Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 25 Bai Ye, what is your dream? (Please read it, 4K chapter)

Chapter 25 - Bai Ye, what is your dream? (Please read, 4K chapter)

In the vast forest of Bica, on a once abandoned altar, Bai Ye was standing on it and laughing wildly, because he saw the fruit.

Thunder Fruit!!

He admitted that although he had a gambling element in it, he won the bet!

The god in the early stage, like the Flame-Flame Fruit, was taken out and trampled in the later stage, but in Bai Ye's opinion, the Thunder Fruit is much stronger than the Flame-Flame Fruit, and it is much more comprehensive. If Enel had not been offline too quickly, and his physical skills were garbage and he could not use the Armament Haki and King Haki, it is estimated that Wang Luffy would have died on the Sky Island.

Enelu is actually a bit like Kizaru, but he is inferior to Kizaru in all aspects, and Bai Ye knows how to go his own way. He will not think that he is invincible after getting the Thunder Fruit, and only develop the fruit and ignore the existence of Haki.

【Ding! Change Enel's life trajectory, the plot has changed, congratulations on your chance to win a lottery! 】

Can you also win a lottery by taking the devil fruit? !

He felt that his change of the plot seemed to be simpler than his change in the Naruto world.

Naruto White Night: [Fuck? You count this? ]

Changing the plot by yourself is either to save Shisui or to solve the problem of the Uchiha clan extermination.

How come in the Pirate World, taking a devil fruit is also considered to change the plot.

Daily White Night: [It should be considered, after all, Enelu is a small BOSS in the early stage, should it be considered to indirectly change the life trajectory of King Luffy? ]

Speaking of which, Enelu did teach the Straw Hat Pirates a lesson on Sky Island.

And for such an important task, it seems normal to win a lottery opportunity.

Pirate White Night: [Well, let's draw a prize and see, who cares if it counts, just give me a Tyrant! ]

Naruto White Night: [Okay, okay, I like Tyrant, and then I will match my Susanoo with Tyrant, who can kill me? ]

Pirate White Night: [Let's draw first]

Stop fantasizing, it will be fun if you draw a big difference in ability.

[Ding! You have used a chance to draw a lottery, congratulations on winning: Life Return. 】

This thing? !

Although it is not as good as Tyrant, it seems to be pretty good.

It is unexpectedly good.

This thing can instantly restore its physical strength and revive with full blood if it has enough food.

And it can also control its body with consciousness.

Although it is an auxiliary ability, it is also a very good ability.

Didn't Luffy rely on this ability to revive with full blood many times in the later period?

A Thunder Fruit plus a Life Return.

The Thunder Fruit can give itself an electric shock to revive, and the same is true for Life Return. With the mobility of the Thunder Fruit, its own life-saving ability seems to have been maxed out.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye took a bite of the Thunder Fruit directly, and then a trace of discomfort flashed across his face: "Fuck. This is like eating shit..."

Although he has never eaten shit, Bai Ye feels that this taste is simply unforgettable for life.

However, he didn't care to experience the pain of taste. Bai Ye found that his body was changing.

Then, Bai Ye thought about it, picked up his sword and slashed it towards his hand, his body subconsciously turned into an element, and then the lightning snake gathered on his arm.

Then Bai Ye tried various moves. At present, Bai Ye can only use God's Judgment at most. As for the electricity of 30 million volts, Bai Ye can't do it at present.

"It's a bit difficult. I don't want to have a drum behind my back like Enelu."

Bai Ye thought to himself, Enelu did it, but if he did it like this, he would probably be laughed to death by others in the chat group.

Enelu's big drum is used to store his own abilities. Generally speaking, the consumption seems to be a bit large, and storing it in it can reduce the consumption of abilities.

Pirate Bai Ye: [I have eaten the Thunder Fruit. Everyone who wants to experience it can experience it. In addition, this thing seems to be really not easy to make. I seem to be able to only do God's Judgment now!

But there is one advantage, that is, my current observation Haki has gone directly from the intermediate level to the top level, and it has the effect of electromagnetic waves. The whole Bika is under my surveillance, which is really a bit strange. ]

With two more abilities, my strength has also gone from the original vice admiral level to the mid-level Shichibukai strength, and I am just one step away from the elite vice admiral level of the Marine Headquarters.

When Bai Ye just came out, he probably fought back and forth with the major general. After coming out for a while, he directly took such a big step.

For this action, Bai Ye can only say that he is very satisfied.

Hokage Bai Ye: [Fuck, fuck, fuck! ! Your thunder fruit and observation Haki are so awesome, I found out that the Uchiha was being monitored by Jue Le, but it’s just a little expensive, but I even know what the third generation does at home with this thing! Damn, the whole Konoha is under my surveillance! ]

This thing is much more powerful than other abilities, the thunder fruit is really a bug.

He didn't know why he lost to King Luffy, except that the protagonist's aura made Enelu stupid.

After all, if Enelu didn't fight Luffy, he could just run away, and a thunderbolt would hit him, and then the whole island would be destroyed. Luffy is immune to thunderbolts, but falling from such a high sky would definitely kill him.

And Luffy couldn't catch up with this guy, but this guy's intelligence was reduced in various ways after the fight, and he just wanted to compete with the opponent in physical skills.

The most important thing is that even with top-level observation Haki, he could still be hit by Luffy. In the later period, the three admirals could predict the elementalization directly in advance.

Monster Bai Ye: [It’s really good. I just tried the elementalization. This ability is pretty good! ]

Zombie Bai Ye: [The blue sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, the world is auspicious, and the thunder god helps me! ]

Daily Bai Ye: [I can’t use it, crying, I will exercise my physical strength from today! ]

Everyone can use it. Every time I see others use it, Bai Ye in the daily world wants to cry.

I can’t use any ability with my physical strength. If I use it a little, I will feel dizzy immediately. The next second I feel that I am going to die.

He feels that he must exercise, otherwise he can only be an ordinary person in this world.

If he has elementalization, he can really save his life in the world of science.

Zombie Bai Ye: [The thunder element is very good. I am going to go down the mountain to accumulate merits! ]

Originally, he only had the cultivation of foundation building, so he didn’t dare to go down the mountain.

The main reason is that the world is too chaotic. Zombies are rampant in this era, and demons and monsters are not something that he can deal with with his small foundation.

So, he has been hiding in the mountains, but it is impossible for him to not want to go down the mountain. Now that there is a chance, Bai Ye will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Change the plot! ?

Then of course he has to go to Renjia Town.

Monster Bai Ye: [Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much plot that I can change here now. It’s still too far away from that era. Forget it, I don’t want to think about it so much. I’m going to fight Seshomaru first. ]

It just so happens that there is a new ability, which is just right for fighting Seshomaru!

Seshomaru is still young now, and it’s time to educate him. When he grows up, he may not be able to find Seshomaru, so while his brother is still young, beat him hard!

Pirate Bai Ye: [Then I’ll leave first, I still have to go back to report! ]

He doesn’t have much time now.

According to the direction of the return pointer, Bai Ye returned to the first island he had just landed on the sky island, and then used the ability of the thunder fruit to fly all the way down from the air.

As he gradually approached the ground, Bai Ye looked at Captain John, who was sleeping soundly while holding his bottle of wine. A touch of emotion flashed in his eyes. This guy was still guarding here.

Then, as a reward, he would not die in the Valley of the Gods.

In the battle of the Valley of the Gods, Captain John and Silver Axe died there, and were later made into zombies by Moria.

Wang Zhi survived and occupied the Beehive Island, but was later killed by Blackbeard, and the Beehive Island was also occupied by Blackbeard.

The rest of them also became overlords. It can be said that after the Rocks Pirates were disbanded, these people stirred up the situation in that era.


A huge roar instantly frightened Captain John, and the unfinished rum in his hand was also scattered on the ground: "Who the hell is this!? Can't let people sleep?"

Looking at the dark environment around him, Captain John was instantly angry.

Can't let people rest?

"Sorry, John, I'm sorry to disturb your sleep."

The smoke and dust dissipated, Bai Ye slowly walked out of the pit and looked at Captain John. Bai Ye shrugged his shoulders, although he was a little reluctant to disturb Captain John's rest.

But now it's almost time to go back. If he doesn't go back, he will be disqualified, and the position of captain will be taken by Kaido, which is not what Bai Ye wants to see.

Speaking of which, Kaido probably challenged other captains in the original book, but most of them ended in failure, right?

Listening to the familiar voice, Captain John rubbed his eyes, looked at Bai Ye in disbelief and asked: "I thought you were dead, but you are still alive. I said I would pack up and leave tomorrow!"

Captain John's words instantly made Bai Ye, who was originally a little moved, immediately have no other thoughts.

I was a little moved that Captain John stayed here and waited for me before, but now it seems that this bastard probably thought I was dead, right?

"Oh, my good brother, you know that I, as the captain, need to go back to participate in the competition. If I don't go back, I won't have that position. And I will definitely not go back for the captain's sake, but to tell everyone that you didn't run away, you died!"

Then you'd better not say anything!

Bai Ye was even more speechless after listening to Captain John's words.

So in his mind, he either ran away or died, isn't there anything good?

As if he noticed that something was wrong with Bai Ye, Captain John put his arm around Bai Ye's shoulders with a familiar look and asked, "How is it? What did you do up there?"

Since Bai Ye didn't die, and he said before going up that he had a reason to go up.

Now, Captain John is still very curious about what Bai Ye did up there. He was so determined to go to the sky island. Did he hide his treasure?

Thinking of this, Captain John's eyes lit up: "Bai Ye, as a brother, don't be so disloyal. If you want to hide the treasure, you can let me hide it. We are brothers, and I will definitely keep it well for you. Otherwise, you should tell me first. I am not doing this for your treasure. I am mainly afraid that you will be beaten to death, and your treasure will be buried. If it is taken away by others, wouldn't it be more painful? It is better to benefit me than to benefit others!"

Resisting the urge to hit someone, Bai Ye clenched his fists as he listened to Captain John's words.

Treasure! ?

Captain John died because of treasure in this life, right?

Perhaps God's Valley didn't even retreat when it saw the treasure, and was killed by one of the Navy, the Knights of God, or Roger when it was taking the treasure?

"Old John, if you are like this, you will die because of treasure sooner or later."

Seeing that Captain John had been waiting for him here, Bai Ye chose to endure it again.


"You don't understand, it's a headache to have no money. Who doesn't go to sea for that little treasure?"


"Except him!"

"Charlotte Lingling!"

"Bai Ye, you are doing this on purpose, right?!"

Captain John couldn't hold it back in an instant.

Is Bai Ye deliberately going against him, right?

If one of these two people is normal, he will eat him directly!

One wants a son, the other wants to have a pirate group. Look, is this what people do?

Although Whitebeard has not yet recruited sons, and he said to a man, "Come and be my son", Captain John still knows his dream.

Not to mention Charlotte Linlin, she wasted the title of the most beautiful woman in the Rocks Pirates.

"I just want to remind you that if you continue to be obsessed with treasure, you will die from treasure sooner or later!"

Bai Ye shrugged and said slowly. Captain John fell into deep thought after hearing his words, and then nodded: "You are right."

Seeing his attitude, Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction, and then thought in his heart that his mouth seemed to have improved. Although he was not as good as Prince Naruto, Bai Ye was very satisfied that he could make Captain John change his obsession with treasure.

However, before he could feel proud for a while, Captain John continued to say, "From this point of view, I still have to hide the treasure better and collect more treasure before I die!"

You should take your treasure to hell with you!

Bai Ye rolled his eyes. No wonder Captain John said that before. Bai Ye understood. This guy has not changed at all, but has become more determined.

So the treasure is his life, right?

"Bai Ye, in fact, everyone goes to sea for their own purpose. What is your dream?"

Looking at Bai Ye, Captain John shook his head and did not take Bai Ye's persuasion to heart, because this was his dream of going to sea. He was willing to die for his dream!

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