party failed.

"Wrong, it's just a political struggle. Swain didn't lose to Ionia, but to their own forces!"

Bai Ye said lightly, the two of them were still too naive.

It's just a fight between Swain and Black Rose. Swain is bound to lose, because Noxus itself is now under the control of Leblanc, and Swain has not gained power.

Leblanc has many ways to kill Swain, but it's so bizarre that Swain didn't die, so she directed such a play.

Isn't Swain now the one who takes the blame for the failure of the war?

Now, it's easy for Leblanc to get rid of Swain.

"Internal struggle?"

"Well, let's not talk about this."

Bai Ye looked at a distance not far away, and he felt something in his heart.

A crow was looking at him over there.

Is it Swain who has gained power?

Bai Ye muttered silently in his heart, so what is the reason why he suddenly came to him after gaining power?

Bai Ye is in Demacia now, and he is not afraid of Swain.

But because of the previous incident on the battlefield, Bai Ye is not going to provoke Swain for the time being.

He also knows very well that once Swain is ready to attack him, he will never go back to Noxus again.

There is nothing to miss there.

Bai Ye turned his mind and asked Nidalee to take Sona away first, and he stayed here. After Nidalee left with Sona and Ahri, the crow also landed beside Bai Ye.

"You seem to have known I would come?"

"Swain, you are really brave. You dare to come to Demacia alone!"

Not only the crow, but also Swain himself came.

But then again, shouldn't Swain start to oust the Emperor from within Noxus at this time?

Why did he come to me in the first place? !

For Swain, is he really that important?

In this regard, Bai Ye had a question mark in his heart. He didn't think he was that important to Swain.

Bai Ye also felt relieved, because Swain came here alone, which meant that he was not here to kill him.

If he wanted to take action, Swain should have taken action when Sona and the others were here just now. At the same time, he would take action in Demacia. Bai Ye suspected that it would be impossible unless he had a clever brain.

"Because I know something."

Say it.

Swain raised his arm that was severed by Irelia, and a trace of recollection flashed in his eyes.

This is really a sad thing.

My arm turned into a devil's hand, and now I have gained strength, but am I still myself now?

As he was about to be executed, he gained power in the Immortal Bastion and overthrew the Noxian throne.

He overthrew Brown Darkwill and established the Trifarian Triumvirate.

From now on, he wants to end the dictatorship and hereditary system of officials in Noxus.

The attack on the nobles has just begun. He wants to rebuild Noxus.

"Would you like to join me?"

Swain formally invited Bai Ye this time. At the beginning, he only had the idea of ​​​​inviting him if he could. It would be fine if Bai Ye joined, and it didn't matter if he didn't.

But this time Swain came to Bai Ye because he really wanted Bai Ye to join him.

Because he also understood something, he had always underestimated Bai Ye.

"No, I will not join any force."

Just like before.

He will not join in the tying up of Noxus, and it is more in Bai Ye's interests to stay free among various forces.

Hearing Bai Ye's refusal, Swain was not surprised. Before coming, he had also thought that Bai Ye would refuse.

"So, it's still the same cooperation as before, right?"

Swain nodded. Although he was a little disappointed, he felt that it was okay if Bai Ye did not join.

At least I have someone outside who I can cooperate with.

After gaining strength and knowledge, Swain also understood what kind of guy he was facing back then.

When the war was lost, he believed that the war was definitely lost unjustly.

If you can't even understand your opponent, how can you possibly defeat him?

Judging from the various behavior styles after that, Swain also saw that he had been plotted by LeBlanc from the beginning.

"Yes, as long as you can provide benefits, we can cooperate."

This is what Bai Ye needs the most. Bai Ye doesn't care who the other person is, as long as he is decent in his heart.

"Then I have three missions, one is Demacia, one is Zaun, and one is Shurima."


Bai Ye didn't think much about it at first, but when he heard Swain say that he had three things to give to him, he was confused? !

no? !

You're here to work hard on fighting, right? !

Is it because you have no one else in Noxus and you have to leave everything to yourself? !

"I will pay you accordingly."

Swain saw Bai Ye's expression was strange, so he continued to add.

"Aren't you afraid that I will be the same as before?!"

Byakuya was reminded of the war between Ionia and Noxus.

It seemed that it was Swain who approached him to cooperate with him, but in the end he didn't do anything. Instead, he directly did something to hurt Noxus.

In this regard, Bai Ye was very curious as to why Swain still dared to cooperate with him. If he was the same as before, wouldn't Swain lose his blood? !

"Who will go all out for something that fails?"

Swain didn't care at all. He didn't know what Bai Ye was planning at the beginning. Even though he had seen failure in that war, whatever the other party did seemed to be common sense.

Swain did not force this matter. Hearing Swain say this, Bai Ye was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he did not dwell on the matter anymore.

This general is indeed a little different from before.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

He had some idea of ​​three different things, but he was also a little unsure.

After hearing what Bai Ye said, Swain did not hide it and said directly: "The thing about Demacia is that you need to help someone assassinate the emperor of Demacia."

Assassination of Demacia III?

Isn't that Katarina?

Bai Ye realized that the plot seemed to have come to this point, which meant that Silas's plot was about to begin? !

Katarina's assassination of Demacia III led to civil strife within Demacia.

In fact, Demacia has always pursued isolationism.

In other words, they will not care about the affairs of other countries and only want to protect their own territory.

Even though there have been many wars with Freljord and Noxus.

But they still did not expand outwards. Just like this war, Ionia even failed in the early stage, but Demacia has always been able to remain stable.

Because of this, Darius was directly transferred to the Freljord, and was later called back to change the Noxus Empire after Swain's coup.

Now, it would be in Noxus' interest to assassinate Demacia III.

Because they need a turbulent Demacia.

Swain saw the reason why Demacia was in turmoil, and that was the Demon Searching Group.

The solidification of classes is reflected in many places in Valoran, such as Piltover, but compared to Demacia, this is the king of class solidification.

Because of the forbidden magic, the life of magicians in Demacia is not very good.

But there can be magicians among the nobles.

This also allowed Swain to see an opportunity. As long as the emperor was assassinated, the emperor had been easing the relationship between magicians and Demacia, and even considered lifting the ban on magic.

Swain also decided to start with this.

"This is truly the style of Noxus!"

The distinctive expansionism and the distinctive isolationism run through Noxus and Demacia.

And what Silas detonated this time will soon begin.

Speaking of which, if Lux is prevented from meeting Silas, then it seems that this matter has been completely suppressed, right?

"What about the second one?"

Bai Ye probably had some speculation about Noxus' intention to attack Demacia.

Then Bai Ye was also very curious about the second thing.

What on earth would cause Swain to want to take action against Zaun.

"I need you to help me find someone, Singed."

When talking about Singed, Swain paused, and then continued: "It's really thanks to you that my plan failed once!"

He didn't know who stopped this in Wuji Village before.

Now he knows that Bai Ye in front of him, talking about his revenge and suppressing the morale of Ionia, was destroyed by Bai Ye so easily.

This actually made Swain feel a little unhappy.

But now I need Bai Ye.

"That's really embarrassing. Seeing a lot of people dying in the flames, I think it would be safer to take action."

"Whatever you say, I need you to find Singed. You stopped what happened before. Originally we were going to settle the score with Singed, but that guy has already hidden, so we need you to come next. "

Swain said directly.

After seizing power, Swain immediately asked people to go to Singid to ask for an explanation.

Because what Singed told him at the beginning was that it would not be extinguished no matter what.

But in the end, he was killed by Bai Ye, and he is still frozen in Wuji Village.

Such spectacles have become a shame to Noxus.

So Swain would not let Singed go so easily.

But it seemed that he had a premonition that Swain was looking for him, so Singed hid directly.

"Are you so sure that he is hiding in Zaun?"

Bai Ye asked curiously, logically speaking, how could he be sure?

"That guy can only be there."

Just a rat in the gutter.

Swain said calmly, in his opinion, where could Singed go if he wasn't in Zaan?

"Okay, Zu An, I can come over if I have time!"

Bai Ye did not refuse and agreed to Swain's request.

When I passed through Pi City last time, I learned that some big events seemed to be going on there.

Battle of Two Cities?

But at that time, Bai Ye decided to leave first because he had to escort Sona.

Since Swain has something to do here, he agreed to stop by.

"Shurima's mission is to help me monitor a person, Cassiopeia!"

Cassiopeia! ?

After listening to Swain's words, Bai Ye suddenly realized that the emperor of Shurima seemed to be coming back.

Cassiopeia and her mother actually prefer LeBlanc, while Katrinlin and Dukao prefer Swain. However, Dukao will betray Swain later, so there is actually no relationship between the two parties. between a more delicate balance.

And now Swain asked him to help monitor the other party, and he also realized that Cassiopeia was probably following the mission to go to Shurima to find the treasure of Shurima.

Sivir was also involved in this matter.

Because the Black Rose is reaching out to Shurima.

At the same time, because Swain overthrew the emperor, Cassiopeia's mother was worried about Swain liquidating the Black Rose, so she asked Cassiopeia to search for the god's treasure.

And she will also become a snake girl during this treasure hunt.

Talk about it.

There seems to be a lot of incidents this time.

Demacia III was assassinated, Silas led the magic army to revolt, the Battle of the Two Cities was about to begin, and the emperor of Shurima was about to return.

Looking at it this way, after the war between Noxus and Ionia, this series seems to be all connected together.

So Swain also got this news?

He actually even knew about Shurima.

"I agree, but if something unexpected happens, I will do things according to my will, and my reward will not be less either!!"

After Bai Ye thought for a while, he finally agreed to Swain's mission.

But from now on it will be according to your own will.

This also made Swain silent for a while, then he nodded, looked at Bai Ye deeply, and disappeared in front of Bai Ye.

Valoran Bai Ye: [Brothers are alive! ]

After telling everyone present the information here one by one.

They were all a little shocked. They didn't expect such a series of things to happen. It seems that many things can change next.

Inuyasha Bai Ye: [I am alive too. Time has passed so quickly. Ghost Spider has also appeared. However, this time, the appearance of Ghost Spider seems to be a little different from before. ]

Inuyasha World.

Bai Ye was frowning. Over the years, he has been pursuing the existence of Qingming and the unknown person. The more he investigated, the more he found that the water here is very deep!

"Dad, Mom called you to eat!"

In the distance, a little girl's voice interrupted his meditation.

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