Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 307: Horrifying Stories from the Ghost Story Association!

Chapter 307 - Horrible things seen in the Ghost Story Association!

"The ghost found a substitute, so you will probably find a substitute in the future."

Bai Ye stroked his chin, and the movie Ghost Story Association appeared unconsciously in his mind.

This seems to be the third story.

In the end, this poor woman who was used as a substitute also became an evil ghost looking for a substitute.

So after becoming a ghost, no matter how kind she was in her life, in order to survive, most of them will do everything they can.

"No, no."

Amin was actually not sure in her heart. Maybe she would be like this after becoming a ghost?

But now she seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw.

In front of Bai Ye, she didn't dare to show it at all.

Although the priest said that he would remember her and help her exorcise the demon before twelve o'clock.

But in the current situation, it is not clear whether what the priest said is true.

Even if it is true, she has one more solution, which also increases her chance of survival.

Before, she had been hesitating whether to find Bai Ye and others.

Because Bai Ye and the others looked too young.

It looked like a few young people were saying it on purpose.

But she herself had indeed encountered a ghost.

"No need to explain these, your current situation is very dangerous, and the priest will not recognize you at night."


"The priest himself does not have much power, his power comes from the church, when you went to find him, were you near the church?!"

Logically speaking, there are bugs in the plot of this movie.

But it is unreasonable to talk about science in a ghost movie.

The only explanation is that the priest's power comes from the church.

Once the priest leaves the vicinity of the church, he will also be affected by the ghost.

So in the end, the female ghost Aqi was mistaken for Amin, and finally Amin became a ghost.

This explanation makes sense logically.

Although it is said that as long as the Lord is in the heart, the Lord is everywhere.

But the Lord's power is not everywhere.

Most priests actually rely on the church, which is the source of Western power, faith.

The church gathers believers, so naturally there is a trace of power.

Of course, it is not ruled out that a priest with great practice can still exorcise demons even if he leaves the church.

But obviously the priest in the movie does not belong to this category at all.

"It was indeed near the church last time."

After Bai Ye said that, Amin, who originally thought that the situation was a sure thing, suddenly felt unconfident.

Could it really be the same as Bai Ye said.

Will the priest fail at the critical moment?

If this is really the case, I am afraid that I will really become a substitute ghost.

Thinking of what Bai Ye said before, he would become a ghost and then find the next substitute.

Amin does not want to die, does not want to become a ghost.

Like the last straw that a drowning person grasps.

At this moment, Amin also puts his hope on Bai Ye.

It would be best if the priest can do it. If not, then there is still Bai Ye?

"Master, what should I do now!?"

Amin can't care so much, and can only pin her hopes on Bai Ye.

"I can give you money, I have money!"

She is also a rich lady, she is rich.

"You have to pay the commission fee, and there is no need to wait until then to deal with the ghost. You are used as a substitute by this ghost, and you will be fine as long as you eliminate this ghost."

Aqi is just a substitute ghost after all.

It's just that she used the ability of substitution to replace her identity.

And she was almost killed by Amin later in the movie.

It is enough to show that this ghost is actually just like that.

If the priest hadn't come, Amin might not have become a ghost later.

"Can it be eliminated directly?"

Amin was stunned. She never thought that she could kill this ghost.

"She told you that if no one remembered you before twelve o'clock, you would be replaced, right?"

"Yes, did she lie to me?"

Amin nodded repeatedly. That's what the female ghost said.

That's why she hurriedly looked for someone who knew her.

"You have already fallen into her trap, why do you follow her thinking? Do you know why she said that instead of replacing you directly?"


"Because she is very weak, so weak that you may even kill her. As long as you kill her, she will not be able to replace you, and it will be of no benefit to you to wait until that time."

Bai Ye directly analyzed the pros and cons of this.

For Amin, she is an ordinary person, so she naturally fell into a thinking error.

Just like those who prove their innocence.

Whoever reports should provide evidence.

Instead of asking you to prove your innocence.

This will fall into a trap.

The female ghost wants to replace Amin in many ways, but why did she choose such a simple one?

It's because the female ghost has no ability.

"Master, can I kill ghosts?"

Amin had never thought about being able to kill ghosts before.

In her impression, people are people, ghosts are ghosts, and those movies all say that if you want to kill ghosts, you must ask Taoist priests.

How can an ordinary person like me have the ability to kill ghosts?

But Bai Ye's suggestion seemed to open up Amin's mind.

Are ghosts really not scary?

Amin unconsciously began to think of the time she spent with Aqi.

It seems that apart from Aqi telling herself that she is a ghost at the end.

Other situations are not much different from humans.

Just like what Bai Ye said before, if the other party has other means to occupy his identity.

So why use such a stupid method?

I never thought I could fight a ghost.

"Of course you can kill him. Now take me to see this ghost."

Bai Ye was very curious about the existence of this ghost.

Mainly because this was originally a ghost from a movie called Kaidan Society.

And this ghost also appears in the form of a story.

So, according to this point of view, the ghost that originally existed in the story has appeared in reality.

And based on the information given before.

The Ghost Stories Association also exists.

Therefore, he thought he would be able to understand if this ghost had any connection with the Ghost Story Association.

"Okay, I'll take you there right now!"

Amin no longer had the worries he had before.

I was still scared at first, but now I think that I can kill ghosts.

He even said that Bai Ye would go with him even if he didn't follow him.

Amin would also think that he might be able to kill the ghost if he went back and took action.

This ghost has been living in the home that originally belonged to him since he took over his identity.

Now she will take Bai Ye back with her.

When she got home.

I saw Aqi living here with her own identity.

The eyes looking at Aqi were also filled with resentment.

Originally, all of this belonged to me, but it was taken over by Aqi.

He was kind enough to take her in, but she really wanted to turn him into a lonely ghost.

Naturally, she couldn't have a good look on Aqi.

"Are you coming now?"

Aqi was a little surprised. She originally thought that Amin would come over at night.

After all, there is still some time, and now Amin should find those who know him.

So we shouldn’t be here at this time, it’s not yet time to despair.

Did you give up?

"Although I have replaced you, you can also replace others. I have also been replaced by others. Anyway, if you recognize it now, then we can sit down and have a drink, just like before. ”

Aqi thought Amin had given up.

Although I don’t know what she did when she came back with a man.

However, she had already known Amin's social circle through contact with him before.

Basically she has been exposed to everything she knows about herself.

And all those people already thought that they were Amin.

She thought this man was pulled over by Amin and treated as his last hope.

It’s better to give up

Anyone who met at this time will forget Amin by twelve o'clock.

Aqi did not destroy Amin's last hope.

After all, if Amin really accepts this truth at this time, it will be a good thing for himself.

At least nothing will happen again.

"You think you've won?"

Amin looked at Aqi with a complicated expression.

Let’s just say I hate it, I really hate it.

Her identity will be replaced by hers.

To say that there is no emotion at all, that is not the case. If Aqi had not replaced her identity, the two of them would have been very good friends before this.

"if not?"

"Are you a stand-in? You're quite weak."

Bai Ye looked at it curiously for a while, and then gave the answer.

No wonder it takes time.

Ordinary ghosts don't need to wait. If they want to seize the body, they can just do it.

She needs to wait, which means she herself is not good either.

"Are you a Taoist priest?!"

Aqi felt that her body was no longer under her control.

There was a golden rope binding her.

This force drained it of all its strength.

"Aqi, you are right. If no one remembers me at twelve o'clock today, I will be replaced by you. But don't forget. As long as you die, I will still be me."

Amin looked at Aqi with a complicated expression.

Especially after seeing Bai Ye controlling A Qi, she was obviously relieved.

There may have been some worries before.

But now it has relaxed.

"I just want to find a substitute, and I was also asked to find a substitute!"

Aqi saw Bai Ye's extraordinary ability, and she no longer had the mentality of being sure of victory before.

Just like Amin said before.

After twelve o'clock, even if this Taoist priest comes, I am not afraid anymore.

Because at that time Amin had already died for him, and he was resurrected.

Therefore, it is impossible for a Taoist priest to kill himself.

But it's not time yet.

This is the tragedy of a ghost like him. Although he can perfectly replace the other party's identity, he doesn't have much strength.

When I said this to Amin, I was actually oppressing the other person's heart.

Let the other party have some hope so that they won't directly fight against you.

Because Aqi also knew very well that once Amin knew that he could be killed by her, everything would be ineffective.

Then it is really possible for her to take action.

But she didn't expect that Amin could find a Taoist priest to come over.

Now that it's better, Aqi is still willing to let Amin fight for her. At least she still has a chance. Once she meets a Taoist priest, she won't have a chance!

"Don't listen to lies. They are endless lies. Even though she was like this when she was alive, she has long lost her humanity now!"

Bai Ye glanced at A Min, feeling helpless.

Aqi just said that, but Amin actually started to sympathize again.

Could it be that he has forgotten what this ghost was planning to do before? !

"Aqi, I will never believe a word of yours again."

Bai Ye's words made Amin wake up instantly.


Even if you were kidnapped before.

But what does this have to do with myself?

Why don't you dare to go to the ghost who took your body? Why do you want to come to her? !

If he hadn't met Bai Ye, he might have become Aqi's substitute.

Now she is pretending to be pitiful here.

If he still believed in her, he might be used as a substitute by Aqi in the future.

Amin swore that he would never be like this again and directly invited a ghost in.

"Why didn't you come when I was kidnapped? Now I just want to be a human being. Isn't this okay?!"


Moral kidnapping.

Bai Ye didn't expect that one day he would be morally kidnapped by a ghost.

What does it mean that she didn't show up when her body was taken away?

He is Ultraman after all.

If something happens to her, she has to show up, right? !

"Who told you to be unlucky?"

What Bai Ye said almost made Aqi gasp for breath.

Originally, he thought about asking Bai Ye to let him go.

The worst she could do was give up on Amin and find another substitute.

After all, if he is captured by Bai Ye, the result may not be good.

But what he didn't expect was that Bai Ye would say such a thing.

My moral kidnapping seems to have no effect? !

"Stop struggling, I won't let you go. Also, do you have any connection with the Ghost Stories Association?"

Bai Ye said casually and asked in passing.

If Aqi is unwilling to answer, he has other ways to find out.

And when he said the name of this association, Bai Ye clearly saw Aqi's expression change.

Obviously she knew about the Ghost Stories Association.

"Those guys turned me into this!"


Bai Ye was a little surprised. The Ghost Story Association turned it into this?

That is to say

Is there any involvement from the Ghost Stories Association in this?

The Ghost Stories Association selects the best ghost story teller every year to be its president.

At that time, the backbone of the association will tell the president that the Alpine goat meat is not fresh. The chef will be very angry and need the president to check, and then the president will be cut into pieces and eaten by other association members.

Looking at it this way, this association does not seem like a normal association.

From the chef to the members, it seems that there is indeed something weird about it.

So judging from this, do these ghost stories mean that they were actually done by their own people, and then use this to directly tell them?

Looking at it this way, the Ghost Story Association also needs to investigate on its own.

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