Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 253 Do you know what dimensionality reduction strike is? ! The dragon appears!

Chapter 253 -Do you know what dimensionality reduction attack is? ! The dragon appears!

Nine-character mantra!

If you were facing the same Onmyoji Seimei from before, maybe his power wouldn't be as great as it is now.

But now he is possessed.

This thing can do double damage to demons.

The Qi sea around Bai Ye's body was aroused, and the Qi of the wind and clouds was also generated and started to circulate.

After Bai Ye's nine-character mantra fell, a formation directly covered Qingming's original formation.

The divine power and the suppression of Shengqi also gave Qingming an unspeakable pain.

Ghosts that were weaker than Seimei, such as Shuten Doji, felt tremendous pressure all over their bodies. Such huge pressure made them feel like they would immediately collapse to the ground and give up the idea of ​​resisting.

"So strong!? How can such a guy be his enemy!?"

Even though Naraku was a little far away, he still felt an invisible pressure. Even if the other party didn't deliberately target him, he was already like this.

So what would it be like if I were the one standing in the middle today instead of Qingming?

However, if I have this power, can I also have everything I want to have? !

"This is not demonic power, why are you doing this?!"

Qingming said, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

The current Bai Ye seems to be completely different from what I imagined.

No matter how much he tried to stabilize his mentality and prevent Bai Ye from seeing that his mind was in chaos.

Obviously this kind of power should not appear in Bai Ye.

This kind of supreme and pure power was something that even I, as an Onmyoji, could not possess.

And this kind of thing cannot be used by monsters at all!

"So I've said it a long time ago, you are making progress, and so am I."

He had said it at that time, if Qingming really only had this little ability.

Then this matter is almost over.

Qingming's spatial movement comes from her own formation.

And now he has blocked his road.

"Qingming, you have one more chance. Since you have already cooperated with the guys in Gaotianyuan, they won't just watch you die like this, right?!"

The one that had been arranged in Heianjing all year round has failed, and Qingming only relies on the method in front of him.

But Qingming hesitated at this moment.

It was indeed a deal with the guys from Takamagahara.

However, I actually suffered a bit of a loss in this transaction.

Qingming didn't really want to use this ability directly.

Once used, he will completely become Gao Tianyuan's puppet.

So Qingming is currently thinking about whether to do this.

"Save me Qingming!"

While Seimei was thinking, Shuten Doji and other ghosts who had been lucky enough to survive could not help but ask Seimei for help.

They really can't hold on if this goes on!

This is not just a matter of pressure, but they who are trapped in it also feel that their strength is being consumed by the white night.


Bai Ye didn't want to give Qingming a chance. The reason why he said this before was because he wanted to see what the strength of the guys on Gaotian Plain was like so that he could have an estimate.

Bai Ye had thought about it before, since the Shenmu restricted those powerful people from coming down.

Does that also mean that their power is also limited, even after giving some things to Qingming?

Just like Kami Kuye.

Shen Jiuye is not very strong in terms of strength, and he is basically not ranked high in Gaotianyuan.

And it was done by taking advantage of the loopholes in the sacred tree.

So to extrapolate, in fact, the gods on Gaotianyuan may have known the loopholes of the Godly Tree, but because they still can't get through it, they haven't taken any action for the time being.

Since that's the case, it doesn't seem to be much of a problem to learn more about it yourself.

But since Qingming hesitated, Baiye would certainly not give him another chance.

As Bai Ye's voice fell, a beam of light from him and the eight clones instantly broke through the sky.

"What a great power this is."

Qingming raised his head and looked at the light pillar in the sky. In just a moment, his formation was broken by it.

"will die!"

It only took Qingming a moment to judge that she would really do nothing.

We can only unlock that restriction!

Closing his eyes, Qingming knew clearly that he had to use the power given to him by those in Takamagahara.

“The momentum has changed”

Bai Ye glanced at the aura on Qingming's body. It was different from before. Is this the power of Gao Tianyuan?

"You are very good."

Qingming opened her eyes again, and the aura on her body had changed.

"Are you those guys from Takamagahara?"

Bai Ye asked curiously.

The other party seemed to have entered Qingming's body through some means.

Is it similar to asking a god?

Bai Ye murmured in his heart, he didn't expect to see this kind of thing.

"Well, you're pretty good."

"Is this all this nonsense you came here to talk about?"

Qingming's soul briefly took control of his body, directly interrupting his nonsense.

He didn't invite the other party to come here and tell Bai Ye something he had said to Bai Ye before.

"Don't forget your promise."

After being interrupted by Qingming, the visitor had no intention of continuing.

Indeed, saying this at this time is not much different from nonsense.

But then again, what Bai Ye is curious about is that since there is a god in this world, and the god still wants to appear again in the future.

Why hasn't God appeared again until modern times? After all, Inuyasha's plot has already reached that point.

A strong wave erupted from Qingming.

Is this power the same as Shen Jiuye? !

"Have you ever heard of dimensionality reduction strikes?"


Their ability distinguishes them from mortals.

"Dimensionality reduction strike?"

Bai Ye waved gently, and the other eight clones also looked at him, and then nodded, and the nine people's bodies shone with golden light.


Cuizi murmured and looked at the golden dragon formed by the gathering of golden light in the sky.

Baring his teeth and dancing his claws, he looked domineering.

The dragon's pupils looked at Qingming, and that roar broke through the sky and shocked the clouds. Even the monster far away felt a palpitation in his heart at this moment, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the roar.


Bai Ye murmured softly, and Shenlong turned directly to Qingming, as if he was going to devour it.

"Hurry up and do it!"

Qingming couldn't calm down anymore. His teleportation had been cracked by Bai Ye. He originally thought that letting the people from Takamagahara temporarily use his body to come down might be able to solve Bai Ye's problem.

As a price, a mark will be left on his body, and he will no longer be able to fight against those guys on Gao Tianyuan, at least until he can solve this mark.

So he thought that he had exchanged his freedom and soul in exchange for defeating Bai Ye.

But now he seemed to be intimidated by Bai Ye, the divine dragon.

"I can't stop it. This guy's ability is not like this."

Before she could finish her words, Qingming was swallowed by Shenlong.

He originally thought that no matter how strong the other party was, he would not exceed this limit, but how could this dragon be possible! ?

Why can a dog demon use this? !

"That sentence is back to you. Have you ever heard of dimensionality reduction strike?"

In his ears, Bai Ye's soft whispering voice also entered his ears clearly, but at this moment, he felt extremely ironic.

Originally, they wanted to teach this dog demon a lesson and let him understand that being invincible in the lower world is just that. For them, defeating Bai Ye is just as simple as crushing a bug.

But he never expected that the opponent's strength was so strong.

Dimensionality reduction attack! ?

Damn it!

If I could come here with full strength, how could I be ridiculed by a dog demon!

On the eve of his soul returning to Gao Tianyuan, he looked deeply at Bai Ye and remembered Bai Ye in his mind.

He will come here!

When he comes, he will let Bai Ye know what a real dimensionality reduction attack is!

And he also had a reason to come down.

The power of the white night.

He admitted that his heart was moved, even though he had spoken of a despicable dog demon before.

But now he also covets Bai Ye's ability to summon dragons at any time.

If he waits until he comes here, he will plunder everything in Bai Ye.

The dragon bit Qingming's body.

That kind of sacred power is preventing Qingming's super-speed recovery.

Since his rebirth, he has improved a lot in controlling ghosts and recovering.

But facing the Shenlong, his recovery ability was restrained again.

It was as if all of his abilities had been restrained by Bai Ye.


In Qingming's mind, she unconsciously recalled the first time she met the teacher who taught her Onmyoji.

At the beginning, he said that he was the most talented onmyoji, and he would become the greatest onmyoji in the future and would never be surpassed.

But as he grew up, when his teacher died in front of him, Qingming realized, what about the most powerful Onmyoji?

Won't he still die in the end?

So he also had other thoughts in his mind.

That is to gain eternal life.

So, after having this goal in mind, Qingming also began to research continuously, and finally came up with the idea of ​​the Four Souls Jade and the idea of ​​dying once and then being reborn.

At the same time, during this search process, Qingming also learned a lot about Takamagahara, which also made Qingming's ambition grow a lot.

between blurs.

Qingming saw his master, still the same as before.


Qingming's body could not be repaired at all, and at the same time, the dragon was still biting him.

He has seen his end.

Dimensionality reduction blow?

Today, he felt that he had indeed been hit by dimensionality reduction.

I have always firmly believed that I will not lose.

After preparing so much, he still lost to Bai Ye in the end.

"It's normal to lose. As you are getting stronger, I am also getting stronger, and I am stronger than you from the beginning to the end. You have already lost the moment you decided to use the power of those guys in Takamagahara."

"Yeah. I can't control my body anymore. Those guys will run away when something happens."

Qingming reluctantly raised his head and looked at Bai Ye, his body was close to collapse.

He could actually avoid it just now.

But the one who controlled the body was the god invited by Gao Tianyuan. At that time, he was in control of his body.

The other party seemed to be afraid that the dragon would swallow his soul together.

This would also damage his soul, so he left Qingming's body directly after sensing the danger.

And it was after this moment of loss of control that Qingming was bitten by the dragon after regaining control of his body.

"You don't think I've completely lost, do you?"

Qingming smiled.

"Have you prepared any backup plan?"

Bai Ye also smiled.

Qingming's look of repentance just now almost made Bai Ye think that the person in front of him was replaced.

Qingming has his own pride. Even if he fails, he will never be decadent like this.

Even if he died at the beginning, he seemed to have a strong desire to survive.

"Yes, I made a stronger Four Souls Jade, in which I sacrificed the entire Heian-kyō, part of my soul, and the souls of the Hundred Demons, and left it to an ambitious guy."

Qingming said bluntly.

He will not have any chance of resurrection after his death this time.

And the Qu Ling in the Four Souls Jade is no longer himself. The Four Souls Jade is a super evil jade formed by the fusion of all souls.

"Did you give it to that guy?"

Bai Ye pointed at the baboon skin.

Naraku was just a puppet here before, and after that move just now, everything here was destroyed by Bai Ye's move.

Naraku's puppet is naturally among them. I thought Naraku was just a puppet of Qingming, but I didn't expect Naraku to take the Four Souls Jade away?

"So you know. That guy's ambition is very big. One day he will have the opportunity to threaten you!"

Qingming did this after careful consideration.

After all, he also wanted to use Naraku, the monster.

Originally, this monster was created to take away the Four Souls Jade.

But after this period of getting along, Qingming also found that Naraku was a person who could be used.

The most fearful thing for a person is that he has no value at all.

So he also took out part of his soul, added the souls of the ghosts and those who died unjustly in Heian-kyō, and combined them with the countless monsters killed recently to create another Four Souls Jade.

This jade is pure evil.

"So you are not afraid that he will take everything from you in the end?"

Bai Ye asked curiously.

Qingming made such a plan, but he was still unwilling to die.

Another Four Souls Jade?

Qingming, you really make Four Souls Jade in batches!

Now you have made another Four Souls Jade.

After going around in circles, you actually got another Four Souls Jade for Naraku.

"Everything he has depends on me, on the Four Souls Jade."

Qingming's voice became weaker and weaker.

"It's really impossible to kill you."

"No, I'm dead this time."

Qingming shook his head with a wry smile. The self in the Four Souls Jade is no longer himself.

This time is completely different from the last Qu Ling.

It's like the difference between Onigumo and Naraku. Although they both have the same thing as the main body, Naraku is still the main body.

Anyway, there will be no more Qingming in this world.

"Takamagahara. I really trusted them."

Qingming muttered, but he also felt a little gloating in his heart: "It's estimated that either you will die or those guys in Takamagahara. No matter what, one of my enemies will die."

Suddenly, I felt that my death was not so aggrieved.

Because Bai Ye and Takamagahara already have irreconcilable problems.

So they will inevitably go to war in the future.

Then the person who should be worried is not me.

"Kill me, dying in your hands is at least better than dying in the hands of those guys."

This is a kind of mutual appreciation between opponents.

Qingming lost to Bai Ye in both of the two battles with Bai Ye, and he also recognized Bai Ye as an opponent.

It seems pretty good to die in the hands of an opponent.

"Don't worry, I won't give you another chance after this time."

After that, Bai Ye directly swallowed up the entire Heian-kyo with black water.

Amaterasu might leave a soul for Seimei, but the black water will directly devour Seimei's soul.

Shuten-doji, Tengu.

The ghosts thought they came out to devour everything in the world and then rule over them, but they never expected that they would become like this as soon as they arrived.

In the black water, the souls seemed to be pulled, and until the black water disappeared, the wailing of the ghosts gradually dissipated.

"Are those guys not dead yet?"

Tsuiko asked curiously.

"It's considered dead, forever sinking in this sea."

The soul is still trapped in this, so death should be considered dead.

Finally, Seimei was solved, but although Seimei died, he still left a trouble for himself.

Naraku? !

It seems that this is fate.

Seimei may have thought about it from the beginning, using Qu Ling to control Naraku.

He is really worthy of being Seimei, and he will come up with some tricks every time he feels something bad.

But Seimei's main soul has also been destroyed.

It will not be Seimei who appears again, but Qu Ling.

The classic combination of Kou Ling and Naraku.

"By the way, are you going to be an enemy of the God on Takamagahara?!"

Kami Jiuye had not spoken before, and when Bai Ye was fighting with the previous person, she also discovered something from the conversation between the two. Now she also had an ominous premonition in her heart.

No! ?

She originally thought that Bai Ye would take her back to Takama-hara, but you wanted to fight back!

"Is there any problem? Didn't I ask you if you have any friends in Takama-hara before?!"

Is there any problem? !

When Shen Jiuye heard Bai Ye's question, he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

So this is the reason why you asked before!

What it means is that if I don't have any friends in Takama-hara, then I will fight with you at that time! ?

How much do you think of me!

Shen Jiuye opened his mouth, and many words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say them.

After all, Bai Ye is his savior after all. If he doesn't even agree to some of his savior's requests, then wouldn't he be a little ungrateful?

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