Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 266 Uncle Jiu's envy, he is indeed the chosen one!

Chapter 266 - Uncle Jiu's envy, worthy of being the chosen one!

"Grandma didn't let me come, but I ran out secretly!"

Xuehua ate the steamed bun, her calves swinging unconsciously. When she was in Miaojiang, her grandma didn't want to go out by herself.

Now the world is so chaotic, grandma is worried that she will be in danger.

But the desire to see Bai Ye also made Xuehua run out.

"Your grandma may know that you ran out."

Bai Ye touched Xuehua's head, and then reminded her: "If you want to see me, didn't I say before that you can just input your magic power into it, and I will know."

He didn't expect Xuehua to leave the people in Miaojiang alone and run over.

You know, Xuehua is a saint, and because grandma has been watching Xuehua, it would be the strangest if she could run out without being discovered by her grandma.

It is likely that she was discovered, but she was not stopped.

"But I wonder if it would be better if I come here in person?"

Because Xuehua was not sure whether Bai Ye was in seclusion or willing to come, and she felt that if she came here in person, Bai Ye would feel her sincerity and could give Bai Ye a surprise.

So she did not use that thing but came directly to find Bai Ye.

"The sour smell of love."

Ren Tingting, Ren Zhuzhu and Ren Qingqing looked at each other, and there was no trace of something wrong in each other's eyes.

Although they knew that they would definitely experience this scene if they stayed here.

It always felt that they were not much different from an 800-watt light bulb.

But although the three of them were embarrassed, no one wanted to leave.

There was a feeling of CP, and the two really looked very compatible.

"Xuehua, if you want to come here in the future, you should use the method I said, don't come alone, it's very chaotic outside now, and there are still ghosts in your Miaojiang now"

Bai Ye knew very well that those evil ways could only start with the people around him if they wanted to deal with him.

The three disciples have been practicing with me, so if they want to attack Ren Tingting and the others, they must attack them first.

This is obviously impossible, unless the other party is sure of winning.

Then Xuehua is actually a very good target. Someone in their Miaojiang is connected to Wang Po.

The reason why Wang Po was so unscrupulous in that area and was not hunted down by Miaojiang before was because of the internal response.

Wang Po, Xiedao and Miaojiang's internal response.

All of this revolves around the dead dragon vein.

According to previous investigations, there seems to be a dragon vein in Miaojiang.

If this is true, then it is certain that Xuehua, as a saint, will be involved.

"Yeah, I know."

Xuehua blinked her big eyes and stuck out her tongue embarrassedly. Although Bai Ye said so, he also cared about her, so even if Xuehua was said, she felt a little sweet in her heart.

It is indeed a pleasant thing to be cared about by someone you like.

"Master, won't you take me for a walk?"

Xuehua curiously put her head forward, wanting to look inside through Bai Ye.

This was her first time in Shenxiao Sect.

Before coming, she and her grandmother had learned about this sect, and she also roughly understood the current situation of Shenxiao Sect.

Xuehua also didn't forget what Bai Ye had said to her before.

It seemed that there were only a few disciples in Shenxiao Sect besides Bai Ye.

Now the whole family was supported by Bai Ye.

She was curious about what it was like inside.

She had never been here before, and if she married Bai Ye in the future, would she have to see the ancestor?

I heard that Taoism would worship its ancestor.

"It's okay to go in and take a look, but we're leaving right away."


Xuehua was a little surprised. Was she going to leave right after she came?

"It was Uncle Jiu. He invited us down and said he had found something."

Ren Tingting explained.

They were actually going to leave, but Xuehua just happened to come. If she was a little later, she would probably have been turned away.

That's not right.

With that thing, the master should be able to come back.

In fact, Ren Tingting was looking forward to going back.

She hadn't been back to see her father for a long time.

"Uncle Jiu?! Are you going to Uncle Jiu? Can I go with you?"

Xuehua understood.

If I remember correctly, Uncle Jiu seems to be from Maoshan Sect.

Is he from Renjia Town?

Xuehua remembered Uncle Jiu and Mamadi before.

She had a more impressive impression of Uncle Jiu.

If Bai Ye was going to go, he shouldn't leave her here, right?

Xuehua looked at Bai Ye weakly, and it seemed as if she was very afraid that Bai Ye would leave her here.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Could he leave her here?

"Yeah, then we won't go shopping. Let's go first and come back to see after we finish our business!"

Xuehua didn't want to delay Bai Ye's business. Anyway, she was just curious about what was in there.


Uncle Jiu should be looking for me to solve the problem in Teng Teng Town.

It involves the dragon vein, so it would be good if I could go there and solve it earlier.

Since Xuehua said that he would come back later and take a look, there was no need to rush to the scene at this time.

"Master, we are all packed and ready to go."

Seeing Bai Ye's eyes falling on herself, Ren Tingting and the other three also picked up their packed luggage and set off for Renjia Town.

Renjia Town, Yizhuang.

Wencai tidied his clothes and looked not far away, his eyes full of expectation at this moment.

A few days ago, he learned about Bai Yehui's arrival from Uncle Jiu, and went to buy a new dress the next day.

Ever since I started practicing with Uncle Jiu, I was always being held back.

But he still had more money. Since Uncle Jiu saw Mamadi and his apprentices, he was not so strict with Qiu Sheng and Wencai.

In terms of money, I'm a bit liberal, but I'm always keeping a close eye on my cultivation.

That's why Wencai had the money to buy this.

Although Wen Cai welcomed the fact that Bai Ye could not survive, he would not be so solemn about it.

The main thing is that Ren Tingting is coming back.

"Hey, you are really dressed like a victorious cock today!"

Qiu Sheng walked up to Wencai and patted Wencai's shoulder gently.

Compared with before, Qiu Sheng is now a little more mature.

He is not that irritable. Thinking of Ren Tingting, Qiu Sheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. She should be the most beautiful person he has ever seen, and she was also the person who Qiu Sheng's heart was excited about at the beginning.

It's a pity that Qiu Sheng saw further than Wen Cai.

After seeing Bai Ye's strength, Qiu Sheng also gave up the idea of ​​pursuing Ren Tingting.

First of all, in reality, her father, the landlord, and Ren Tingting were not from the same family.

Secondly, the two of them were about to start practicing. Ren Tingting's talent was better than his own, which frustrated Qiu Sheng. As his mind gradually matured, he decided to put these things first before practicing.

Qiu Sheng is no longer the same as before, but every time he thinks about this matter, Qiu Sheng still feels a little emotional. At least he did meet a girl who made him very attracted in the past.

"You don't understand. When Tingting comes back this time, I must leave a good impression!"

Wencai said and adjusted his hairstyle.

He thought it would be okay to make a good impression on Ren Tingting after they hadn't seen each other for so long.

Seeing his excitement, Qiu Sheng couldn't help but shake his head, but he didn't say anything to attack the literary talent.

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about? My cousin won't like you!"

Ah Wei coquettishly put a handful of hair oil on his head.

He has restrained himself a lot since he became a disciple of Uncle Nine, but he will not admit defeat when it comes to Ren Tingting!

The reason why he became a disciple in the first place was partly because he saw how powerful cultivators were. If he could cultivate himself, he wouldn't be interested in the security captain.

At the same time, there is also the relationship between Ren Tingting and Ren Tingting. She has gone to practice. If she doesn't practice, won't she have no chance in the future?

Look at Ah Wei, what a coquettish person he is.

Wen Cai wanted to retort, but before he could say anything, a voice from behind startled them: "What are you three talking about here?"


Wencai and Awei were shocked.

If Uncle Jiu found out about this, the two of them would just be jealous of Ren Tingting.

I'm guessing I'll really get beaten up by Uncle Jiu later.

After all, they don't care so much about cultivation.

Moreover, Uncle Jiu had always taught them to be pure in cultivation.

As a result, they turned around and started to do this kind of thing.

"Nothing, nothing."

The two looked at each other, and then decided not to fight over who Ren Tingting liked.


Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows. He had actually heard what the two of them were talking about before.

But he didn't want to pursue that much.

But Uncle Jiu felt a little tired.

When will my two apprentices become more stable?

If he had known earlier, he should not have told the two of them about Bai Ye coming here.

Now, knowing that Ren Tingting is coming, the two of them are like roosters seeking a mate.

"Of course it's true. It really can't be true anymore, master. You know we are here to welcome Taoist Bai Ye. We are all friends!"

Ah Wei's mouth was like a machine gun, and the words came out suddenly and quickly.

He is different from Wen Cai.

Now Awei has changed his strategy.

He wanted to please Bai Ye, as his cousin's teacher, and then as long as he made Bai Ye feel better, wouldn't his chances be greater than Wencai's?

"That's right, master."

Seeing Uncle Jiu's eyes falling on him, Wencai nodded repeatedly. He was a bit stupid, unlike Ah Wei, who could tell lies with his eyes open.

Seeing that both of them had become more honest, Uncle Jiu nodded with satisfaction.

However, he was still a little worried, and then he reminded me: "Pay attention to me later, don't embarrass me!"

Uncle Jiu is afraid that these two are fine now, but not in the future.

Looking at Qiu Sheng, Uncle Jiu felt somewhat satisfied.

At least Qiu Sheng is relatively stable.

"Old ghost, the food has been bought. Taoist Bai Ye won't mind it, right?"

In the distance, Mami walked quickly back to Yizhuang and brought the vegetables bought from the town to Uncle Jiu.

Ever since he failed to drive out the corpse that time, he has been living with Uncle Jiu recently.

On the one hand, his reputation was ruined by these two disciples, Ah Hao.

Therefore, no one is willing to find his corpse recently.

On the other hand, he wanted to settle down and live here. He originally decided to leave soon, but after hearing Bai Ye's arrival, Mamadi also decided to stay here for a while.

After all, what happened back then was thanks to Bai Ye's help, otherwise he might really have died.

"I don't mind it."

"Fellow Taoist Baiye!"

"Taoist Master Bai Ye!"

Listening to Bai Ye's voice, several people quickly looked in the direction of the sound.

Uncle Jiu stepped forward with a flash of excitement on his face. The moment he approached Bai Ye, he couldn't help but be surprised.

This breath seems to be thicker than the last time I saw it.

It seems that Bai Ye has become stronger again? !

Sure enough, comparing people to each other can really make people angry!

Uncle Jiu has been practicing hard since he was stimulated by Bai Ye.

However, in this era when spiritual energy was gradually dissipating, he felt as if his cultivation was stuck every time. No matter how hard he practiced, he seemed to be unable to overcome it.

Now he can only pray that after the dragon veins are repaired, he can improve his realm, or that with this merit, he can find a good job after his death.

But this is something to talk about later. Uncle Jiu grinned and congratulated: "My fellow Taoist has improved a lot in his cultivation. Congratulations!"

Uncle Jiu's words were full of sincerity, and he was also happy for Bai Ye's promotion.

At the same time, he also felt that the stronger Bai Ye was, the smoother their subsequent actions would be.

"I have had some enlightenment recently, so I have made some progress in my cultivation. Brother Dao, it seems that I have encountered difficulties in my cultivation recently?"

Bai Ye said, and Uncle Jiu couldn't help but nodded and agreed: "It's true, the spiritual energy is getting less and less, and my physique is probably not as good as that of fellow Taoists!"

Uncle Jiu knew very well that the older he got, if he continued like this, he would only be pulled further and further by Bai Ye.

But he has already looked away.

"Brother Taoist, there is no need to underestimate yourself. All of this is actually related to the dragon vein. Once we resurrect the dragon vein, we will definitely be able to break through with Brother Taoist's qualifications."

This is not Bai Ye's flattery. Uncle Jiu himself is a genius in cultivation.

After all, he is also known as the Saint of All Realms, the head of the Novice Village, and he is also the protagonist of this world, and he also has the blessing of the world's luck.

In this world that pays attention to luck, Uncle Jiu's cultivation speed is not actually due to himself, but to the world.

If the dragon veins in this world were still intact and the spiritual energy was sufficient, Uncle Jiu's strength would have been much higher than it is now.

It can only be said that Liu Bowen's original intention of cutting off the dragon vein was to prevent future cultivators from overthrowing the Ming Dynasty, and to use the dragon vein to suppress the Ming Dynasty's luck, but it also blocked the way for subsequent cultivators!

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