Chapter 333 -Uncle Feng’s daughter? !

"But you may not be able to come back. Sometimes some abilities can limit your abilities."

Zhong Fabai thought about it for a moment, and then reminded Bai Ye.

Although Bai Ye's ability is indeed very strong, there is no doubt about it.

But he doesn't think this ability is invincible.

Although I was surprised by Bai Ye's ability several times.

You can move in space at any time. Zhong Fabai cannot find a way to crack this ability anyway.

But it doesn't mean that others don't have it. Throughout the ages, it's not that this ability has never appeared.

He is not attacking Bai Ye, he just hopes that Bai Ye can understand that sometimes it seems that ability cannot be relied on too much, and develop an attitude that it doesn't matter if he has it.

Is it because you have no rivals that you develop this attitude? !

At least Zhong Fabai thought Bai Ye's idea was a bit too random.

You might suffer big losses from these things in the future.

"I know, so I just said I would go there, but I didn't go there without preparing anything."

Bai Ye had actually thought of Zhong Fabai's worries a long time ago.

Although I say I have many abilities, some Taoist skills are actually really weird.

You don’t know if the other party will find a way to crack it.

Even in those worlds, weren't these abilities cracked by others? !

If we talk about the past, maybe I still have some benefits.

After all, he was hiding behind Zhong Fabai at that time.

The Leifa that others thought of was Zhong Fabai instead of himself.

But after getting rid of these warlocks in Menggui Mansion, there is a high probability that they will know that these things were caused by themselves.

Therefore, it seemed that Bai Ye would no longer be able to continue hiding behind Zhong Fabai.

After that, the other party's focus will be on themselves, so you can imagine the pressure afterwards.

"I actually support you in going there, but I just think you should think about it before going there."

The fact that the clock is white does not mean that the white night is not allowed to pass.

Bai Ye is an adult and is more powerful than himself. In fact, Bai Ye knows very well in his heart how to make a decision. There is no need for him to teach him.

But he still hopes that Bai Ye can be more sensible, find a suitable opportunity, and go there when he is ready.

"Okay, let's talk about this later. I'm just telling you. Anyway, I don't plan to use my normal identity to go there. If I go there under my normal identity, I will definitely be discovered.

When the time comes, go over there and see what the situation is there. If we are passive, it will indeed be very troublesome later. "

Normal means would definitely not work in the past.

If the other party can do something like this, they must have their own information among their internal high-level officials.

Then he would fly or ship there, and the other party would know about it when he landed on the island.

So he prepared to 'smuggle' over.

As long as the other party doesn't know his whereabouts, there will be more room for maneuver when the time comes.

"That's good. Your abilities really don't need to be passed that way."

When Zhong Fabai heard what Bai Ye said, he suddenly realized that his worries seemed a bit unnecessary.

It seems that Bai Ye can use other ways to get to Sakura.

As long as you don't know that the white night has passed, it will indeed be much safer.

After thinking about this, Zhong Fabai temporarily let go of his worries.

"Let's go then, let's go there first."

Feng Laosi found them in the afternoon. Originally, Zhong Fabai said he wanted to go there earlier.

But there was something going on at that time, and Uncle Feng said that they could let them deal with their own matters first and come to him in the past, so they prepared to deal with the matter of the Menggui Mansion.

As a result, Kim McGee and the others' sudden actions, coupled with their inability to solve the problem themselves, made them come here to clean up the mess.

Now they have wasted a lot of time and should have passed it long ago.

Ghost Catching Company.

Uncle Feng looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, and there was something strange in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that the other party would come very quickly.

But after waiting for a long time, they never came.

This also makes Uncle Feng a little strange. Could it be that he encountered some accident? !

Just when he was about to stand up, he sat down again. He had no idea where Bai Ye and the others were.

Looking for it now is like looking for a needle in a haystack, so even though Uncle Feng is very anxious, he can only wait here patiently.

What's more, the white night and the clock hair are all together.

If both of them can't solve it, then Uncle Feng feels that even if he has himself, he probably won't be able to solve it.

So at this time, after Uncle Feng figured it out, he was not so anxious.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Feng, for keeping you waiting."

As soon as Uncle Feng sat down, Bai Ye pushed the door open and walked in. Seeing Uncle Feng's slightly anxious face, he couldn't help but apologize.

Don't tell me, Uncle Feng has indeed been waiting for a long time today.

"It's okay, I thought you guys encountered some problem."

Uncle Feng shook his head. After seeing Bai Ye and others arriving, he felt relieved in his heart.

Since they are all back at this time, there is no problem.

"There is indeed a problem, but it has been solved." Zhong Fabai replied, and then continued to ask: "By the way, do you have anything to do with us?!"

Although Uncle Feng seemed to be unable to hear anything when he looked for them before.

But he also knew very well that Uncle Feng's character would generally not come to them.

So there must be something going on when you come to them at this time.

"I'm going to Nantai."

Uncle Feng was also invited by the police over there, so he was ready to go there.

I came to them because I wanted to talk to them about this matter and ask them for another thing.


Over there in Southeast Asia.

There was a murmur in Bai Ye's heart. If Uncle Jiu wanted to go over there, it seemed like he could just talk to them directly on the phone. Why go to all the trouble here?

"Well, the police over there invited me to arrest two criminals. Those two criminals knew Taoism, so the police never caught each other."

Uncle Feng explained.

After he finished speaking, Bai Ye knew exactly what was going on.

Has the story of co-writing Monster City begun?

Yin-Yang corpse.

It seems like I can remind Uncle Jiu.

That Yin-Yang corpse combined with a woman born at ten o'clock can create the most powerful demon corpse.

This is not easy to do.

"Taoism. Most of the people in Nantai are head-turning masters, right?!"

The surrender master

These guys do things very strangely, and a bad person may fall for them at any time.

In fact, most of the head-lowering masters have learned the art of witchcraft and Gu, and then through their own special processing, they finally became the head-lowering profession.

"Well, in the past I only helped the police solve cases, so I don't need to worry so much for the time being. I'm here to talk to you this time, and I also want to ask you for some talismans."

When Uncle Feng said the last sentence, he became quieter and quieter.

Obviously, his pride does not allow him to say it, but he has a responsibility.

He still had two daughters, so naturally he couldn't just die like this.

What's more, the talisman holds one's own life, what could be more important than one's own life?

In fact, it was Bai Ye who told him at the beginning that if he needed a talisman, he could go to him directly.

Uncle Feng didn't agree at first, but this time he went to Nantai, and he knew it was very dangerous.

If there were talismans specially burned by Bai Ye, I would be safer.

He has also seen Bai Ye's talismans, they are very powerful.

You can't ask Bai Ye to go with you.

Compared to this, it would be better to ask Bai Ye for the talisman.

After all, this is your own business and you must do it yourself.

"Amulets? No problem. There are a lot of them here. If you need them in the future, you can just get them in my office."

Bai Ye placed a lot of talismans in this office.

So there was no need to look for him at all, but Uncle Feng didn't know, so Bai Ye also told him at this time.

"By the way, you can bring some bullets. If you use magic power on those bullets, you can exert the power of the talisman."

Talisman bullets are very good.

Uncle Feng used to be a policeman, so naturally he still knows how to use a pistol.

Compared to Li Guoqiang and the others, Uncle Feng can use this talisman bullet better.

"Thank you."

Uncle Feng pursed his lips and then thanked him.

Originally, he was a little embarrassed to ask Bai Ye, mainly because he had his own pride. Saying these words also took a long time to mentally build up.

"It's okay, aren't we all on the same path?"

It sounds like we are gangsters.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Zhong Fabai rolled his eyes.

"By the way, there is one more thing that I may need your help to look at, which is my two daughters. I have always felt a little unhappy recently. After all, the problem seems to be with my daughters.

But I have already promised the other party about this matter. If it doesn't go away like this, there will definitely be no way for the other party to explain it.

So if I leave during this period, I hope you can help me take care of my daughter. "

daughter? !

Uncle Feng has a daughter?

After Bai Ye listened to Uncle Feng's words, he also looked at him strangely. Didn't he only have one niece?

Why did he suddenly have a daughter?

"Don't you think I'm always alone?"

Bai Ye looked strange, and Uncle Feng naturally noticed it, and he also knew what Bai Ye was thinking.

Before co-writing, Bai Ye always thought that he was alone? !

"Isn't it? I remember that when we first met, you brought your niece with you, right?"

Of course Bai Ye thought so.

After all, it was already like this when we met for the first time. Could it be that Uncle Feng has other plots integrated here?

Thinking about it this way, Bai Ye felt that there was really nothing to make a fuss about.

I just don’t know if it’s integrated with those movies again.


If Uncle Feng is going to Nantai, and there is a Yin-Yang Corpse plot, it seems to be Lin Xiaoting?

Uncle Feng's daughter at the age of ten?

He suddenly reacted, as if he had indeed forgotten this, but only remembered the Yin-Yang Corpse.

After all, I had thought about informing Uncle Jiu before.

But two daughters.

Not one?

This Lao Deng has quite a few daughters!

"I actually have two daughters, but I never brought them out because I don't want them to get involved in these things."

Uncle Feng never wanted them to get involved in these things.

So he never told them what he did, nor did he tell Bai Ye and others.

"I used to be a policeman, but I couldn't be a policeman anymore. I opened a medicine shop later, and my daughter thought I was doing this.

I didn't tell you before because I wanted them to not know these things. Now I feel a little uneasy, and I'm leaving Hong Kong Island soon, so I want to ask you for help."

It was because of this feeling of uneasiness that Uncle Feng came to Bai Ye to ask him to give him some talismans to protect his safety.

Another reason was that he wanted to ask Bai Ye and others to take care of his daughter.

During the time when he left Hong Kong Island, he didn't want to see his daughter get into an accident.

As for why he brought his niece with him, it was because his niece had lost her parents since she was a child and had been brought up by him.

And at that time, she often saw some supernatural things. Uncle Feng thought that she had already been exposed to them, and originally wanted her to grow up with his daughter.

But the niece seemed to like it very much and insisted on staying, so Uncle Feng agreed.

"I understand."

Bai Ye nodded, which was considered an agreement.

Although Zhong Fabai did not speak, he also nodded to indicate his agreement.

"Is it a zombie family?"

Two daughters, one medicine shop, and one going to Nantai.

These two plots are actually strung together.

But it seems normal to think about it, after all, they are all played by the same person.

But Uncle Feng's daughter seems to be Ren Tingting, cough, and looks very similar.

"This is a medicine shop and a hospital."

Uncle Feng handed the things to Bai Ye, and after Bai Ye agreed, he entrusted them to Bai Ye.

After taking it from Uncle Feng, it seems that the other thing can only be postponed.

Bai Ye was originally planning to go to Yinghua in the near future.

But now he has to take care of someone's daughter, so he definitely can't just go like this.

"Uncle Feng, when you go over there to deal with those guys, you must burn the bodies, otherwise they may create some Yin-Yang corpses or other things. Many of these sorcerers create things without considering the consequences."

Since it is the plot of Monster City, Bai Ye still reminded Uncle Feng very seriously.

In the original movie, Uncle Feng just dealt with the other party, and then left after killing them.

When the body was transported back, it was taken away by the other party's master.

Now he reminded Uncle Feng himself, and he also hoped that he would never bring a Yin-Yang corpse to Hong Kong Island at that time.


Uncle Feng was a little surprised, but since Bai Ye reminded him, he did not refuse and agreed directly.

Burn the other party's body

After thinking that the sorcerers in Nantai could really do anything, he felt that he really needed to make more preparations.

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