Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 293 Internal fight between Thor and Sadako!

Chapter 293 - The internal fight between Thor and Sadako!

"You're really bored."

I originally thought that Takamaki Anzu had a high probability of missing it.

But he didn't expect that Takamaki Xing would chase after him on his own.

But I’ve already been rejected once, so a second rejection shouldn’t be too bad, right?

Wouldn't it be easy for her to join?

"I only had one friend in that school, and everyone rejected me."

If it weren't for having no friends, Takamaki Anzu would never have chosen to pursue her again after being rejected by Bai Ye.


Takamaki Anzu's words also resonated with others.

Yinglili has many friends, but they are all false. There are only a few real friends.

This is especially true for Kasumigaoka Shiyu. In fact, she is also a bit isolated.

As for Kato Megumi.

Being so passive here, it seems impossible not to be isolated.

"It's quite pitiful, but why should I let you join? After all, the risk is very high."

It’s not just the risk of getting caught.

There is also the risk of being ripped off.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu also maintained a trace of hostility towards Takamaki Anzu.

The other party was still wearing a mask before.

Now after seeing the other party's face, I am even more convinced that the other party cannot join.

"Because I have found you. In the game of cat and mouse, if you are found, you must obey!"

"It seems that I have to listen, so I agree, but I need to observe you first."

Bai Yejun.

I'm afraid you've wanted to agree to it for a long time.

Listening to Bai Ye's words, the three of them twitched their lips, their eyes full of helplessness.

Although I had long thought that no matter how much I tried to stop it, it would be useless.

But they haven't started yet.

"make a deal!"

Takamaki Xing patted Bai Ye's hand as if the two parties had reached a deal.

Although it still needs to be observed.

But since you have already agreed, you can't drive yourself away later, right?

"When will we act next?"

"Hey, are you undercover?"

Although I felt a little sorry for Takamaki Anzu's experience before.

But at this time, Kasumigaoka Shiyu would not just let it go.

This woman is a threat.

"Let's talk about it later, I'm going to class."

Bai Ye knew that he would never be able to solve this problem here.

Just run away.

The four unfamiliar people would probably leave as well.

Sure enough, after Bai Ye left, Kasumigaoka Shiyu no longer targeted Takamaki Anzu.

After all, everyone is gone, so what’s the point of doing this by yourself.

"It seems like this guy is quite popular."

Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu's back, Takamaki Anzu also had some understanding of this team.

It is indeed dominated by the white night.

My previous guess was correct.

"Is it really okay for Byakuya-kun to just abandon the problem and run away?"

Kato Megumi turned around and looked at Bai Ye and asked softly.

"What else can I do?"

Bai Ye shrugged, of course he didn't want to leave.

But if you don't leave, the blame will be thrown on you in the end, so you might as well leave.

"So do you really think it's possible?"

Takamaki Anzu transferred to this class.

But they are not sitting together either.

So Megumi Kato is not afraid of being heard.

"It's not a big problem. She also has a persona. You don't think I let her join just because she looks good, do you?"

Bai Ye asked Kato Megumi in return.

Although Kato Megumi thinks there may be a real reason for this.

But she didn't say it out loud.

"What about the next move?"

"You can take it with you and give it a try."


As soon as Byakuya finished speaking, Shizuka Hiratsuka walked into the classroom with a book in hand.

She will take the afternoon class.

She spent the entire afternoon observing Bai Ye, mainly to see if Bai Ye was studying seriously.

Until school is over in the afternoon.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was the first to come over.

But after seeing Bai Ye's absence, she immediately turned her attention to Takamaki Anzu.

Takamaki Anzu is here, but Byakuya is gone.

What about Eiriri and Kato Megumi?

Are you all here?


Bai Ye seems to have his own affairs lately, and he doesn't seem to be ready to act with them.

"Don't look, he's gone."

Eiri curled her lips. The moment she saw Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Eiri knew what the other person was thinking.

"Is he in love?"

Takamaki Xing was very familiar and spoke directly between the two of them.

It was obvious that she actually wanted to blend in.

You can't really just pretend that both parties don't exist all the time, right?

And in fact, Takamaki Anzu still has some bad intentions.

Who told Kasumigaoka Shiyu to target him so much before?

"in love?!!!"

Before Kasumigaoka Shiyu could react, Eirili's voice suddenly became louder.

Obviously she cares about this matter.

"Are you a fool? Do you believe what others say?"

It was indeed a golden retriever.

Isn't this too easy to fool?

Takamaki Xing just finished speaking, and you choose to believe it?

But that's what I said.

In fact, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was also a little worried.

After all, judging from the recent situation, Bai Ye has indeed been acting alone.

Tomoeda Elementary School.

Bai Ye looked at Huihara Ai who was being escorted out, and couldn't help but joked: "Hey, it seems that you are quite popular!"

I just came to school, and I already have so many friends?

"The guardian of Huihara classmate!"

When Tomoyo saw Bai Ye again, she hurriedly ran up to say hello.

I had a quick glance at the door of the office before, and now it seems that I was not wrong just now.

She has made friends with Huihara Ai!

"It's beautiful."

When Sakura saw Bai Ye, she suddenly understood why Tomoyo said that in the morning.

It seems that it is indeed beautiful.


Daidoji Tomoyo, Kinomoto Sakura.

Bai Ye felt a little dizzy.

Why do I feel that this world is getting more and more dangerous.

There are even these people?

"Well, we will leave first."


Tomoyo looked at Bai Ye who was being pulled by Huihara Ai and was about to leave.

She wanted to speak up to stop him.

But Sakura stopped her.

"Tomoyo, this is the first time for Huihara-san to come to school. You are too enthusiastic!"

Sometimes, being too enthusiastic can make the other person uncomfortable.

Everything needs to be done in moderation.

"I know."

Tomoyo stuck out her tongue and didn't go over.

Let's be friends next time.

"You were pretty good today."

Listening to the school bell.

The two were getting farther and farther away from Tomoeda Elementary School, and Huihara Ai's strange attitude also aroused Bai Ye's curiosity.

"I don't like this kind of life."

Why is it so popular?

This is also what Huihara Ai doesn't understand.

Obviously this is not what she wants.

"Isn't this good? So many people like me."

"You know what I mean."

Huihara Ai looked at Bai Ye with dead eyes. Obviously Bai Ye knew what he meant, but he said it deliberately.

"Forget it, I'll introduce you to the new colleague in the office later."

"A new person?"

Ai Huihara was a little surprised, if she remembered correctly before.

Bai Ye seemed to have said that the new person seemed to rely on Sadako to pull him over.

"Of course."

Bai Ye probably told Thor the time before.

If I go there, Thor will probably be there too.

When I go there, I will introduce them to each other, and it won't be so awkward.


Thor, Sadako and Jianzi, who just came back from school, were staring at each other.

"You mean you are the new colleague that the boss has found!!"

"Yes, you too?!"

Thor took a deep breath. She came here early today.

Because she wanted to come here to clean the office in advance.

The house was already cleaned by Thor.

In order to leave a good impression on Bai Ye, Thor decided to come here to clean first.

As a result, she met Sadako just after she came.

She didn't expect Bai Ye to have other employees besides herself.

Bai Ye didn't tell me about this yesterday!

"Damn it, I must kill her!"

Sadako and Thor both had the same idea.

One was that Bai Ye didn't trust her ability to work.

He even found other employees.

Although Sadako knew that Bai Ye had told her before.

But the one who came and the one who took the initiative to come were two completely different things.

I absolutely couldn't watch Thor snatch away my excellent employees.

This woman was a big threat!

Sadako saw the drive of young people in Thor.

Maybe she would really snatch away her excellent employees in the future.

As for Thor, her idea was also very simple.

That was to take away all the people here.

As long as I was an employee of Bai Ye, it would be fine.

The rest was completely!! No!! Need!! !!

"Will there be a fight later? Or should I run first?"

One was a ghost, and the other had horns on his head.

Jianzi was in the middle, and felt that if the two of them fought, she would be the first to die.

"Hey, Thor, you're here!"

The moment the door opened.

Bai Ye's voice fell into Jianzi's ears like the sound of nature.

Finally back!

If Bai Ye came back later, I guess I would really die here, right?

It's hard to imagine how bad my situation would be if I had to work with them in the future.

"Master Bai Ye, you're back!"


The atmosphere that was very tense just now improved a lot in an instant.

"I thought I would be here just in time, and you would be here too, Thor, but I didn't expect you to be here early. Let me introduce you to each other. This is Thor, from the dragon clan.

Thor, this is Sadako, a ghost.

Then this is Jianzi, who has yin-yang eyes.

And this little ghost, just an ordinary little ghost."

Hey, hey, hey!

You don't have to introduce me.

Huiyuan Ai narrowed her eyes, feeling a little unhappy in her heart, but she couldn't find a reason to refute.

What do you mean by being an ordinary little ghost!

I look like a child, but I am different from ordinary people, okay?

But thinking about it, it seems that what Bai Ye said is really correct.

It seems that I am the only ordinary person here, right?

But she is also curious about Thor.

This is actually a dragon.

"Are you kidding? Are you going to open a zoo here?"

Also curious is Jianzi.

Although Jianzi could tell from Thor's appearance that Thor seemed different from ordinary people.

She never expected that it was a dragon.

Where did Bai Ye get these guys from?

"Today I will just introduce you briefly. Tomorrow Thor will officially start working, so you have to get along well!"

"I will work hard, boss!!!"

Sadako said loudly.

"Bai Ye, I will work hard too!"

Rolled up?

Although Bai Ye had imagined it before.

After all, Thor's attributes are here, but she didn't expect it to be so simple.

I haven't even come here yet.

It seems that the two of them are already enemies?

All the work after that was rolled up hard for him.

As expected, Sadako's slackness before was because no one made a comparison.

Now someone is used as a comparison.

Then Sadako has no possibility of slacking off.

Although she could use Jianzi at the beginning, she could still see some clues from Jianzi's negative attitude later.

Now that Thor is here, Sadako will not be the same as before.

"Work hard, let's stop here today, Xiao Ai will go to school by yourself from tomorrow!"


It's nothing for me.

In fact, Haibara Ai didn't really want Bai Ye to pick her up.

Although she looks like a child, her mental age is already an adult.

Of course, she doesn't want someone to pick her up.

After Bai Ye explained the matter, he didn't say anything more.

Seeing the two of them like this today, Bai Ye didn't plan to fan the flames.

Although he wanted to see the internal roll, he didn't want to see the two of them fight, right? !

"Is Sadako not going to play mahjong today?"

Bai Ye had already left, and Jianzi saw that Sadako was still working hard here.

She was also a little strange.

There was no need to pretend, right?

Let's go play mahjong early.

These days, Jianzi has become accustomed to Sadako leaving get off work on time every day.

She even leaves work early.

Sadako now is really a little strange to her.

"No! I must let the boss know that I am the best employee!"

"You are awesome."

Jianzi opened her mouth, but the words were all stuck in her throat and she couldn't say anything.

She could only say that Sadako was awesome.

No, it should be Bai Ye.

This immediately boosted Sadako's work enthusiasm.

But then again, she should keep a low profile in the future.

Here comes another involution.

She doesn't want to be regarded as an 'enemy' by Thor at that time.

Until late at night, the clock struck twelve slowly.

The next day.

Bai Ye was sleeping soundly, and the mobile phone placed next to the pillow had received two or three calls.

Picking up the phone, Bai Ye looked at the incoming call number, answered the call in a daze and asked: "Xiao Ai, didn't I tell you to go there alone?"

"What do you mean, let me go there alone?!? I'm going to school today, didn't you say you would take me there yesterday?!"

On the other end of the phone, Huiyuan Ai felt it was outrageous.

Yesterday, Bai Ye just said he would take me to school, but now he wants me to go there alone!

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